HomeReborn For LoveChapter Eighty-Seven - Mount Wu Yuan

Chapter Eighty-Seven – Mount Wu Yuan

As Nan Yan approached the gate of Chou Mountain Temple, she glanced back at the Seven Tribulations Pagoda. Within the temple grounds, the Karma-Creating Tower absorbed the unique earth energy of Chou Mountain. The higher one climbed in the tower to cultivate, the more potent the spiritual power became, infused with a layer of Buddhist energy distinctive to Chou Mountain’s Brahma Sea.

Over two months, Nan Yan had converted all her spiritual power into the Buddhist energy of the Seven Tribulations Pagoda. Now, even without using the Seven Buddhas’ Karma-Creating Scripture, her spells could exorcise demons and ward off evil. She could barely imagine the combined effect of this Buddhist-infused spiritual power and the scripture.

After flying down the Path of Good and Evil with her fellow disciples, Nan Yan spotted a sleek fox spirit at the entrance of the Brahma Sea Temple. The spirit was exquisite, beautiful, and charming, captivating a female cultivator from another sect who had come to worship.

“Little brother, you must come visit our Yunzhu Sect sometime~” the woman cooed.

Yin Ya smiled and watched her leave. His expression then turned serious as he addressed Nan Yan: “No need to explain. I’ve gathered all the information. That cultivator’s master’s second dao partner’s concubine’s cousin in Si State serves the illegitimate son of the fourth elder of a demonic sect. The elder’s sixth uncle’s lover is also going to the Ghost City in Si State for enlightenment. Many Nascent Soul cultivators have gotten wind of this and are heading there. Are you sure you want to get involved? Didn’t the old monk say you’d qualify for the Mountain and Sea Forbidden Technique after passing the Path of Good and Evil?”

Nan Yan pondered his words before giving up and replying, “I must go to the Nine Tribulations Pagoda to confirm something. Only the Emperor’s children can enter and gain enlightenment there.”

Yin Ya took the scroll from her and examined it closely. “You’ve got good luck. I heard the trial tasks were chosen by Dan Fire. You weren’t set up, were you?”

Nan Yan humbly asked, “What do you think, Second Brother?”

Yin Ya replied, “In my opinion, we should first go to Si State to buy dresses.”

Nan Yan was speechless.

Three days later, in Si State…

North of the border between Si State and the Qitian battlefield lay a vast mountain range stretching for hundreds of miles. Known as Wuyan Mountain, it was perpetually shrouded in rain and mist, with sparse spiritual energy. Few cultivators frequented even the largest nearby city.

Recently, however, things have changed. A new teleportation array had been built at the foot of Wuyan Mountain, and cultivators’ caves and shops sprouted up overnight like bamboo shoots after rain. Local woodcutters and farmers spread rumors, wondering if Si State planned to establish a new stronghold there, both fearful and curious.

Nan Yan had arrived half a day earlier, immediately concealing her aura and appearance. She adopted the classical beauty look she had used in Chen State, with arched eyebrows and delicate eyes. Dressed in simple Buddhist robes, she appeared to have aged over a decade.

Yin Ya, emerging from the teleportation array, retched against a tree before rushing to a clothing shop. He soon returned with a black dress embroidered with subtle pear blossom patterns. Holding it up to Nan Yan, he critiqued, “This is the best I could find. Si State’s black silk is usually quite figure-hugging, but this one’s too sheer.”

Nan Yan teased, “Second Brother, you’re getting scary. Have you had some grand epiphany and finally decided to be my sister?”

Before she could finish, Yin Ya hurled a jade hairpin at her. She dodged quickly, eyeing the pin now embedded in the wall behind her.

Having vented his frustration, Yin Ya’s body shimmered with illusion magic, transforming into Nan Yan’s likeness. He created a more alluring version of her, dressed in black, the only difference being his purple eyes.

Yin Ya donned a veil and explained, “I sense this situation is more complex than it seems. Someone might have detected your identity through your dan fire, so we’ll switch identities.”

Touched, Nan Yan replied, “Don’t worry, Second Brother. If you die, I’ll cultivate diligently to help your celestial fox clan escape the beast-sealing formation in the future.”

“… Do you want to have a public brawl with me?”

After a brief scuffle, they composed themselves as passing cultivators began to notice. They then headed towards the meeting place arranged with the Formless Sect elder at the auction in Yin State.

The designated location was a small black building with a mask-like sect emblem at the entrance, guarded by two Foundation Establishment cultivators.

“Are you the honored guests our Formless Sect’s Grand Elder is expecting?” one asked.

“Indeed, we are,” they replied.

“Please, go upstairs.”

Even from the ground floor, Nan Yan sensed the overwhelming auras within. As they were led to the second floor, they were hit by the presence of six Nascent Soul cultivators—all demonic practitioners.

Nan Yan’s eyes flashed, and Yin Ya stepped in front of her, addressing the group, “Esteemed elders of the Formless Sect, we’ve arrived as promised.”

The one-eyed Nascent Soul cultivator seated in the center remarked with surprise, “So, it’s two young ladies.”

A newly ascended Nascent Soul cultivator with an ugly countenance, seated lower, scanned Nan Yan and Yin Ya before smirking, “Grand Elder, you didn’t mention these two lovely guests earlier.”

“Elder Yu, it’s thanks to these young friends selling us the Frost Origin Fruit that our Formless Sect gained four Nascent Soul cultivators in half a year, allowing us to participate in this grand event,” the Grand Elder explained.

Elder Yu chuckled, “So my ascension is due to my connection with these two ladies. Grand Elder, why not entrust me with their protection?”

The Grand Elder hesitated, noting Nan Yan and Yin Ya’s indifferent expressions, before clearing his throat, “Then I’ll trouble you with this task, Brother Yu.”

Nan Yan and Yin Ya remained silent as they were seated in the back row, listening intently to the information being discussed.

The story began on the Chen-Si battlefield of Qitian Plain, where a group of demonic cultivators, pursued by Chen State cultivators, stumbled upon a hidden city in the Wuyan Mountains.

This city was peculiar, appearing only at sunset and vanishing at dawn. Explorers had just one night to investigate, needing to escape before daybreak. Those who failed to leave in time became “wandering souls” in the city the following night.

These wandering souls existed between a cultivator’s primordial spirit and a yin spirit, gradually transforming into the latter. All who escaped the ghost city unanimously reported seeing remnant souls of Deity Transformation cultivators within.

After learning of this, Huo Wuji, the vice-sect leader of the Tianxie Dao, personally investigated Wuyan Mountain. He concluded that the ghost city was an ancient, nameless urban relic. Due to its unique earthly energy, it trapped numerous remnant souls of Deity Transformation cultivators. He called upon Nascent Soul cultivators from Si State to come and attempt to breakthrough through Deity Transformation.

This initiative received approval from Yu Xie Hou, the ruler of Si State. If a large number of Nascent Soul cultivators could break through, it would instantly reverse Si State’s unfavorable position in the war against the powerful Chen State. In the world of cultivators, cultivation level determines everything.

“Once cultivators reach the Nascent Soul stage, progress becomes excruciatingly slow,” sighed the Formless Sect’s Grand Elder. “My remaining lifespan is limited. If I perish, our sect will be left with only one late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator at its peak. It’s worth taking this chance.”

Another cultivator chimed in, “Our Formless Sect has ten Nascent Soul cultivators participating in this ghost realm breakthrough attempt. Even the Tianxie Dao is impressed. If we gain something in the ghost prison, we’ll ascend to a first-class sect in Si State.”

“Excellent. We’ll gather at Wuyan Mountain before sunset tomorrow. The Tianxie Dao will send someone to oversee this event.”

“Will Senior Huo Wuji attend?”

“I’ve heard Senior Huo Wuji is at a critical stage in forging the Destruction Iron. Even if he comes, he’ll be late. The Tianxie Dao will send a junior disciple with his spiritual treasure to preside…”

At the mention of Huo Wuji’s junior, Nan Yan jolted. Her suspicions grew stronger the next day as they traveled to Wuyan Mountain on the Formless Sect’s flying ship.

They landed in a withered forest, where despite the daylight, an eerie gloom prevailed. Over a hundred powerful Nascent Soul auras permeated the area, some accompanied by Foundation Establishment disciples.

Elder Yu had persistently tried to uncover Nan Yan and Yin Ya’s backgrounds during the journey, growing impatient with their conflicting stories. Upon reaching Wuyan Mountain, however, his attention was drawn to a six-wheeled carriage adorned with snake patterns at the center of the gathering.

The carriage wasn’t pulled by spiritual or demonic beasts but by living humans. When the curtain lifted, it revealed a seductive woman with late Foundation Establishment cultivation. Her beautiful eyes scanned the crowd, briefly frowning at Elder Yu before she reclined into the arms of a handsome furnace cultivator inside.

“That’s… the daughter of Yu Xie Hou!” Elder Yu exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with excitement. “I’ve heard Yu Xie Hou has dragon-phoenix twins who both love beautiful people. Especially this Li Mian, who owns a Blissful Soul-Consuming Palace filled with beauties, yet it still doesn’t satisfy her appetite… I wonder who she’s set her sights on this time.”

Li Mian? Nan Yan recalled that the Si State’s imperial son, Li Chi, had a twin sister named Li Mian. This must be her. Nan Yan couldn’t help but look closer.

At that moment, she noticed that the male furnace cultivator behind Li Mian bore a slight resemblance to Ji Yang.

“Ah…” Here in Si State, Li Mian didn’t bother hiding from outsiders. She sighed softly, “Why hasn’t Senior Brother Yin arrived yet? I chased him from Qitian Plain to our sect, and now to this wilderness, yet he still doesn’t understand my feelings. It’s heartbreaking.”

The furnace cultivator beside her consoled, “Don’t be upset, Miss Mian. That man doesn’t know his luck. He’s ignored our invitations to the Blissful Palace multiple times… Hmph, what does it matter if he’s the vice sect leader’s disciple? You’re the daughter of Yu Xie Hou. Who in Si State would dare offend you?”

Hearing this, Li Mian’s expression suddenly darkened. With a swift palm strike to the furnace cultivator’s crown, she killed him instantly and tossed him out of the carriage, shrieking, “Mere Foundation Building furnace, how dare you speak so boldly before me!”

The cultivators accompanying her were accustomed to her volatile temperament. They quietly cremated the dead furnace cultivator and said, “The vice sect leader specifically instructed Yin to open the ghost city. Miss, whatever you have to say can wait until after the event.”

Li Mian snorted, “… If you know what’s good for you, that’s fine. If you don’t comply, I’ll flay your skin and make it into a mask to accompany me in nightly revelry…”

After listening for a while, Nan Yan found Li Mian’s depravity unprecedented. Her gaze deepened as she fingered her prayer beads with increasing speed. Finally, as if unable to contain herself, she pointed and asked, “Second Brother, do you see that woman in purple robes leaning against that burly furnace cultivator?”

Yin Ya replied, “I see her. She looks familiar. What about her?”

Nan Yan: “Insult her.”

Yin Ya: “Why don’t you do it yourself?”

Nan Yan: “I’ve been out of practice insulting people for years. I can’t think of the right words.”

Taking a deep breath, Nan Yan whispered, “Fox spirit.”

Yin Ya: “… Can’t you use a different term?”

Nan Yan: “Vixen.”

Yin Ya: “Our sisterhood ends here.”

As they spoke, the sun had half-set behind the western mountains. As the fiery sky gradually gave way to deep blue, a grey mist rose from the withered woods in the distance.

Then, a massive city slowly emerged from the night mist. Figures holding green lanterns seemed to be sitting on the city walls.

“The time has come, everyone…”

Before he could finish, Nascent Soul cultivators impatiently streaked toward the ghost city like rainbows.

“The ghost city has opened! It exists!”

“My thousand-mile journey wasn’t in vain. I’ll be the first to break through!”

“Formless Sect members, quickly enter and seize the initiative!”

The speaker quietly observed the frenzy below, his gaze hidden in the last moments of twilight, like a hunting black panther, silently murmuring.

“My trap is set. Please, everyone, don’t hesitate to offer your insights.”

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