HomeMelody of Golden AgeChapter 55: The Bleeding Buddha Statue

Chapter 55: The Bleeding Buddha Statue

At that moment, a sudden crash echoed from inside the room.

Startled, the two rushed to the scene, only to witness a bizarre sight.

The female corpse, which had been lying on the wooden board, was now sitting upright!

Wriggling maggots and semi-liquefied decaying flesh were falling off, scattering across the floor with the impact.

Zhu Yan shivered, goosebumps rising all over her body, and she nearly jumped in fright.

“What… what is happening here?” Wu Taiming was so agitated he almost bit his tongue.

Hearing the commotion, the guards outside rushed in, and upon seeing the scene, they turned and fled as if they had seen a ghost.

“Is it… a zombie?” Zhu Yan couldn’t explain it. Despite her years of experience, she had never encountered such a strange situation.

Wu Taiming’s face was grim. He said “Let’s go” with a dark expression and led Zhu Yan out.

Soon, rumors of the zombie spread like wildfire.

Before one wave settled, another arose. A young monk hurried over to inform Zhu Yan and Wu Taiming that the main Buddha statue in Ximing Temple was bleeding from its seven orifices.

Zhu Yan and Wu Taiming rushed to the scene. The hall was already crowded with people whispering about the bleeding Buddha statue.

Some said it was the gods’ wrath, hence the bleeding, while others believed it was a divine warning about the world’s apathy.

Theories abounded, and even the abbot of Ximing Temple, Master Jingkong, was frightened, thinking it was divine punishment, and quickly began a ritual.

“How could this happen?” Wu Taiming was shocked, unsure how to handle the situation.

Zhu Yan, however, was deep in thought. She sensed something was amiss. First, the zombie, then the bleeding statue—something didn’t add up.

After much contemplation, Zhu Yan decided to investigate the corpse that had supposedly risen.

Returning to the courtyard, she found it deserted, with not even a guard in sight.

The corpse was still sitting there, the maggots having crawled away, while the decaying flesh emitted a pungent odor.

Cautiously approaching, Zhu Yan’s palms were sweaty. It was her first time examining such a bizarre corpse.

The deceased was dressed in white robes, stained with dirt, and the decay made it impossible to discern the material.

But Zhu Yan noticed an inconspicuous red string on the female corpse’s wrist, ending in a decayed peach-shaped ornament.

This trinket seemed familiar. Where had she seen it before?

A flash of light crossed her mind—the maid from the Liang household who had pushed her into the water!

Zhu Yan was shocked. She had seen this maid just days ago. How could she be dead so soon?

Sensing something was wrong, Zhu Yan picked up a dry twig from the courtyard and returned to the corpse, gently lifting the fallen flesh.

Amidst the stench, there was a puzzling fragrance.

What was going on?

When she first encountered the maid, there was no unusual scent. Could it be a perfume used to attract a favored man?

Perplexed, Zhu Yan used the twig to prod the corpse’s forehead.

The forehead was now just white bone, with some decaying flesh inside the skull emitting an odor.

With a thud, the corpse fell over.

Zhu Yan was startled. Though she didn’t believe in ghosts, she wanted the deceased to rest in peace, despite her poor impression of the maid.

The incidents are repeatedly linked to the Liang family. She needed to visit the Liang residence again.

As Zhu Yan prepared to leave Ximing Temple, she encountered Lu Chui and Jiang Langxing on the road.

They seemed to be arguing, Lu Chui’s face flushed with urgency, holding a black civet cat in her arms.

“What’s going on with you two?” Zhu Yan asked, puzzled, as she approached.

Seeing Zhu Yan, Lu Chui seemed to find an ally and quickly stood beside her. “You’re just in time. Help us settle this. I found this cat, so why should he take it away?”

Zhu Yan looked at the civet cat, then at Jiang Langxing.

Jiang Langxing quickly bowed, “Madam Shen, it’s not that I want to argue with Lord Lu, but the commander instructed us not to overlook any clues.”

“Investigate all you want, but why involve a cat?” Lu Chui retorted.

“This cat appeared in Ximing Temple for no reason. It’s unusual, so I can’t let you take it.”

“It’s just a cat. Can it kill someone? What are you men thinking…” Lu Chui continued, but Zhu Yan wasn’t listening.

Her thoughts lingered on Jiang Langxing’s words. The civet cat’s appearance at Ximing Temple was no coincidence.

Zhu Yan recalled the corpse’s movement. Could it be related to the cat?

To confirm her suspicions, Zhu Yan ignored the two and walked away.

“Sixth Lady,” Lu Chui called after her, but Zhu Yan pretended not to hear, quickening her pace out of the temple.

Returning to her master’s house, she unexpectedly found Shen Du drinking with her master.

What was he doing here?

Seeing Zhu Yan, Chen Wen joked, “We’ve only had a few drinks, and you’re already worried. Truly a loving couple.”

Zhu Yan blushed, “Master, you always tease me. I’m not here for him this time. I have something to ask you.”

“Oh?” Chen Wen sipped his drink, looking at Shen Du, who seemed indifferent to Zhu Yan’s words.

“Did you encounter trouble with the case again?” Chen Wen asked, setting down his cup.

Zhu Yan nodded, “Something strange happened today, and rumors are flying. I’m at my wit’s end, unlike some who have the leisure to drink.”

The “some” was obvious.

Chen Wen felt a bit embarrassed. His straightforward disciple spoke her mind, which he understood.

But with Shen Du present, she should show some restraint.

“Let’s talk about the case. What happened?” Chen Wen asked, glancing at Shen Du, who continued drinking, seemingly unconcerned.

“I went to the corpse for clues, and it suddenly sat up. I don’t believe in ghosts, but could it be a zombie?”

“A zombie?” Chen Wen pondered, “You mean a dead body suddenly sat up?”

Zhu Yan nodded, her face incredulous, not sparing a glance at Shen Du.

“Such things are indeed strange,” Chen Wen continued, “but not entirely inexplicable.”

Seeing her master knew something, Zhu Yan eagerly asked, “Please enlighten me, Master.”

Chen Wen chuckled, standing up with a hint of drunkenness, “I can’t explain it well, but I can demonstrate. You’ll understand once you see.”

Excited by her master’s offer, Zhu Yan was eager to learn.

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