HomeSerendipityChapter 10: Miss

Chapter 10: Miss

Mingshu’s head buzzed as if she had been stunned by Lu Chang’s actions. She never expected that someone like Lu Chang would bring her to buy intimate clothing for young women. For a moment, she stared at him blankly, forgetting even the embarrassment she should have felt.

“I had originally intended for Mother to take you here, but she fell ill. The rash on your back is from the fabric. Let the shopkeeper help you choose something better to wear, otherwise it might offend others,” Lu Chang’s handsome face flushed suddenly, involuntarily explaining himself. Then, fearing that she was worried about money, he added, “I’ll wait outside for you. Don’t worry about the money. I’ll pay for it when you’re done.”

With these words, he felt awkward under her clear gaze and hastily rushed out of the shop door. He didn’t go far before leaning against the wall outside and taking out a book from his pocket, burying his head in it.

Inside the shop, the woman couldn’t help but stifle a laugh, “The young lady is so fortunate to have such a caring husband. It’s rare these days to see a man bring a woman to buy undergarments, especially such a young and handsome lad.”

This remark finally snapped Mingshu back to reality. Her face flushed all over, and she shook her head like a tambourine, “No, he’s not my husband, he’s my elder brother.”

The woman became even more intrigued, “Really? I couldn’t tell at all. You two look just like siblings.” As she spoke, she ushered Mingshu into the fitting room.

Meanwhile, Lu Chang stood outside reading for a while until he felt settled. He calculated the time and figured that Mingshu should have made her choice by now. He turned back into the shop and coincidentally met Mingshu as she emerged from the fitting room, followed closely by the chattering woman.

“Have you made your choice?” Lu Chang asked.

Before Mingshu could reply, the woman spoke up, “She has indeed chosen, but this young lady is quite clever. She insisted on bargaining with me to lower the price. My shop operates on a small scale. She demanded I cut the price in half. How could I agree?”

Lu Chang looked at the woman who held a bundle of women’s clothing in her hands. He didn’t know which outfit Mingshu had chosen, so he asked, “Which outfit did she choose? And how much?”

The woman picked out two pieces and pushed them toward Lu Chang, saying, “It’s this set of sky-blue silk innerwear. Young sir, feel the fabric. Is it smooth? Is it comfortable?” She then picked up another smaller garment and attempted to place it in Lu Chang’s hands.

In business, merchants paid little attention to whether their customers were male or female. However, knowing that these clothes would be worn close to Mingshu’s body, Lu Chang withdrew his hand as if scalded, especially when the last piece was a woman’s camisole.

“The goods in this store are honest and fair. You get what you pay for. These two outfits normally sell for two taels of silver. However, seeing how pretty this young lady is, I’ll give them to her for one tael and five qian. How could I possibly go lower?” the woman said, trying to sell Lu Chang on the purchase.

Lu Chang just wanted to buy and leave as soon as possible, avoiding any further awkwardness. He reached into his pocket for his money pouch, but before he could get his money, someone snatched the pouch away.

“Get out of the way!” Mingshu, seeing that he was about to pay without any fuss, snatched the money pouch away, tucked it behind her back, and pushed Lu Chang aside. Raising her eyebrows, she said to the woman, “Stop trying to cheat him. He doesn’t understand these things as a man. You said this is sky-blue silk, right? Well, even if it’s plain sky-blue silk, the going rate is thirty wen per foot. For an outfit like this, which would require five feet of fabric, that’s only one hundred and fifty wen. Include the cost of labor, rent, and miscellaneous expenses, the total cost of this outfit is less than three hundred wen. Even in this area near Bianjing, where prices are twenty percent higher than in other towns, it wouldn’t cost more than one tael of silver. How can you ask for two taels?”

She rattled off her explanation like a rain of beans, both urgent and sharp. Although the woman was shrewd, she couldn’t find an opportunity to interrupt. When Mingshu finished speaking, the woman slowly regained her composure and insisted, “Madam, what you’re describing is plain silk, but my store uses finely woven silk fabric. It’s made from the best autumn silk from Suzhou and Hangzhou…”

Before she could finish her sentence, Mingshu’s laughter cut her off. Mingshu picked up the innerwear and spread out the fabric, saying, “Don’t mention the fabric anymore. Even if it’s plain silk, it’s not worth more than six hundred wen. This silk isn’t made from pure silk, is it? It’s mixed with linen or other low-cost threads. You’re cheating two out-of-town guests. You see that we’re dressed plainly and assume we don’t know anything, and you want to sell this inferior silk at the price of pure silk? Do you dare to say that your shop is honest? Let me tell you, this outfit is worth six hundred wen, and I won’t take a penny more.”

With that, she threw the clothes back into the woman’s arms, grabbed Lu Chang’s hand, and started to leave.

The woman recognized that she had encountered knowledgeable customers and her face alternated between red and white. Nevertheless, she was an experienced merchant. Seeing that Mingshu was leaving, she quickly changed her tone and grabbed both of them, saying, “Forget it, forget it. You’re quite a sharp-tongued young lady. I can’t argue with you. Six hundred wen it is. Take them.”

Ming Shu turned away with a satisfied smile, opening her purse to count the money. Throughout, Lu Chang remained silent, observing quietly. Ming Shu’s hidden delight seemed to revive her former lively demeanor, all because of the small sum of money she had saved, which she had never cared about in the past.

Meanwhile, Ming Shu settled the payment and took the neatly packed clothes. Without hesitation, she handed them to Lu Chang to carry. The vendor woman attempted to sell a few more sets, pulling Ming Shu aside and saying, “Young lady, what about the apricot-colored jacket and vermillion pleated skirt you tried earlier? It suits your youthful beauty much better than these older women’s colors. They don’t fit well and don’t do justice to your looks.”

Interrupting, both Ming Shu and Lu Chang spoke simultaneously. “What skirt?”

Lu Chang scrutinized Ming Shu, who was wearing old clothes from the Zeng family—a widow’s wardrobe, typically muted in color and rural in style, which even after alteration, did not fit Ming Shu well due to her fuller figure.

He realized his oversight.

“I’ll take…” Lu Chang began, but Ming Shu swiftly tucked the money bag close to her chest, saying, “We’re not buying. Let’s go.” She feared that any delay might allow the cunning vendor to fleece Lu Chang of his savings.

Exiting the clothing shop, Lu Chang asked her, “We need everything for our journey. Why didn’t you want the clothes if they fit?”

Ming Shu followed, carrying nothing with her to avoid suspicion. Lu Chang explained that her belongings were lost during their escape, and she hadn’t had a chance to replace them since then.

Ming Shu glanced at him and remarked, “You’re just a scholar, always immersed in books, oblivious to life’s necessities.”

Lu Chang was taken aback. “Are you talking about me?”

Despite being a scholar, Lu Chang had grown up with the Zeng family, taking on various household responsibilities from a young age due to Madam Zeng’s frailty. He was well acquainted with the harsh realities of life and human emotions. How could she accuse him of ignorance? Even if he truly was unaware, he argued, his upbringing was more grounded in reality than Ming Shu’s sheltered life of luxury.

He chuckled, then pointed at the money bag she clutched tightly. “Do you know where this money comes from?”

“I know it’s yours. I know it’s hard-earned,” she replied earnestly, “That’s why I don’t want you to spend it recklessly. How much have you spent on injuries and illness along this journey? If you had mountains of gold and silver, I wouldn’t mind, but this is all we have. In the capital, we’ll need to rent a house and buy necessities like rice, flour, oil, and salt. You’ll need money to meet officials, make connections, and attend gatherings. Even if you don’t need extra for your studies, there are unavoidable social expenses. Spring is around the corner, and that’s the examination season. You need to focus on your studies. With no income and only expenses, how long can our savings last?”

“Even if it’s difficult, I won’t let you or Mother suffer. Stop worrying about these things! We must prepare what’s necessary. When we reach the capital, won’t you need new clothes too?” Lu Chang was aware of their financial constraints. Originally budgeted for just himself and Madam Zeng, their expenses had soared with Ming Shu’s inclusion. Yet, he was determined to manage somehow, not willing to see her sacrifice even the basics.

“Necessary expenses should be spent urgently, like clothing for us and medicine for your mother’s illness,” Ming Shu explained patiently. “But for outerwear, there’s no rush. Clothes from ready-made shops include costs like rent, wages for tailors, and transportation, all adding to the final price. It’s better to wait until we reach the capital and find a regular fabric shop. We can buy a few yards of fabric and make our clothes, or hire a seamstress. This way, the cost of one ready-made garment could cover an entire outfit. Isn’t that more economical?”

She paused to look over his attire. “Your clothes need replacing too. They’re faded and loose. You need new fans, pouches, and headscarves. With such a handsome face, neglecting these details would be a shame.”

Lu Chang noticed her use of “Madam Zeng” but said nothing. He remembered the two outfits she had sent before the provincial exams. Was she trying to dress him up? What a strange habit.

Seeing her dressed in dull, loose clothing, Lu Chang started to understand her mindset. Now, he also wanted to see her regain her former radiance.

Ming Shu noticed his silence and worried she had offended him. Men’s pride could be fragile. “I don’t mean to criticize your modest earnings. Money should be spent wisely. There are different ways to live, whether rich or poor, right?”

Even though he looked unchanged, Lu Chang found himself understanding her more. The girl who used to ask for everything, living meticulously, was now dividing their funds cautiously and even consoling him. Maybe he had misunderstood her.

“Well, I’ve said enough about buying clothes. It’s your loss if you don’t. But don’t be upset later,” Lu Chang said, as He walked ahead.

She happily followed him. “I’m not upset. Once you become the top scholar, our good days will come. There’s an old saying, ‘When one person succeeds, even the chickens and dogs rise to heaven.'”

Lu Chang stopped abruptly. “If I’m the one who succeeds, don’t drag Mother into this.”

“Oh,” Ming Shu clicked her tongue and urged, “Let’s go, hurry back.”

Lu Chang didn’t move, gazing down at something.

“What’s wrong?” Ming Shu followed his gaze and realized her hand was hooked on his arm.

When did they link arms so naturally? Neither knew. Under his nonchalant gaze, Ming Shu awkwardly let go, saying, “You walk too fast, I can’t keep up.”

Once her hand slipped from his arm, Lu Chang adjusted his sleeve and resumed walking, this time with smaller steps. Ming Shu struggled to catch up and stopped to catch her breath. As the distance grew between them, Lu Chang halted at a street vendor.

“Forget about clothes, let’s get some roasted chestnuts instead.” After paying, he handed her a bag of freshly roasted chestnuts.

Ming Shu smiled brightly, “Peeling these is such a bother.”

“My lady, I’ll peel them for you,” Lu Chang sighed, somewhat resigned.

Ming Shu raised an eyebrow, “My lady?”

“Come on,” Lu Chang walked on, this time at a slower pace.

Ming Shu giggled softly, “Alright,” quickly catching up. She thought to herself, If he cared for me more than himself, could he be my elder brother? It felt good to have such a brother.

Meanwhile, Lu Chang was already planning to buy good fabric in the capital and dress her up beautifully, restoring her former radiant self.

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