HomeQi Xing CaiChapter 10: The Wang Clan of Langya

Chapter 10: The Wang Clan of Langya

Shen Cui had already anticipated this, so she asked, “Is it just us few?”

Shen Qian smiled and said, “Everyone’s going.”

Shen Cui remained silent, glancing at Su Yun and Fourth Miss Wang. Seeing them smile knowingly at her, Shen Cui’s face darkened, realizing she was the last to be told.

Shen Qian couldn’t be bothered to deal with her fifth sister’s foul mood, so she turned and left after speaking.

Shen Cui was furious but couldn’t bear to miss out. She could only vent her anger on Ji Cheng, saying, “Cousin, hurry up and let’s go.”

Ji Cheng slowly stood up, smoothing out the creases in her clothes as she walked out.

“We’re all sisters, yet she tells others first and me last. What does she mean by this? Just because she’s the princess’s daughter, does she look down on her sisters?” Shen Cui grumbled in Ji Cheng’s ear.

Ji Cheng knew the reason – it was due to Shen Cui’s temperament. Although she wasn’t the princess’s daughter, she expected everyone in the world to cater only to her.

Originally, Ji Cheng had wanted to advise Shen Cui, but this girl’s personality was so disagreeable that she couldn’t be bothered to say anything. Besides, Shen Cui probably wouldn’t listen and might even blame her instead.

“After all, Sister Su Yun and the others are guests, so naturally they should be informed first. You’re Fourth Sister’s own family, so she’s closest to you and that’s why she came to tell you last,” Ji Cheng said.

Shen Cui understood this reasoning, but she still felt uncomfortable. A group of eight or nine young ladies went together to the Yingyue Tower. A southern river flowed in front of the tower, with Qingyuan surrounded by water on all four sides. The southern river ran along the south side of the garden, hence its name. Green willows as delicate as the first chirp of an oriole lined the riverbank, with a small wooden bridge spanning the river, and Ruyi Nunnery visible on the other side.

From atop Yingyue Tower, one could even glimpse the Buddha Hall in Ruyi Nunnery. The nunnery was densely planted with peach trees, now in full bloom, like pink snow or rosy clouds, with falling petals scattered everywhere. Ji Cheng couldn’t help but praise, “What a beautiful scene.”

The Shen sisters were used to such sights and remained unimpressed. Shen Yuan had already instructed the maids to raise all the surrounding awnings, allowing the cool breeze to pass through. Inside the tower, nine fan-shaped tables had been set up, each with cups, plates, and food boxes, as well as a small Guanyin jade vase containing carefully selected peach blossom branches in full bloom, arranged with both thoughtfulness and elegance.

“This place is truly elegantly arranged,” Ji Cheng smiled at Shen Yuan.

Shen Yuan was pleased to hear this but said modestly, “This is nothing. You should have seen the peony banquet Siniang arranged last year – now that was exquisite.” It turned out that Fourth Miss Wang’s given name was Si, and she was also called Siniang.

Hearing Shen Yuan mention her name, Fourth Miss Wang turned her head and smiled at her but didn’t respond. Given Fourth Miss Wang’s extraordinary background, with her sister being Imperial Consort Shu who had given birth to the Crown Prince, it was understandable for her to be somewhat arrogant and proud.

In the days since Ji Cheng had arrived in the capital, although some young ladies had shown disdain for her background, none had been as extreme as Fourth Miss Wang. She wouldn’t even look directly at Ji Cheng, and whenever Ji Cheng participated in a conversation, she would immediately fall silent or change the subject, clearly wanting nothing to do with Ji Cheng.

Fourth Miss Wang’s cousin, Wang Yueniang, couldn’t help but say to Shen Yuan, “Sister Yuan, why did you invite such a person? It’s not enjoyable for us to play together, and it’s upsetting my fourth sister.”

Wang Yueniang’s voice wasn’t particularly low, making it difficult for Ji Cheng not to hear. It was truly embarrassing, but she didn’t stoop to Wang Yueniang’s level.

Shen Yuan said with some displeasure, “If you don’t find it enjoyable, you don’t have to come. Cousin Cheng is my sister, and if you speak like this again, don’t blame me for being impolite.”

Ji Cheng hadn’t expected Shen Yuan, usually so diplomatic, to speak to Wang Yueniang like this on her behalf, leaving Wang Yueniang red-faced with shame and embarrassment. She felt truly grateful.

After speaking, Shen Yuan ignored Wang Yueniang and took Ji Cheng’s hand, leading her to sit aside. “Don’t mind her. The Wang sisters have such arrogant personalities, thinking even glancing at you is a favor. Hmph.”

The Wang family traced their roots, claiming to be a branch of the ancient Wang clan of Langya, hence their high self-regard and disdain for those of humble origins, let alone merchants. Unfortunately, times had changed, and the noble Wang clan of Langya had long since vanished, their nobility lost.

Ji Cheng found Shen Yuan’s words sharp yet endearing and couldn’t help but laugh. The Wang sisters indeed had the airs of princesses without the status.

Hearing Ji Cheng’s laughter, Wang Yueniang glared at her, but Ji Cheng just smiled back. Fourth Miss Wang deigned to cast a glance their way before turning her slightly raised chin away again.

As a result, the young ladies in Yingyue Tower spontaneously divided into two groups. Shen Yuan wanted to look after Ji Cheng and Shen Cui also disliked the Wang sisters, so the three of them formed one group. The Wang sisters and two other young ladies, Miss Lin and Miss Yan, were close friends. Su Yun and Shen Qian acted as intermediaries, not neglecting either side.

Because Fourth Miss Wang refused to play at the same table as Ji Cheng, they couldn’t engage in drinking games or finger-guessing. They could only appreciate flowers and play chess, their usual leisure activities, which weren’t particularly interesting. Finally, Shen Yuan called Wen’er and Su’er to sing, and after everyone listened to one song, they dispersed.

It was March, the time when spring breezes warm people’s hearts. The garden was a riot of colors, and naturally, the conversation turned to the splendid scene of peonies blooming the next month. Fourth Miss Wang said, “Next month, our family will host the usual peony banquet. I’ll send you invitations then. This year, I specially asked Imperial Consort Shu to have the craftsmen of the Imperial Workshop make a peony-themed folding screen for viewing the peonies.”

Everyone expressed their approval, and even Shen Yuan responded positively.

Ji Cheng, however, found herself missing the spring in Shanxi. Women in the north weren’t so particular; at this time, they could go horseback riding and archery, enjoying all sorts of activities. Ji Cheng had even gone hunting twice with her brothers.

Sighing inwardly, Ji Cheng sometimes wondered if her decision was right. Facing cold treatment and frequent disdain was humiliating, yet she had to endure it shamelessly because of her aspirations. But it was truly painful, wanting to retaliate yet powerless to do so. Her second brother had once advised her to stay and marry in Shanxi, saying that if the sky fell, her brothers would naturally support her.

Thinking of the hardships her second brother had endured for her, Ji Cheng felt she couldn’t be so selfish, and content with her own small life while expecting her family to hold up the sky for her.

Lost in thought, the topic had already shifted from the peony banquet to kites.

The spring breeze was perfect for flying kites, using the wind to lift them high.

Shen Yuan instructed a maid to fetch kites, while Shen Qian said, “Go tell Ziyan in my room to bring the bat kite my second brother gave me this year.”

Shen Cui asked, “When did Second Brother give you a kite?” It wasn’t surprising that Shen Cui was curious, mainly because Shen Che was very particular about his food, clothing, and possessions. Anything he brought back to give to Shen Qian was sure to be extraordinary.

Before Shen Qian could answer, Shen Cui asked again, “Why did he only give one to you?”

Fearing that Shen Yuan and Shen Qian might misunderstand, Shen Qian quickly explained, “It’s just this one kite, and it wasn’t given to me by Second Brother. He originally intended to give it to someone else, but I snatched it away.”

“Who was he going to give it to?” Shen Cui asked thoughtlessly.

Shen Qian immediately became embarrassed. Shen Yuan, who understood a bit more, blushed slightly, but Shen Cui herself hadn’t yet realized the implications of her question.

Fourth Miss Wang’s face alternated between red and white upon hearing this. Shen Che’s affairs outside the family were mostly kept secret at home, but outsiders like them heard more about them. The kind of woman who would be wooed by the Second Young Master Shen with a kite was surely one of those disreputable women from the outside.

Finding an opportunity, Fourth Miss Wang pulled Shen Qian aside to talk. “How come the Duke and Princess don’t control Second Brother Shen?”

Shen Qian replied, “Dear sister, please don’t mention it. You know my second brother’s skills; he has my mother wrapped around his finger. When my father is home, he’s broken several disciplinary rods, yet my second brother still does as he pleases. I just hope he marries a formidable sister-in-law who can keep him in check.” Although Shen Qian felt this hope was likely to be in vain.

Hearing this, Fourth Miss Wang’s face reddened for some reason, but fearing others might notice, she quickly dabbed at the corner of her mouth with her handkerchief, not sure what she was wiping. She only regretted that it was still early spring and she didn’t have a fan to hide behind.

Shen Qian didn’t notice Fourth Miss Wang’s expression, as she was being called over by Su Yun.

Meanwhile, Ji Cheng, who was behind a screen admiring the goldfish in a large blue and white porcelain jar, inadvertently overheard this conversation.

No matter how wealthy a family is, if it falls into the hands of a prodigal son, it will only lead to ruin. Although Duke Qi’s mansion currently appeared to be adorned with flowers and brocade, if the Duke and Princess were to pass away and it fell into the hands of this Second Young Master Shen, its future would be worrisome. What made it worse was that this Second Young Master Shen was the only son of Princess An He and Duke Qi. Ji Cheng sighed inwardly.

As for the second branch of the family, being able to raise a daughter like Shen Yuan, they couldn’t be too bad. It seemed that the future of the Shen family might rest on the second branch. Ji Cheng became more determined to maintain a good relationship with Shen Yuan.

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