HomeMelody of Golden AgeChapter 54: The Buddha's Sin

Chapter 54: The Buddha’s Sin

Returning to the Shen residence, Zhu Yan felt as if she had lost her soul, her mind filled with her master’s words. He encouraged her to continue investigating the case but also reassured her not to worry about his situation. However, the Cinnabar incident was a clear warning from the murderer. What should she do?

While she was lost in thought, Lu Chui-Chui arrived, her face pale and anxious. “Liu Niang, something terrible has happened.”

Seeing Lu Chui-chui’s expression, Zhu Yan’s heart sank. “What happened? Is there more bad news?”

Despite being mentally prepared, hearing it from Lu Chui-chui made her unsteady, and she fell back into her chair.

“Another body has been found!”

Lu Chui-chui’s words felt like an invisible pressure in the darkness, making it even harder for Zhu Yan to breathe. Another pair of bodies had appeared, and it seemed like every few days, a new pair was discovered. What was the murderer trying to achieve?

The once bustling streets of Chang’an were now nearly deserted. A cold wind blew, lifting the fallen leaves, and the roadside vendors and inns had closed their doors. Zhu Yan walked through the desolate streets, feeling as if she were in an empty city. Even those who worked for a living hurried home, closing their doors afternoon.

The entire city was in a state of panic, and the rumors of the “Buddha swallowing sins” grew more exaggerated. Zhu Yan clenched her fists, recalling her master’s words, and made an important decision. No matter how difficult the road ahead, she would uncover the truth of the case. She had to believe in her master’s words: as long as she persisted, there would be a day when the clouds would part, and the sun would shine through.

In the palace, on the court.

Apart from Lai Luo and Prime Minister Zhang Xingwei, other officials frequently submitted memorials. They criticized Grand Secretary Shen Du and the personnel of the Internal Guard for their incompetence, which led to the unresolved case and the panic in Chang’an. The people lived in fear, closing their doors this afternoon, and the once prosperous scene had vanished. The emperor should prioritize the people and make a swift decision on this matter.

Looking at the stack of memorials before her, all stating the same issues, Empress Zhou Zhao felt a headache. One side believed in Shen Du’s abilities, while the other urged her to prioritize the people, making it difficult for her to decide. As she pondered, she thought of the wise and intelligent Prince Ying. Perhaps discussing the matter with her would yield a different conclusion. After the morning court session, she sent someone to summon Prince Ying to the palace…

Wherever there were dead bodies, the Ministry of Justice was present. With new bodies discovered, Zhu Yan had to follow. The serial murders were no longer as simple as they initially seemed. The murderer had threatened her, and despite her fear, she was determined to catch the culprit, to prove her innocence and bring justice to the deceased.

Following the group to the backyard of Ximing Temple, Zhu Yan stood at the entrance. From a distance, she could see the four corpses, in varying stages of decay. Some were mere skeletons, while others were in the process of rotting. The sight was nauseating, with maggots wriggling on the decaying flesh, causing some with weak stomachs to vomit at the door.

These were all long-dead bodies, and the exact time of death was still unknown. The air was filled with a nauseating stench of decay, and even the guards at the door stood at a distance, unable to bear the smell.

Lu Chui-chui stood by her side, retching repeatedly. “Perhaps… perhaps we should come back another day. This smell is overwhelming.”

As she spoke, Lu Chui-Chui retched again, nearly vomiting. Even Wu Taiming, standing behind them, had a furrowed brow and a pale face, his fists clenched tightly under his long robe. It was clear he was also enduring the stench.

“We don’t have time.” Zhu Yan left these words and entered the house.

Lu Chui-chui and Wu Taiming were shocked. Was Zhu Yan oblivious to the overwhelming stench?

Standing by the corpses, Zhu Yan carefully observed them for clues. Judging by the surface features, one pair of bodies had been dead for a long time, while the other pair had died more recently. Zhu Yan first examined the bodies in the rotting stage. Based on the degree of decay, they had been dead for about one to two months. From their clothing and the remaining skin, she could determine they were young men and women.

Turning to the other pair of skeletons, she examined the ulna and radius of their forearms. The closure of the growth plates, which varies with age, allowed her to determine they were also young men and women.

Perhaps she was too focused, as she didn’t notice someone entering the room.

“Have you found anything?” Wu Taiming suddenly spoke, startling Zhu Yan.

“What are you doing here?” Zhu Yan wasn’t surprised by Wu Taiming’s presence but rather by his attire, which was quite amusing. He was wrapped tightly in a black cloak, with cotton stuffed in his nose, making his voice sound unusually muffled.

“I couldn’t leave you here to investigate alone, so I came to keep you company.”

“If you’re here, why are you dressed like that?”

Wu Taiming looked helpless, yet there was a hint of admiration in his eyes. “I don’t have your strong constitution. I can’t ignore such a strong stench.”

“Stench?” Only then did Zhu Yan realize the overwhelming, nauseating odor, causing her stomach to churn. But she held it back. Vomiting in front of the corpses would be disrespectful.

She ran out of the backyard, retching. After calming herself, Zhu Yan felt utterly exhausted. How had she not noticed the stench earlier?

Wu Taiming quickly joined her, removing his cloak and cotton, and taking deep breaths.

“By the way, did you discover anything?” he asked, still catching his breath.

Zhu Yan waved her hand. “No major discoveries, just two minor ones. The deceased were all young men and women, and two of them likely died within the last one to two months.”

“One to two months…” Wu Taiming mused. “Have there been any recent missing persons cases?”

Zhu Yan shook her head. If Wu Taiming didn’t know, she certainly wouldn’t.

“There’s one more thing,” Zhu Yan continued. “The two pairs of deceased died at different times, and the time gap is significant. Even if there were missing person cases, the time difference would make it easy to overlook and miss connections.”

Wu Taiming nodded thoughtfully. “That makes sense. Oh, there’s something I wanted to tell you.”

“What is it?” Zhu Yan looked at Wu Taiming, her face still pale.

“Due to the serial murders, there’s been unrest in the court. While investigating, you should also be mindful of your safety.”

Though Wu Taiming’s words were veiled, Zhu Yan understood immediately. Shen Du’s current situation might be precarious.

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