HomeReborn For LoveChapter Twenty-Four – Zhen Yuan and Zhen Fang

Chapter Twenty-Four – Zhen Yuan and Zhen Fang

“Sister, think this through! Even if you’re fat and ugly and can’t find a cultivation partner, you shouldn’t abandon the mortal world!” Yin Ya pleaded.

“Shut up. I’m not your sister,” Nan Yan retorted.

“I’ve sworn brotherhood with your big brother, so I’m your second brother now. As the elder, I’m like a father to you. You should listen to me—becoming a nun isn’t a good idea.”

Yin Ya continued his earnest persuasion, nearly resorting to tears and threats. Nan Yan, thoroughly annoyed, said, “Shao Cang is my second brother. What right do you have, coming later?”

Yin Ya asked, “How old is your big brother?”

“Sixteen or seventeen,” Nan Yan replied.

Yin Ya reasoned confidently, “Look, your big brother is missing. In ten years, he’ll be 26 or 27. I’ll be 25, and you’ll be 19. Your Shao Cang brother will forever be 15. Aren’t I older? Shouldn’t you call me the second brother?”

The phrase “Your Shao Cang brother will forever be 15” instantly dispelled the faint hint of warmth on Nan Yan’s face. She stood up woodenly and said, “You’re good at comforting people, haha.”

“That’s not what I meant…” Yin Ya started, but Nan Yan slammed the temple door shut.

She slowly walked to a pavilion behind Bodhi Mountain Temple, where an old monk sat, pondering a complex position on a jade Go board.

Nan Yan bowed from afar, “Master Chi Ku.”

“Ah Yan, come sit,” the monk invited.

Nan Yan sat on the meditation cushion opposite Chi Ku. Though not well-versed in Go, she could see that the black stones seemed dominant, forcing the white stones to retreat steadily.

“Has Ah Yan let go today?” Chi Ku asked kindly.

After a moment of silence, Nan Yan bowed her head and said, “Nan Yan has few worldly attachments left. I only wish to eradicate evil practices. Please, Master, shave my head tomorrow.”

Master Chi Ku smiled gently. “You’re still so young. Isn’t it too early to sever all worldly ties?”

Nan Yan turned her head, her small eyes reflecting the clouds outside the pavilion. With a world-weary expression, she said, “I’ll never love anyone else in this life. Shaving my head will cleanse my heart.”

Master Chi Ku thought to himself, “If your mother had half your enlightenment back then, how could things have ended up like this?”

Her words seemed to shock the old monk. After a long pause, he adopted the tone of a wise elder and advised, “The path of Buddhist cultivation lies in the heart, not in appearances. Buddha enlightens all beings. As long as your heart turns to Buddha, everywhere can be a pure land of enlightenment—”

Nan Yan interrupted, “This cruel world has broken my heart. Now I only want to become a monk and be a demon-slaying Buddhist cultivator.”

Master Chi Ku tried to persuade her, “There’s no such thing as a demon-slaying Buddhist cultivator. Buddhism prioritizes enlightenment—”

“Please don’t try to dissuade me, Master. Only Buddhist techniques are most effective against evil cultivators. My mind is made up. Please shave my head and give me a Dharma name.”

Master Chi Ku sighed deeply. “Come to the main hall tomorrow to receive the robe and bowl. As for shaving your head, let me be frank: your heart still clings to worldly attachments. Even if you shave off your hair now, it will grow back. Only when you truly let go and find inner peace will you achieve true purity of the six senses and radiance atop your head?”

The master’s calm voice gradually soothed Nan Yan’s anxiety. At that moment, a bell rang from the distant mountains. Nan Yan said, “Master, I have gained some insight.”

Master Chi Ku picked up a Go stone and smiled. “Please, share your thoughts.”

Nan Yan pointed at the ordinary worshippers climbing the mountain. Under the scorching sun, one removed his hat to cool off, revealing a shiny bald head.

Nan Yan said, “To transcend the mortal world, one must first seek within it. The commoner’s shining head shows true inner peace. In my lifetime, I wish to follow this path.”

Master Chi Ku’s Go stone fell onto the board with a clatter as he inwardly wept. Buddha forgive me, but being naturally bald and finding inner peace are not the same thing…

Meanwhile, Yin Ya, unable to break through the small barrier in the Buddha Hall, finally caught an early-rising disciple sweeping the floor. He urgently asked if Nan Yan truly intended to cut off her “three thousand troublesome hair strands” and convert to Buddhism.

The young disciple, initially fearful of the fierce fox spirit, had grown accustomed to Yin Ya’s presence. He calmly replied, “Yes, Master Chi Ku set up the altar to transmit precepts early this morning. However, since Sister is still young, they haven’t shaved her head yet, fearing she might catch a cold.”

Yin Ya’s anxiety eased slightly. He then asked, “Did that old baldly try to persuade her to switch to Buddhist cultivation methods?”

The disciple trembled, “No… Master Chi Ku didn’t mention that. After giving her a Dharma name and the robe and bowl, he said nothing about cultivation techniques. He only said that Senior Sister Zhen Yuan has exceptional talent but needs to temper her character. So he assigned her a task: to convert Senior Brother Zhen Fang from demon to righteous path within twenty years.”

Yin Ya struggled to process this information. “Wait, who’s Senior Sister Zhen Yuan?”

The disciple explained, “That’s Nan Yan. Master Chi Ku said the mortal world’s vastness lies within heaven and earth’s square and circle. Seeing her impressive figure, he chose the character ‘Yuan’ (circle) for her name in the ‘Zhen’ generation. And since you’re her sworn brother, once she converts you to Buddhism, you’ll be given the Dharma name Zhen Fang.”

Yin Ya’s expression went blank. “Did anyone ask for my consent in this?”

The disciple shyly added, “Senior Sister Zhen Yuan said brothers and sisters are family, so everyone should be included.”

Yin Ya finally realized he should never have come to this Buddhist place of right and wrong.

Later that day, Nan Yan reappeared. She was still chubby but now wore gray monk robes and a worn string of 108 small prayer beads around her neck, wrapped twice to avoid getting in the way.

Expressionless, she said, “Master Chi Ku says you’re under my care now. If I successfully convert you, I’ll be qualified to challenge the evil cultivators of Si State.”

Unsure where to begin criticizing, Yin Ya cautiously asked, “How do you plan to convert me?”

Nan Yan replied, “First, abstain from alcohol, meat, wealth, and sex.”

Yin Ya pleaded, “Just end me quickly.”

Nan Yan sat on a meditation cushion opposite Yin Ya, unsurprised by his attitude. She calmly said, “No rush. Before coming, I sought advice from a serene visitor from the pharmacy downhill. To save someone, one must first listen to the patient’s needs to prescribe the right medicine. Come, tell me your requirements.”

Yin Ya retreated to the altar, rubbing his arms nervously. “I think you’re the one who needs medicine. You’re scaring me.”

Glancing at the Buddha statue on the altar, Nan Yan said to Yin Ya, “I’ve been so self-absorbed lately that I forgot you’ve been seeking women to ease your demonic blood’s torment. I have a solution for your problem.”

Yin Ya tensed as the chubby girl approached. “You mean…”

Nan Yan stepped closer, reached into her storage pouch, and suddenly slapped a talisman on Yin Ya’s bottom.

“You—” Yin Ya couldn’t finish his sentence as he realized it was a form-breaking talisman, usable only by Core Formation cultivators. In a flash of purple light, a massive six-tailed white fox occupied half the hall.

Nan Yan instinctively closed her eyes at the purple flash. When she opened them, her face was buried in soft, fluffy fur. Her hand grasped the smooth coat, and she couldn’t help but stroke it a few more times.

“How dare you stroke me!” The six-tailed fox, enraged, tossed Nan Yan onto a nearby cushion. In his beast form, he had the strength to shake a Foundation Establishment cultivator. His claws struck the Buddha-empowered stone tiles, cracking them.

“This is too much! I carried you out of Filthy Valley, and this is how you repay me!”

“Second Brother, calm down,” Nan Yan said, staring intently at the beautiful white fox. She now called him ‘Second Brother’ without hesitation. “I’m thinking of you. I’ve asked Master for permission to lift the Buddha Hall’s restrictions. If you shrink a bit more, I can take you out. Women will lose their minds and rush to embrace you for warmth.”

Seeing her conviction and desperately craving yin energy, Yin Ya asked, “R-really?”

“Yes. Even I can barely control my desire. Let me hold you and take a breath—”

“Get away, get away, get away!” Yin Ya shouted.

When Yin Ya shrank to the size of an ordinary fox, Nan Yan did indeed take him out. The chubby girl and the fox strolled among the temple visitors. Many ordinary families had come, and seeing a young nun with a beautiful, ethereal white fox, they believed it to be a sign of the temple’s spiritual power.

Young women, in particular, reacted as Nan Yan had predicted. They crowded around, each wanting to pet or hug the fox. Soon, Yin Ya was covered in the scent of powder and perfume, feeling dazed and content.

Before long, a richly dressed young lady pushed through the crowd. Seeing the white fox, her eyes lit up. She tugged at her mother’s sleeve, pleading, “Mother, this white fox is an auspicious creature. Let’s buy it and keep it at home. When important officials visit our State, we could present it as a tribute and seek a government position.”

The cultivation world was separate from the mortal realm, but the Buddhist path sought to save all beings from suffering. It was the sect closest to ordinary people. Buddhist disciples didn’t flaunt their abilities, so most people didn’t know that Bodhi Mountain Temple was a cultivation sect.

The rich lady’s mother smiled, patting her daughter’s head. She looked around and finally spotted Nan Yan beside the white fox. “Child, you’re thoughtful. Little nun, does this white fox belong to you? I’m willing to offer a thousand taels of silver as a donation. May we take it home?”

Yin Ya looked disdainful, slowly moving to Nan Yan’s side and turning his tail toward the mother and daughter.

“If you dare agree, I’ll tear their family apart,” he said.

Nan Yan asked through divine sense, “Do you mean to tear down their house or tear apart their family relationships?”

Yin Ya replied, “Both.”

Nan Yan chanted “Amitabha” and said, “Madam, a temple is not a place for transactions. All beings have spirits. You may observe from afar but not… At most, you can put it briefly like other visitors. As for purchasing it, please abandon that idea.”

The wealthy woman, publicly rejected, showed displeasure. “Little girl, we donate considerable money to your temple every year. It’s just a fox. Won’t you give us this small favor, considering our family’s status?”

“That’s right. Look how fat she is, she probably wants to take the fox back and eat it herself,” the rich young lady sneered, eyeing Nan Yan’s figure. “Fat girl, the money I’m offering is enough for you to eat meat for a lifetime. Refusing like this, are you stupid?”

Other visitors looked at the dusty Nan Yan, then at the elegantly dressed, beautiful rich young lady, and began to whisper.

“Heaven creates all beings, some blessed with grace, others… ugly and hard to look at. Tsk, tsk.”

“The rich young lady might be a bit spoiled, but she’s honest and cute. This fat girl is being quite unreasonable.”

Cultivators have their pride. If Nan Yan wanted, she could take these mortals’ lives with a mere thought and a spell.

Yin Ya swished his tail irritably. “Are you just going to let these insects bully you? If you don’t fight back, I’ll cast an illusion to give her nightmares for half a year.”

Nan Yan shook her head and stood up. “Madam, how much have you donated to our humble temple over the years?”

The wealthy woman, a local magnate from the town below, replied proudly, “Over the years, we’ve donated a total of three thousand taels of silver to your esteemed temple. If it weren’t for the temple’s efficacy in bringing prosperity to my husband’s business, I wouldn’t climb these long stairs year after year. Your temple has received so much in donations, yet you refuse my small request for this fox today. Isn’t that against moral principles?”

The rich young lady mocked, “You talk as if it’s such a big deal. If you have the ability, return all the donations my family has made! When the temple’s abbot comes, I’ll take this fox. Not only will I take it away, but I’ll also skin it to make a hat and wear it every year when I come to offer incense.”

Her mother nodded, a cold smile on her lips. “My daughter is right. You take money to do things. If you don’t do them, return the money first.”

The surrounding visitors sighed. Three thousand taels was no small amount; no temple would disrespect such a major donor.

Nan Yan listened and said, “Madam and young miss, your foreheads are dark, and your fortune lines are pale. You were destined for hardship. With the donations you’ve made to our humble temple over the years, every coin has been used to aid the poor. The resulting merits have benefited you. Are you sure you want to forsake these merits for money?”

“HAh you speak empty words. Who knows if you’re not using this money for your indulgences in the temple? If you can produce three thousand taels, not only will I give up on the fox, but I’ll also never set foot in your temple again.”

“Very well.”

As Nan Yan spoke, her fingers discreetly touched her storage pouch. A chest appeared out of thin air and landed heavily at the wealthy woman’s feet. The lid burst open, revealing dazzling gold bars that blinded everyone.

The wealthy woman was startled. Her daughter screamed, pointing at Nan Yan with a trembling finger. “Y-you, what kind of thing are you?”

The other visitors were also frightened. Suddenly, an old voice resonated throughout Bodhi Mountain Temple:

“Those who believe in our Buddha, accumulate virtue and do good to enter the cycle of all beings. Those who do not believe, please leave!”

As the voice faded, all the visitors in the temple experienced a moment of disorientation. When they opened their eyes, they found themselves at the foot of the mountain. The path up the mountain was now obscured by layers of mist.

The visitors panicked briefly, then looked at the mother and daughter who had fallen to the ground, clinging to each other. They shouted:

“This Bodhi Temple… it’s an immortal’s temple! You foolish women, you’ve offended immortals and now we can’t worship Buddha anymore because of you!”

Under the angry gazes of all the mortals, the mother and daughter sat amidst the scattered gold bars, their faces filled with fear and bitterness…

After the temple closed its gates, Master Chi Ku’s voice came from deep within:

“Zhen Yuan, you could have forgiven that mother and daughter. By deliberately showing no mercy, are you harboring resentment?”

Nan Yan bowed with her hands clasped, facing the direction of the voice. “Master, there are countless suffering people in the world waiting to be saved. Why should we save the wicked before the good?”

In the pavilion behind the mountain, Master Chi Ku, holding a Go stone, smiled helplessly, muttering words only he could hear:

“Ah Zhen Yuan, only when facing the wicked of the world do you show no mercy, just like your domineering mother…”

Master Chi Ku hesitated for a long time before placing the Go stone on the board. At the same time, he transmitted a message:

“Zhen Yuan, your state of mind is as firm as a rock. After half a month, when you reach the peak of Qi Refining, you can try to enter closed cultivation for Foundation Establishment.”

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