HomeQi Xing CaiChapter 37: Pleasure Garden (Part 2)

Chapter 37: Pleasure Garden (Part 2)

“The weather is lovely today. Shall we go for a ride? The Pleasure Garden has a vast, open landscape reminiscent of our homeland in Jin,” Ji Yuan suggested.

“Certainly, brother. Just give me a moment,” Ji Cheng replied. She went to change her clothes and informed Shen Yuan and the others before joining Ji Yuan.

Ji Yuan’s servant, Wu Tong, was waiting at the side gate of the Quiet Garden with two horses, one black and one chestnut.

Ji Cheng smiled knowingly. Ji Yuan was well aware of his sister’s quick wit, and they both understood the situation without needing to discuss it openly.

“Brother, you know me well. I’m quite particular. I don’t fancy riding that horse of yours,” Ji Cheng said.

Ji Yuan became anxious, “What’s wrong with this horse? I spent a considerable amount on it.”

Ji Cheng thought to herself that while her brother had indeed spent a lot, it wasn’t spent wisely. Ji Yuan was a typical scholar, focused solely on his studies and oblivious to practical matters. He likely didn’t know if he had been cheated when buying the horse.

In truth, Ji Yuan hadn’t necessarily misspent his money. The polo club certainly had people knowledgeable about horses, but good horses were rare and expensive, often beyond reach even for a thousand gold pieces.

Ji Cheng said, “I happen to have two fine horses. I bought them recently when I came across someone selling them, thinking good horses are hard to come by. Why don’t you try them, brother?”

Ji Cheng’s two horses were originally kept in the stables at Orchid Lane. She had planned this since hearing about the polo matches from Shen Yuan and the others. It wasn’t specifically for Ji Yuan, but rather because good horses made excellent gifts, especially when they matched the recipient’s interests, potentially yielding significant benefits.

Unexpectedly, Ji Yuan had joined the Chuyang Society, making the horses perfect for his use. She had sent them over a few days ago, saying they were for Ji Yuan and Shen Jing. Ji Lan naturally had no objections.

The two horses were soon brought before Ji Yuan. One had a mottled, dull gray coat and seemed listless, while the other was a vibrant chestnut color, full of spirit. Both were lean rather than large.

Ji Yuan was immediately drawn to the spirited chestnut horse.

Ji Cheng didn’t specify which horse was for whom. She led the gray horse over, fed it some grass, and gently stroked its back.

Ji Yuan examined the chestnut horse closely, checking its teeth and hooves. Having gained some knowledge about horses recently, he remarked, “This horse looks very spirited.”

“Why don’t you try riding it, brother?” Ji Cheng suggested, adjusting her veil from her left ear to her right. The veil didn’t conceal much but served to protect her skin from the wind.

They began by riding side by side through the crowded areas. Once they reached the vast open grassland, they gradually picked up speed.

The grassland of the Pleasure Garden wasn’t like the northern steppes, covered entirely in green grass. Instead, it was a mix of grass and trees, though the trees were not tall.

After a few laps, Ji Yuan felt increasingly comfortable with his mount. The chestnut horse seemed almost human in its responsiveness, both agile and alert. Ji Yuan felt as if his riding skills had improved dramatically.

Seeing Ji Yuan’s obvious delight, Ji Cheng smiled and pointed her riding crop towards a distant hill. “Brother, let’s race to that hill and see who gets there first.”

Ji Yuan looked at the seemingly lackluster gray horse Ji Cheng was riding. “Are you sure?”

“Absolutely,” Ji Cheng replied with a playful smile.

Between their current position on the small hill and the distant target, there were several small groves. Going around them would be a longer route, but riding through them would slow them down. Ji Yuan surveyed the landscape, planning his route before asking Ji Cheng, “Are you ready?”

Ji Cheng nodded.

At the foot of the hill was a sparse grove. Although it was possible to ride through, Ji Yuan calculated that it would be faster to go around it at full gallop.

Just as Ji Yuan was about to rein in his horse, he watched in astonishment as Ji Cheng and her gray horse shot down the hill like a gust of wind. The gray horse suddenly leaped forward, accelerating instantly without any buildup. Ji Yuan was caught off guard.

Watching Ji Cheng charge downhill, it seemed she had no intention of slowing down. At this rate, she was bound to crash into a tree trunk. Even if she lay flat on the horse’s back, she would still be scratched by the branches.

However, just before impact, the gray horse performed an incredibly agile maneuver. With its front legs stretched forward and hind legs splayed back in an awkward yet effective pose, it slid under the low branches with Ji Cheng, displaying remarkable adaptability.

Ji Yuan was stunned, feeling as if he was watching an acrobatic performance rather than horsemanship.

Riding the gray horse, Ji Cheng nimbly navigated out of the small grove in no time, while Ji Yuan was still sitting atop the hill, dumbfounded.

It had been a long time since Ji Cheng had ridden, and she was thoroughly enjoying herself. Even though Ji Yuan’s speed posed no challenge to her, she was having the time of her life.

As they approached the central grove, Ji Cheng even performed a daring trick. Due to the low branches, she swiftly ducked under the horse’s belly from the right side and, using the momentum, swung back up onto the saddle from the left. Though she made it look effortless, this maneuver was extremely dangerous – one misstep could result in being trampled to death by the horse.

Just as Ji Cheng emerged from the grove, she suddenly noticed a man on horseback directly in front of her. He had a quiver on his back and a bow in hand. Upon closer look, Ji Cheng realized it was Shen Yu.

If Ji Cheng were a modern person, she might have thought, “What rotten luck!” However, in her current time, she only felt immense regret. She had reminded herself countless times to maintain consistent behavior in public and private, but today she had failed spectacularly.

Worse still, the moment Ji Cheng saw Shen Yu, she instinctively pulled on the reins. However, the gray horse was still moving at high speed and couldn’t stop abruptly. The sudden halt’s force was so great that Ji Cheng lost her grip on the reins and was flung forward like a stone from a slingshot.

In that split second, before Ji Cheng’s mind could even process what was happening, her body automatically performed three mid-air somersaults. Sensing her unstable landing, she immediately executed three consecutive cartwheels, reminiscent of a swallow skimming water or lightly touching duckweed, before coming to a stable stop. Given the dangerous circumstances, her posture was nothing short of perfect.

In a different setting, onlookers might have applauded and cheered, tossing copper coins to reward Ji Cheng for such a street performance. It would have certainly been enough to earn her a living.

As for Ji Cheng, the moment she landed steadily, she was filled with such regret that she wanted to bang her head against a wall.

While in mid-air, Ji Cheng hadn’t worried about dying or being severely injured. Her first thought had been to land gracefully, avoiding an undignified fall. Perhaps she never imagined someone like her could meet such an untimely end in this place – after all, as the saying goes, “the wicked often live long.”

Although she had managed to save face to some extent, Ji Cheng had also revealed much of her true nature. She usually maintained a demure and refined demeanor in public, but now she had contradicted that image entirely.

Ji Cheng was incredibly frustrated with herself. She had constantly reminded herself to be cautious, but since arriving in the capital, her self-control seemed to be slipping. First, she had revealed too much while playing with Hong’er in front of Shen Che, and now she had exposed herself in front of Shen Yu. Ji Cheng felt an urge to return home immediately.

In truth, Miss Ji was being far too hard on herself. As the saying goes, no one can maintain a facade forever. Moreover, the more repressive the environment, the more one yearns for a breath of freedom.

Ji Cheng, however, wouldn’t make excuses for herself. She mentally berated herself severely but knew she had to deal with the current situation and somehow save face.

Thanks to her years of sword dance training, Ji Cheng managed to steady herself after a few light breaths. With a slightly trembling voice, she called out, “Cousin Yu.”

There was a long pause before Shen Yu responded.

Shen Yu’s feelings at that moment were complex and difficult to articulate. His throat moved slightly as he swallowed, his eyelids lowering as he thought that perhaps his mother’s constant urging for him to remarry wasn’t entirely unreasonable.

From a young age, Shen Yu had been known for his exceptional self-discipline, and he had never doubted his self-control. Yet at this moment, under the vast sky and amidst the wild grass, he felt a primal urge stirring within him.

Shen Yu had seen many women with superior horsemanship skills to Ji Cheng, and even more who could perform better “street performances.” However, seeing these actions performed by Ji Cheng awakened an unparalleled charm.

There was also a profoundly contradictory beauty to it all.

For over twenty years, Shen Yu had believed that women were all more or less the same, never understanding how men could lose their heads over beauty. But now, he realized how narrow-minded and arrogant he had been.

He had always thought that women should be like his mother or sister – dignified, virtuous, graceful, and refined. This was the kind of wife he believed he should seek. As for those alluring women, he despised their flashy and frivolous nature, never deigning to give them a second glance.

Yet with Ji Cheng, although Shen Yu was reluctant to admit it, after his first glance at her exquisite face, his eyes quickly moved to her body.

Her chest, waist, and long legs – every part of her captivated his gaze.

In truth, Miss Ji’s figure was still quite different from that of a fully mature woman. She lacked the prominent bust and rounded hips of adulthood.

However, in the eyes of an interested observer, everything before him was beautified. Moreover, the proportions and curves of Ji Cheng’s body were indeed close to perfection.

Her recent acrobatic display had highlighted the slenderness of her waist and her incredible flexibility. Her legs, longer than average, were both strong and remarkably springy. Shen Yu couldn’t help but let his thoughts wander, imagining those legs…

Ji Cheng waited for a moment, and when Shen Yu didn’t respond, her heart began to race even faster. She looked up and called out again, “Cousin Yu.”

Her voice was soft and alluring, like delicate jade fingers gently caressing one’s ear. Shen Yu snapped back to reality, feeling horrified at his intense reaction.

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