HomeMelody of Golden AgeChapter 353: The Bronze Bird of Chang’an Sings 7

Chapter 353: The Bronze Bird of Chang’an Sings 7

Zhu Yan hurriedly invited Xu Xiangren and Yun Que inside.

She seated them at the table and poured tea, puzzled by their sudden visit. After a moment’s hesitation, she asked:

“What brings you here so unexpectedly?”

The Local Constable system operated independently, not openly dealing with officials. For ordinary matters, the Local Constable leader wouldn’t personally intervene.

After pouring two cups of tea, Zhu Yan noticed Yun Que hadn’t sat down. She looked at her more closely, seeing she had lost some of her childishness and gained composure. Zhu Yan couldn’t help but admire Chief Xu’s training.

“It’s not that sudden,” Xu Xiangren said with a hearty laugh. “Since learning of your return to the capital, I’ve sent a Local Constable to deliver calling cards to your home and the Shen residence, but couldn’t get an audience. With the recent unrest in the capital, I’ve been busy and delayed until today when I learned at the Shen residence that you’d come to the Ministry of Justice, so I rushed over.”

Zhu Yan looked slightly embarrassed and stood to apologize: “I should have visited Elder Brother Xu. I’ve been remiss.”

Xu Xiangren naturally didn’t mind such formalities. He gestured for Zhu Yan to sit, glanced around, and lowered his voice:

“The Local Constable in various prefectures along the way from Yingzhou have informed me that you encountered significant trouble there and faced assassination attempts on your return journey. What exactly happened?”

The Local Constable organization comprised talented individuals from various unconventional backgrounds. Their information channels were unofficial but comprehensive. Though Xu Xiangren knew about affairs across the realm, he tactfully pretended ignorance about certain matters that shouldn’t be discussed.

But he was concerned about Zhu Yan’s situation and felt close to her, so he couldn’t pretend not to know.

Touched, Zhu Yan looked up to see the urgency in Yun Que’s eyes as well. She couldn’t help but smile and gave a brief, concise account of the events in Yingzhou.

Zhu Yan didn’t explicitly state who was behind the trouble, but Xu Xiangren was no ordinary person. He was a wise man who appeared foolish and naturally understood that Zhu Yan was referring to Lai Luozhi. His hawk-like eyes darkened, his thoughts complex.

“Oh, right,” Zhu Yan took out a token and handed it to Xu Xiangren. “I had planned to return this personally when I had some free time in the coming days. Since I’ve met Elder Brother Xu, there’s no time like the present.”

She then stood and gave a deep, respectful bow, saying gratefully: “If not for Elder Brother Xu’s token, I fear I wouldn’t be here to see you today.”

Her voice choked with emotion, her nose tingling. As she looked up, she wiped away the mist in her eyes with her sleeve.

Xu Xiangren took the token and examined it closely before handing it back: “With the current political turmoil, you should keep it. You might still need it.”

Shocked, Zhu Yan’s gaze collided with Xu Xiangren’s. She dared not imagine: “Does Elder Brother Xu know something?”

Xu Xiangren nodded, but some things were best left unsaid.

Zhu Yan pushed the token back, shaking her head: “It’s not needed now. I’m in the capital, and if I need it, I can ask Elder Brother Xu for it again.”

Seeing Xu Xiangren about to say more, Zhu Yan cupped his hand with her left hand and forcefully pressed the token into his palm with her right, pushing down:

“Moreover, if people learned that the Local Constable leader was without his seal, would Elder Brother Xu’s head still be secure on his shoulders?”

Xu Xiangren looked slightly uncomfortable. Yun Que stepped forward and took the token back for him, incidentally separating the two. Seeing the others look at her, her face flushed pink, but she forced herself to remain calm as she stepped back without a word.

Zhu Yan seemed to realize something and chuckled: “You should take it back. With Elder Brother Xu’s protection, I’m not afraid of being unable to find a Local Constable in the capital.”

This was true. Zhu Liunu had become familiar with the Local Constable organization over the years and had a close relationship with the Local Constable leader, naturally receiving preferential treatment.

Reuniting after a long separation, they had much to discuss. Xu Xiangren shared some of the important events in the capital since Zhu Yan’s departure.

First, Princess Yong’an and Princess Chaoyang had fallen out over a new favorite. The man had originally been an advisor to Crown Prince Li Zhongjia but was favored by Chaoyang, then by Yong’an. This caused a rift, and now the two rarely interacted.

Second, Lai Luozhi had again dealt with many officials, drawing public criticism, though people dared not openly discuss it.

Third, the Mingtang reconstruction was nearing completion but had slowed down, which was strange.

But Xu Xiangren emphasized: “Since you left, I’ve had people guarding the Zhu family’s door daily. Your family hasn’t been affected, so you can rest easy.”

Only then did Zhu Yan realize she hadn’t returned home since coming back to the capital. Feeling guilty, she said: “That’s good. Thank you for your trouble, Elder Brother Xu.”

“It’s nothing. Actually…”

“Zhu Yan…”

Lu Chuichui, who had been distracted, occasionally glancing out the window, was suddenly shocked by a sight and couldn’t help but call out to Zhu Yan.

Sensing something wrong, Zhu Yan quickly stood and looked in the direction Lu Chuichui was pointing. She too was horrified.

Xu Xiangren and Yun Que, not knowing what was happening, saw the two women’s faces turn pale with terror and quickly came over to look. Yun Que was so frightened she hid behind Xu Xiangren.

Outside the window in the courtyard, Ministry of Justice officers were escorting a group of prisoners. Their ears were cut and their faces disfigured, their clothes below the shoulders soaked with blood. They were in shackles, walking with great difficulty.

Just by their attire, it was clear these were the family members and servants of General Kenaxiseluo. The Great Zhou Dynasty allowed appointed foreign officials to wear their ethnic clothing.

Lu Chuichui felt indignant: “It’s one thing to arrest them, but why mutilate them so cruelly? Even torture should only be allowed after three formal hearings. This is…”

Lu Chuichui’s three superiors had doted on her since childhood. Though not lavishly wealthy, she had lived comfortably. Since coming to the Ministry of Justice to assist Zhu Yan with cases, she had seen much, but never such a bloody scene.

“With so much blood loss, will they die?”

Would anyone care about their lives now?

Zhu Yan’s beautiful eyes narrowed as she said coldly: “They were tortured at the Censorate first. Fearing too much criticism, Lai Luozhi passed them to the Court of Judicial Review for trial. The Court didn’t want to handle it, so they dumped them on the Ministry of Justice.”

The Minister of the Court of Judicial Review, Tang Zheng?

Zhu Yan didn’t know much about official circles. She closed the window and turned to face Xu Xiangren, who was also looking at her. Their gazes intertwined, both as deep as the gloomy night outside.

“Elder Brother Xu, is there something you want to say?”

Xu Xiangren’s expression was solemn: “I just learned of this too. But you know I have no real power at court. Even if I did, I couldn’t do much.”

Zhu Yan knew this, but: “Does Her Majesty know?”

Xu Xiangren’s eyes narrowed: “I heard the Empress suppressed this matter and didn’t fully agree to Lai Luozhi handling General Kenaxiseluo.”

Everyone drew in a sharp breath. This meant Lai Luozhi had merely informed the Empress, and regardless of her agreement, had gone ahead and ransacked General Kenaxiseluo’s home, exterminating his entire clan.

Such audacity, such disregard for the law, such cold-blooded perversion.

Zhu Yan’s hands trembled, her voice changing: “No, we can’t just watch them be convicted and die. There must be a way to save them.”

But Xu Xiangren wasn’t optimistic: “No one Lai Luozhi targets ever escapes.”

“Who says?” Zhu Yan’s dark eyes widened as she pointed at herself. “Didn’t I escape? I’m still here, safe and sound.”

Xu Xiangren smiled bitterly: “That’s because you had the Grand Secretary’s support. The Grand Secretary is no ordinary person. Even Lai Luozhi can’t do anything to him for now. But how can ordinary people escape?”

Though she knew Xu Xiangren was right, Zhu Yan was still unwilling to accept it. She looked at everyone, seeing the implicit plea in Xu Xiangren’s gaze, and finally said: “Alright, I understand. I’ll be cautious.”

“That’s right,” Xu Xiangren said with relief. “You and the Grand Secretary just escaped death in Yingzhou. You must be careful in everything.”

With that, he rose to take his leave, Yun Que following behind.

Watching Yun Que trailing several steps behind Xu Xiangren, Zhu Yan couldn’t help but sigh. The once chirping and lively Yun Que had grown up, though the price of growing up seemed rather high.

After they had gone far, Lu Chuichui came forward: “This Yun Que used to clamor about marrying the Grand Secretary, saying she’d even be willing to be a concubine. Now she’s changed so much, barely willing to say a word.”

Zhu Yan laughed: “Does everyone have to make a fuss like you?”

“Zhu Yan, now that you’ve been promoted, are you looking down on people?”

The two began to joke around, seeming to have forgotten the bloody scene they had just witnessed.

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