HomeReborn For LoveChapter Five - What Use is Cultivation Without Education

Chapter Five – What Use is Cultivation Without Education

“Was it you who interfered?” the senior disciple asked.

Ji Yang glanced at the dice cup on the ground, his expression unchanged. “I just came from the administration office. I’m not aware of what happened.”

Seeing Ji Yang’s composed demeanor, the senior disciple said, “We were having a friendly game with our junior brothers and sisters when someone attacked me secretly.”

Ji Yang played along, asking, “Oh? How did this troublemaker attack you, senior brother? If you’re injured, why not ask a disciple from the medical hall to examine you?”

The senior disciple grew irritated. “I’m the one asking questions here!”

“Like everyone else, I’ve only been here for two days,” Ji Yang replied calmly. “If I had any cultivation, I doubt I could have passed through the sect’s grand formation. How did you discern this, senior brother? Perhaps… someone tampered with your magical dice?”

“The dice… are magical artifacts?” The surrounding new disciples turned their attention to the dice on the ground.

Panic flashed in the senior disciple’s eyes. “Nonsense! How could these dice be magical artifacts?!”

Ji Yang continued, “I glanced at the sect rules earlier. Rule 431 prohibits gambling. Violators forfeit their stakes, and gambling tools are destroyed. For the sake of your reputation, senior brother, we should destroy these dice—”

“You dare?!” the senior disciple exclaimed.

The longer a cultivator uses a magical artifact, the stronger their connection becomes. Destroying it would not only be painful but also damage their spiritual consciousness.

The senior disciple’s reaction was as good as an admission of guilt.

“They cheated! Don’t the sect leaders care? Give us back our Bone-Warming Pills!”

“Yes, return our pills!”

The new disciples grew agitated, with some even stepping forward, ready to take action.

Everyone suddenly realized that the dice used for gambling were indeed magical artifacts, capable of manipulating the numbers to deceive the newcomers.

“Insolent!” The senior disciple roared. Everyone nearby, except for Ji Yang, felt their bodies shake and faces pale.

The crowd fell silent.

“This is…”

“Spiritual pressure,” someone whispered.

When cultivators reach a certain level in Qi Condensation, they develop spiritual consciousness in their spiritual aperture, similar to the “yin-yang eyes” in mortal terms. This allows them to sense nearby energy and intimidate those with lower cultivation levels, making them acutely aware of the power difference and forcing them to retreat.

Most new disciples hadn’t even successfully drawn in qi yet, leaving them defenseless against a cultivator’s spiritual pressure.

“It’s time to teach you some rules,” the senior disciple said, emboldened by his display of power. He pointed at the newcomers and continued, “I know your background. Even if you’re not from a wealthy or official family, you were your parents’ treasures. But in the cultivation world… let me be blunt—”

“If you’re a dragon, coil up. If you’re a tiger, lie down,” Nan Yan interjected, hiding behind Ji Yang. She added meekly, “That’s how it’s written in the novels.”

The senior disciple had been about to say something about following the rules of the immortal sect, but he found Nan Yan’s words more impactful. “Well said, little girl. Whether dragon or tiger, here you’re the lowest of insects. Today, your senior brother is being merciful. In our day, new disciples had to hand over half of their monthly earnings!”

Half! A new outer disciple only received three spirit stones and ten Bone-Warming Pills each month after laboring. Giving up half would dash any hopes of reaching Foundation Establishment in this lifetime.

Everyone’s face turned ashen. They looked around, noticing that even the administrator responsible for distributing items to new disciples remained silent, coldly watching the senior disciples’ bullying and extortion without any intention to intervene.

“However,” the senior disciple continued, sensing he had sufficiently intimidated them, “our generation treats junior brothers and sisters well. Each person only needs to hand over one spirit stone and three Bone-Warming Pills monthly. In return, if other peak disciples bully you, you can seek our help.”

Yang Yue Sect had three peaks and six halls, with 300 inner disciples and 3,000 outer disciples. With so many people, forming factions was inevitable, making it difficult to remain neutral.

“But three Bone-Warming Pills is still…” someone protested weakly.

Nan Yan saw the pain on everyone’s faces and looked up at Ji Yang. He remained unmoved. Just as she thought he might confront the senior disciples, he stepped forward and decisively produced spirit stones and Bone-Warming Pills.

“My sister and I will rely on the senior brother’s care in the future. Please accept these extra Bone-Warming Pills as an apology.”

The speed at which he yielded and offered payment was shocking.

The senior disciple was stunned, thinking he had pegged Ji Yang as a troublemaker, not a fool. Pills were incredibly precious to new disciples, yet he offered them so readily.

Not one to refuse extra benefits, the senior disciple said, “You’re quite perceptive. Your senior brother isn’t stingy either. You can pick two tasks from these bamboo slips.”

The remaining slips weren’t particularly lucrative, but they were better than what was left on the board. Ji Yang quickly chose two tasks: sorting medicinal herbs and selecting ores for the equipment forging hall. Then he led Nan Yan away.

“Brother,” Nan Yan called.

“What is it?”

Nan Yan took out a piece of pumpkin cake from a small paper package in her robe and offered him half.

Ji Yang shook his head and pushed it back. “You eat it. Just say what’s on your mind.”

“Mm.” Nan Yan took a bite of the cake and asked slowly, “Giving away so much… aren’t you upset?”

Ji Yang replied, “The quality of those pills is too low. Consuming too many during the Qi Condensation stage can lead to pill toxicity, hindering cultivation. You’d best not eat them either.”

Nan Yan thought Ji Yang was truly cultured, knowing everything. She trusted him unconditionally and said, “My mother says the same thing. If I can control my appetite and exercise more, I’ll lose weight.”

“Well, you seem to have plenty of energy and run quite a bit—”

Nan Yan took another bite of her pumpkin cake and replied expressionlessly, “Because I can’t control my appetite.”

Ji Yang asked, “Didn’t your mother try to stop you?”

“A mother sees her daughter as a beauty. We can’t control ourselves,” Nan Yan explained.

“You know quite a lot,” Ji Yang remarked.

“You flatter me. Will you continue teaching me qi cultivation when we get back?” Nan Yan asked.

Ji Yang thought for a moment and said, “There’s no rush. Qi cultivation and subsequent techniques are complex. You should first build a foundation in literature. Tell me what books you’ve read.”

“Oh, there are many,” Nan Yan said, counting on her fingers. “‘Spring Boudoir’s Old Dreams,’ ‘Mandarin Duck Curtain,’ ‘Searching for Flowers in Immortal Caves’…”

“Wait,” Ji Yang interrupted. “Any more mainstream ones?”

“Yes, ‘Seducing the Arrogant Young Master,’ Volume 3. The bookstall owner said it sells incredibly well.”

Ji Yang felt the karmic lock on his back grow unbearably heavy. After a moment, he calmed himself and said, “Let’s start with the Thousand Character Classic.”

When they returned to their quarters, they found a young man in dark purple inner disciple robes waiting at the door. It was Mu Zhanting.

“You’re finally back!” Mu Zhanting looked exhausted as if he had run around the mountain twice. His robe was tucked into his belt, and he wore a miserable expression.

“Hey, big brother!” Nan Yan let go of Ji Yang’s hand and scampered over to Mu Zhanting, examining him closely. Noticing his haggard appearance, she guessed, “Did the sect leader take you as a disciple?”

Mu Zhanting nodded tiredly.

Nan Yan continued, “Is the sect leader planning to marry his daughter to you?”

Mu Zhanting rolled his eyes but didn’t deny it.

“Oh, then according to this development, there must be a rival with higher cultivation and a better background who dislikes you and makes things difficult for you. After he frames and injures you, lowering your cultivation, you’ll work hard to improve. Ten years later, you’ll return for revenge, kill the villain, and win the beauty. Is that the plot?” Nan Yan speculated.

Mu Zhanting flicked her forehead hard. “What nonsense goes through your mind all day?”

Ji Yang asked, “So why are you here?”

Mu Zhanting’s expression turned serious as he took out a jade talisman. “Ji Yang, I have a question… How was your education before coming here?”

“Before entering the Dao, I had the qualifications of a child scholar,” Ji Yang replied.

“That’s enough. Can you explain to me what this qi cultivation mantra means?”

Ji Yang hesitated. “Shouldn’t there be instructors in the inner sect?”

“No good. The instructor is the second uncle of the sect leader’s daughter’s fiancé. It would be embarrassing if I admitted I don’t understand.”

Ji Yang sighed inwardly. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, but having high aptitude yet being illiterate would be a laughingstock if word got out.

Nan Yan burst into laughter. “Illiterate! Hahahahaha!”

Mu Zhanting retorted, “You want a beating?”

Ji Yang watched the two chase each other around the courtyard. He calculated mentally and realized that after years of smooth sailing, this year might be full of tribulations.

Unlike Nan Yan, Mu Zhanting came from a wandering knight background. When short on money, he’d occasionally listen in at private schools or storytelling stalls, or read restaurant menus. Though not studious, he was quick to learn and remember.

These days, he would come every afternoon to study the Thousand Character Classic with Nan Yan. Perhaps influenced by the mountain’s spiritual energy, he could memorize about 500 characters daily, nearly catching up to Nan Yan’s progress. Feeling proud, he started using an idiom dictionary to impress Nan Yan with his newfound literary flair, often misusing phrases.

“… Did you not wolf down enough food at lunch? I’ve already finished copying twenty pages of characters with flying colors, while you haven’t even finished the first page.”

Nan Yan’s small, chubby hands made holding a brush difficult, and she was already tired. Mu Zhanting’s constant idiom harassment made it even worse.

“Just focus on your writing. Can’t you stop complaining? Look at your handwriting – who besides you can read it?”

Feeling indignant, Mu Zhanting examined his work from various angles, growing increasingly fond of his “calligraphy.” He retorted, “My writing is well-rounded. You’re just too uncultured to appreciate it.”

Nan Yan banged her head on the paper. “Big brother, now that you’ve learned, can’t you go back to the inner sect to cultivate? Stop torturing me.”

Having successfully cultivated qi the previous night after understanding the mantra, Mu Zhanting now felt a sense of false modesty. He said kindly, “How can you say that? We’re as close as blood. I’ll come to care for you every day until you enter the Qi Condensation stage.”

Nan Yan covered her ears, her spirit wilting. “I’m not listening to this nonsense…”

Fortunately, Nan Yan’s ordeal ended the next day when the inner disciples began their annual closed-door cultivation period. All Qi Condensation disciples had to seclude themselves in Yang Yue Sect’s restricted area for two months. Despite preferring to visit Nan Yan, Mu Zhanting had no choice but to comply with the sect leader’s orders and temporarily cease contact.

When Ji Yang came to see her the next day, he noticed a change in Nan Yan’s energy.

“You’ve successfully cultivated qi?”

Nan Yan stretched her arms and legs, bouncing over energetically. “Big brother didn’t come to bother me yesterday, so I slept well. When I woke up this morning, I succeeded in qi cultivation. Look!”

She pointed at some leaves on a nearby tree, and then with a wave of her hand, spiritual energy gently carried two green leaves to her palm.

To manipulate spiritual energy so deftly on her first try, without guidance – this child’s aptitude was truly monstrous.

Although Ji Yang’s mindset had changed since his great tribulation, he couldn’t help but feel a desire to nurture talent. Even if not for the karmic lock, he would be willing to cultivate her abilities if given the chance.

That is if her dedication to the Dao remained steadfast.

“Brother, now that I’ve successfully cultivated qi, can I get fasting pills to lose weight?”

As Nan Yan spoke, her inscrutable small eyes suddenly sparkled. Ji Yang finally understood her initial motivation for cultivation – she wanted to use fasting pills to slim down after succeeding in qi cultivation.

Fasting pills could only be used by cultivators. They didn’t eliminate the need for food but allowed the existing spiritual energy in the body to nourish the internal organs, freeing cultivators from the cycle of eating for a month.

Only after forming a Golden Core could cultivators naturally sustain themselves without fasting pills.

Ji Yang looked at her, feeling the urge to pinch her cheeks for the first time. “Eating fasting pills won’t make you lose weight.”

Nan Yan’s dreams seemed to shatter. “Why not?”

“Fasting pills aren’t beauty pills. They don’t affect your body shape,” Ji Yang explained.

Hope reignited in Nan Yan’s eyes. “Then beauty pills—”

“Only ninth-rank pill masters in the upper realms can refine those. Most sold in the cultivation world are fake,” Ji Yang cut her off. Seeing Nan Yan’s crestfallen expression, he took her hand and said, “Come on, it’s time to claim your spirit field. If you cultivate it well, you might achieve your wish.”

“Really?” Nan Yan perked up.

“I’m not lying to you,” Ji Yang assured her.

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