HomeQi Xing CaiChapter 34: A Pinch of Arsenic

Chapter 34: A Pinch of Arsenic

Ji Cheng didn’t believe that Shen Che had appeared for her sake. If she hadn’t met Shen Che and only heard Shen Qian’s snippets, Ji Cheng might have believed Shen Che to be a lustful, pampered young master. However, upon seeing him, she felt he was no ordinary person. His clear spirit and refined aura were far from those of a man bewitched by female charms.

Whenever someone wears a mask in public or deliberately guides rumors, they must have secrets to conceal. Ji Cheng even wondered why Shen Qian repeatedly let slip Shen Che’s romantic affairs. Unless Shen Che allowed or even encouraged it, how could Shen Qian speak so freely about her brother?

Thinking of this, Ji Cheng suddenly recalled the “ghost wall” bamboo grove. Ji Cheng was skeptical about ghosts and spirits; she preferred to believe that the grove was strange, and Shen Che had appeared to prevent her from stumbling upon something she shouldn’t see. Ji Cheng shuddered, grateful she hadn’t seen anything. She didn’t want to probe into Shen Che’s secrets—the more one knows, the quicker one dies. It was better to stay far away.

Yet Yuqian’er, oblivious to the danger, asked Ji Cheng, “Miss, was that the Second Young Master we just saw? Surely he’s as handsome as Pan An from the storybooks, isn’t he?”

Ji Cheng shook her head helplessly. She didn’t know where Yuqian’er had picked up the habit of judging people by their looks, especially her fondness for commenting on people’s beauty. For those less fortunate in appearance, she barely spared a glance. Liu Ye’er had privately chided her many times for this behavior but to no avail.

“You can’t judge people solely by their looks,” Ji Cheng said. “Those as handsome as Pan An often have the constitution of a floating leaf—a gust of wind could blow them away. Marry one, and you might become a widow in just a few years, ruining your entire life. Then there are those beautiful on the outside but with hearts like poisonous scorpions—you’d be tormented to death before you even realize your good fortune. Rough-faced, sturdy men, on the other hand, are transparent. Even if they fall on hard times, with their strength, they can farm and work, ensuring their family doesn’t starve. That’s true security.”

Now it was Yuqian’er’s turn to shudder. “Miss, please don’t marry me off to a rough-faced man.”

Ji Cheng replied, “If you keep judging people by their looks, watch me find you a rough-faced husband.”

But Yuqian’er remained stubborn, blinking her eyes as she said, “If I met someone who looked like the Second Young Master, even if he had a heart like a poisonous scorpion, I think I could endure it. Even if I became a widow after a few years, it would still be a life well-lived.”

Ji Cheng nearly stumbled upon hearing this. People’s hearts truly came in countless varieties; she couldn’t understand Yuqian’er’s perspective at all. Did she believe that beauty alone could sustain one?

Fearing that Yuqian’er might develop inappropriate feelings for the wrong person at her young age, Ji Cheng added, “Those born with good looks are all transformed spirits, come to the mortal world to cause harm. You’d better be careful.”

Yuqian’er wrinkled her nose and said, “Miss, that’s a great misconception. Who would call themselves a spirit?”

Ji Cheng smiled at Yuqian’er’s flattery but then dimmed her expression. “What good could come from being close to someone like me?” Ji Cheng didn’t consider herself a good person; anyone who obstructed her would be eliminated, so it was best to keep a distance from her.

“Miss, don’t belittle yourself. Being able to follow you is a blessing Yuqian’er must have cultivated for many years,” Yuqian’er said sincerely. She truly felt this way. With any other master, how could she be so at ease? Moreover, Ji Cheng always protected those who were truly loyal to her.

Those who find it difficult to give their hearts often understand the value of sincerity even more.

Looking into Yuqian’er’s eyes, Ji Cheng gave up trying to persuade her. This girl was so adept at flattery, and Ji Cheng was particularly susceptible to it. No wonder Liu Ye’er often said she indulged Yuqian’er too much. Well, if she were an emperor, she’d surely be among the foolish ones.

The next day, Ji Cheng rose early and chose a brighter outfit than usual—a peach and rice-colored jacket and skirt, tied with a crimson silk sash. On her chest hung a golden lock adorned with begonias, symbolizing wealth and status. The ensemble made her appear as radiant as the first light of dawn, with a touch of allure amidst her brilliance.

Ji Cheng looked at herself in the mirror and felt it was too eye-catching. She removed the hairpins and ornaments, leaving only a golden ring to tie her hair, which gave her a clean and neat appearance.

When Ji Cheng arrived at Shen Cui’s room, she was having breakfast.

“Why are you here so early?” Shen Cui asked.

“Aren’t we supposed to pay our respects to the Old Madam today?” Ji Cheng replied.

Old Madam Shen was considerate of the younger generation’s need for sleep too, so she didn’t require them to pay respects daily. Shen Cui’s side only went once every five days, and Ji Cheng always accompanied her. However, fearing Shen Cui might have some thoughts, Ji Cheng always remained quiet and stood to the side in front of the Old Madam.

“But why so early?” Shen Cui disliked Ji Cheng’s eagerness, as she had already won over Shen Yuan, Shen Qian, and even young Hong’er.

“We rarely go, so it’s better to be early,” Ji Cheng said.

“What do you mean rarely? Don’t we go every five days? Even when we don’t pay respects, don’t we often see the Old Madam?” Shen Cui glanced sideways at Ji Cheng.

Ji Cheng smiled good-naturedly and said, “Sister Yuan and Sister Jun have breakfast with the Old Madam every day. Even Sister Qian goes very often.”

Shen Cui glared at Ji Cheng. “What are you implying?” In truth, she felt guilty. Shen Cui indeed didn’t like going to the Old Madam, feeling that she always favored Shen Yuan and Shen Qian. Her visits felt like mere formalities, so she didn’t bother to show excessive care.

Ji Cheng sat down in front of Shen Cui and said, “I don’t mean anything. I just know that the less you attend to the Old Madam, the less she remembers you.”

Shen Cui snorted, “Don’t think I don’t know what you’re after. You’re hoping the Old Madam will help you find a good marriage, aren’t you? I’m not like you. I’m not so thick-skinned or so eager to get married.”

Shen Cui was like a child who hadn’t grown up. Her words made Ji Cheng blush to her ears; anyone else might have been so embarrassed they’d want to jump into a river.

Ji Cheng’s expression immediately changed. She sat down on the embroidered stool next to Shen Cui, her face pale and her eyes rimmed with red. “Sister is right. If I were born into a family like yours, I naturally wouldn’t be so shameless. But I…”

Although Shen Cui had a petty personality, she wasn’t a bad person at heart. Seeing Ji Cheng’s pitiful state, she felt sympathetic. “I was just talking nonsense. Don’t take it to heart.”

Ji Cheng, knowing Shen Cui’s nature, understood that as long as you admitted to being inferior to her, she would treat you well.

Looking into Shen Cui’s eyes, Ji Cheng said, “I know you’re straightforward and only say such things because you don’t consider me an outsider. If you saw me as an outsider, you wouldn’t speak like that.”

These words touched Shen Cui’s heart. She had been regretting her hurtful words, but with Ji Cheng’s interpretation, she became the straightforward, good sister. Shen Cui’s embarrassment immediately dissipated.

“Let’s go find Sister Yuan and go together,” Shen Cui said, standing up.

Ji Cheng nodded with a smile, her red-rimmed eyes not yet faded.

When the two arrived at Shen Yuan’s room, she had just finished a light meal. Seeing them enter, she smiled and said, “I was just about to go find you.”

When the three arrived at Old Madam’s Rui Ying Hall, Shen Qian, Su Jun, and Lu Yuan were already inside. With the addition of Ji Cheng and the others, the atmosphere became even livelier, and the smile never left the Old lady’s face.

Ji Cheng remained quiet as usual, not trying to steal anyone’s spotlight. She observed and realized that the Old Madam treated Shen Cui no differently from Shen Yuan and the others; it was only Shen Cui’s suspicions that made her think otherwise.

At this moment, Lu Yuan was sitting next to the Old Madam, telling jokes that had everyone laughing heartily. Su Jun wore a shy expression, while Shen Qian was gently nudging her with her elbow, probably teasing her.

Because Ji Cheng was dressed so brightly today, when the Old Madam’s eyes swept over her, she beckoned to Ji Cheng. Taking her hand, she said to Madam Huang beside her, “This child’s complexion has improved so much.”

Madam Huang smiled and said, “Indeed, they say our Shen family is best at nurturing girls, but it’s really because the Old Madam dotes on them so much.”

The Old Madam looked Ji Cheng over again and smiled, “Young girls should wear bright colors. You usually dress too plainly. When you reach my age, even if you want to wear bright colors, no one will look.”

“She’s born so beautiful that dressing makes her talent stand out even more,” Madam Huang added from the side.

The Old Madam suddenly fell silent for a moment before speaking, “That’s true.”

Ji Cheng listened to these words with a faint smile, not interjecting to draw attention to herself. Shen Yuan, watching from the side, felt that she was quiet and composed, with a detached attitude, and her good impression of Ji Cheng increased another notch.

After chatting for a while longer in the Old Madam’s room, everyone took their leave together and headed to the study hall.

Shen Yuan quietly asked Su Jun, “Sister Jun, is your happy day approaching?”

Although her voice was low, girls of this age loved to gossip about others’ marriages, and their ears were all perked up, catching every word.

Lu Yuan laughed and said, “Sister Qian just asked her too, but Sister Jun was too shy to answer. It must be good news coming soon.”

Lu Yuan’s voice was much louder, making it impossible for the others to pretend they hadn’t heard.

Su Jun, embarrassed and anxious, said, “No, no, it’s not like that.”

Ji Cheng noticed Su Jun’s unusual expression and guessed that she might not be the son of the Huang family. She said, “The teacher is here. Let’s review our lessons quickly.”

Everyone stopped teasing Su Jun, who breathed a sigh of relief and smiled gratefully at Ji Cheng.

Ji Cheng returned the smile but inwardly thought that there were no secrets in the Shen family. Yesterday, when Yuqian’er returned with the news, she thought it was exclusive, but by early this morning, everyone who should know already knew.

In the end, the marriage arrangement between Su Jun and the eldest son of the Huang family fell through. According to rumors, it was because Old Madam Su didn’t approve of the Huang family’s eldest son.

Ji Cheng sighed inwardly. She knew of the Huang family; they had strict family values and were quite good. It was just that the Huang son was a bit plump and slow, giving an impression of dullness. But to Ji Cheng, a dull man was better than a shrewd one. What she couldn’t hope for, others looked down upon.

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