HomeMoonlit ReunionZi Ye Gui - Chapter 38

Zi Ye Gui – Chapter 38

In truth, during this dragon boat race, they did not secure the first place but only the second. However, this was sufficient for Mei Si and his companions to save face, especially since the first place was claimed by the imperial guards, and soldiers directly under the Emperor’s command. It would be unacceptable for them to be defeated by others. Of course, they were the loudest with their drums, and coincidentally, the drummer of the first-place dragon boat team was Huang Langjun, who was acquainted with Wu Zhen—the very one stationed at Gongcheng.

While Mei Si and his group were chatting, Huang Langjun, dressed in black, approached them. He was imposing and valiant, with his outer garment unfastened and tied around his waist, exuding a strong masculine presence. He walked over and patted Wu Zhen on the shoulder, speaking casually, “I thought I would see you as the drummer this year, but I didn’t expect you wouldn’t show up.”

After saying this, Huang Langjun felt a cold gaze directed at him. This familiar, somewhat hostile look sent a chill down his spine. Spotting Mei Zhu Yu, who was being pulled aside by Mei Si and the others, he recalled the earlier conversation he had with Wu Zhen. He scratched the back of his head awkwardly and chuckled nervously. He pointed at Mei Zhu Yu and said to Wu Zhen, “I truly didn’t expect that Physician Mei possesses such strength. The sound of the drum was so loud it hurt my ears. Indeed, one cannot judge a person by their appearance.”

Despite the lighthearted banter, Huang Langjun became more reserved, no longer daring to act overly familiar. Wu Zhen noticed his discomfort and glanced at Mei Zhu Yu, who seemed slightly embarrassed and a bit guilty as she averted her gaze.

Wu Zhen found it amusing, thinking to herself, “Huang Langjun is feeling guilty, but what is he guilty about?”

“Congratulations on winning first place! Are you here to gloat?” Wu Zhen said with a smile.

Huang Langjun waved his hand, revealing a bright smile, and replied, “Not at all! My brothers in the team are quite curious about Physician Mei. They say he is so strong that he might also be skilled in other areas. They asked me to invite Physician Mei to our camp for a visit.”

Without a second thought, Wu Zhen kicked him lightly, saying, “Get lost! You and your group of rascals are thick-skinned and unscrupulous. My Langjun is a civil official; he would only suffer if he mingled with you. If he gets hurt, I’ll dismantle your entire camp!”

Huang Langjun laughed heartily, “Why are you being so protective? It’s just a visit; it doesn’t necessarily mean there will be a fight.”

Wu Zhen knew her friend well; he always itched for a good match whenever he saw a worthy opponent. His assurances were mere words and could not be trusted. So, she waved him off, “Hurry along, there’s no room for negotiation.”

Huang Langjun clicked his tongue, still unwilling to give up. He shouted over to Mei Zhu Yu, “Physician Mei, come visit our camp when you have time! The brothers all admire your strength!”

Mei Zhu Yu had been listening intently to their conversation and had already heard Wu Zhen’s response. He turned his head and said, “Thank you for the kind invitation, but I will not go.”

Wu Zhen was concerned that her little Langjun might be bullied by a group of shameless men, while Mei Zhu Yu simply did not want to go because he heard Wu Zhen was unwilling. Ultimately, he led a simple life and did not enjoy participating in such activities. If Wu Zhen had not insisted, he would not have taken the initiative to join.

Disappointed that he could not secure a companion, Huang Langjun walked away with his head down. Wu Zhen pulled Mei Zhu Yu’s robe, guiding him out of the crowd, and addressed the still-excited Mei Si and the others, “You all go have fun. My Langjun and I will take our leave first.”

Mei Si exclaimed, “Why are you leaving so soon? Where are you going? Why not stay and play with us? In previous years, we always stayed together, and with the addition of our big cousin this year, it would be even livelier!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Cui Jiu nudged him to silence and waved his hand with a grin, “Sister Zhen, you two go have fun. We’ll find our entertainment.”

Once Wu Zhen and Mei Zhu Yu had walked far enough, Cui Jiu released Mei Si and remarked on his bewildered expression, “Sister Zhen is newly married; she wants to spend time alone with her husband. Why would you want to intrude on their moment?”

Mei Si blinked, finally realizing, and felt as if the air had been let out of him. “Sister Zhen is married, but she is still our Sister Zhen! Why can’t we play together?”

Zhao Songyan shared a similarly complex expression, patting his brother on the shoulder. “I understand how you feel; it’s like being abandoned. Recently, Sister Zhen has spent much less time with us.”

“However, let’s think positively. In the past, Sister Zhen kept us in line, but now she is focused on Mei Da Lang. She won’t be around to supervise us!” Zhao Songyan suddenly shifted his tone, his spirits lifting.

Mei Si was taken aback, and then his excitement grew. “Right! We can go have fun with new things now!”

The group of suddenly liberated young men felt a rush of joy, quickly tossing aside their feelings of abandonment. They shouted and ran off, eager to enjoy themselves!

Not long after they dashed away, the boys encountered their nemesis—a group of noble young ladies led by Liu Taizhen. Many of the young men in their group would likely choose their future brides from among these ladies, as the concept of matching families was highly esteemed at this time. Unfortunately, the ties formed over the years were not easily severed.

The young men, following their habit, deliberately strolled past. One of them snapped a willow branch and threw it, hitting a young lady in a pink dress. She immediately turned, furious, and began to scold them. Ironically, the young man who threw the branch and the young lady he hit were from families currently discussing a marriage alliance, yet they were now embroiled in a heated argument.

Mei Si typically took the lead in such situations. Although he was friendly and harmless with Wu Zhen and his companions, he held a certain arrogance towards others, often lifting his chin high. However, this time, he found himself inexplicably drawn to Liu Taizhen, who glanced at him a couple of times.

Liu Taizhen usually ignored their bickering, sitting calmly without even lifting her eyelids. Yet this time, she was staring directly at him. Strangely, as Mei Si felt her gaze, a sense of fear welled up within him, making his legs weak and his breath short. He slowly lowered his head, stepping back until he felt a bit safer behind Cui Jiu.

Mei Si thought to himself, “I don’t know why, but I suddenly feel so anxious as if I’m drowning.”

While the energetic young men were engaged in a verbal spar with the young ladies, Wu Zhen and Mei Zhu Yu were watching a variety show from the base of a flower platform.

After the dragon boat race concluded, the festivities by the Qushui Pool were just beginning. The crowd flowed like water, continuously gathering at various entertaining spots. At the performance stage, two young ladies in long skirts were dancing with swords, their graceful figures captivating. Opposite them was a stage set up by a local music house, where two Hu Ji were performing a Hu Xuan dance. Both stages attracted a large audience, with people standing in between, glancing left and right, their eyes unable to keep up with the excitement, causing the road to become congested.

After watching for a while, Wu Zhen pulled Mei Zhu Yu through the crowd. Across the river, someone had tied a rope as thick as a finger from a large tree on one side to a branch on the other, creating an arc. A performer with a long pole skillfully walked along the rope, performing a daring crossing that left the onlookers on both banks holding their breath. Especially when he reached the middle, the rope nearly touched the water’s surface. A gust of wind swayed the rope, causing the performer to wobble precariously, making the spectators feel a rush of anxiety.

In addition to this, there were swings tied to the large trees, where women were competing to see who could swing the highest. Red silk flowers were hung at the top of the trees, and those who reached the highest could grab the flowers, which all the participating ladies took pride in. However, only the bold dared to try, while the more timid could only watch from below, many covering their eyes in fear as the swings soared high.

Wu Zhen found this intriguing and decided to give it a try. She had always been quite daring; the previous champion lady had only managed to grab a flower from the third branch, but as she swung higher and higher, she nearly reached the treetops, drawing gasps from the crowd below. Mei Zhu Yu watched anxiously from beneath the tree, his hands instinctively reaching forward, thinking about how he would catch her if she fell, ensuring she wouldn’t get hurt.

But Wu Zhen paid no mind to the gasps and panic below. As her swing reached its peak, she released one hand and, amidst a chorus of excited screams, deftly plucked the highest silk flower from the treetop.

When she finally dismounted from the swing, the surrounding ladies gazed at her with admiration. Such a brave and impressive lady was certainly worth a few extra glances. Wu Zhen tied the red silk flower around Mei Zhu Yu’s wrist, laughing heartily as she pulled him along to explore further.

In the city, some well-known pastry shops had set up stalls by the river, inviting the onlookers to participate in a zongzi-making competition. Those who could wrap the most zongzi within a fixed time would win prizes and could take their creations home. In addition to zongzi, there was also a competition for making mugwort rice cake, with a large group of capable ladies rolling up their sleeves to compete, while their husbands and children cheered them on from the sidelines. The ladies on stage raced against the clock to wrap zongzi and make dumplings, while the young men below danced and cheered, creating a lively competition that drew laughter and applause from the crowd.

The sun shone brightly, and the atmosphere was vibrant. Mei Zhu Yu, who usually disliked such noisy environments, felt something different today. Watching Wu Zhen and the others clapping and cheering, he couldn’t help but smile.

He suddenly realized that this kind of liveliness wasn’t so bad after all.

As they strolled along, Wu Zhen began to feel hungry. At a makeshift stall by the roadside, she bought some mugwort rice cake and a few zongzi of different flavors, all in vibrant green hues that looked incredibly appetizing.

There were also vendors selling fresh fruit juices. Wu Zhen spotted someone carrying a basket of cherries, fresh and juicy, and she bought some on a whim.

By the time they returned home after a day of wandering, the cherries were transformed into cherry yogurt in the kitchen. The pitted cherries were drizzled with sweet cream and mixed, then slightly chilled. The result was a deliciously sweet and tangy treat that was perfect for cooling off. On the evening of the Dragon Boat Festival, after bathing in a soup made with calamus to wash away the heat, enjoying a bowl of cherry yogurt was truly refreshing.

Thus, this year’s Dragon Boat Festival passed without any regrets.

Having lived for twenty-three years, Mei Zhu Yu finally understood how vibrant and interesting the world’s festive celebrations could be. And all of this was thanks to Wu Zhen.

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