HomeQi Xing CaiChapter 127: Apology and Affection

Chapter 127: Apology and Affection

Traces of tears still lingered on Shen Qian’s face, though she had long since finished crying. She was merely waiting for someone to comfort her. Ironically, her second brother was an expert at consoling other women, but he never bothered to expend any effort on her. “What have you been busy with lately, Second Brother? You haven’t come to see me in ages.”

Shen Che replied, “A grown daughter keeps her distance from her father, let alone from a mere brother. You know the way to Jiuli Courtyard well enough.”

Shen Qian stomped her foot in anger. “Is this how you act as my brother? You don’t even ask why I’ve been crying so bitterly?”

Shen Che lazily drawled, “Do I need to ask? It’s that Chu boy failing to recognize a precious jade, isn’t it?”

Shen Qian didn’t want to speak anymore. Having a brother who could guess everything correctly didn’t feel very good.

“What’s the rush?” Shen Che continued. “Mother plans to keep you until you’re eighteen. Even if our Qian marries at twenty, there will still be many suitors lining up at our door. Isn’t it more comfortable to remain a young lady at home? Or are you so eager to serve your in-laws?”

“Who’s eager?” Shen Qian retorted, her face flushing. But she couldn’t deny that Shen Che’s words had a comforting effect, making her feel that she wasn’t so bad after all.

Shen Che said, “Alright, your eyes are as swollen as peaches from all that crying. Mother was planning to start arranging matches for you, but if you don’t want to think about these things right now, I can ask her to delay the arrangements.”

Shen Qian had rushed to find Chu Zhen after hearing that Princess An He wanted to arrange a marriage for her. Now, hearing that Shen Che was willing to speak to Princess An He on her behalf, she felt a great weight lift from her shoulders. The young girl, having just been hurt, naturally didn’t want to be immediately set up for marriage.

“Thank you, Brother. Mother will surely listen to you,” Shen Qian said.

Seeing that Shen Qian had calmed down, Shen Che was about to leave when he heard her say, “Brother is so good at comforting young ladies. Could you help me find a gift for Sister Cheng? I upset her today.”

Upon hearing this, Shen Che leaned back in his chair again. “How could you have upset her? Isn’t she known for her exceptionally good nature?”

Shen Che’s last sentence carried a personal tone, which Shen Qian picked up on. “No, it was my fault this time.”

Shen Che seemed uninterested. “I don’t have time to comfort you, young girls. Your Sister Cheng won’t truly be angry with you.”

Shen Qian pleaded, “Please help me, Second Brother. It’s almost Sister Cheng’s birthday. Brother, can’t you help me find a gift for her?”

Shen Che relented, “Fine. What do you think she’d like?”

Shen Qian suggested, “Sister Cheng loves painting. Could you find a set of brushes made by Master Ma?”

“Master Ma hasn’t made brushes himself for many years. It’s all his disciples making them now,” Shen Che observed. “Such a substantial gift – you must have offended your Sister Cheng, haven’t you?” He looked at Shen Qian, but seeing her reluctant expression, he didn’t press further.

What Shen Qian refused to say, Ji Cheng was equally unwilling to discuss.

When Ji Cheng arrived at the former Lanyue Study, now called Sanhao Residence, in the evening – or rather, when Ji Cheng was escorted there by Nan Gui – Shen Che was sitting in her usual spot, holding a teacup in one hand and a book in the other.

Ji Cheng couldn’t help but feel irritated at Shen Che’s leisurely demeanor. Had she been sold to him or something? She couldn’t even sleep peacefully in her bed at night?

Shen Che glanced up at the somewhat disheveled Ji Cheng. Her hair was loose, and she had hastily wrapped herself in a pea-green short jacket, which was askew. Fortunately, she had a cloak covering her, hiding the mess. It was clear she had been pulled out of bed.

“You’re a smart person. Why quarrel with Nan Gui? You should know she only follows orders,” Shen Che remarked, looking Ji Cheng over again. “Your hair is quite a mess. It seems we need to keep a set of toiletries here for you.”

Ji Cheng, who had been pushed to the brink of fury by this master and servant duo tonight, controlled her temper and asked, “Is there news from the Western Regions?”

Shen Che gestured for Ji Cheng to sit.

‘He thinks this is Sanhao Residence,’ Ji Cheng grumbled inwardly.

“How did you upset Qian today? She came asking me to find brushes personally made by Old Master Ma as a birthday gift for you,” Shen Che inquired.

Ji Cheng forced a smile. “Oh, so you’ve come to seek justice for Qian?”

“Why can’t it be out of concern for you?” Shen Che countered.

Ji Cheng replied, “I know my place well enough. My tone might have been a bit harsh with Qian today.” She then recounted how Shen Qian had tried to lure her out on Chu Zhen’s behalf. Ji Cheng didn’t want any misunderstandings to arise between her and Shen Che over this, lest he create more trouble for her. She felt she could barely handle the current situation as it was.

Shen Che chuckled, “I thought I might find a way to make Chu Zhen marry Qian properly, but now it seems there’s no need to bother.”

“Can I go back to sleep now?” Ji Cheng asked.

“I didn’t call you here just for Qian’s matter,” Shen Che said. “That was just a side question.”

Ji Cheng cupped her face in her hands, elbows resting on the small table, feigning innocence as she looked at Shen Che. After all, Shen Che only wanted to see her compliant, and she didn’t mind pretending for half a year.

“It’s the season for new tea now. Didn’t I say I’d take you tea-picking?” Shen Che said.

Unpleasant memories immediately flooded Ji Cheng’s mind. “What excuse will you use this time? Are you going to involve Huang Yuan Niang again?” she asked sarcastically.

“This trip might take three to five days, so naturally, we can’t trouble Yuan Niang again. But there are other ways,” Shen Che replied.

Ji Cheng waited for Shen Che to continue, but he said nothing more.

“Now can I go back to sleep?” Ji Cheng asked impatiently once more.

Surprisingly, Shen Che’s temper remained good. “So eager to sleep?” He patted the space beside him. “Sleep here. I’ll take you back later.”

Ji Cheng looked at Shen Che in confusion. What was wrong with him?

Shen Che just looked back at Ji Cheng, neither of them willing to back down.

Ji Cheng picked up the teacup from the small table and took a sip. Seeing no sign of yielding in Shen Che’s eyes, she realized she would have to give in.

Ji Cheng obediently lay down beside Shen Che, curling up on her side and using her arm as a pillow. She closed her eyes and started counting sheep.

Shen Che adjusted his posture, stretching out his legs and leaning back on the lazy chair. He lifted Ji Cheng’s head and placed it on his lap. “Sleep. I won’t disturb you.”

Everyone has their scent, and Shen Che was no exception. His was a faint, crisp, cold fragrance, reminiscent of plum blossoms but not quite, always making Ji Cheng think of a frozen lake surface. Ji Cheng nuzzled her face, finding a comfortable position to continue sleeping.

Shen Che’s actions were not unlike caring for a cat or dog. No matter how much resentment Ji Cheng harbored, she couldn’t express it. She decided it wasn’t worth dwelling on. After all, Gou Jian had endured humiliation for ten years to restore his country – Ji Cheng considered him her most illustrious role model.

Ji Cheng’s sleep had indeed improved. She thought she would toss and turn with her head on Shen Che’s leg, but before long, she was drifting off – that is if Shen Che’s hand hadn’t slipped inside her collar.

Through her clothes, Ji Cheng quickly grabbed Shen Che’s misbehaving hand, lifting her head to glare at him angrily.

“I was just looking for a place to rest my hand,” Shen Che said calmly. “It’s soft and comfortable.”

Ji Cheng couldn’t hold back. With lightning speed, she grabbed the teacup from the table and threw its contents at Shen Che.

Shen Che didn’t even try to dodge, letting the tea splash towards him. Yet, not a drop landed on his face.

Ji Cheng stared at Shen Che in disbelief. She was sure she had seen the water thrown, but how had it disappeared?

Shen Che looked at Ji Cheng with a slight smile. “Want to try another cup?”

Ji Cheng turned and walked towards the door, twisting the switch several times, but the stone door remained motionless, clearly another of Shen Che’s tricks.

Unable to enter or leave, Ji Cheng felt trapped. If she defied Shen Che, he would treat it as playful banter. If she complied, he would see her as docile. Ji Cheng felt she had nowhere to direct her frustration.

Turning back, she saw Shen Che leaning comfortably against the lazy chair, toying with the teacup, the corners of his eyes slightly upturned in amusement – every inch the cunning fox.

“Come here. I’ll take you back soon,” Shen Che said softly.

Ji Cheng wasn’t so proud as to refuse to lower her head until her bones were broken. She lay down on Shen Che’s leg again, closing her eyes and pretending to doze. This time, Shen Che didn’t push his luck. He merely ran his fingers through her hair, gently massaging her scalp. If not for the tense atmosphere between them, Ji Cheng might have found this cat-like petting quite pleasant.

But night cats are hard to tame, always plotting to escape to the wild.

Ji Cheng’s mind turned to the situation in the Western Regions. It was already a powder keg, with various conflicts ready to explode. The sudden rise of the Jia Unit had damaged the interests of many powerful figures, but they had been keeping each other in check, reluctant to make the first move. Often, crisis breeds opportunity, and Ji Cheng was eager to seize a chance for herself, though she knew she needed to plan carefully.

Ji Cheng didn’t know when she had fallen asleep, but when she woke up, she was already in the side hall of Ruiying Hall.

As for Shen Che’s supposed method of taking Ji Cheng away for several days, she found out the next day. It turned out her sister-in-law, Ji Yuan’s wife, Lady Fan, had arrived in the capital.

Although Ji Cheng knew her father would come to the capital for Shen Yuan’s wedding, she hadn’t expected Lady Fan to arrive first.

With Lady Fan’s arrival, Ji Cheng naturally had to return to Lanhua Lane. The Old Madam said, “Now that your sister-in-law is here, you should indeed return to Lanhua Lane to help her for a few days. Your brother is studying at Dongshan Academy preparing for the autumn imperial examinations, so he can’t return for now. But I’ll miss you here too. Stay at Lanhua Lane for a few days, but remember to come back. Ah, Yuan is about to get married, and in the future, your sisters might not have much time to be close. Spend more time with her as well.”

Ji Cheng naturally agreed to everything.

Upon arriving at Lanhua Lane, Ji Cheng asked, “Sister-in-law, why did you come so suddenly? I thought Father would only come to the capital in April.”

Fan Zengli replied, “Father-in-law is indeed coming in April. It just so happens that a cousin from my family is coming to the capital, so my Father-in-law asked me to come with him first to prepare the house in Lanhua Lane.”

Ji Cheng probed, “Sister-in-law, are you hiding something from me?”

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