HomeQi Xing CaiChapter 222: Yin and Yang (Part One)

Chapter 222: Yin and Yang (Part One)

As Shen Chehua turned his passive state into an active one, it was Ji Cheng’s turn to experience both pain and numbness on her lips. Both seemed eager to draw warmth from each other, with no trace of gentleness, employing sheer force in their actions.

Ji Cheng’s waist was nearly broken by Shen Che’s tight grip, yet she didn’t dare to stop him, wishing she could melt into his body. Only in such moments did her heart feel truly at ease, experiencing a sense of complete possession of each other, excluding all else.

Although exhausted to the point where she could barely lift her eyelids, Ji Cheng’s sleep was light. Sensing no warm presence nearby, she reached out to find Shen Che’s spot beside her cold and empty. She sat up abruptly, looking around but finding no trace of him.

Ji Cheng struggled to reach for her scattered clothes while clutching the blanket, only to remember that Shen Che had torn her garments earlier, leaving her with nothing to cover herself. Left with no choice, she wrapped the blanket around herself and ventured out, ignoring her aching body. After just a few steps, rounding a pillar that had obstructed her view, she saw Shen Che sitting by the door, gazing at the horizon lost in thought.

Following his line of sight, Ji Cheng noticed a hint of light appearing on the horizon. The night held many magical qualities, concealing much of the distance between people and tinting even those far apart with an ambiguous hue. But as the sun rose in the east, all such enchantment vanished.

Looking at Shen Che’s silhouette, Ji Cheng felt a surge of panic from the depths of her heart. She feared that last night might have been just a moment of impulse for him, that such acts were mere diversions for men, or that he might have acted out of pity and was now secretly regretting it.

Ji Cheng bit her lip, tugged at the blanket wrapped around her feet, and walked towards Shen Che. Whatever the outcome, it couldn’t be worse than the current situation.

Hearing the movement, Shen Che turned to look at Ji Cheng. She sat down beside him, looked up at him, and said, “Would you like to do it again?”

Shen Che raised an eyebrow, turning his face slightly, as if unable to believe those words had come from Ji Cheng’s mouth.

Ji Cheng herself was shocked by her boldness, amazed that she could utter such shameless words. It wasn’t what she had intended to say, but as she sat down, her mind wandered to their earlier encounter. Though they had seemingly reached a dead end, could it be considered making up after a fight?

If once wasn’t enough to reconcile, would twice do the trick? Ji Cheng wondered.

She had sensed that Shen Che was reluctant to let her go earlier, otherwise he wouldn’t have held her so tightly, almost to the point of suffocation.

Perhaps because this thought was in her mind, her mouth spoke before she could react. By the time Ji Cheng realized what she had said, it was too late. Despite her face burning with embarrassment to the point where she wanted to sink into the ground, Ji Cheng didn’t avoid Shen Che’s gaze, instead stubbornly maintaining eye contact.

You see, she was just that kind of person without boundaries. Once she let go, even Ji Cheng herself was shocked by her actions.

Initially, due to her humble origins, Ji Cheng had held herself to the standards of a well-bred lady, even more strictly so. If someone had told her that one-day such frivolous words would come out of her mouth, she would have laughed out loud and dismissed them as mad.

In just a few breaths, Ji Cheng’s face had become hot enough to fry an egg. Fortunately, Shen Che didn’t keep her waiting long before lowering his head, cupping her face, and gently capturing her lips.

This time was entirely different from the earlier storm of passion. The light kiss turned into a gentle drizzle, scattering the pink and white peach blossoms in the orchard. It was as if orioles were warbling their tender songs, and the spring ducks were the first to know of the flowing water. The cherries turned red, and the summer oranges ripened.

But the peach blossoms were delicate, and the spring rain that extended into summer eventually became a downpour. The once enchanting tree was reduced to red mud, dripping and begging for mercy.

As daylight broke, Ji Cheng, deep in sweet slumber, furrowed her brow in her dream, burying her head further into the blanket, annoyed by the bright light. She even kicked the blanket in a fit of temper.

Shen Che couldn’t help but smile as he sat beside her, shielding some of the light. Nishang, standing by the door, looked at Shen Che with astonishment as he tucked the blanket around Ji Cheng.

“Bring a cup of warm water,” Shen Che added, “A large one.”

Nishang acknowledged and withdrew, glancing back once more after stepping outside the wooden door of the top courtyard before hurrying to prepare the warm water.

Shen Che took the cup from Nishang’s hand and instructed, “Go to the Old Madam and inform her that the Young Madam is unwell today and will pay her respects tomorrow.”

Nishang complied and left for Rui Ying Hall without delay.

Upon hearing that Ji Cheng was unwell, the Old Madam immediately asked, “What about Che’er? Does he know his wife is ill?” Among her grandchildren of marriageable age who had already established their families, the Old Madam was most concerned about Shen Che and Ji Cheng, as this couple had never had it easy.

Nishang replied, “The Young Master knows and is currently attending to the Young Madam.”

The Old Madam smiled with relief, “That’s good, that’s good. Let your Young Madam rest well, and tell Che’er not to go out for the next few days. He should take good care of his wife. Tell him it’s my order.”

Nishang nodded in agreement.

The Old Madam looked at Nishang and said, “You’re a good one. You’ve been serving Che’er since you were little. He changes his maids often, but you’ve always remained. It shows he favors you greatly. Your Young Madam isn’t petty either. In a few years, I’ll speak to Cheng and have you officially serve Che’er.”

Nishang quickly knelt before the Old Madam, “It’s my fortune to receive such favor from the Old Madam. However, I am unworthy and dare not hope to serve the Young Master closely. All these years, the Young Master has kept me because I harbor no such ambitions.”

The Old Madam hadn’t expected Nishang to say such things. After Nishang left, she said to Madam Cui beside her, “This Nishang truly understands her place. No wonder she has been able to stay by Che’er’s side for so long.”

How could Nishang not understand? If she had any lingering hopes before, they were completely dashed after this morning. Despite the commotion last night, when she heard her Young Master speak of divorce, this morning presented such an intimate scene. Nishang realized that there was no room for anyone to come between these two masters.

Madam Cui asked doubtfully, “I always thought Nishang was determined to serve Che’er for life?” After all, Nishang was not young anymore, already past twenty.

The Old Madam said, “Perhaps she has seen things clearly and lost interest.”

If Shen Che had any intention of taking a concubine, he wouldn’t have waited until now. The Old Madam’s earlier words were merely to comfort Nishang, fearing she might sow discord between Shen Che and Ji Cheng, causing the couple to become even more estranged. The young couple had only just shown some progress today.

The Old Madam thought for a moment and said, “No, I’m still a bit worried. Go to the storehouse and take some medicinal herbs to Cheng, and take the opportunity to check on them both.”

Madam Cui was also curious and immediately agreed, taking the keys and heading to the back storehouse.

Meanwhile, back in the top courtyard, Ji Cheng was sound asleep. She had only just closed her eyes a short while ago, as Shen Che had been relentlessly passionate, not giving her a moment’s rest.

However, the rush mat and blankets in the room had been thoroughly ruined by the two of them. Shen Che sat Ji Cheng up, cradling her. Her lips were so dry they were starting to crack. Shen Che brought the water cup to Ji Cheng’s lips and said softly, “Drink some water before you sleep.”

Ji Cheng frowned and grumbled unhappily. Heaven knows how long it had been since she had slept so sweetly, and now Shen Che was forcibly waking her up. Naturally, she had to complain.

Shen Che said, “Drink the water first, then I’ll carry you down to the washroom to clean up before you sleep again. I won’t disturb you anymore after that. Madam Cui might come over later, and if she sees this, don’t blame me if you feel embarrassed.” Shen Che knew his great-grandmother’s temperament all too well.

Ji Cheng really couldn’t open her eyes, so she just mumbled an “Mm” and took a sip of water from Shen Che’s hand. Her throat was parched, feeling as if all the moisture in her body had been sucked away by Shen Che. Thus, the cup of water was quickly emptied.

After Ji Cheng finished the water, Shen Che wrapped her in his cloak and carried her down through the secret passage.

In her drowsy state, Ji Cheng vaguely remembered, wasn’t this secret passage locked? When was it opened? Unfortunately, she had no strength to ask, so she just rested her head on Shen Che’s shoulder and continued to sleep.

The bath in the washroom of Woyun Hall was already filled with steaming hot water. Shen Che lowered Ji Cheng into it, and she let out a comfortable moan as the sweat and grime were finally washed away.

Ji Cheng didn’t even have to move; Shen Che washed her thoroughly, even between her toes. Feeling a bit embarrassed, she opened her eyes slightly to look at Shen Che. He seemed to have no aversion to her feet, instead playing with them with great pleasure. She decided to let him be.

After the bath, Shen Che carried Ji Cheng to the bed. The bed in Woyun Hall was much softer than the rush mat in the top courtyard. Ji Cheng rolled comfortably on the bed for half a turn, and just as her head touched the pillow, she heard Shen Che ask, “Where’s the divorce paper?”

The words “divorce paper” immediately stimulated Ji Cheng’s nerves. She slowly opened her eyes, sat up holding the blanket, and said softly, “I tore it up.” She wouldn’t give Shen Che a chance to regret. Besides, saying she had torn it up could also show her sincerity and determination.

Shen Che sat down next to Ji Cheng, using his fingers to lift her chin, forcing her to look at him. “Don’t I know you well? You always keep a backup plan. How could you tear up the divorce paper?”

Ji Cheng glared at Shen Che in annoyance. She had always been troubled by Shen Che’s perceptiveness, and he particularly enjoyed pointing it out, embarrassing her.

Shen Che pinched Ji Cheng’s chest, “Go find it.”

Ji Cheng had no choice but to slip on her shoes and walk to her dressing table. She took out the divorce paper Shen Che had written from a hidden compartment and handed it to him.

Shen Che opened the divorce paper and looked at it, confirming it was indeed the one he had written. He then lightly shook it in the air, and the paper caught fire.

Just as Shen Che placed the burning divorce paper in the incense burner, there was a sound from outside. Nishang announced from beyond the curtain, “Young Master, Young Madam, Madam Cui has arrived.”

“Come in,” Shen Che responded.

As soon as Madam Cui entered, she smiled and said, “I heard the Second Young Madam is unwell. The Old Madam asked me to bring some medicine and see if there’s anything else the Young Madam needs.”

Shen Che tucked the blanket around Ji Cheng and turned to Madam Cui, saying, “It’s nothing serious. Please assure the Old Madam. However, she might not be able to attend to matters for a few days. We’ll have to trouble you to take care of things, Madam Cui.”

“Of course, Young Master. Even without your instructions, I would keep an eye on things,” Madam Cui said a few more words of concern before leaving.

Shen Che got up to see her out but turned to find Ji Cheng holding onto his clothes. Madam Cui saw this and couldn’t help but smile inwardly, quickening her pace to leave.

Shen Che looked down at Ji Cheng, who asked, “Where are Liuye’er and Yuqian’er?”

Shen Che patted Ji Cheng’s hand, “Don’t worry, I’ve sent people to look for them. You should get some sleep.”

Ji Cheng yawned; she was indeed exhausted, so she obediently closed her eyes.

Meanwhile, Liuye’er and Yuqian’er had lost track of Ji Cheng in the middle of the night and were extremely anxious. Although Ji Cheng had warned them, after discussing, they felt they couldn’t do anything.

It was too late to disturb the Old Madam, and they feared making a big fuss would make things irreparable. So Yuqian’er slipped out to Orchid Lane to seek help from the master, hoping to persuade their young master and mistress to reconcile.

Liuye’er went searching for Ji Cheng everywhere. She hadn’t expected Ji Cheng to go to the top courtyard, so she ran towards the water, fearing Ji Cheng might have thoughts of ending her life.

Liuye’er didn’t find Ji Cheng, but in the night, she was startled by a cat running past Qing Garden and fell into the water. Fortunately, she was rescued by a maid who was up late. She was now lying down recovering. The maid came to Nine Li Courtyard at dawn to report this, but Shen Che and Ji Cheng were still in the top courtyard. The maid didn’t dare wander around Nine Li Courtyard, and Nishang had gone to the Old Madam’s quarters, so she only told a young maid in the courtyard.

Shortly after, the young maid was called away by her mother and forgot to report back. When Shen Che inquired, Nishang went to investigate and finally heard about Liuye’er falling into the water. She hurried back to inform Shen Che.

Not to mention the matter of calling a doctor for Liuye’er and bringing her back to Nine Li Courtyard, Ji Cheng’s sister-in-law, Fan Zengli, arrived at Nine Li Courtyard just after breakfast.

When Shen Che heard Nishang’s report, he simply said, “The Young Madam is unwell and cannot receive guests. Ask her to come another day.”

This dismissal of Fan Zengli caused quite a stir. When she returned and reported the situation, Ji Qing and Ji Yuan were terrified. Hearing from Yuqian’er that Shen Che had already written a divorce paper, and now the Shen family wouldn’t let them see Ji Cheng, the two were anxious but helpless.

When Yuqian’er returned to Woyun Hall, she found her mistress sound asleep. Just as she was about to approach, Nishang stopped her, saying, “The Young Master instructed not to disturb the Young Madam when he left earlier. She has just fallen asleep.”

Yuqian’er was confused and worried, not understanding how Ji Cheng could be sleeping now when she had supposedly received divorce papers the night before.

Nishang said, “I’ll look after the Young Madam. You should quickly go check on Liuye’er. She fell into the water last night and caught a chill. The doctor has already prescribed medicine, and a young maid is brewing it now.”

Hearing that Liuye’er had fallen into the water, and seeing that there was nothing serious with Ji Cheng, Yuqian’er hurried to Liuye’er’s room to look after her.

When Ji Cheng woke up, it was already dinner time. She hadn’t slept this long in about a year. If it weren’t for her throbbing headache, she would have surely slept longer.

Ji Cheng opened her eyes, wanting to call someone, but found her voice extremely hoarse, almost unable to speak. Her body felt cold. She propped herself up on the bed with both hands, struggling to sit up. When she was still, it wasn’t so bad, but as soon as she moved, her whole body creaked as if falling apart, feeling sore and painful.

It was all due to last night’s and this morning’s indulgences. Ji Cheng finally managed to crawl up and lean against the headboard. She was so dizzy that she had to take several deep breaths before she could see her surroundings.

Nishang was doing needlework in the outer room. Hearing movement, she quickly ran in, “Young Madam, you’re awake? I’ll bring you a cup of water.”

Ji Cheng’s ears were ringing, and she couldn’t hear clearly what Nishang was saying.

When Shen Che lifted the curtain and entered the bedroom, he saw Ji Cheng sitting on the bed with furrowed brows, motionless.

“What’s wrong, having regrets?” Shen Che sat down on the bed, his eyes fixed on Ji Cheng.

Ji Cheng, not reacting immediately, turned her head to look at Shen Che. Then she softened and fell into his arms, “My head hurts, everything hurts, my whole body aches terribly.”

As Ji Cheng fell towards him, Shen Che immediately embraced her. Hearing her voice so hoarse it was almost a whisper, he was startled. He touched his forehead to hers, “Why is your forehead so hot?”

Ji Cheng shook her head in Shen Che’s arms, “I’m cold.”

Shen Che freed one hand to check Ji Cheng’s pulse. After a while, he kissed her forehead, “It’s alright, I’m here.” He then supported Ji Cheng’s shoulders to help her lie down, “Sleep a bit more.”

Ji Cheng looked at Shen Che and said, “My head hurts.”

Shen Che nodded, “Close your eyes. I’ll give you a couple of acupuncture points. It won’t hurt after a while.”

Whether it was the effectiveness of Shen Che’s silver needles or simply because Shen Che was by her side, Ji Cheng quickly fell into a deep sleep again.

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