HomeQi Xing CaiChapter 242: The Hot Spring

Chapter 242: The Hot Spring

This question truly stumped Ji Cheng. Following Shen Che’s line of thought, it seemed natural to marry “Shen Ziyun.” Her brother Ziyun wouldn’t be as difficult to please as Shen Che, wouldn’t be hot and cold, wouldn’t flirt outside, wouldn’t lose his temper with her, and would cherish her dearly.

Ji Cheng’s hesitation made Shen Che’s expression turn extremely unpleasant. He spun around and started to leave.

Ji Cheng inwardly exclaimed, “Oh no,” realizing Shen Che had set a trap for her.

If she let Shen Che leave now, they would surely enter another long period of cold war. Without thinking, Ji Cheng ran over to block his path. “Don’t go. You rattled off a whole bunch of things, not giving me a chance to speak. You say I judged you, but aren’t you doing the same, judging me without letting me explain?”

Shen Che stopped and looked at Ji Cheng, silent.

Ji Cheng stepped forward, wrapped her arms around Shen Che’s waist, and buried her head in his chest. “Hold me.”

Shen Che didn’t move.

“If you don’t hold me, I won’t say anything,” Ji Cheng teased.

Though Shen Che scoffed, he lifted his hands and slowly embraced Ji Cheng, tightening his grip until she felt her head might sink into his chest.

“I could just strangle you,” Shen Che growled in her ear. Even if Ji Cheng wasn’t sincere, what could he do? At most, he could ignore her for a few days, but he would inevitably be drawn back to her. He was utterly helpless, his heart entirely in her hands, to mold as she pleased.

Despite knowing she shouldn’t, Ji Cheng couldn’t help but smile as she nestled in Shen Che’s embrace. She suppressed her laughter and said, “I did hesitate when you asked me that question.”

Shen Che’s grip tightened, punishingly.

Ji Cheng stifled a groan and continued, “If Ziyun were the heir of the Duke’s household, naturally, I should choose him.” She felt her ribs might break and quickly added, “At least he wouldn’t scold me, bully me, threaten me, give me the cold shoulder, or flirt outside, making me sad.”

Shen Che let out a cold laugh and gradually loosened his hold.

Sensing this, Ji Cheng tightened her embrace around Shen Che and continued, “But what can I do? I hesitated because I wanted to marry someone who bullied me every day. Do you think my brain is broken?”

“Keep making things up. Let’s see what else you can say to appease me,” Shen Che said, unimpressed.

It seemed he wasn’t yet pacified. Through this incident, Ji Cheng learned a bit more about Shen Che. She never expected someone who appeared so calm, rational, and deeply scheming to have such a childish side.

Ji Cheng gently stroked Shen Che’s back, trying to soothe him. She thought perhaps the pressure of his work outside was so great that he couldn’t help but show his childish side and act spoiled when he was with her.

Yes, spoiled. Ji Cheng amusingly applied this term to Shen Che. Perhaps she truly didn’t care enough about him, as he said, which was why he created so many issues. Not coming home on the Lantern Festival, just to see if she would fuss, to know how much she cared for him. Like a child, causing trouble to get her attention.

Ji Cheng felt a bit helpless. With her personality, acting spoiled and silly was challenging, but she would try her best. Being unreasonable shouldn’t be too hard to learn.

Ji Cheng pressed her lips together, fearing Shen Che would hear the amusement in her voice, and continued, “You’re wronging me. How am I trying to appease you?” She thought to herself, isn’t that exactly what I’m doing? Appeasing a child might be easier than appeasing Shen Che. “When you stayed out all night and didn’t accompany me on the Lantern Festival, I didn’t fuss because I didn’t care. Seeing the Third Brother and Fourth Brother with their wives, even the Eldest Brother, who is usually so aloof, made time for the Eldest Sister-in-law, I felt really upset and angry with you. But when I saw how tired you looked when you came home at night, I couldn’t bear to.”

“I know you’re under a lot of pressure, especially with the Emperor’s health declining. You have many responsibilities, so I couldn’t bring myself to argue with you. I always thought we had plenty of time ahead of us and shouldn’t ruin our relationship over small matters. Didn’t Ah Cui end up with Qi Zheng because she couldn’t compromise at all? I’m really afraid…” Ji Cheng hugged Shen Che tightly. “I’m really afraid that one day you won’t care for me anymore, and I…” She choked up, exaggerating a bit, but smoothing Shen Che’s ruffled feathers was the priority.

Shen Che lowered his head, rubbing his face against Ji Cheng’s cheek. “Don’t wrong me. Don’t you know how much I care for you?”

Despite his words, Shen Che’s attitude softened significantly, and Ji Cheng knew she had found his pulse.

Whether he cared or not, Ji Cheng didn’t place much trust in a man’s sweet words or vows. If he truly liked her that much, he wouldn’t have been so decisive in writing the divorce letter. If she hadn’t pleaded with him, they might have parted ways long ago.

Ji Cheng didn’t want to argue over past events. After all, time had passed, and they had reconciled, but that incident left a shadow in her heart. She wondered if Shen Che’s change of heart was due to concern that the old matriarch wouldn’t accept it.

Shen Che felt the person in his arms pause. “What, you don’t believe me?” He was almost ready to carve out his heart for Ji Cheng to see.

Ji Cheng rolled her eyes internally. This person was too sharp and clever, making him incredibly difficult to appease.

The best way to deal with a smart person is to tell the truth.

Ji Cheng honestly said, “I always wonder if we would have separated if I hadn’t pleaded with you that day.”

Her tone was tinged with sadness.

Their unresolved issues stemmed from that incident. Shen Che felt Ji Cheng’s submission came too late, forced by circumstances, merely clinging to his status. Ji Cheng felt Shen Che’s divorce letter was too decisive, and his change of heart too easy. Though they had reconciled, their emotional foundation was fragile, filled with mutual suspicion and testing.

“No, we wouldn’t have,” Shen Che said, rubbing Ji Cheng’s cheek. “How could you think I would let you go?”

Uh, why did that sound so frightening? And Shen Che’s words were even more terrifying. “Even if we separated, it would only be temporary. I would have ways to bring you back to me. You might suffer during the process, but in the end, we would be together.”

Oh my. Ji Cheng knew Shen Che was domineering. When she proposed separation, she feared he would retaliate, and it turned out she was right. Knowing Shen Che, he would stop at nothing to force her submission. Ji Cheng felt a bit relieved, grateful she turned back early; otherwise, who knows how much she would have suffered.

Ji Cheng couldn’t help but think if she never grew to like Shen Che, would she have to live under his oppressive control for the rest of her life?

Ji Cheng shivered at Shen Che’s words.

“Thank goodness we didn’t reach that point,” Shen Che said, stroking Ji Cheng’s back.

Ji Cheng didn’t know if she was scared or what, but she became more adept at saying soothing words. “But you’re right, I didn’t trust you enough. I never thought you would choose me over Ah Qian.” Ji Cheng said with a hint of grievance, “You don’t know how protective you are. You were so protective of Ah Cui back then, I can’t imagine how protective you would be of Ah Qian.”

Ji Cheng rubbed her face against Shen Che’s chest. “When I heard from Sister Cui this morning that you scolded Ah Qian, although it wasn’t right, you can’t imagine how happy I was.”

Ji Cheng was indeed happy; otherwise, she wouldn’t have smiled so brightly at Shen Che, inadvertently pricking his restless heart.

“In my heart, no one is more important than you,” Shen Che said. Sons are like that, marrying a wife and forgetting their mother. If the old lady and Princess Anhe heard this, they would be heartbroken.

Naturally, Ji Cheng didn’t believe Shen Che’s nonsense. She could say sweet words too. But she felt relieved, having finally smoothed the feathers of the person before her. It wasn’t easy.

“In the future, if you’re wronged, don’t keep it to yourself,” Shen Che said, gently stroking Ji Cheng. “I’m afraid if you keep it all inside, over time, you’ll hurt yourself, and I’ll be the one worried.”

“Okay,” Ji Cheng obediently replied. “I won’t do it again.”

“You’re being so obedient now,” Shen Che chuckled, then looked down at Ji Cheng, who was looking up at him. Her eyes were bright and clear, more captivating than autumn waves. Her skin was as white and delicate as snow dumplings, surely sweet and tender to taste. Shen Che’s heart fluttered, and he lifted Ji Cheng, placing her on the bed.

The intimacy after a quarrel was always particularly passionate and emotional.

Ji Cheng felt Shen Che’s kisses were dense and tight, like raindrops falling on her, as if he wanted to devour her whole.

Though Ji Cheng was somewhat unaccustomed, she feared Shen Che would accuse her of being unenthusiastic or disliking his closeness, so she eagerly responded to his kisses, mimicking his actions, gently exploring with her tongue, and lightly licking his lips.

Shen Che shivered slightly, and Ji Cheng felt as if her waist might break from his grip, nearly suffocating.

The sound of fabric tearing echoed, and Ji Cheng’s perfectly good outfit was ruined. Shen Che’s kisses were fierce and urgent, like a starving ghost ravenous for food.

Though Ji Cheng was concerned about her “divine skill” not yet being fully established, given the current situation, she could only indulge him today. Her strength was like an ant trying to shake a tree compared to Shen Che.

Just when Ji Cheng thought Shen Che would recklessly proceed, he suddenly stepped back, taking several deep breaths.

Ji Cheng sat up, bewildered, only to see Shen Che turn his head away. “Pull up the blanket!”

Ji Cheng noticed Shen Che seemed to have a nosebleed again. She couldn’t help but laugh as she pulled the blanket over her chest. “I could stop practicing that Xuan Yue skill, you know.”

Shen Che looked down at Ji Cheng. “No, you can’t. Hand me the handkerchief.”

Ji Cheng found the handkerchief and tossed it to Shen Che. “Why not?”

As he wiped his nosebleed, Shen Che said, “Victory is in sight. We can’t give up now. Otherwise, if you can’t handle me in the future, I’ll be the one suffering.”

What nonsense? Ji Cheng didn’t quite understand, and Shen Che didn’t want to explain further. He turned and went to the washroom.

Hearing the commotion, Ji Cheng was dressing when she turned to see Shen Che had tidied himself up, though his ears were still a bit red, likely from embarrassment.

“Don’t get dressed. I’m taking you to the hot spring,” Shen Che said.

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