HomeMoonlit Reunion

Moonlit Reunion

Zi Ye Gui – Chapter 6

A gentle warm breeze blew over the Jade Belt Pool in the southern part of the city. Ornate pleasure boats drifted here and there,...

Zi Ye Gui – Chapter 7

Wu Zhen never liked to dawdle. Upon learning that Mei Jiadalang possessed an Unrotting Bone, she wasted no time. Without hesitation, she left her...

Zi Ye Gui – Chapter 8

Mei Zhuyu didn't notice her intentional behavior. Fearing the small pouch might be accidentally scratched off by the cat again, he tied it securely...

Zi Ye Gui – Chapter 9

An unusual silence fell over the room. Neither the owner, the eldest son of the Mei family nor Wu Zhen, the uninvited intruder, spoke...

Zi Ye Gui – Chapter 10

When Wu Zhen suggested going goose hunting, everyone enthusiastically agreed. They rushed home to change into riding clothes, grab their bows and swords, and...

Zi Ye Gui – Chapter 11

The peach wood sword, stained with a trace of blood, pierced through the writhing body of the Undying Corpse. The creature, which had swollen...

Zi Ye Gui – Chapter 12

On this day, Wu Zhen had just finished watching a newly choreographed dance and music performance with the Emperor, Empress, and Noble Consorts in...

Zi Ye Gui – Chapter 13

Mei Zhuyu was unaware of the complex thoughts running through Mei Si's mind. He simply corrected his cousin's wrong form of address: "I remember,...

Zi Ye Gui – Chapter 14

Mei Zhu Yu looked at Wu Zhen and said, "They invited me here with good intentions, but I made everyone unhappy." Wu Zhen chuckled, folding...

Zi Ye Gui – Chapter 15

Zhao Songyan was a young lord with a quick temper. He had been in many fights and was no stranger to violence. However, what...

Zi Ye Gui – Chapter 16

The spirit market was quiet during the day, as its rhythms were opposite to those of the human world. At this time, the spirits...

Zi Ye Gui – Chapter 17

Two men were chatting in the corridor. One, a middle-aged man in vermilion robes, appeared to be a Vice Minister from the Ministry of...

Zi Ye Gui – Chapter 18

In the end, Mei Zhuyu decided against clearing the mountain forest in advance. Dealing with spirits in the wild woods without reason seemed too...

Zi Ye Gui – Chapter 19

Though he appeared to be a somewhat cold and rigid man, his lips were unexpectedly soft when kissed. Wu Zhen released Mei Zhuyu and...

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