HomeQi Xing CaiChapter 244: Sin and Admonition

Chapter 244: Sin and Admonition

Upon returning to the Shen residence, Ji Cheng and Shen Che went together to Ruiying Hall to pay their respects to the Old Madam. Ji Cheng had personally picked some out-of-season fruits and vegetables from the villa to offer to the Old Madam as a token of her affection.

As they entered Ruiying Hall, they faintly heard crying. Turning to the east wing, they saw Shen He burying her head in the Old Madam’s lap, sobbing with her shoulders shaking violently.

Ji Cheng and Shen Che exchanged glances, and then Shen He looked up at them with a gaze filled with anger and resentment, leaving Ji Cheng puzzled.

However, it was only for a moment before Shen He turned back to the Old Madam, crying, “Old Ancestor, it’s not that I can’t tolerate others. The maid by my side has already been serving him, but why does he insist on this person? In the future, people will say that my husband and my second brother-in-law share a woman, and I can’t bear such shame.”

The “second brother-in-law” Shen He referred to was none other than Shen Che.

Ji Cheng looked at Shen Che again, who gave her an innocent look, indicating he knew nothing.

The Old Madam sighed softly, looking at Shen Che and Ji Cheng with a mix of helplessness and anger. “You’re back?”

“What happened?” Ji Cheng asked softly.

The Old Madam looked at Shen Che and Ji Cheng, hesitating to speak, but her gaze at Shen Che was filled with reproach.

Although Ji Cheng couldn’t guess the whole story, it was clear it involved Shen Che and was not something to be discussed in her presence. So she smiled and said, “Old Ancestor, I brought back some fruits and vegetables. I’ll go to the kitchen to prepare a few dishes for you.”

Behind the Old Madam’s back, Ji Cheng pinched Shen Che’s waist before turning to leave.

Back at Jiuli Courtyard, Yu Qian’er couldn’t wait to tell Ji Cheng what had happened over the past two days, and it indeed involved Shen Che.

Shen He had returned to the capital because her husband favored a concubine over her. This time, Zhai Yu had brought the concubine to the Shen family in the capital.

Zhai Yu, unwilling to part with his years of marriage to Shen He, also couldn’t let go of the beautiful and understanding concubine. He intended to reconcile his wife and concubine. The concubine, knowledgeable and gentle, showed great respect to Shen He, the main wife, and posed no threat to Ji Cheng’s position as the legitimate wife.

Ji Cheng thought Zhai Yu was truly heartless. Coming to persuade Shen He, he still brought the concubine, hoping the Shen family elders would convince Shen He to accept the concubine.

Men taking concubines was not unusual, and elders would never teach their daughters to be jealous and intolerant.

Madam Huang didn’t want to interfere in Shen He’s affairs, leaving the Old Madam to handle it.

Zhai Yu brought the concubine, who knelt at Shen He’s door for a day and night, asking for forgiveness, claiming she couldn’t leave Zhai Yu due to her admiration for him.

Though it seemed like an act, the concubine’s posture was proper. If Shen He insisted on selling the concubine, it would seem unreasonable.

The Old Madam, being wise, knew that if Zhai Yu truly cared for Shen He, he would have sent the concubine away before coming to the capital. Bringing her meant that if forced to choose, Zhai Yu would rather give up Shen He.

The Old Madam didn’t want Shen He to confront the concubine head-on. After all, women age, and Shen He and Zhai Yu had children. In old age, a man would realize the value of his legitimate wife. Let the concubine have her moment of glory for now.

But Shen He refused to agree.

“Young Madam, do you know who the concubine is?” Yu Qian’er looked at Ji Cheng with a “you’ll never guess” expression.

Ji Cheng replied, “Is it one of my husband’s former acquaintances?” She had some inkling from Shen He’s deliberate words at Ruiying Hall, and now Yu Qian’er’s hint confirmed it. She just didn’t know who exactly, as Shen Che’s past was quite colorful.

“It’s Miss Rui Yu from Jiangnan Tower,” Yu Qian’er said.

“Her?” Ji Cheng remembered Rui Yu, as she was quite famous in the capital’s entertainment circles, almost a celebrity. She later left for the south, and Ji Cheng hadn’t expected her to become Zhai Yu’s concubine. Life was indeed unpredictable.

Ji Cheng had seen Rui Yu before, during a Mid-Autumn Festival at the Three Lives Alley near the Temple of the Moon. Rui Yu was with Shen Che then, and he even carried things for her.

Ji Cheng hadn’t expected to remember Rui Yu so vividly.

Back at Ruiying Hall, after Ji Cheng left, the Old Madam didn’t hold back with Shen Che. “This is all your fault, getting involved with those improper women and making your second sister so upset.”

Shen Che laughed, “Your words are so vague, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Shen He wiped her tears with a handkerchief, “Old Ancestor, it’s not Ah Che’s fault. It’s all Zhai Yu’s doing, bringing all sorts of filth home. I can’t live with him anymore. You see how he’s gone too far. I want a divorce.”

Shen He’s words weren’t alarming, but the Old Madam took them to heart. She had lived a long life, nearing seventy, and had always had a good reputation. But now, first Shen Cui divorced, and now Shen He wanted to divorce too. The Old Madam couldn’t bear these successive blows and fell ill.

Because of this, Shen Che was very angry with Shen He. Shen He was also frightened, knowing that if she angered the Old Madam, the entire Shen family wouldn’t forgive her.

Ji Cheng served the Old Madam for several days, personally brewing her medicine and feeding her. She understood the Old Madam’s feelings to some extent.

“Old Ancestor, please don’t worry too much. Everyone in the capital knows it was the Qi family’s fault in Ah Cui’s case. Even after the divorce, our family didn’t bully anyone, only showing our kindness. The third Aunt is already looking for a new match for Ah Cui, and several families have inquired. As for Second Sister, you don’t need to worry. She’s sensible and won’t abandon her children. She’s just trying to make a Brother-in-law compromise. Please don’t take it to heart.”

The Old Madam drank the medicine from Ji Cheng’s hand, shaking her head with a bitter smile. “I care about reputation, but I care more about Ah He and Ah Cui’s happiness. If they’re unhappy, I feel it too.” As a loving elder, the Old Madam’s distress was understandable. “That’s why I don’t allow the men in our family to take concubines unless there’s a good reason. You and Ah Che should live well. I see he’s changed a lot now. I just hope you two can be happy.”

Ji Cheng wiped the medicine from the Old lady’s mouth, “My husband treats me very well. As they say, a prodigal son who returns is worth more than gold. You don’t need to worry about us.”

“It would be even better if you had a child soon,” the Old Madam sighed.

“I’ll give you a big, fat great-grandson soon,” Shen Che said, entering from outside and standing behind Ji Cheng, addressing the Old Madam.

After helping the Old Madam to bed, Ji Cheng returned to Jiuli Courtyard with Shen Che.

Shen Che gently embraced Ji Cheng, “You’ve worked hard these past few days. I’ll reward you well later.” He stole a kiss on her cheek.

Ji Cheng’s brows didn’t relax, “It’s not hard. I’m happy to serve the Old Ancestor. Oh, by the way, how did you handle Second Brother-in-law’s matter?”

Shen Che raised an eyebrow, “Why should I handle their affairs? Do you think I have nothing better to do?”

Ji Cheng smiled, “You do have a lot to do, but with Second Sister’s issue making the Old Ancestor sick, I don’t believe you’d do anything. You must have a plan, right?”

This time, Shen Che didn’t deny it. He rested his chin on Ji Cheng’s shoulder, “You know me well, Ah Cheng. I can’t hide anything from you.”

Shen Che had indeed met with Rui Yu.

“I never thought you’d willingly become my Second Brother-in-law’s concubine,” Shen Che said bluntly to Rui Yu.

Zhai Yu was a well-known scholar and handsome man, but Rui Yu had seen many talented men, and it was unlikely she’d settle for being Zhai Yu’s concubine.

Rui Yu replied, “I never thought you’d be so heartless to force me to leave.”

It wasn’t that Shen Che forced Rui Yu to leave. He sent her away to help her escape her status and encouraged her to make her way.

But Rui Yu’s nature was different from Fang Xuan’s. Fang Xuan was genuinely passionate about music, while Rui Yu was infatuated with Shen Che. After leaving, she felt more and more that Shen Che was heartless, not only changing his heart but also forcing her out of the capital.

Rui Yu met Zhai Yu by chance and had little affection for him initially. But upon learning he was Shen He’s husband, she became interested. With her skills, seducing Zhai Yu was easy.

Although Shen He was born of a concubine, the Shen family’s power and her talents made her strong-willed. In the early years, she and Zhai Yu were affectionate, but over time, conflicts arose, and Rui Yu took advantage of the situation, winning Zhai Yu’s heart.

Rui Yu’s plan was simple. She needed support, which could be anyone, including Zhai Yu. An added benefit was making Shen Che’s sister experience disappointment and pain.

Interfering in marital affairs was taboo, but the Old Madam’s illness forced Shen Che to act.

Shen Che intended for Rui Yu to retreat, offering compensation without bullying her. But her tone revealed she was targeting him, making him realize he owed Shen He.

Shen Che said one thing to Rui Yu before leaving. She chased after him, asking loudly, “Don’t you have anything else to say to me?”

Shen Che left without looking back. Resolving the issue didn’t require dealing with Rui Yu directly. The Zhai family was large and influential, and Zhai Yu, as a member, couldn’t risk his family’s downfall for Rui Yu. In critical moments, men are decisive.

Shen Che had no lingering feelings for Rui Yu. Ji Cheng, however, felt a bit sorry, “You played with her back then, and now it’s karma, isn’t it?”

Though Shen Che didn’t want to admit he played with Rui Yu, at most they spent a few days together without any intimacy. But he did hurt her feelings.

So, hearing Ji Cheng’s words, he didn’t argue, just smiled faintly.

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