HomeReborn For LoveChapter Six - A Year's Plan Begins with Spring

Chapter Six – A Year’s Plan Begins with Spring

At the foot of Yang Yue Sect’s mountain, a hundred acres of spirit fields flourished. Daily, stewards from the medicine hall gathered herbs according to the schedule for pill refinement. These fields, nourished by the mountain’s spirit veins, yielded low-grade spirit herbs ready for use within ten days to a month.

“Listen up, newcomers,” a senior disciple barked, “No one’s here to coddle you. Regardless of age, each of you gets one acre and a hundred spirit herb seeds monthly. You must submit at least twenty plants; failing that costs you a spirit stone!”

After this brusque introduction, Nan Yan collected her bag of seeds and headed to her assigned plot. The field before her was a sea of rich, dark soil, its furrows lined with withered yellow grass—seemingly barren.

Opening the seed bag, she found a note: “100 Spirit Fragrance Grass seeds, planting instructions included.”

From her recent studies of herb and spirit beast records, Nan Yan knew these were fundamental ingredients for first to third-grade pills. The monthly-harvested Spirit Fragrance Grass is typically sold for one spirit stone per five plants, a price unchanged for centuries.

Cultivating spirit plants was grueling work, but Nan Yan’s youthful energy served her well. After an hour of carefully planting seeds three inches deep at three-foot intervals, she was amazed to see the first sprout already emerging.

Consulting the planting guide, she learned that Spirit Fragrance Grass needed frequent watering, preferably with spirit-infused rain. However, she found no wells or water channels nearby. Instead, a stone tablet stood close by, inscribed with instructions for a rain-summoning technique.

The tablet read: “In the cosmos, spirit exists. From pure qi, it emerges. Invading becomes metal, growing becomes wood, condensing becomes earth, rising becomes fire, sinking becomes water.”

Following this were cryptic phrases that Nan Yan struggled to decipher. Eventually, she grasped their meaning: The five elements—metal, wood, water, fire, and earth—could be absorbed through a cultivator’s meridians. Different circulation methods could manifest various spells.

Puzzled, she realized this differed from how she had previously disrupted the gambling disciples’ spiritual energy. Nevertheless, she found a spot to practice the rain technique. After two breaths of meditation, surrounding spiritual energy eagerly rushed into her dantian, soon leaving her drenched in sweat.

Feeling buoyed by spiritual energy, Nan Yan reclined on the soft grass. She glanced at the tablet, memorizing the hand gestures and incantations. Closing her eyes, she silently recited the spell, her fingers slowly forming the required seals.

After two or three attempts, the air grew heavy with moisture. Opening her eyes, Nan Yan saw a growing cluster of raindrops suspended about twenty feet above her.

“It… it worked?” she marveled. Startled by her success, her concentration broke, and the water came crashing down.

Meanwhile, Qi Yang had arranged for a neighboring disciple to manage his field for a monthly spirit stone, freeing him to focus on recovering his cultivation. Returning to find Nan Yan, he discovered her crouched by her plot, soaked and pulling weeds.

“Your clothes…” he began, but quickly realized the flourishing state of her field compared to the others. He deduced she had mastered the technique unaided.

Despite the early spring chill, Nan Yan looked up at Qi Yang’s distant gaze, noticing an almost… affectionate glint in his eyes.

“What is it?” she asked.

“Have you already learned the rain-summoning technique?” Qi Yang inquired.

Tucking her wet hair behind her ears, Nan Yan bounced over to him, eager for praise. “I have! Watch this!”

She demonstrated, conjuring a rain cloud about ten yards square. With a gesture, she moved it over a neighboring field, where it released a downpour, instantly reviving the spirit herbs.

After observing silently, Qi Yang said, “Ah Yan, promise me something.”


“When using techniques, unless it’s life or death, only use half your strength.”


“Your unique constitution allows you to accumulate spiritual energy rapidly, making your techniques twice as powerful as others. This could invite jealousy,” Qi Yang explained, a hint of indifference crossing his face as he emphasized the last words. “Remember to ‘conceal your skills.'”

Qi Yang’s manner reminded Nan Yan of her old tutor—unhurried yet commanding respect.

“Still, your intuitive grasp of this might surpass even Brother Mu,” he added.

Emboldened by the praise, Nan Yan asked, “Brother, am I one of those ‘children of destiny’ my mother always talked about?”

“What exactly do you think that means?”

“Mother said they’re people who find celestial herbs on mountains, pearls in the sea, rest in beauties’ laps, and rule the world. Even if they face hardships, it’s just temporary before they become invincible!”

“…Mind your words,” Qi Yang cautioned.

“Oh, right.” Nan Yan covered her mouth, then curiosity got the better of her. “Brother, Mother said you were a child of destiny, but you don’t seem like one.”

“How so?”

“When those senior disciples tried to trick you with gambling, you backed down instead of fighting. My big brother would have beaten them until they surrendered.”

Qi Yang chuckled, realizing he’d forgotten that to Nan Yan, he was just a few years older, leading to her confusion.

“Fair point. But I can’t let you get away with disrespect. Your rain technique had a few flaws. Let me demonstrate.” Qi Yang looked at the stone tablet and raised his hand. Suddenly, the air grew heavy and damp.

Nan Yan gaped as a massive rain cloud, over a hundred feet wide and dozens of feet thick, formed in an instant. Its mere presence chilled her to the bone.

“Don’t be afraid. It only looks intimidating,” Qi Yang assured her. Instead of letting the rain fall, he concentrated the cloud into a sphere. Slowly, dozens of crystal-clear ice spears emerged, radiating an intense cold that Nan Yan could only imagine facing.

After a moment, she stammered, “If you’re this powerful, why don’t you conceal your skills from me?”

“Because I trust you,” Qi Yang replied.

Nan Yan’s young heart fluttered once more.

After a pause, Qi Yang added, “Besides, you’re foolish.”

And just like that, eight-year-old Nan Yan’s budding affection was quashed yet again.

Over the next few days, Nan Yan settled into the Yang Yue Sect’s routine: an hour tending the spirit fields each day, followed by meditation and cultivation.

Compared to ordinary people, cultivators led seemingly monotonous lives. While mortals lived sixty to seventy years at most, cultivators enjoyed extended lifespans and perpetual youth. Even at the Qi Refining stage, they gained an extra twenty years of life, maintaining their appearance despite signs of aging.

From Qi Refining onward, Nan Yan had at least eighty years to advance to the Foundation Establishment.

Foundation Establishment granted a hundred years, Core Formation a hundred and fifty, and Nascent Soul three hundred…

Cultivation aimed for longevity rivaling heaven and earth.

“But is true immortality possible?” Nan Yan pondered aloud as she sorted herbs with a young furnace keeper she’d befriended.

The boy, not much older than her, happily shared his knowledge in exchange for Nan Yan’s sweets. “In our mundane realm, spiritual energy is scarce due to mortal influences. True immortals, if they exist, must be in the Upper States!”

Although the Yang Yue Sect was considered a celestial sect, to the sacred cultivation grounds of the Upper States, it was merely a lower-tier group mingling with mortals.

Recalling Qi Yang’s mention of “Upper States,” Nan Yan pressed, “What are the Upper States?”

“Beyond our mortal realm, there are twelve realms named after the Earthly Branches. The most powerful is called the Upper State.”

Nan Yan nodded, then heard a familiar voice as young cultivators crowded the medicine hall for supplies, she partially hid her face with Spirit Fragrance Grass and whispered, “So where does this Chu Jing fit in?”

“The Chu family of the Hai State was once great, producing a powerful cultivator a millennium ago. But they’ve stagnated since, with even their main line bowing to imperial processions… Oh, I’d better stop. Senior Brother Fu Lang from the inner sect is here for Foundation Establishment pills.”

With that, the furnace keeper dumped the remaining herbs into Nan Yan’s basket and turned to greet the newcomers with a practiced smile.

A large group arrived, including about ten disciples in blue robes from the outer sect. They surrounded five or six black-robed disciples, their faces full of flattery. These black-robed disciples all bore proud expressions and carried themselves with dignity. The leader among them, wearing a sword and jade ornament, resembled a Tang Dynasty scholar at first glance.

“I’m here for the Foundation Establishment pill,” he said.

“The pill will be ready in a moment, Senior Brother Fu. Please, have a seat. This is Master’s newly brewed spirit tea, it helps regulate spiritual energy,” the furnace keeper replied, skillfully inviting the inner sect disciples to sit. After pouring tea, he smiled and explained, “Due to the Upper State’s inspection these past few days, the Sect Leader has been busy making arrangements. Master expended considerable energy and specifically instructed us to explain clearly if Senior Brother Fu came.”

Fu Lang’s eyes showed dissatisfaction, but he didn’t pursue the matter. “Elder Xu is our sect’s top alchemist. I trust him, of course. But what exactly is happening in the Upper State that brings their envoys to inspect the Mortal State?”

“I’ve only heard rumors, but it’s said that… the ‘Dao Gives Birth to Heaven’ Emperor of the Zi State passed away under mysterious circumstances. The twelve realms have jointly issued a kill order to find the culprit.”

Fu Lang’s expression changed slightly as he hissed, “We’d better not discuss Upper State matters. I just want to know, given the limited materials provided this time, what’s the success rate for the Foundation Establishment pill?”

The boy smiled, “Rest assured, Senior Brother Fu. It’s been three days now, and the pill mist remains dense and stable. The pill will form.”

Fu Lang smiled slightly. Seeing this, Chu Jing, who had come along, quickly said, “Congratulations, Senior Brother Fu! Foundation Establishment is within reach. That Mu fellow will have to address you as his senior from now on.”

In the cultivation world, it was customary for cultivators of the same level to address each other as fellow disciples if they were from the same sect or on good terms. Those of higher levels were to be called seniors.

Once Fu Lang successfully reached the Foundation Establishment, disciples at the Qi Refining stage like Nan Yan would have to call him Uncle Master according to the rules.

Hearing Mu Zhanting mention, Nan Yan perked up her ears. She listened as they badmouthed him, mostly criticizing his nonsensical use of idioms to amuse the Sect Leader’s daughter, calling him manipulative.

“Well said,” Nan Yan thought, relieved to hear such fair words after being long bothered by Mu Zhanting. She couldn’t help but smile at Chu Jing.

However, the furnace keeper was about to clear the room. “Nan Yan, you’re done for today. Take your spirit stones and go.”

She had thought she was well hidden behind the medicine shelves, and Chu Jing hadn’t noticed her. Now singled out and exposed to everyone, her smile still lingering, Chu Jing immediately misinterpreted it.

Since joining the inner sect, Chu Jing had often been overshadowed by Mu Zhanting. Vaguely recalling Mu’s close relationship with this chubby girl, his youthful sensitivity immediately flared up. “You dare laugh at us?”

Nan Yan’s smile froze. Fu Lang glanced at her with disgust, “With that figure… is this the sister Mu Zhanting keeps talking about?”

“Yes, that’s her!”

The inner sect disciples’ gazes turned strange.

As Nan Yan stood confused, Fu Lang sneered, “I see. So this is why Brother Mu has been trying to arrange marriages for his sister all over the inner sect. Chu Jing, what do you think?”

Chu Jing’s face turned slightly green. “Senior Brother means…?”

“She’s like a pig, and your surname means ‘pig.’ Isn’t that a perfect match?”

The other inner sect disciples burst into laughter. Chu Jing’s face turned purple as he clenched his fists. “Come here, you!”

For a moment, Nan Yan wanted to bite Mu Zhanting to death, but out of self-preservation, she hid behind the medicine shelves, peering warily through the gaps. “I’m not coming out.”

Chu Jing exploded in anger. “You dare disobey an inner sect disciple?! I could have you expelled from the sect!”

Nan Yan replied, “If I come out, you can’t hit me.”

“Stop wasting time!” Chu Jing snapped.

Remembering her recent studies, Nan Yan applied her knowledge: “Boys and girls shouldn’t sit together after age seven. I’m already eight, so if you hit me, you’ll have to marry me.”

The inner sect disciples roared with laughter again, even Fu Lang’s lips twitched in amusement.

Chu Jing was furious. As he rolled up his sleeves to drag Nan Yan out, suddenly everyone’s expressions changed. A muffled sound came from the inner hall of the medicine pavilion, followed by a waft of slightly burnt medicinal fragrance.

“Not good!” Fu Lang’s expression changed as he grabbed a hurrying apprentice. “Has the Foundation Establishment pill failed?”

“No, no!” The boy, startled by Fu Lang’s expression, quickly reassured him. “One Foundation Establishment pill has been successfully refined, Senior Brother. Please don’t worry.”

Fu Lang’s expression relaxed slightly. “In that case, I’ll take the pill and—”

Before he could finish, an inner sect elder suddenly entered. His body radiated spiritual energy like a tide, clearly indicating he had reached Foundation Establishment.

Upon his arrival, the previously arrogant inner sect disciples all stood and bowed. “Greetings, Elder Xu.”

Elder Xu nodded slightly. “No need for formalities. I’ve just returned from slaying demons. The Sect Leader sent me to collect a Foundation Establishment pill on my way back. I’ll take it and leave. Here’s the authorization.”

Fu Lang was shocked. “Elder Xu, wasn’t this pill supposed to be mine?”

“Oh?” Elder Xu expressed surprise. “The sect should have provided enough materials for twenty pills this year… Ah I see. With the recent visits from Upper State envoys, the Sect Leader’s expenses have increased. But even so, there should have been enough for at least ten pills.”

The apprentice looked troubled, bowing repeatedly. “Master was overly fatigued earlier and lost focus for a moment. Only one pill was successfully refined.”

“I see.” Elder Xu smiled at the situation and addressed Fu Lang, “I’m here on the Sect Leader’s orders. Junior Brother Fu has always been understanding. Surely you can comprehend the situation?”

In the cultivation world, it was said that obstructing someone’s path to immortality was akin to killing their parents.

Fu Lang’s neck veins bulged slightly, but he forcibly suppressed his emotions. “May I ask what Elder Xu needs this Foundation Establishment pill for?”

“Well, there’s no harm in telling you,” Elder Xu replied. “This matter won’t remain secret for long. You may have heard rumors that the Upper State Emperor was assassinated. Various kings and noble families have sent envoys to inspect the realms and hunt down the culprit. However, the envoys aren’t just here for the hunt; they’re also scouting all realms to select a new imperial heir.”

“Imperial heir?”

“With the ‘Dao Gives Birth to Heaven’ Emperor of the Zi State gone, naturally, a new heir must be chosen from other realms. The Vermillion Emperor’s Jasper Palace lacks a ruler, and by rights, it should pass to the imperial clan of the Chen State. However, Ao fellow has no children, and the Patriarch can’t become Emperor. So, they’re looking for a promising candidate with good aptitude and a fate aligned with the Heavenly Dao. This candidate will be sent to the Chen State to purify their bloodline, change their surname, and be groomed as an imperial heir.”

Fu Lang listened, his eyes glazing over. He mumbled, “That’s truly a meteoric rise… Elder Xu, could it be that the Chen State envoy intends to choose from our Yang Yue Sect—”

“You’re overthinking it. Yang Yue Sect is far from the Chen State. The envoy will naturally pass through our sect on their way back. The Sect Leader is considering Young Miss Ning’s future.”

Ning was the Sect Leader’s daughter and the object of Fu Lang’s affection.

Fu Lang’s expression faltered. “Could it be that the Sect Leader intends to offer Ning as a dao companion to the imperial heir?”

“You’re still overthinking,” Elder Xu said firmly. “How could we dare to imagine an imperial heir’s dao companion… The Sect Leader thinks that with Ning’s Half Yin Cauldron constitution, she might catch the imperial heir’s eye and be taken away. Even as a concubine, it would give our Yang Yue Sect hope for the future.”

Fu Lang seemed to choke, wanting to say something but unable to voice it.

The cultivation world’s hierarchy was even stricter than the mortal realm. It wasn’t that people didn’t want to rebel; they simply lacked the power to do so.

After hearing all this, Nan Yan slowly slipped out through the side door. Once outside, she cast a swift-movement spell, her feet barely touching the ground as she rushed back to her quarters.

But she stopped at the entrance, scooped up some water from a nearby clear spring, and smeared it under her eyes. Then she dashed next door, wailing as she threw herself at Qi Yang, who was reading: “Brother!”

Qi Yang’s back sagged under her weight as he steadied a scroll on the geography of the Mortal State. He turned slowly, seeing Nan Yan’s face with fake tears. “Who bullied you?”

“Mu Zhanting! He… he tried to set me up with that ‘Pig’ from the inner sect as a wife!”

Qi Yang remained silent for a moment, then asked, “How did you find out?”

Nan Yan wiped her face dry on his back and rattled off the day’s events, concluding, “Such behavior is truly… truly… a thousand men pointing fingers!”

“You mean ‘outrageous,'” Qi Yang corrected.

“Right, outrageous! Brother, will you get revenge for me?”

Nan Yan had been calling him ‘brother’ for several days now. At first, Qi Yang let it slide, but gradually he realized that in cultivation, words could shape reality. Although addressing each other as siblings was harmless, it could subtly influence their mindsets. After some thought, he said, “I’ll help you if you agree to one thing.”

“What is it?”

“When we’re alone, you don’t need to call me brother.”

“Then what should I call you?”

Qi Yang considered for a moment, then said, “You can call me by my courtesy name, Shaocang.”

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