HomeMelody of Golden AgeChapter 372: The Bronze Bird of Chang’an Sings 26

Chapter 372: The Bronze Bird of Chang’an Sings 26

“After his sister’s death, the young man struggled to survive alone. He resorted to petty thievery to make ends meet. One day, he was caught stealing a wealthy merchant’s son’s money pouch. The young master, captivated by the boy’s beauty, harbored lustful thoughts and sweet-talked him into an illicit affair,” Lai Luozhi’s expression changed several times as Shen Du continued,

“The young master kept him as a plaything in his back courtyard for a while, then discarded him when he grew bored. Having tasted the life of luxury, the boy couldn’t readjust to life on the streets. He became a high-class male courtesan in a brothel. Later, he was imprisoned and falsely accused his cellmate to secure his release. Having tasted the sweetness of false accusations, he couldn’t stop. Eventually, he caught the Empress Dowager’s eye and was appointed to the Prosecution Office. Without any academic credentials, he rose to the position of Junior Minister. How laughable.”

As Shen Du uttered the words “Junior Minister,” Lai Luozhi grew furious. He leaned forward, gripping Shen Du’s cheeks, forcing him to look directly at him.

“What do you know? You were born into nobility, never having to taste the hardships of common life. You could enter the Hongwen Academy to study and take the imperial examinations. What about me? Do you think I wanted to submit to that rich young master?”

Lai Luozhi didn’t hide anything, openly admitting to it. He deliberately leaned in and kissed Shen Du’s face, coaxing, “In fact, you’ve never tried it. You don’t know the pleasure. It’s incomparable to women.”

Shen Du spat out the filth in his mouth, insulting Lai Luozhi. Enraged, Lai Luozhi slapped Shen Du’s bloodied face, shouting, “You’ve always suspected that I engineered the execution of the Shen family, haven’t you? Well, let me tell you now.”

Disgusted by the filth on his body, Lai Luozhi removed his outer robe and discarded it. He sneered, “You’re not far from death anyway, so I’ll tell you. You’ll take these secrets to your grave.”

Shen Du remained silent, having endured repeated torture, now barely clinging to life.

Lai Luozhi grabbed his hair, grinning maliciously, “Do you know, Her Majesty has long suspected that you and I harbored ulterior motives. After all, she’s a woman who would kill her own flesh and blood without hesitation. She’s the most terrifying woman in this world.”

He threw his head back and laughed, either mocking Shen Du or the Empress. “I merely fabricated some evidence, and easily got you thrown in prison. People say we’re Her Majesty’s right and left arms, that she can’t do without either of us. But when it matters, your arm was cut off without a second thought. We’re nothing but dogs doing her bidding.”

“When the cunning hare is dead, the hunting dog is cooked. I’m dead, how long do you think you’ll live, you dog?” Shen Du said softly.

“Shut up,” Lai Luozhi’s eyes were fierce, as if he could devour Shen Du. “Everyone dances in her palm, you, me, and the Shen family back then.”

Shen Du looked up at him, his face showing surprise.

“The extermination of the Shen family was planned by the Empress Dowager and the Zhou clan.”

“And you,” he laughed maniacally, pointing at Shen Du, “you fool, you utter idiot. You’ve been kneeling in the blood of thousands of Shen family members, serving as a dog for your true enemy for all these years.”

Shen Du’s resolute face was covered in blood, the flesh-revealing whip marks twitching with his expression. “I don’t believe you. Do you have any evidence?”

To his surprise, Lai Luozhi laughed even more heartily, whipping Shen Du’s body, satisfied to see him writhe in pain. “Actually, the Empress Dowager had no fear of Shen Shijie, nor any intention to kill him. Shen Shijie was an old minister who cared for the world, indifferent to who sat on the throne.”

Lai Luozhi, unusually, spoke words of praise for Shen Shijie, but then changed his tone, “It was all because of his disciples. Yes, those you call brothers every day were the ones who doomed the Shen family.”

“Shen Shijie didn’t participate in the struggle for the throne, but his disciples did. They were all supporters of the Li faction, firmly opposing her ascension to the throne. Each of them was talented in writing and had unyielding integrity. Their protest writings were brilliant, even turning into popular rhymes.”

Shen Du remembered this. One of the disciples, surnamed Yao, had written the most brilliant protest that was widely circulated. Shen Du could still recite it from memory.

“The false regent of the Zhou clan is of ungentle nature and humble origins. She once served as a lowly maid to Emperor Taizong, entering his service as a dresser. In her later years, she defiled the imperial chambers. She concealed the former emperor’s private matters and secretly plotted to become a favored concubine. Upon entering, she showed jealousy, her beautiful brows unwilling to yield to others. Skilled in slander, her foxy charms particularly able to bewitch the ruler. She trampled on the position of Empress and led our lord into debauchery. With a heart like venomous snakes and lizards, and the nature of wolves and jackals, she associated with the wicked and harmed the loyal. She killed her sister, slaughtered her brother, murdered the emperor, and poisoned her mother. She is despised by both gods and men, and cannot be tolerated by heaven and earth. Yet she still harbors evil intentions, coveting the imperial throne. The emperor’s beloved son is confined in a separate palace, while the traitor’s clan is entrusted with important tasks.

Therefore, we are enraged and determined to secure the state. Due to the disappointment of the world and following the hearts of all under heaven, we raise the flag of righteousness, vowing to cleanse this evil. From the Hundred Yue in the south to the Three Rivers in the north, iron cavalry gather in groups, jade chariots connect in lines. The red millet of Hailing is stored endlessly; how far is the merit of restoration with the yellow flags of Jiangpu? As the sound of our troops rises, the north wind blows. As the aura of our swords surges, the Southern Dipper levels. When we roar, mountains crumble; when we shout, the weather changes. With this to subdue enemies, what enemy can’t be defeated? With this to attack cities, what city can’t be conquered?

The soil on the grave is not yet dry, where is the orphaned ruler? If you can turn misfortune into fortune and let bygones be bygones, we can establish the merit of serving the king together, without abolishing the mandate of the old ruler. All ranks and rewards will be directed at the mountains and rivers. If you cling to a besieged city and linger at a crossroads, missing the signs of opportunity, you will surely bring about later punishment. Look at the realm today, whose world is it? This proclamation is sent to all prefectures and counties, let all be informed.”

The poem criticizes the Zhou clan, particularly the Empress Dowager, accusing her of various misdeeds including manipulating the previous emperor, harming loyal subjects, and seeking to usurp power. It calls for righteous action to remove her influence and restore proper rule.

Lai Luozhi sneered, “A group of scholars without any fighting skills thought they could shake a great tree like a mayfly. How presumptuous. But scholars are best at stirring up public opinion. Facing these people daily, how could one sit comfortably on the throne? How could Her Majesty not want to eliminate them quickly?”

Shen Du could guess what Lai Luozhi was about to say.

“But with Shen Shijie around, she couldn’t touch his students. Only with Shen Shijie dead could her throne be secure. So the Empress Dowager and the Zhou clan jointly plotted against the Shen family.”

He smiled sinisterly, seemingly observing the changes in Shen Du’s expression, “One thousand seven hundred people, not one left alive.”

He looked at Shen Du askance, sneering, “Except for one dog.”

Repeatedly humiliated and now involved in the old case of the Shen family, even the usually calm Shen Du, burdened with a sea of blood debt, was provoked. His eyes turned blood-red with excitement, and he coughed up a mouthful of blood. Still rational, he retorted:

“You’re talking nonsense. Even if Her Majesty wanted to eliminate the Shen family, the executioner should have been your Prosecution Office. Although the Zhou clan is Her Majesty’s maternal family, she’s not on good terms with them. They’ve been wary of each other for years. If it weren’t for the Zhou clan being her maternal family, and her need for their support to consolidate power when she ascended the throne, she would have eliminated the Zhou clan herself long ago.”

“Your Prosecution Office’s secret archives must contain many such secrets. Isn’t that how you took advantage of the situation to gain power?”

“And you, you’re much more useful to the Empress Dowager than the Zhou clan. You’re the best dog in her hand, a dog without any bottom line,” Shen Du turned to look at Lai Luozhi, his eyes full of mockery, “So, if anyone conspired with Her Majesty to harm the Shen family, it could only be you, Lai Luozhi. You’re so adept at lying, you’ve probably started believing your own lies.”

Seeing Shen Du unmoved, Lai Luozhi grew anxious: “No matter who the executioner was, Her Majesty only uses you, and me as well. If we don’t rebel today, we might lose our heads tomorrow.”

Shen Du sneered, looking at him with contempt: “Aren’t you able to resurrect? Can’t the fire moth on your chest bring you to the realm of immortality? Why do you fear losing your head?”

Surprised that Shen Du knew about his tattoo, Lai Luozhi stared at him, breathing heavily. The candlelight flickered with his breath. Suddenly, he grinned madly, tearing open his collar to reveal the large fire moth tattoo on his chest, raving:

“Man proposes, God disposes. Why not plot great things with me?”

“The true god of the fire moth will surely protect us both.”

Seeing Shen Du silent, Lai Luozhi adjusted his collar and coldly delivered an ultimatum:

“I’ll give you time to think it over thoroughly. Think about Zhu Yan, she’s still playing hide-and-seek with me.”

With that, he turned and left the prison.

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