HomeQi Xing CaiChapter 240: The Delicate Wife (Part 2)

Chapter 240: The Delicate Wife (Part 2)

Shen Che seemed quite angry. He ignored Ji Cheng, stood up, and walked out.

Ji Cheng asked, “Where are you going at this late hour?”

“I’m going to eat,” Shen Che replied without turning back.

Left alone in the room, Ji Cheng felt extremely wronged. Being a virtuous person was not easy; even when upset, she had to put on a smile for others. She didn’t expect Shen Che to comfort her, but his blatant favoritism was too much, making her feel deeply hurt.

Ji Cheng turned over to sleep, tears silently streaming down her face. The day’s fright and shock had kept her tense, and now, crying, she drifted into a hazy sleep.

However, Ji Cheng did not sleep deeply. When Shen Che gently wiped her face and applied medicine, she woke up but refused to open her eyes.

Despite feeling wronged, Ji Cheng thought about how Shen Che was also in a difficult position, caught between two sides. Since he was now applying medicine to her, she decided to forgive him. It was better than arguing and making a spectacle, which would only harm their relationship.

The herbal medicine felt cool and soothing on her face, and Ji Cheng drifted back to sleep. When she opened her eyes in the morning, she fully expected Shen Che to be gone, but to her surprise, he was still there, looking at her.

Since Ji Cheng had decided to forgive Shen Che, she moved closer to him, resting her head gently on his shoulder as a gesture of reconciliation.

However, Shen Che did not appreciate the gesture. He pushed her head away and got up, putting on his clothes.

Ji Cheng sat on the bed, bewildered. She couldn’t understand what had offended Shen Che. She thought her attitude last night had been humble enough, and she assumed his applying medicine was a sign of reconciliation.

But now was not the time to argue. There were many guests at the estate, so Ji Cheng, maintaining her good nature, acted as if nothing had happened. She let Gui Yuan’er help her wash and dress before heading to the main hall for breakfast.

The hostess, Ji Cheng arrived early, directing the maids to set the table. Soon, Feng Shuang entered, followed by Cui Ling and Shen Qian.

Facing Shen Qian, Ji Cheng felt a bit awkward. Although she had told Shen Che that she would apologize if she found out how she had offended Shen Qian, Ji Cheng knew deep down why Shen Qian was upset. It was because Chu Zhen had saved her first, making Shen Qian unhappy.

But such matters were not easy to speak of, so the best approach was to pretend nothing had happened.

Before Ji Cheng could signal to Shen Qian that she hadn’t taken last night’s events to heart, Shen Qian walked straight up to her.

“Second Sister-in-law, it was all my fault yesterday. Please forgive me,” Shen Qian said, her head lowered. Her eyes were shadowed, and her eyelids were red, indicating a sleepless night. “Second Sister-in-law, I won’t dare to disrespect you again.”

As Shen Qian spoke, she began to cry again.

No matter what Shen Qian said, Ji Cheng would never make things difficult for her. She was surprised that Shen Qian used the word “beg.” Ji Cheng quickly said, “It’s nothing. I didn’t take it to heart. You were frightened yesterday. If I hadn’t raced with you, nothing would have happened. I didn’t take good care of you.”

Ji Cheng’s words were meant to explain Shen Qian’s motives to everyone, preventing Cui Ling and Feng Shuang from misunderstanding her relationship with Chu Zhen.

After Shen Qian apologized, she looked pitifully at Shen Che and Chu Zhen, who had just entered.

Shen Che still wore a cold expression, glancing briefly at Shen Qian before looking away. Chu Zhen didn’t even glance at Shen Qian, walking straight to Ji Cheng. “Second Sister-in-law, Ah Qian was too reckless yesterday. She was frightened. Please don’t blame her. I apologize on her behalf.”

Chu Zhen bowed to Ji Cheng, who quickly stepped aside. “She’s my sister. I’ve never blamed her.”

Indeed, Ji Cheng didn’t blame Shen Qian. She was upset with Chu Zhen, unsure of how he usually treated Shen Qian to make her misunderstand so much. However, Ji Cheng was very grateful to Chu Zhen for saving her yesterday. Without him, she would have been doomed.

” I should be thanking you for saving my life,” Ji Cheng said, bowing to Chu Zhen.

Cui Ling laughed, “Alright, alright, everything is clear now. Let’s not dwell on it anymore.”

After breakfast, Chu Zhen and Shen Qian took their leave. They had originally planned to stay at the hot spring estate for two or three days, but yesterday’s events dampened everyone’s spirits. Fortunately, Shen Zheng and Chu De’s family stayed behind.

Watching Shen Qian’s retreating figure, Ji Cheng sighed. Shen Qian left feeling aggrieved, and her resentment towards Ji Cheng likely deepened. Since she was Shen Che’s cherished sister, this thought made Ji Cheng anxious. There was nothing she could do; no matter how well she spoke, it wouldn’t help. Only Chu Zhen and Shen Qian getting along could resolve it.

Cui Ling said from behind Ji Cheng, “Don’t sigh. Ah Qian’s little temper will pass. The second Brother already scolded her last night. Don’t take it to heart.”

Ji Cheng turned to Cui Ling in surprise, “Langjun, he…”

“You didn’t know?” Cui Ling asked, slightly surprised.

Indeed, Ji Cheng didn’t know and hadn’t expected it.

Last night, Shen Che had indeed given Shen Qian a stern lecture. As soon as he returned to the estate, someone informed him of everything that had happened.

When Shen Qian saw Shen Che, her eyes were swollen from crying, clearly at odds with Chu Zhen. Seeing Shen Che, she approached him like a savior, tugging at his sleeve and crying, “Second Brother.”

On any other day, Shen Che would have comforted Shen Qian and promised to stand up for her. But today was different. He brushed off Shen Qian’s hand.

Shen Qian cried out in shock, “Second Brother!”

“Don’t call me Second Brother. I don’t have a sister who can’t distinguish right from wrong,” Shen Che said.

“Second Brother,” Shen Qian was frightened by Shen Che’s cold tone. She had never heard him speak so harshly to her before. “Second Brother, you don’t understand…”

Shen Che interrupted, “You should be grateful you’re my sister. Otherwise, I would have cut off the hand that dared to strike.”

Shen Qian was silenced by the fierceness in Shen Che’s eyes.

“Grandmother and Father never taught you to repay kindness with enmity. Ah Qian, I’m very disappointed in you,” Shen Che said.

Tears welled in Shen Qian’s eyes, “Second Brother, you don’t understand, I…”

Shen Che coldly replied, “I know everything. You insisted on showing off your riding skills despite your lack of ability. Ah Cheng fell off the cliff trying to save you. Just because Zhen saved her first, you’re unhappy, right? But have you thought that the tree root Ah Cheng clung to couldn’t support her weight? If Zhen had been a moment later, I would have seen her corpse today.”

Shen Qian shook her head, crying, unsure of what she wanted to express.

Shen Che was furious and terrified, speaking harshly, “You can’t control your own man’s heart, yet you blame others. Is this what Grandmother and I taught you? I don’t care what Chu Zhen thinks, but I know Ah Cheng’s character well. If she wanted something with Chu Zhen, she wouldn’t have rejected him back then.”

Shen Che was very clear about this. Ji Cheng had considered Chu Zhen, but because Shen Qian was infatuated with him, and she was Shen Che’s cherished sister, Ji Cheng had to give up such a good match. Now, Shen Qian blamed her, making her feel like an outsider, quite aggrieved.

“Second Brother, I…” Shen Qian’s tears flowed like a waterfall.

Shen Che remained unmoved, “Don’t call me Second Brother. If you look down on me as your brother, I won’t acknowledge you as my sister.”

These words were severe.

Shen Qian cried, “How could I look down on you?”

“You dared to slap your Second Sister-in-law in front of so many people. Is that your respect? She’s my wife. If she gets slapped, do you think it reflects well on me?” Shen Che said. “I thought my sister would be different, not so narrow-minded, but you judge people by their background. Do you look down on Ah Cheng?”

“No, I don’t look down on her,” Shen Qian cried.

Shen Che said, “Don’t try to fool me. If it were your eldest sister-in-law, would you dare slap her?”

Without waiting for Shen Qian to answer, Shen Che continued, “You wouldn’t dare. But you must know, that I asked for Ah Cheng’s hand in marriage. Having her as my wife is my honor. If you don’t respect her, you don’t need to recognize me as your brother.”

Shen Qian cried, holding Shen Che’s sleeve, “Second Brother, I know I was wrong.” She had regretted it the moment she slapped Ji Cheng.

This time, Shen Che didn’t brush off Shen Qian’s hand, “Apologizing to me is useless. You owe it to her.”

“I’ll apologize to Second Sister-in-law now,” Shen Qian said, lowering her head.

Shen Che said, “You slapped her in front of everyone, but you want to apologize in private?”

Shen Qian looked at Shen Che, feeling he was too biased.

Shen Che sighed, “Ah Qian, I’m doing this for your good. You’re impulsive with Ah Cheng, but have you thought about how others will talk about Zhen? He must be upset with you too. Apologizing to Ah Cheng will only benefit you. If you can’t see that, you’ll be foolish forever.”

Shen Qian nodded, “I understand, Second Brother.” She had just argued with Chu Zhen, who also wanted her to apologize. She couldn’t bring herself to do it in front of Chu Zhen, but she couldn’t refuse Shen Che.

Shen Qian was a pampered girl, spoiled by Shen Che. Now that his tone softened, she dared to ask, “Second Brother, why are you so biased towards Second Sister-in-law?”

Shen Che frowned, “I’m not biased. I’m siding with reason, not family.” Indeed, Shen Che was biased towards Ji Cheng, but he couldn’t admit it in front of Shen Qian, or the rift between the sisters-in-law would deepen. “If she were wrong, I’d scold her too. Ah Qian, you’re married now, not a child. Think about it, if Zhen’s sister slapped you in front of everyone, and he sided with her, how would you feel?”

Just imagining it made Shen Qian uncomfortable, and she dared not accuse Shen Che of favoritism. This led to her apologizing to Ji Cheng the next morning.

After scolding Shen Qian, Shen Che went to find Chu Zhen in the back courtyard.

Chu Zhen felt awkward seeing Shen Che. Shen Qian’s public disrespect towards Ji Cheng was because he had saved Ji Cheng first. Everyone could guess Chu Zhen’s feelings.

So Chu Zhen felt awkward, speaking before Shen Che could, “Second Brother, Ah Qian misunderstood. I saved Second Sister-in-law first because…”

“I know,” Shen Che interrupted. “If you had been a moment later, Ah Cheng and I would have been separated forever. I’m only grateful to you, Zhen.”

Shen Che spoke sincerely. He hadn’t expected Ji Cheng to encounter danger at the hot spring estate, nor that she would fall off a cliff while riding. He wasn’t by her side, and upon hearing the news, he felt deep regret and fear.

Shen Che had rushed to the cliff to investigate, fearing the report was flawed, and worried someone had harmed Ji Cheng. He needed to see the scene himself to be at ease.

Seeing the marks on the cliff, Shen Che knew how dangerous it had been. He was genuinely grateful to Chu Zhen and even appreciated Chu Zhen’s feelings for Ji Cheng. If not for his attention to Ji Cheng’s danger and his immediate action, Shen Che couldn’t imagine what he might have done.

Chu Zhen sensed Shen Che’s sincerity, feeling relieved. He feared Shen Che would misunderstand his intentions, making things difficult for Ji Cheng.

Shen Che didn’t continue thanking Chu Zhen. To him, it was a great favor that words couldn’t express. If he could repay it in the future, he would do so without hesitation.

“Ah Qian has been spoiled at home. Don’t indulge her. Discipline her when needed, and punish her if necessary. Don’t worry about us,” Shen Che said.

Chu Zhen didn’t expect Shen Che to be so understanding, feeling embarrassed for being too harsh on Shen Qian. But her actions were indeed infuriating.

Shen Che didn’t stay long, eager to see Ji Cheng, so he left after a few words.

Before entering the room, Shen Che imagined many scenarios, mostly Ji Cheng tearfully complaining to him. The thought made him feel both sour and pained. If he hadn’t indulged in Shen Qian, Ji Cheng wouldn’t have suffered such grievances.

Or perhaps Shen Che imagined Ji Cheng coldly angry with him, thinking of many ways to appease her, even willing to kneel on a washboard if necessary, knowing she must have been terrified.

But Shen Che never expected Ji Cheng to be so calm when she saw him, as if nothing had happened.

Ji Cheng’s face was deliberately hidden by her hair, but Shen Che’s sharp eyes saw the swelling, feeling the pain and humiliation she must have endured.

Shen Che responded to Ji Cheng’s words, thinking she was putting on a front. But Ji Cheng was genuinely calm, deliberately avoiding the topic. Shen Che, with his keen intuition, sensed Ji Cheng’s thoughts.

She had never truly trusted him.

Shen Che felt he had been explicit, yet Ji Cheng still avoided the issue, only mentioning apologizing to Shen Qian. She neither trusted nor relied on him, not confiding her grievances, leaving Shen Che unsure of his role in her life.

Husband? Certainly not. Lover? Probably not. It seemed she treated him like a superior, fearing losing her position if she offended him. She was always careful, never quarreling, and when upset, only spoke a few words. A little coaxing from him, without any real action, and she moved on.

Even a fool like Shen Che knew this wasn’t how lovers should interact.

But today wasn’t the time for arguments. Shen Che knew Ji Cheng had a tough day, fearing he couldn’t control his anger, so he stepped back to eat, hoping she would realize something. But when he returned, she was sleeping soundly, oblivious.

The next morning was even more surprising. Despite his cold demeanor last night, Ji Cheng, the one wronged, smiled brightly at him, showing no temper.

The Ji Cheng Shen Che knew wasn’t without temper. This only meant she hid all her emotions, keeping him at a distance, and treating him as an outsider.

Or perhaps he had never truly entered Ji Cheng’s heart?

All morning, Shen Che was in a foul mood. Chu De and the others were tired of his sullen face, prompting him to seek out Ji Cheng.

Rounding the grove, Shen Che saw Ji Cheng in the pavilion, brewing tea for Cui Ling and Feng Shuang, chatting and laughing.             

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