HomeReborn For LoveChapter One Hundred Sixty-Three - Returning Home (Part Three)

Chapter One Hundred Sixty-Three – Returning Home (Part Three)

“Senior brother, you? Her? You two…”

“Is it so strange? After all, we haven’t seen each other for years. Naturally, you don’t understand me, just as I don’t understand how you’ve started using beauty pills to curry favor with junior sister.”

Mo Xingzhen took a full ten breaths to recall his past suspicion that Nan Yan knew Ji Yang. He had placed tracking powder in the beauty pill he gave her, but when the pill proved ineffective, he had pushed the matter to the back of his mind.

Attempting to explain, Mo Xingzhen said, “That’s not it. I didn’t… I was only trying to find you.”

“Don’t worry, I’m just asking casually. Please, take it to heart,” Ji Yang replied sardonically.

Nan Yan had no interest in eavesdropping on the brothers’ whispered conversation, but her rabbit ears made it impossible to avoid hearing even the quietest sounds. After enduring their chatter for a while, she finally interjected, “I haven’t had the chance to thank you properly for saving me back then, Mo Daoyou. May I ask how you were punished afterward?”

At the mention of the aftermath of Nan Yan’s rescue, Mo Xingzhen’s eyes darkened. “Punishment? I only wish I had been wrong.”

As he finished speaking, Ji Yang raised his hand and tapped Mo Xingzhen’s back. Suddenly, Mo Xingzhen’s Nascent Soul appeared above his head. What should have been a vibrant, energy-filled entity was now sealed by a stark ink mark, appearing weak and withered.

A cultivator’s Nascent Soul is both incredibly resilient and extremely fragile. This single stroke had effectively halted Mo Xingzhen’s cultivation progress, likely confining him to his current level for life.

Shocked, Nan Yan stood up. “He… How could he be so ruthless, even to his direct disciple?”

Ji Yang calmly asked, “What choice did he give you this time?”

Mo Xingzhen responded with a bitter smile, “Master did offer me a choice. He said I could stop investigating the past events, have my memories sealed, and surrender one of my souls to the Minhe Celestial Waterfall.”

This would have allowed him to follow the same path as other Daoshengtian disciples. Even in death, his soul wouldn’t reincarnate but would return to the Mingquan River, becoming part of Daoshengtian’s power. After they usurped the Nine Hells, he would await the next cycle of rebirth with memories of his previous life intact.

“It seems you didn’t choose that option,” Nan Yan observed. “But I don’t understand why he would give you a choice at all. Couldn’t he have forcibly sealed your memories and extracted your soul?”

As Ji Yang attempted to undo the seal on Mo Xingzhen’s Nascent Soul by drawing intricate spiritual patterns in the air, he explained, “The Mingquan River and other streams controlled by Daoshengtian have specific requirements for absorbing souls. The person whose soul is extracted must continue to believe in Daoshengtian or its approved doctrines as orthodox. If they begin to doubt Daoshengtian or turn to heterodox practices, the whole process becomes meaningless.”

The ink mark on Mo Xingzhen’s Nascent Soul remained unmoved. He waved his hand dismissively. “This seal won’t kill me, Senior Brother. Don’t worry about it. I have only one question now… Do you intend to kill our master?”

“The question you should be asking is whether our master truly intends to persist in his misguided path,” Ji Yang countered.

“I don’t know. He never explicitly told me anything,” Mo Xingzhen replied, looking down at his hands, his eyes filled with even greater sorrow. “When has the Dao Sovereign ever embarked on such a path? Why must he gamble with the lives of everyone in the world? Is this truly the righteous path our sect should follow?!”

“It’s not the Dao Sovereign,” Ji Yang said, meeting Mo Xingzhen’s shocked gaze. He tapped the table lightly and continued, “I’m not so narrow-minded. The debt of mentorship… even if there had been some misunderstanding back then, how could it have led to this? The Dao that the Sovereign taught, from beginning to end, was merely in hopes that he would attain the Three Hearts and ascend. That’s why he tried to send the Southern Fragrance Sovereign to his side, and before his lifespan ran out, he plotted against the Buddha Repentance Sovereign in his ascension scheme.”

Mo Xingzhen laughed bitterly. “How foolish I was to have envied you for inheriting the Sovereign’s Six Harmonies Heart Dao. I never imagined that you too—”

“It wasn’t like that,” Ji Yang interrupted. “When the master gave me the Six Harmonies Heart Dao, he had no ulterior motives. It was only later, when I repeatedly refused to accept the Red Emperor’s Demon Heart and the Buddha’s Zen Heart, that I incurred his wrath.” His blood-red eyes reflected the tattered Dao insignia on Mo Xingzhen’s robe as he added, “He said… the first person to ascend must come from Daoshengtian.”

“Can’t he do it himself?!” Mo Xingzhen exclaimed, standing up in agitation. “He’s the most powerful cultivator in the world! He’s experienced the Five Decays of Immortals, observed Heaven’s mechanisms alone, and created his own orthodox Heavenly Dao! Even the mighty Red Emperor and Dao Sovereign couldn’t achieve it. Even if he doesn’t follow the Three Hearts path to break through the realms left by the Dao Sovereign, surely he could—”

The air grew heavy with silence. Ji Yang spoke softly, “Xingzhen, in this world, not everything can have a perfect outcome.”

“In this world, it’s often impossible to have the best of both worlds. Don’t you agree?”

At Daoshengtian, atop the shattered altar at the source of the Soul River Waterfall, countless ghostly threads poured into a stone coffin on the altar.

Moments later, a skeletal hand emerged from the coffin. As moonlight began to rise, flesh and skin gradually regenerated on the bony hand. Soon, a woman with jet-black hair and snow-white skin sat up in the coffin.

Her willow-like eyebrows and phoenix eyes were so striking that gazing upon her was like staring into the sun—overwhelmingly beautiful and otherworldly.

“Indeed,” the woman replied. “Just as you want to destroy me and erase my existence, now you must keep me alive because I wear the face you can’t bear to part with.” The Heart Demon, unchanged in appearance, showed no displeasure despite the enormous cost of reconstituting her form. Donning a black gauze robe, she perched on the edge of the coffin, smiling with narrowed eyes. “That little brat bites hard, doesn’t he? Scattering my form, forcing your true self to remain in Daoshengtian for months. How does it feel? Do you want to throw a tantrum like a child?”

Ying Zewei sat alone on the long jade steps, tilting his head back to let the dim starry sky fall into his eyes. Despite the Heart Demon’s repeated provocations, his voice remained steady and emotionless.

The Heart Demon prodded, “Oh? You don’t care? Even when that child said your beloved Cicada Dew of Sorrow never contained you, you still don’t care?”

“I know,” Ying Zewei replied simply.


“I’ve never been good at drinking. This wine, I’ve been drinking it for so many years, and I’ve only tasted one word: bitterness.”

“Then why not stop drinking?”

“Isn’t bitterness good? It keeps one clear-headed, makes one’s heart… as hard as iron, unwavering.”

The smile on the Heart Demon’s lips turned cold as her form gradually dissipated. Her voice grew icy as she said, “I don’t believe there’s anyone in this world without a weakness. Ying Zewei, I will find the flaw in your heart eventually…”

Ying Zewei remained silent until the Heart Demon’s presence had completely vanished. Then, he parted a small section of space, revealing a scene from Mao State.

Nan Rao’s remains were taken away by Nan Yi and Ao Guanghan and brought to Mao State to light ten thousand Buddhist lamps. They hoped to summon a wisp of her soul through the prayers of a thousand Buddhas.

Yet the Buddhist lamps flickered dimly, and those who came to pay their respects were equally somber.

“Mao State…” Ying Zewei’s eyes, filled with chaotic gray mist, showed neither joy nor sorrow as he murmured, “The place where he is… you must be happy there, right?”

Ying Zewei murmured to himself for a while, then lowered his gaze to calculate briefly. His fingers suddenly clenched as he finished his calculations, and a familiar self-deprecating smile appeared on his lips once more.

“Of all places, it’s time to seize the Bitter Spring River in Mao State’s Sorrowful Mountain and Buddhist Sea. I’ll have to dig up your grave again. Should I call this fate or the lack thereof?”

As he finished speaking, reports from various parts of Daoshengtian filtered through rifts in the surrounding void:

“The Xumiyan is breaching the Beast Sealing Array. Portals for mythical creatures are appearing between mountains and seas across all States. The rebels from Yin and Chen States have amassed considerable forces. In such chaos, we request the Celestial Ruler to restore order with a single stroke.”

“No need to worry. We’ll handle matters one by one,” he said, rising and casually brushing the void. In an instant, countless scrolls were sent through the rifts.

“Each to their duty. As for Daoshengtian headquarters… First task: go to Mao State, eliminate all Buddhist sects, and seize the Bitter Spring River.”

With the support of Nascent Soul cultivators, the whaleship moved swiftly. In just over a month, they reached the dock of the Mortal State.

Stepping onto her homeland’s soil, Nan Yan felt no sense of relief. As her right hand tightened, she looked up to meet Ji Yang’s sidelong glance of reassurance.

“Feeling anxious as we near home?” he asked.

Nan Yan shook her head. “I don’t know why, but I feel very uneasy.”

“I thought I’d be the one feeling anxious,” Ji Yang smiled at her. “The Buddha Repentance Sovereign is quite stubborn. He entrusted me with protecting his daughter back then, but I wonder what expression he’ll wear when he sees how overly protective I’ve become.”

Nan Yan asked, “Is my father very fierce? He didn’t seem so in the memories from the Reverse Cycle Mirror.”

Ji Yang replied, “Have you heard of the Ancient Buddha Qielan?”

“My knowledge is limited. Please enlighten me, brother,” Nan Yan said.

Ji Yang explained, “In ancient times, when people’s hearts were impure and resistant to teachings, the Ancient Buddha Qielan, to purify the world, once massacred over a hundred tribes. He spared only the young children who knew nothing of the world. Through his efforts, he taught these children about virtue. Later, he consumed his murderous karma and ordered those grown children to bury him alive, each with a handful of soil. After 81 days, a Bodhi tree grew where he was buried, and the Ancient Buddha Qielan purified his mortal heart, eventually attaining Buddhahood. The Buddha Repentance Sovereign follows the ancient Buddha’s teachings. In terms of killing and destruction… even the most vicious demon cultivators can’t compare.”

Nan Yan recalled that Si State had once been purged by the Buddha Repentance Sovereign. She thought about her nickname, the Bloody-Handed Guanyin, realizing it was a family tradition. She sighed, “It’s alright. If Father’s murderous intent becomes uncontrollable, I’ll just say that if our child can’t be born, it’ll be missing a relative. That should placate him for now.”

After a moment of silence, Ji Yang said, “Ah Yan.”

“Yes? What is it?” Nan Yan replied.

Ji Yang said seriously, “A Bodhisattva’s sincere feelings make it difficult for followers to purify their six senses.”

Nan Yan responded, “That’s simple. If the hair roots are pure, naturally the six senses will be pure. I know there’s a very good barber near this dock, though I’m not sure if he’s still around after all these years—”

“May I interject?” Mo Xingzhen, who had been glaring at them while holding a small deer calf since they disembarked, finally spoke up. He felt that Ji Yang had truly changed; he was no longer the aloof senior brother who would check homework with unwavering focus. After going astray, all talk of important matters and revenge seemed to be postponed until after this bout of romantic banter.

Nan Yan coughed dryly and stepped back, saying, “Please speak, Senior Brother Mo.”

Ji Yang corrected her, “It’s Junior Brother Mo.”

Mo Xingzhen, expressionless, produced a long scroll and said, “The Filthy Valley isn’t always accessible, especially for us Nascent Soul cultivators. We’ll need to use some tricks to enter. This scroll contains the essential principles of the Filthy Valley’s grand formation. Among the many arrays set by Daoshengtian, the Beast Sealing Array is the most formidable, and this one is second. We not only need to enter the Filthy Valley but also break its core seal, which requires understanding this array.”

“Ah I see,” Ji Yang said, quickly scanning the scroll. “Junior brother is indeed thorough. You must have anticipated this day and made a copy of this sealed scroll as a precaution.”

Mo Xingzhen explained, “Years ago, the Orthodox Law Hall sent several waves of enforcers to the Mortal State to capture you. Although they were unsuccessful, news of their investigation in the Filthy Valley spread. As someone associated with Daoshengtian, I naturally kept this information in mind.”

After reading the scroll and contemplating for a moment, Ji Yang said, “I think I understand. The Filthy Valley’s seal is different from others. Daoshengtian probably intends to deal with the Yellow Spring River last, so the formation is related to ghost energy. After the other eight hells change hands, except for the Yellow Spring River, the Filthy Valley’s sealing formation will be at its weakest. That’s when they’ll move against the Buddha Repentance Sovereign.”

“So?” Mo Xingzhen prompted.

“Among the nine hells, the Lower, Yamen, and Ming Rivers are already under Daoshengtian’s control. Feng, You, and Huang are in our hands. If I’m not mistaken, once another river is seized, the Filthy Valley’s seal will start to weaken,” Ji Yang explained. Seeming to realize something, he glanced at Nan Yan before continuing, “There’s also the Yin Spring River, Bitter Spring River, and Cold Spring River. It should be soon.”

As they spoke, the small deer in Mo Xingzhen’s arms suddenly began to cry, attracting the attention of passersby.

“Oh, look at that spirit beast! It’s so cute!”

“Why is it crying so pitifully? It doesn’t even have a spirit beast collar. I hope these people didn’t steal it.”

“Watch your mouth! How dare you speculate about Nascent Soul cultivators! Let’s go…”

After a moment of silence, Nan Yan stroked the deer’s forehead and said, “Brother Deer, if you’re going to impersonate a young girl, I think you should consider donating those small antlers of yours, typical of a male deer, to deer in need.”

The deer whimpered for a while, then timidly said, “Wuwuwu, Sister Chongming, a growing deer eats its elders out of house and home. If you don’t feed this little deer soon, it’ll starve to death.”

Nan Yan replied, “That’s easy to solve. We’re all vegetarians. Later, we’ll find a temple to stay at. Do you prefer green vegetables cooked with cabbage, or cabbage cooked with green vegetables?”

The deer wailed, “This deer needs to eat souls!!!”

Nan Yan said, “There are only living people around, and the dead souls in this area already have owners. Where am I supposed to find souls for you?”

The deer responded, “Hey, haven’t you noticed? There are so many living dead people with souls here. That’s enough for me to eat!”

Nan Yan frowned, then heard Ji Yang chuckle behind her.

“The people of Zi State lack souls; most are living dead. It seems someone has been following us,” Ji Yang observed.

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