HomeSerendipityChapter 121: Sharing Life and Death

Chapter 121: Sharing Life and Death

In the empty courtyard, Jiao Chunlu’s man still pressed his ear against the door, shaking his head at his boss. No sound came from inside, and the crack revealed only darkness. Jiao Chunlu signaled again, and his man cautiously tried to peek through the gap. Suddenly, the door slammed shut with a loud bang, followed by the sound of a bolt sliding into place.

The impact struck the man’s nose, causing him to wince in pain, though he dared not make a sound. Light suddenly flickered inside as a lamp was lit.

Jiao Chunlu exchanged glances with his companion. After listening silently for a moment, they detected no further unusual activity.

Inside, Lu Chang held a lit match in one hand while the other firmly gripped Ming Shu’s waist, still pinning her against the door. The sudden light revealed his face: sunken eyes with bloodshot rims, evidence of sleepless nights. Stubble peppered his chin, a stark contrast to his usual neat appearance. His rugged look lent him an air of toughness.

Ming Shu averted her gaze, unable to meet his fierce, angry stare. His hand on her waist felt scorching hot through her clothes, making her heart race. She felt as if his breath might consume her.

They remained frozen like this until the noise outside ceased. Lu Chang finally released her and moved to light the oil lamp on the table. Ming Shu sighed in relief and quietly asked, “How did you find me?”

Lu Chang didn’t answer. He extinguished the match and casually tossed his cloak onto a chair.

“Why are you here?” Ming Shu persisted, watching as he cracked his knuckles menacingly.

She eyed his fists warily. “You… should calm down… Ah!”

Before she could finish, Lu Chang swept her up and placed her on a high table against the wall. The sudden movement almost toppled a ceramic urn, which Ming Shu quickly steadied. When she looked back, she found herself seated on the high table, legs dangling, with Lu Chang standing between them, his hands planted on either side of her, trapping her.

“You did such a thing, and you tell me to calm down?” His voice was low, like thunder before a storm.

Unable to get down, Ming Shu pushed against his shoulders to keep him at bay. “What did I do?”

Lu Chang laughed bitterly, his eyes fierce. “You drugged me and snuck out of the capital. Ming Shu, you’ve got nerve!” She had learned about the sleeping drug from him, only to use it against him.

“I wanted to part ways amicably, but you wouldn’t let me!” Ming Shu raised her chin defiantly, her eyes accusing him.

“Part ways amicably? Let me tell you, you’ll never part ways with me in this lifetime,” Lu Chang growled, his usual composure gone.

“Lu Chang, why are you so annoying?” Ming Shu pushed him hard. “I told you, my affairs and the Jian family’s business have nothing to do with you. Why did you follow me to Lin’an? Let me down now!”

She struggled to jump down. Lu Chang didn’t stop her, but as she landed, she found herself right in his arms. He leaned in, and Ming Shu realized too late that she had walked right into his trap. Her protests died on her lips as he sealed them with a kiss.

The ceramic urn on the table wobbled again, steadied by Lu Chang’s free hand.

Ming Shu’s eyes widened, her mind going blank.

This kiss was far from the light, fleeting one before. Lu Chang poured a month’s worth of anger, fear, and worry into it. It was forceful yet passionate, scorching her lips and igniting a fire within her.

Ming Shu, after her initial shock, leaned back slightly, supported by his hand on her back. She felt like water cupped in his palm.

After what seemed like an eternity, Lu Chang finally released her. In the candlelight, her lips glistened like dew-kissed flower petals, even more alluring than before.

“Are you calm now?” he asked hoarsely.

It was Ming Shu who wasn’t calm, not him.

“You…” Ming Shu panted heavily, her chin and cheeks tingling from his stubble. “Shameless!”

Lu Chang raised an eyebrow, seemingly unaffected, though his red ears and neck betrayed his emotions.

“I’m hungry,” he stated matter-of-factly. If she called him shameless, he’d embrace it.

Ming Shu’s eyes widened in shock.

Lu Chang stared at her, watching her expression change. “I mean hungry. For food.”

He released her and turned to find the kitchen. Ming Shu stood dazed for a moment before realizing her misunderstanding. Her face burned hotter as she suddenly remembered something and rushed after him into the kitchen. Before she could stop him, Lu Chang had already lifted the upturned plates on the stove.

Ming Shu closed her eyes—inside were her leftover meals.

“Is this what you’ve been eating?” Lu Chang asked, eyeing the half-eaten flatbread and an unidentifiable soup.

Ming Shu’s face flushed even more—there were no eateries in this small village, so she had to cook for herself.

“Did you make this?” Lu Chang inquired again.

Ming Shu didn’t want to answer.

“No wonder you’ve gotten so thin,” Lu Chang concluded—the young mistress, clever in all things except cooking, clearly lacked culinary talent.

Ming Shu felt insulted but couldn’t argue.

She was here for revenge, not to enjoy food. As long as it filled her stomach, taste didn’t matter.

Fine, it was indeed unpalatable, but it kept her alive. Her standards weren’t high.

“Wait outside,” Lu Chang said, already rummaging through the kitchen.

The kitchen had some ingredients—gifts from nearby villagers and simple foods Ming Shu had bought from the market: flatbread, a handful of fresh greens, a few eggs, a live crucian carp in a jar, and a small pot of pickled vegetables. No meat.

Ming Shu had accepted the villagers’ food gifts but, unable to cook, had left them untouched.

Now that Lu Chang was here, nothing would go to waste. He lit the stove, and soon the aroma of cooking filled the air. Before long, Ming Shu was presented with her first proper hot meal in a long time.

Tender steamed egg custard, steamed crucian carp, perfectly stir-fried vegetables, three dishes for two people, along with pickles to accompany the rice… Ming Shu had always thought Lu Chang was impressive, not just for his capabilities in the outside world, but for his ability to make the best of any situation, turning even the most difficult circumstances into something beautiful.

Ming Shu swallowed hard—she had thought she had no appetite, but it was just that her cooking was truly inedible.

Though these were simple home-cooked dishes, Ming Shu found them delicious beyond compare.

The table was soon cleared of food, yet the one who had initially claimed hunger had barely touched his chopsticks. Lu Chang just watched her eat, his eyes filled with a bittersweet ache—the girl he had vowed to cherish shouldn’t have to endure such hardship.

Satisfied, Ming Shu sipped warm water contentedly.

“Ming Shu…” Lu Chang finally broached the main topic, “I actually arrived in Lin’an ten days ago and found you five days ago.”

Ming Shu paused mid-sip, looking up in surprise. Then it dawned on her: “So… you’ve been following me for five days?”

Lu Chang nodded in confirmation.

Ming Shu’s pretty face darkened. She set down her cup abruptly and said coldly, “Despicable!”

“We’re even,” Lu Chang replied nonchalantly. “You drugged me, I followed you. We’re square.”

She knew him too well, which is how she managed to drug him. But he knew her equally well, enabling him to track her to Lin’an and uncover her plans.

“So what do you intend to do?” Ming Shu’s eyes were cold. Since he had followed her for five days, he must know her plans. Further discussion seemed pointless.

“The man who just followed you was Jiao Chunlu, Jiao Chunfa’s brother, right?” Lu Chang asked.

Ming Shu was clever. She had studied the Jian family’s case files meticulously, memorizing all the intricate relationships. The overlooked Jiao Chunlu was one of them. Lu Chang had considered the bandit angle, but Cao Hai and Gao Shi had already joined forces to suppress the bandits after the incident, seeking scapegoats. The bandit leader Jiao Chunfa, who knew the truth, had been killed. The remaining bandits were either pardoned or scattered, making them hard to trace. Moreover, they didn’t know Cao Hai was one of the true culprits at the time, focusing only on Gao Shi, so they hadn’t invested much effort in pursuing the bandit lead.

The group of bandits led by Jiao Chunlu outside Jiangning was likely one of Cao Hai’s private armies. To avoid attracting attention from the court, only Jiao Chunlu knew of their connection to Cao Hai, taking orders directly from him. If Jiao Chunlu died, no one would know of Cao Hai’s actions, hence the bandit suppression.

Jiao Chunlu, Jiao Chunfa’s brother, escaped during the suppression and quickly gathered a new force, leveraging his brother’s reputation. They now roamed the Lin’an area, evading official pursuit.

Jiao Chunlu’s name, listed as a fugitive in the case files, had been remembered by Ming Shu.

“You came to Lin’an not just because it’s Cao Hai’s hometown, but also to inquire about Jiao Chunlu’s whereabouts through the Weishun Escort Agency,” Lu Chang stated.

They had befriended the agency’s people on their way to the capital but had barely contacted them since. He was surprised Ming Shu had remembered.

Zhao Tingyun from Weishun Escort Agency, who frequently traveled the Jiangnan area, naturally had more up-to-date information than officials. He likely had dealings with these bandits and knew something of Jiao Chunlu’s whereabouts. Owing Ming Shu a big favor, he would surely help if she asked.

“Since you’ve found out so much, why ask?” Ming Shu leaned back in her chair, speaking indifferently.

She really… didn’t want to discuss this with Lu Chang.

“I’m curious how you convinced Jiao Chunlu to help you,” Lu Chang said casually as if making small talk.

Ming Shu removed a gold bracelet from her wrist and twisted it open in front of him, extracting a small key. “I must thank you for leaving me this bracelet. I simply told him it was the key to the Jian family’s treasury, containing 30,000 taels of gold. That, coupled with his desire for revenge, made for an easy agreement.”

“30,000 taels of gold?” Lu Chang was slightly surprised.

“I lied… How could my family have that much money? Even the payment for Brother Zhao’s empty escort was from the silver I brought from the capital. This key… it’s from my mother’s dowry drawer,” Ming Shu said casually.

Lu Chang fell silent. Her courage was astounding, deceiving a fierce bandit like Jiao Chunlu with just a small key and empty words. He wasn’t sure whether to call her too clever or Jiao Chunlu too foolish. If Jiao Chunlu had harbored even a slight suspicion, her life would have been forfeit.

“So, your real target is the Cao family?” Lu Chang asked again.

With this question, the atmosphere in the room chilled. He could sense the sudden change in Ming Shu’s demeanor. A smile slowly spread across her face.

Like Tang Li’s.

“Lu Chang, since you already know, why expose it? Why not let me remain your young lady for a while longer?” Ming Shu said.

She truly didn’t want him to see this gloomy side of her. She hated it herself, yet couldn’t control it.

“Why did you follow me? Wouldn’t it be better if I remained forever as the Simple Ming Shu, the Lu Ming Shu in your memory?” Ming Shu avoided Lu Chang’s gaze.

He was still the brilliant top scholar, but she could never again be the carefree, hopeful Simple Ming Shu. Hatred had corroded her heart, robbing her of peaceful sleep. Closing her eyes only brought visions of her father’s tragic death. This past month felt like an eternity of hellish torment. She could never return to her former self.

“You’ve always been her to me,” Lu Chang said firmly.

Ming Shu stood up, turned her back to him, and walked to the closed window. “Not anymore. Before, I couldn’t understand Tang Li’s actions or Aunt Lü’s choices. I couldn’t comprehend how they could be so blinded by hatred. I sympathized but couldn’t agree with them. Until now… Whether we admit it or not, I’m becoming Tang Li. Lu Chang, I truly don’t want you to see me like this.”

Tang Li had said she would wait, wait for Ming Shu to become another version of herself…

At the time, Ming Shu couldn’t understand what she meant. Now, it had become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Lu Chang remained silent as Ming Shu continued, almost murmuring to herself: “Lu Chang if you’ve come to dissuade me, don’t waste your effort. All those grand principles… before making this decision, I’ve tried to convince myself countless times…”

She had lost count of how many times she had argued with herself in the dark of night. Like a madwoman, her heart split in two, one half frantically seeking revenge, the other desperately trying to convince herself not to become as ruthless as Tang Li… The long nights passed in this struggle, waiting for dawn.

She understood all the reasoning, and precisely because she understood, she suffered more.

She couldn’t find release.

“I know the Cao family is innocent. I understand that the Jian family’s fate isn’t related to Cao Hai’s family. I know I shouldn’t misdirect my anger. But as Tang Li said… who isn’t innocent? If the Cao family is innocent, then were the thirty-seven lives of the Jian family deserving of death at Cao Hai’s hands? Why? Lu Chang, tell me, why? I just want him to experience what it’s like to lose everything, to watch his loved ones die before his eyes. That would satisfy me…”

As Ming Shu spoke, she grew more agitated. Her eyes reddened, tears threatening to spill, yet she forcefully held them back.

Lu Chang walked behind her, slowly enveloping her in his arms.

“So, Lu Chang, don’t waste your breath trying to persuade me. It won’t work. If it could, I would have convinced myself already.” She didn’t resist his embrace, drawing a bit of warmth from it to temporarily alleviate the cold turmoil in her heart.

“Ming Shu, I’m not here to dissuade you,” Lu Chang finally spoke. “This past month, I’ve been constantly worried about your safety. I feared you might encounter villains on the road, that you might rashly confront Cao Hai and be captured, that you might not even make it to Lin’an… I’ve never been so afraid in my life. I wondered what I would do if something happened to you. I think… I too would not spare anyone who hurt you, be it Cao Hai or anyone else. I would flay them inch by inch. Though this fear and hatred might not equal even a tenth of your family’s, I believe there’s something in common. So, I understand your choice.”

Lu Chang paused, then kissed the back of her head before continuing with unwavering determination: “I will stay and help you seek revenge.”

These words made Ming Shu’s heart contract.

At first, she listened in a daze, but upon hearing this, she turned abruptly and pushed him away forcefully.

“No! I don’t need it!” she shook her head frantically.

She had left Bianjing alone for Lin’an precisely to keep Lu Chang uninvolved.

Collaborating with bandits to annihilate the Cao family, even if Cao Hai was guilty, she knew she couldn’t escape unscathed. She hadn’t planned on surviving. This path of no return was one she intended to walk alone. She didn’t want Lu Chang to accompany her to death.

His childhood had been difficult enough. Ten years of hard study had earned him the top scholar honor. He was destined for a brilliant career and good fortune. How could she allow him to throw it all away for her? He should have his world, whether as a benevolent official benefiting the people or becoming a powerful figure like his father. That was the path he should follow.

“Lu Chang, I don’t need it, I don’t! Go back to Bianjing. Aunt Zeng is still in the capital…” Her tears flowed freely now, streaming down her cheeks as she spoke.

In contrast to her agitation, Lu Chang remained calm: “I’ve entrusted Mother to Uncle Wei. In this life, even if I’m deemed an unfilial son, I’ll have to disappoint her.”

Ming Shu was shocked into silence, shaking her head and backing away, unable to utter a word.

Lu Chang reached out and pulled her into his embrace, holding her tightly.

“If you want revenge, I’ll help you. If you’re going to hell, I’ll accompany you.”

Upon seeing her, he had already made up his mind.

He would walk this path with her to the very end.

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