HomeQi Xing CaiChapter 80: Intercepting the Opportunity

Chapter 80: Intercepting the Opportunity

The incident of rescuing someone from drowning had long passed. Bringing it up now was surely just an excuse.

In the evening, during her formal greetings, Ji Cheng informed Ji Lan about Qi Hua’s invitation to visit her residence.

In a sense, Ji Lan and Ji Cheng were cut from the same cloth, both belonging to the category of people who wouldn’t lift a finger without benefit. So when Ji Lan heard about Qi Hua’s invitation, she knew there must be a reason behind Ji Cheng’s interest. Considering the circumstances of the Yunyang Earl’s Manor, apart from Qi Zheng, there was likely nothing else that could catch Ji Cheng’s eye.

Ji Lan had an impression of Qi Zheng. He was quite handsome and had been a palace guard for three years without any notable advancement. She inwardly scoffed, thinking Ji Cheng appeared clever but was still too young. Girls loved pretty things, often choosing decorative pillows. She had thought Ji Cheng’s insistence on not entering the palace was due to some greater opportunity.

“Go if you want,” Ji Lan didn’t stop Ji Cheng. Whatever suffering might come in the future would be of Ji Cheng’s own making.

“I want to go too,” Shen Cui chimed in from the side.

Ji Lan frowned, “Why are you joining in?”

Shen Cui pouted, “Qi Hua’s mother isn’t well. If Elder Sister Cheng is going to visit her, it wouldn’t be right for me not to go. After all, our two families have been in contact. If we didn’t know about it, that would be fine, but now that we do, how can we not go?”

Shen Cui’s excuse was reasonable enough. Ji Lan wanted to know if Ji Cheng’s plans would succeed, so she affectionately tapped Shen Cui’s forehead, “If you want to go play, just say so. Why make up so many excuses?”

Shen Cui nestled into Ji Lan’s embrace, acting coy, and the matter was settled.

Ji Cheng gave Shen Cui a few extra glances. This person was a bit strange. She had always looked down on Qi Hua, so why was she suddenly so interested in the Qi family? Ji Cheng didn’t believe Shen Cui’s words; she had never been such a considerate person.

However, Ji Cheng was too confident in her judgment, which led to her mistake. She never imagined that Shen Cui had taken a liking to Qi Zheng, especially since the Qi family was of lower status compared to the Shen family.

When Qi Hua saw Shen Cui, she was visibly delighted. She had been suffering from being ostracized by Shen Cui’s circle of young ladies, and now Ji Cheng had brought Shen Cui along. This meant she could use Ji Cheng’s connection to reestablish relations with Shen Yuan, Shen Rong, and the others.

Qi Hua enthusiastically and attentively entertained Ji Cheng and Shen Cui, then led them to Madam Qi’s room to talk.

Today, Madam Qi wasn’t lying in bed but sat properly dressed on the couch. Despite the makeup concealing it, Ji Cheng could still see that Madam Qi was in poor spirits. There was a deep furrow between her brows, likely from constant pain and frowning.

Ji Cheng and Shen Cui paid their respects to Madam Qi, who kindly asked them to sit down. They exchanged some pleasantries, but her energy was low, so she soon asked Qi Hua to take Ji Cheng and Shen Cui for a stroll in the garden.

The garden of the Yunyang Earl’s Manor couldn’t compare to Qing Garden, but Qing Garden didn’t belong to the Shen family’s third branch anymore. They had already divided the family property, and the garden remained connected only because the Old Madam was still alive. Once she passed, the connecting door would likely be sealed within a few years, as the family had already split.

Shen Cui scrutinized the Yunyang Earl’s Manor’s garden with the critical eye of a potential daughter-in-law. It was indeed quite small, but it had a delicate charm and unique interest. Every corner showed the care put in by the previous generations of Yunyang Earls.

Remembering Madam Qi’s condition, Shen Cui thought her days might be numbered. Marrying into such a family without an overbearing mother-in-law would make life much more comfortable. Even if the Yunyang Earl remarried, a second wife couldn’t put on airs in front of her.

The more Shen Cui thought about it, the more pleased she became. She couldn’t help but ask Qi Hua, “Is it just you at home today?”

“My elder brother is on duty at the palace, but he should be home soon,” Qi Hua said, directing her words to Ji Cheng.

Ji Cheng had no desire to interact with Qi Zheng under Madam Qi’s watchful eye. From their earlier conversation, it was clear that Madam Qi was a very proper and somewhat rigid person.

Ji Cheng said, “We’ve imposed for so long, we should head back now.”

Qi Hua was taken aback, having assumed Ji Cheng would want to see her brother.

“So soon? I haven’t finished touring yet,” Shen Cui protested.

They had already spent half an hour exploring every corner of this small garden. What was left to see? Ji Cheng looked at Shen Cui suspiciously.

Shen Cui averted her eyes guiltily and said, “The couplets in the garden are exceptionally well-written. Since we rarely visit, I’d like to read them carefully.”

Ji Cheng said nothing more and sat with Qi Hua in the pavilion, sipping tea. Since Shen Cui had praised the couplets, she had to pretend to study and appreciate the one in the Qingfen Hall, hands clasped behind her back.

When Qi Zheng learned from Madam Qi that Ji Cheng had come, he initially planned to avoid them out of propriety. However, upon hearing that the fifth Miss Shen was also present, Qi Zheng immediately recalled that Shen Cui was the young lady from the Shen family’s third branch who had performed at Zhongtan, known to be greatly pampered.

Qi Zheng tidied his clothes, believing that opportunities come to those who are prepared. He wanted to try his luck.

To avoid being too obvious, Qi Zheng asked a maid about Qi Hua and Shen Cui’s whereabouts, then made his way around the mountain wall towards his favorite reading and painting spot, the Qingfen Hall.

From the elevated corridor, Qi Zheng could see Ji Cheng and Qi Hua drinking tea in a pavilion not far from Qingfen Hall.

Ji Cheng wore a light pink dress, as delicate as the most tender peach blossoms in March. Though he couldn’t make out her features, her every movement – whether lifting the cup to drink or setting it down – was graceful and beautiful, as natural and poetic as willows swaying in the spring breeze. Even from afar, Qi Zheng found her presence refreshing and captivating. It was a pity her background was slightly inferior.

Qi Zheng’s gaze soon shifted to Shen Cui, who stood in front of Qingfen Hall.

As Qi Zheng descended from the corridor, passed through the Baopin Gate, and walked along the path inlaid with precious stones towards Qingfen Hall, he found himself face to face with Shen Cui.

Shen Cui’s face immediately flushed. She should have quickly left, but unwilling to miss this chance to talk, she merely lowered her head slightly, fidgeting nervously with the ornaments at her waist.

He seems to favor green robes, Shen Cui thought. Green indeed suited him well, making him appear as elegant and refined as a tall bamboo, yet with the proud spirit of a pine tree that endures frost and snow.

Bamboo with its hollow heart, pine with its unyielding nature – truly a gentleman of the mundane world.

Seeing Shen Cui’s shyness, Qi Zheng took the initiative to speak, “Miss Shen.”

“Young Master Qi,” Shen Cui curtsied in greeting.

After that, the conversation stalled. Qi Zheng was not adept at talking with young ladies, which explained why he hadn’t yet found a suitable match. Shen Cui was too shy to speak, resulting in an awkward silence.

Ji Cheng, her teacup still at her lips, observed Shen Cui’s coy behavior with great surprise. Had Shen Cui taken a liking to Qi Zheng? Ji Cheng frowned slightly, realizing this could complicate matters.

Looking at Qi Zheng’s demeanor, Ji Cheng’s frown deepened. She remembered Qi Zheng as a very shy person, uncomfortable talking with young ladies, but now he was making an effort to keep the conversation going. Could he have also taken an interest in Shen Cui?

When did these two become fond of each other? Although Ji Cheng didn’t monitor Shen Cui’s every move, given Shen Cui’s tendency to make a fuss over the slightest thing, Ji Cheng would surely have known if anything had happened between her and Qi Zheng.

Ji Cheng watched the well-matched pair before her, speculating that Qi Zheng must have noticed Shen Cui during her performance at Zhongtan.

Ji Cheng sighed inwardly, realizing that despite all her scheming, she had ended up playing matchmaker for others, bringing Shen Cui and Qi Zheng together.

Qi Hua had also noticed Shen Cui and Qi Zheng. Qi Zheng was pointing at the couplets, explaining something to Shen Cui. Qi Hua knew her brother better than Ji Cheng did; he had always been awkward and shy, never before showing such initiative with any young lady.

Qi Hua’s heart stirred. Of course, she preferred Shen Cui as a sister-in-law. Ji Cheng had money, and Shen Cui’s mother was from the Ji family, so Shen Cui’s dowry would surely be substantial. Moreover, Shen Cui was the fifth Miss of the Shen family and the cousin of Shen Yu and Shen Che. Although if Shen Cui married her brother, Qi Hua would lose any chance of marrying into the Shen family, she knew she never really had that opportunity anyway. But once Qi Zheng and Shen Cui were engaged, she believed suitors would be lining up at their door to propose to her.

Qi Hua carefully observed Ji Cheng’s expression. Ji Cheng appeared completely calm, with a faint smile on her lips, seemingly unbothered by Shen Cui and Qi Zheng’s interaction. This made Qi Hua wonder if she had misunderstood Ji Cheng’s intentions earlier.

Ji Cheng wasn’t one to give up easily, and she wasn’t in a hurry. She strongly suspected that Qi Zheng’s interest in Shen Cui might have an ulterior motive.

As they left the Yunyang Earl’s Manor, their carriage hadn’t gone far when it suddenly stopped. Yuqian’er lifted the curtain to look outside, then turned back and said, “It’s a scammer trying to extort money. How dare they target the Shen family’s carriage.”

Yuqian’er jumped down from the carriage, and after a while, she climbed back in, saying, “It’s all taken care of.”

Shen Cui was in such a good mood that she didn’t mind this small incident. Ji Cheng noticed the meaningful glance Yuqian’er gave her and secretly wondered what it could be about, but now wasn’t the time to ask.

Upon returning to the Ji residence, Ji Cheng and Shen Cui went to Ji Lan’s room to report. Seeing Shen Cui’s radiant face, Ji Lan smiled and asked, “Did you enjoy the Yunyang Earl’s Manor?”

Shen Cui nodded, “It was quite nice. Madam Qi was very courteous to us, and Elder Sister Qi Hua was also quite warm and hospitable. Their garden is in the Jiangnan style. Although it’s small, the plaques and couplets are exceptionally well-written.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” Ji Lan said indulgently, then turned to ask Ji Cheng, “Cheng’er, how was your visit? Did you just spend the whole time talking with Qi Hua?”

Ji Cheng smiled faintly and replied straightforwardly, “We also met the Qi family’s eldest son.”

Ji Lan knew Ji Cheng’s intentions for visiting the Qi family weren’t pure, so she wasn’t surprised to hear about Qi Zheng’s presence. “Oh?” she responded.

Afraid that Ji Cheng might say something inappropriate, Shen Cui tugged at Ji Lan’s hand and whined, “Mother, I’m hungry.”

“Alright, alright. I’ll have Linglong bring you some snacks,” Ji Lan said. However, she seemed quite interested in the matter of Qi Zheng, and asked Ji Cheng again, “Isn’t the Qi family’s eldest son a palace guard? Was he not on duty today?”

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