HomeReborn For Love

Reborn For Love

Chapter One Hundred Sixty – Returning Home (Part One)

"Ah these two are selling themselves to bury their brother." "Look closely, this brother and sister pair are quite fair and pretty. Who knows where...

Chapter One Hundred Sixty-One – Returning Home (Part Two)

Mu Zhanting still had a strong survival instinct. The Dragon Lord's words echoed in his mind: "See that bright star in the sky? If...

Chapter One Hundred Sixty-Two – The Voice of the Nine-Colored Deer

The demon race currently has four legitimate royal lineages: the Chongming Bird, the Xumigui, the Yansheng Fox, and the Nine-Colored Deer. Each wields a...

Chapter One Hundred Sixty-Three – Returning Home (Part Three)

"Senior brother, you? Her? You two..." "Is it so strange? After all, we haven't seen each other for years. Naturally, you don't understand me, just...

Chapter One Hundred Sixty-Four – The Battle Situation in Weizhou

Wei State, Tianjiao Peak. "Senior Brother Song, the remaining mortals and low-level cultivators have been sent to Tianjiao Peak for refuge. Cultivators from Yin, Mao,...

Chapter One Hundred Sixty-Five – The Unsealing of the Corrupted Valley

"They're all Nascent Soul cultivators and that little one has only recently formed her Core. Why don't we ask the Daotian Master to possess...

Chapter One Hundred Sixty-Six – The Battle of Maozhou

In Huigu... "This woman... still has time for this?" one of the Nascent Soul cultivators muttered. "Heh, women are always troublesome," another replied. These Nascent Soul cultivators,...

Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-Seven – The Doomsday of the Literary World

"Now that Choushan Academy's Nascent Soul cultivators are incapacitated, Fellow Daoist Yun, hold on! We're coming!" Outside Choushan Fanhai, a strange figure drawn in...

Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-Eight – Melee

"Let's make a deal. How about exchanging Origin Spirit Energy for Bodhi Leaves?" she proposed. Origin Spirit Energy is fundamental for transitioning from the Nascent...

Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-Nine – Silent Brightness

Nan Yan rose silently, but as Ji Yang's breathing steadied, he called out to her, "A'Yan." "I'm not leaving," Nan Yan replied. "You heal while...

Chapter One Hundred and Seventy – Don’t Guess the Old Man’s Thoughts

Ji Ming had long ago let go of the seven emotions and six desires. Love, hate, obsession, and familial bonds were now foreign concepts...

Chapter One Hundred and Seventy-One – Battle Against Inner Demons

"Is this... the Four Totems of the Demon Clan?" Purple light filled the pagoda as Yin Ya's ninth tail materialized. The monks watched in awe...

Chapter One Hundred and Seventy-Two – Enemy of the World

Northern Sea of Yin State. Dozens of Yin State cultivators fled frantically along the coast. Among them were Core Formation and Foundation Establishment cultivators. Those...

Chapter One Hundred and Seventy-Three – Sealed!

Fan State. A farmer with a hoe looked up at the gloomy sky, estimating there would be autumn rain today. He weighed the importance of...

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