HomeQi Xing CaiChapter 239: The Delicate Wife (Part 1)

Chapter 239: The Delicate Wife (Part 1)

The sweet fragrance caught Shen Zheng off guard. He looked up at Ji Cheng, realizing up close that she was indeed a rare beauty in the world. Her skin was as smooth as jade, flawless and inviting as if it would feel like the finest mutton fat jade.

However, Shen Zheng reminded himself that the person before him was his Second Sister-in-law and did not want to provoke his Second Brother’s wrath again.

Ji Cheng was also wary of standing alone with her younger brother-in-law. She wondered why Feng Shuang hadn’t caught up yet. She blew the wooden whistle hanging from her neck and soon heard the sound of horse hooves.

Ji Cheng hung the wild rabbit on the back of her horse, mounted it swiftly, and said to the still-dazed Shen Zheng, “Third Sister-in-law came with me, but perhaps I rode too fast. I wonder where she is now and if she knows the way.”

Shen Zheng was no fool and immediately understood the underlying message in Ji Cheng’s words, blushing with embarrassment. Fortunately, Feng Shuang arrived just then, relieving his awkwardness.

Since Shen Zheng and his wife had reunited, Ji Cheng naturally did not want to disturb their time together and rode ahead into the forest alone.

Coincidentally, Shen Qian and Cui Ling were not far away. Ji Cheng hesitated about whether to approach, but Cui Ling, being perceptive, called out loudly, “Second Sister-in-law, over here.”

Shen Qian, perhaps persuaded by Cui Ling, did not avoid Ji Cheng this time. Instead, she suggested, “Second Sister-in-law, I’ve heard your riding skills are excellent. How about a race? Just riding around is quite dull.”

No matter what Shen Qian said, Ji Cheng would not refuse. “Sure,” she replied.

As they started racing, Ji Cheng noticed that Shen Qian’s riding skills had improved significantly.

There was a reason for this. Years ago, after being gently rejected by Chu Zhen, Shen Qian was unwilling to give up and privately asked him why he favored Ji Cheng. Chu Zhen couldn’t articulate a reason and casually said, “Her riding skills are good.”

Because of this comment, Shen Qian had been diligently practicing her riding skills over the years. Eventually, she married Chu Zhen, and they enjoyed riding and hunting together harmoniously.

However, riding on a hillside is different from flat ground. If one rides too fast and doesn’t react in time to a cliff, it’s easy to fall off, which is very dangerous.

Ji Cheng deliberately rode slower, not wanting Shen Qian to ride too fast in pursuit of victory. If something happened, Ji Cheng couldn’t bear the responsibility.

But Shen Qian seemed to think differently, riding as if the hillside were a meadow. Ji Cheng, fearing for her safety, had to speed up. Shen Qian, sensing the “threat,” pushed her horse even faster.

It was Ji Cheng’s first time at this hot spring estate, and she was unfamiliar with the terrain. She shouted, “Ah Qian, watch the road carefully.”

Shen Qian looked back at Ji Cheng, who was two horse lengths behind and smiled brightly. She urged her horse on with a “Hyah,” making it run even faster.

Ji Cheng’s heart nearly stopped when she saw Shen Qian’s horse charging straight toward the cliff. She whipped her horse hard, making it leap forward, and lunged at Shen Qian, grabbing her horse’s reins.

Shen Qian was already terrified. When Ji Cheng jumped onto her horse, she screamed so loudly it could be heard far away.

But Shen Qian’s horse was too fast to stop, and the cliff was right ahead. Ji Cheng made a split-second decision, grabbing Shen Qian and jumping off the horse.

They tumbled several times before falling off the cliff. Fortunately, Ji Cheng quickly grabbed a tree branch, preventing it from becoming a bloody mess at the bottom.

Both their palms were sweaty, and Ji Cheng struggled to hold onto Shen Qian, who was kicking wildly in fear. Unable to bear her weight, Ji Cheng’s hand slipped, and they fell again, luckily grabbing another small tree to avoid falling to the bottom.

Seeing that Shen Qian was temporarily safe, Ji Cheng breathed a sigh of relief. If Shen Qian had died here today, her marriage with Shen Che would likely have ended as well.

“Ah Qian, don’t move. The tree is too small to hold your weight. Stay still. We fell off the cliff while riding, and Sister Cui was right behind us. She must have seen it and will notify your brother to rescue us,” Ji Cheng said calmly.

Ji Cheng’s calmness eased Shen Qian’s fear. She clung tightly to the tree branch, no longer moving.

Shen Qian was filled with regret. It was her fault they were in danger, almost dying here. She wanted to apologize to Ji Cheng, but the cold mountain wind filled her mouth, making her shiver. She had no strength left, focusing all her energy on holding the branch, unable to apologize. She resolved to apologize to Ji Cheng once they were rescued.

Ji Cheng was right; Shen Qian’s scream was heard by everyone on the hillside.

Chu Zhen and Shen Zheng rushed toward them. Chu Zhen encountered Cui Ling on the way, who pointed urgently, “Over there, hurry!”

Chu Zhen saw the tracks of a horse near the cliff’s edge and rushed to the edge, shouting, “Ah Qian!”

“It’s me, it’s me, I’m down here,” Shen Qian cried, tears streaming down her face upon hearing Chu Zhen’s voice.

Ji Cheng also felt relieved. The small tree she clung to was barely holding her weight, and she could see its roots loosening. With no other branches nearby, she dared not move, hoping their rescuers would arrive quickly.

“Don’t be afraid, I’m coming down,” Chu Zhen, skilled in martial arts, was not daunted by the cliff.

As Chu Zhen descended, he saw Ji Cheng hanging from a tree. Her position was slightly recessed, which is why he hadn’t seen her from above.

Ji Cheng was closer to Chu Zhen than Shen Qian, and he quickly noticed the precarious tree. Without hesitation, he grabbed Ji Cheng’s hand just as the tree gave way, saving her from falling.

It was a close call. Had Chu Zhen arrived a moment later or chosen to save Shen Qian first, Ji Cheng might not have survived.

Chu Zhen helped Ji Cheng back up the cliff before returning for Shen Qian.

When Shen Qian was rescued, she was shivering uncontrollably. She approached Ji Cheng and slapped her hard.

The slap stunned not only Ji Cheng but also Cui Ling, Chu Zhen, and Shen Zheng, who had arrived.

Ji Cheng’s face turned to the side from the force of the slap. Before she could speak, Shen Qian, the one who slapped her, was crying more sorrowfully than the one who was slapped.

After such a commotion, no one felt like hunting or riding anymore. They packed up and returned to the hot spring estate.

When Ji Cheng returned, Shen Che was not there, likely out with Chu Zhen. She held her face all the way back until Gui Yuan saw her.

“Young Madam, what happened? Who dared to lay a hand on you?” Gui Yuan exclaimed.

Ji Cheng hadn’t brought Liu Ye and Yu Qian with her this time, as they were preparing for their upcoming weddings. Gui Yuan, new to serving Ji Cheng, wasn’t as attentive but was discreet and obedient. Ji Cheng didn’t answer Gui Yuan’s question. “Boil an egg for me to roll on my face, and don’t speak of this.”

Gui Yuan nodded and went to do as told.

Shen Qian’s slap was quite harsh. Even after rolling two eggs over the swelling, it was still noticeable. Ji Cheng applied ice and then a thick layer of rice powder to barely cover it, though it wouldn’t withstand scrutiny.

Ji Cheng stayed in her room all day, not even going out for dinner. When Shen Che returned to the estate, it was already late at night.

Shen Che entered to find Ji Cheng lying on her side, reading, with the slapped side of her face hidden in her hair’s shadow.

Seeing Shen Che, Ji Cheng put down her book and pulled up the quilt, preparing to sleep. “Why are you back so late? You said you’d accompany me to the hot springs, but you’ve been gone all day.”

Shen Che replied, “Just as you left, someone from the palace came. The Emperor’s illness has worsened, and I was summoned to discuss some matters.”

No wonder it took so long, to travel from the estate to the palace and back.

Ji Cheng asked softly, “Have you had dinner?”

Shen Che replied, “There was no time. Did you save some for me?”

Of course, she had. Whether Shen Che returned or not, Ji Cheng, as his wife, couldn’t let anyone find fault with her. She sat up slightly and called Gui Yuan, “Serve the Lord his dinner in the west side room.”

Shen Che sat on the bed and asked, “Won’t you get up to eat with me?”

Ji Cheng yawned, covering her mouth with her hand. “I’m tired. You eat by yourself.”

Shen Che stood up. “I’ll change my clothes first.”

Ji Cheng responded with a soft “Mm,” chatting idly with Shen Che behind the screen about palace matters. It seemed the future ruler would be the Emperor’s son Lady Huang. A new ruler meant new ministers, and she wondered how Shen Che’s position would change.

Shen Che changed and returned, not going to eat but sitting by Ji Cheng’s bed again. “Did anything happen today?”

Ji Cheng, hearing his question, realized he knew something. She felt she had done nothing wrong today and was the one who had been wronged. She doubted Shen Che would blame her, so she said, “There was a little mishap while racing with Ah Qian, but it was nothing serious.”

Shen Che’s smile faded, and he asked, “Nothing else?”

Ji Cheng thought for a moment. “Nothing major happened.”

“Then what about this?” Shen Che touched Ji Cheng’s swollen face.

The touch was firm, and Ji Cheng winced. “Ouch, be gentle.”

“Your face is swollen like a pig’s head. Don’t you have anything to say?” Shen Che asked coldly.

“It’s not that bad,” Ji Cheng protested. Seeing she couldn’t hide it, she sat up straight.

“Do you have anything to say now?” Shen Che asked.

Ji Cheng, annoyed by Shen Che’s cold demeanor, also put on a stern face. “You already know, don’t you? What do you want me to say? I did nothing wrong. How would I know why Ah Qian slapped me? If you think something’s amiss, go ask her what I did to offend her. I’ll apologize if necessary.”

Shen Che was silent for a while before saying, “Why should you apologize when she hit you?”

This question stumped Ji Cheng. She thought, isn’t it because you always take her side? But she couldn’t say that to Shen Che. She lowered her head slightly and said, “I must have done something wrong to upset her.”

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