HomeQi Xing CaiChapter 3: A Difficult Path

Chapter 3: A Difficult Path

When Ji Cheng entered the room prepared for her by her aunt in the west wing of the main house, accompanied by Yu Qian’er and Liu Ye’er, she was slightly startled. This room was far more luxurious than the main house.

The entire set of rosewood furniture, neither too new nor too old, exuded an air of elegance without the brashness of the nouveau riche. The decor was exquisite, especially the three-paneled rosewood screen painted with beauties, its carving and style were both remarkably fine.

Ling Zhen, the head maid of Ji Lan who had followed them in, said, “This screen was given by the Old Madam when the Third Madam gave birth to the Fifth Miss. It’s said to have been bestowed by the late Empress.”

Realizing its extraordinary origin, Ji Cheng nodded.

Later, following Ji Lan’s instructions, Ling Rong opened the storeroom and led a string of maids and servants to bring in various items. Some carried screens, others lifted kang tables, and still, others brought in items like a white jade phoenix-chirping bamboo-waisted vase and an official kiln double-ring chrysanthemum vase.

The antique furnishings in this room were precious objects that money couldn’t buy, accumulated only by families of hereditary nobility over generations.

After settling in, Yu Qian’er couldn’t help but say, “When we first arrived, I thought Aunt didn’t like Miss, but now it doesn’t seem so. Why is that?”

Indeed, it was difficult to guess the reason for this initial aloofness followed by generosity. It seemed as if she was trying to dazzle Ji Cheng with this roomful of priceless treasures. Otherwise, why suddenly bring in so many antiques and precious objects to a room that should have been prepared earlier?

Was it to intimidate her into retreating, or to spark her ambition? Ji Cheng couldn’t yet fathom her aunt’s intentions, but with plenty of time ahead, any schemes would eventually come to light.

During dinner, Ji Cheng’s uncle, the Third Master Shen, returned home from his official duties. Ji Cheng and Ji Yuan went to the main house to pay their respects.

Shen Ying was a very gentle person. He greeted Ji Yuan and Ji Cheng with concern, asking many questions. He also mentioned that Ji Yuan’s desire to study at Dongshan Academy was nearly arranged, but the academy’s headmaster still needed to personally examine Ji Yuan before deciding whether to admit him.

Ji Yuan was naturally grateful. Shen Ying added that he would personally accompany him to visit the headmaster on his next day off.

As for Ji Cheng, Shen Ying, being her uncle, needed to maintain propriety. He simply asked if she had studied at home.

Ji Cheng replied that her father had hired a female teacher to instruct her in reading and writing.

Shen Ying was delighted, not expecting his brother-in-law to have such an open mind. “Good, for a young lady to be literate has two benefits: one, she can understand many principles from books, which is beneficial for her descendants; two, she can assist her future husband with his work, which is advantageous for both husband and wife.”

“What are you saying, my lord?” Ji Lan chided.

Shen Ying suddenly realized he shouldn’t joke like this with his niece. He was usually a rather romantic and unrestrained person, which was why he and Ji Lan had such a beautiful love story. But now he felt his casual words were inappropriate and became somewhat embarrassed.

Ji Cheng’s ears turned red, and she just lowered her head without speaking.

To cover up his earlier mistake, Shen Ying changed the subject, “Our Shen family has a study hall specifically for women. Your female cousins all study there, learning to read and write, and understanding principles from the teacher. If Acheng stays in the capital for a long time, she could join them as a companion. After all, teaching one or teaching several makes no difference.”

Hearing this, Ji Cheng looked up at Ji Lan, as whether she could stay in the capital ultimately depended on her aunt’s decision.

Ji Lan had originally planned to observe Ji Cheng for a few days before deciding whether to send her to the study hall. But now that Shen Ying had spoken, she couldn’t refuse without causing him to lose face. So she smiled and said, “Acheng will likely stay in the capital for some time. I had intended to send her to the study hall to accompany Cui’er and the other young ladies, but my lord has beaten me to it. It seems this favor falls to you, my lord.”

Shen Ying smiled, “Oh my, had I known, I wouldn’t have spoken up. You naturally care more for your niece than I do, and would surely arrange everything perfectly.”

After chatting for a while longer, a servant from the gate came to report that the Fifth Miss and two young masters were dining at the Old Madam’s Rui Ying Hall. Ji Lan then said, “In that case, let’s have dinner here. We’re all close family, there’s no need for formalities. It’s livelier to eat together.”

Shen Ying nodded, but in large families, it was customary not to speak while eating or resting. So this meal was not particularly lively. After dinner, Ji Cheng and Ji Yuan returned to their respective rooms.

In the evening, Ji Cheng paced her room to aid digestion. Yu Qian’er, who had been out exploring, returned with a general understanding of the situation in the Shen family’s third branch. “After dinner, Uncle went to Concubine Fang’s room.”

Ji Cheng wasn’t surprised. Though her aunt was beautiful, she was already in her thirties and naturally couldn’t compare to the freshness of the concubines. Even her father hadn’t frequented her mother’s room much in recent years, despite her mother being even more beautiful than her aunt.

“I asked you to inquire about household matters, why are you only reporting on Uncle’s private affairs?” Liu Ye’er poked Yu Qian’er’s forehead with her index finger.

Yu Qian’er was fourteen this year, but her small frame made her look only twelve or thirteen. Her snow-white and lovable appearance rarely aroused suspicion in others, so she could usually gather information others couldn’t.

“Oh, I just happened to overhear it,” Yu Qian’er pouted. The servants loved to gossip about their masters’ private affairs. Knowing the master favored that concubine, they would try to curry favor or at least be cautious around her. It couldn’t hurt to know such things.

“Let her speak. It’s not bad for us to listen,” Ji Cheng said.

Yu Qian’er smiled triumphantly at Liu Ye’er, “Uncle likes the newly arrived Concubine Mei best. Both Concubine Mei and Concubine Fang live in the small courtyard behind the main house. Concubine Fang has given birth to a daughter, the current Eighth Miss.”

Yu Qian’er rattled on, but seeing her mistress only pacing the room without speaking, she realized she wasn’t interested. Yu Qian’er blamed herself for not gathering any useful information. But this wasn’t her fault, after all, she had only been here for a day.

“I’ll go fetch some water for Miss to bathe,” Yu Qian’er said, running out. After a while, she indeed returned with two servants carrying buckets of hot water.

The two servants were very enthusiastic, “Young Miss, if you need hot water in the future, just let us know. The kitchen always keeps water warm.”

Ji Cheng smiled and had Liu Ye’er give them each a handful of candies they had brought from Jin to take back for their grandchildren.

The two servants thanked them and left.

While Yu Qian’er was washing Ji Cheng’s back, Ji Cheng asked, “How much silver did you spend to make those two servants so eager to bring us hot water?”

“Not much, just two taels of silver each,” Yu Qian’er said. She felt her mistress straighten her back, the muscles around her shoulder blades tensing. She quickly added, “Miss, you didn’t see their faces when I first asked for hot water. They said even the legitimate masters of the house hadn’t asked for hot water yet, and it needed to be saved for them. But after I gave them silver, their attitude changed completely, as if they’d never seen money before.”

“Do you know how much their monthly wage is?” Ji Cheng asked sternly.

Well, that she didn’t know. Since following Ji Cheng, Yu Qian’er had never lacked money and hadn’t thought to inquire about the wages of the Shen household servants.

“Then do you know what Aunt usually uses to reward the servants?” Ji Cheng sighed, “What you did might disrupt Aunt’s household rules. It’s difficult to manage a household of servants, but all too easy to spoil them.”

Yu Qian’er felt a bit wronged and said, “But we’ve just arrived, and everyone here looks down on us for being from the west. Master doesn’t have an official position, so it’s impossible to get anything done without using silver.”

Ji Cheng said, “I understand all that. But we’re guests in someone else’s house, and Aunt is busy, so she can’t attend to everything. Even if we face some inconveniences, Aunt would surely arrange things if we mentioned it to her. But by casually spending silver like this, it’s as if you’re slapping Aunt’s face.”

Yu Qian’er was so upset she stopped washing, “But Miss used to bathe daily at home. We didn’t mention it on the journey due to special circumstances, but should you not bathe on your first day here? You won’t be able to sleep well without bathing. If I didn’t spend money, how else could I have gotten this bucket of hot water?”

Ji Cheng was both amused and exasperated, “Oh, my little lady, your temper is too hot! I was just explaining the principle to you. I know our Yu Qian’er meant well, and these few taels of silver were well spent. But we can’t continue doing this in the future. Although money can make things happen, it can’t buy respect. In the future, don’t just think of throwing money at problems when you hit a wall. Can you try to think of other solutions?”

Yu Qian’er pouted, then picked up the towel to wipe Ji Cheng’s hands, “I understand. Did I cause trouble for Miss today?”

Ji Cheng sighed, “It’s alright. At most, Aunt might scold us a bit tomorrow.”

After bathing, Liu Ye’er had already prepared Ji Cheng’s usual floral water and scented creams. While Ji Cheng applied them to her face, Liu Ye’er used the scented cream on her feet and then helped her put on cotton gloves and socks before assisting her into bed.

“Liu Ye’er, can you sleep in my room tonight?” Ji Cheng asked.

Liu Ye’er was a year older than Ji Cheng and had served her for longer. She knew that despite her young mistress’s shrewd mind, she was undoubtedly anxious about being alone in this household. Although the young master had also come, it would be inconvenient for him to look after his sister in the inner courtyard.

“I’ll wash my face and feet, then come right back,” Liu Ye’er said, turning to spread her bedding at the foot of Ji Cheng’s bed. She quickly finished her ablutions and returned to the room.

Ji Cheng tossed and turned in bed, unable to sleep. She had always been a poor sleeper, and changing locations made it even harder. Her thoughts were in disarray, suddenly jumping back to Jin and thinking of Ling Ziyun. She probably wouldn’t be able to marry him in this lifetime. Although their families were well-matched, once faced with outside humiliation, they were likely to fall apart. Perhaps it was better to gaze at each other from afar, each finding their path.

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