HomeSerendipityChapter 128: Revenge (End)

Chapter 128: Revenge (End)

As more sobbing voices emerged from the Buddhist hall, people rushed in and out. Cao Hai’s men gradually rescued the trapped Cao family members. The flickering torchlight illuminated the area outside, and Cao Hai’s figure appeared under the long corridor.

“You’re Zhan Yi? Jiao Chunlu’s sworn brother?” He raised his hand to stop his subordinates and asked, “How do you know about the 30,000 taels of gold I’m after?”

Ming Shu looked around. Apart from three bandits, the corridor was filled with armed soldiers, making escape impossible. Cao Hai’s face gleamed in the firelight, his slightly protruding belly hidden beneath his armor. His round face betrayed no emotion, but the surrounding men lent him an air of stern authority.

This seemingly ordinary man had conspired with Gao Shi to murder her entire family of 37 people.

Seeing Cao Hai again, Ming Shu couldn’t hide her emotions as she had in Bianjing. Her breathing quickened, filled with the desire to tear him apart.

“Since General Cao ordered her capture alive, you must have heard about the Jian family’s 30,000 taels of gold. I wonder who leaked that information?” The deep voice spoke again as Zhan Yi gritted his teeth.

“Hahaha…” Cao Hai laughed heartily. “If you’re willing to follow Jiao Chunlu, naturally some aren’t willing to be fugitives forever. Zhan Yi, hand over Ming Shu to me, and I can offer you a clean slate and a share of silver. You could live in luxury without hiding. Isn’t that far better than following Jiao Chunlu? What do you say? Think it over.”

As Zhan Yi seemed to ponder Cao Hai’s words, Cao Hai turned to Ming Shu: “Ming Shu, you played your part well in Bianjing. You even fooled me.”

Ming Shu glared at him coldly. “Cao Hai, you sought wealth, but why did you have to wipe out my entire family?”

“I needed money urgently, and your father was stubborn. A mere merchant trying to act noble, unwilling to make big money with me. Since that was the case, he left me no choice but to make an example of him.” Cao Hai licked his dry lips, no longer hiding his true nature. “Blame your father if you must. He was obstinate and didn’t know what was good for him.”

He and Gao Shi had become the protectors of unscrupulous merchants in Jiangning, either forcing honest merchants to comply or persecuting them. Jian Jinhai refused to bow down, and the Jian family controlled most of Jiangning’s gold trade. Cao Hai’s desire for a share of the profits had long since turned murderous.

Ming Shu laughed bitterly. “Old Lady, did you hear that? You pray to Buddha day and night, yet you’ve raised a demon.”

Cao Hai frowned and turned sharply, seeing Old Lady Cao standing behind him.

“Mother…” He was startled and about to speak when the old lady rushed forward. Someone tried to hold her back, but it was too late.

Two sharp slaps rang out, and Cao Hai’s face reddened. Humiliated in front of his men, he didn’t dare retaliate against his mother, instead kicking the guard who had accompanied her.

“Who told you to bring my mother here?” he snarled.

The old lady cried, tearing at Cao Hai’s clothes. “You beast, did you do it?”

Cao Hai let her pull at him without resistance, only saying, “Mother, I’ll explain this to you later.” He then ordered his men, “Take the old lady away and look after her well.”

As Old Lady Cao was led away, her cries faded into the distance.

“Cao Hai, you’re a filial son too. Don’t you know your actions will implicate your entire family – your brothers, wife, children, and your mother?” Ming Shu asked.

“So what if I know? Fortune favors the bold. Besides, what can you do to me?” Cao Hai replied nonchalantly. “If you’re smart, tell me where the 30,000 taels of gold are. I might even spare you the crime of intruding into my home and leave your body intact.”

With all witnesses dead and no evidence, he feared nothing. Soon, even the last victim would be silenced.

“Dream on! I’ll never tell you, even if I die!” Ming Shu shouted angrily.

“Die? Go ahead and die then. If you do, I’ll send Zeng Yuqing and Lu Chang to accompany you. Don’t think they’re safe in Bianjing. I have ways to kill them if I want to.” Cao Hai grinned, revealing his yellow teeth.

Ming Shu’s expression changed drastically. Disregarding the blade at her throat, she tried to lunge at Cao Hai like a mad woman. “Cao Hai!”

The person behind her held her back.

“Are you done talking?” Zhan Yi finally spoke up again.

“Brother Zhan, have you made up your mind?” Cao Hai turned his attention back to Zhan Yi.

Compared to Ming Shu, this Zhan Yi was more troublesome, knowing to use Ming Shu as leverage.

“General Cao, your words sound nice, but if I hand Ming Shu over to you, will you let me go free?” Zhan Yi sneered. He wasn’t a fool; Ming Shu was his only bargaining chip now.

“Then what do you want?” Cao Hai asked.

“I want horses prepared! I want to leave the city!” As Zhan Yi spoke, he pressed the blade harder against Ming Shu’s neck.

Ming Shu tilted her chin up, her brows furrowed tightly, letting out a pained whimper.

In the darkness, it was hard to see clearly, but the blade seemed to have already cut into her throat. Cao Hai’s brow furrowed as well.

“Zhan Yi, you don’t think you can escape, do you?”

“I want horses prepared!” Zhan Yi insisted recklessly. “Keep talking, and I’ll kill her. Worst case, we’ll die together, and no one will get that gold!”

Cao Hai touched his sword hilt and waved his hand. “Prepare horses for him!” He didn’t waste any more words.

As dawn approached, the tense situation had silently consumed the night. The sky remained dark, seemingly waiting for a sliver of light to tear through the darkness.

Horses’ hooves clattered down the quiet streets, accompanied by the crowing of roosters and barking of dogs. The gates of the Cao mansion opened, and Cao Hai stood watching four horses hastily depart. A puzzled subordinate asked, “General, are we letting them go?”

Cao Hai replied grimly, “Let them go? Where can they go once they’re out of the city? They’re probably counting on Jiao Chunlu in Wuyaling to help them.” He laughed coldly and called for his horse, mounting swiftly.

“General, given the current situation at the mansion, should we report to the authorities?”

Cao Hai kicked the man off his horse. “Report? Are you afraid too few people know about my affairs? Leave ten men to handle things at the mansion, the rest follow me after Zhan Yi.”

With that, he led his men in pursuit.

Unbeknownst to them, not far from the Cao mansion, dozens of Lin’an officials were already on their way, lanterns swinging as they hurried towards the compound.


Upon leaving the Cao mansion, Ming Shu was hoisted onto a horse with Zhan Yi sitting behind her, supporting her as they fled.

The wind blew fiercely, whipping their clothes and hair into disarray.

Zhan Yi leaned forward, forcing Ming Shu to lower her body as well, half-embracing her from behind.

“Bear with it, I’m afraid of pursuit arrows,” he said after they had covered some distance.

“They’re following?” Ming Shu asked calmly, her earlier bitter hatred gone.

“They are,” the man behind her replied, his voice no longer deep.

“Didn’t I tell you to stay outside the Cao mansion for support? Why did you come in?” Ming Shu raised her voice slightly.

The scenery around them blurred into long dark shadows, gradually turning grey as dawn approached.

“I was worried about you,” he answered simply.

At daybreak, the city gates slowly opened. The streets were empty save for a street sweeper gathering fallen leaves. A horse galloped past, scattering the neatly piled leaves. The sweeper cursed and looked up, only to see a horse disappearing through the half-open city gate.

Once outside the city, Ming Shu spoke again, somewhat annoyed: “What were you worried about? Didn’t we agree that I would lure Cao Hai to Wuyaling while you stayed in the city to alert the authorities?”

Lu Chang, dressed as Zhan Yi, held her tightly and replied, “I’ve already alerted the authorities. The Lin’an officials should have received news of the Cao family being robbed and arrived at the mansion. I left people outside the Cao mansion to handle things. The stolen goods will be seized by the officials, so don’t worry. As you wished, we’ve lured Cao Hai to Wuyaling to meet with his private army. Your plan remains largely unchanged, with only slight modifications.”

“So you were deceiving me earlier?” Ming Shu asked.

No wonder he had agreed so readily to the original plan; he had his intentions all along.

“Ming Shu, I know you didn’t want me to take risks, but I couldn’t let you face danger alone,” Lu Chang said helplessly. “It would be difficult to escape unscathed if you fell into Cao Hai’s hands. Using yourself as bait was a risky move.”

Knowing Ming Shu’s temperament, had he shown any opposition earlier, she likely would have changed her mind immediately. He had no choice but to follow her plan initially and then find an opportunity to ensure her safety.

Ming Shu fell silent. It was too late to change things now, and Lu Chang was still putting himself in danger for her sake.

She could only hope that everything would go smoothly.

Indeed, everything had been part of her plan to trap Cao Hai—from the day she had agreed to Lu Chang’s request to stop her vendetta, she had changed her strategy.

The wind whistled past their ears as they quickly reached the outskirts of Raven Forest. The three bandits following them had lost track and fallen behind.

Dawn was breaking, and the forest was eerily silent. Their horses circled briefly outside the woods before plunging into the thicket.

“Seeking death!” Cao Hai, now close behind them, exclaimed with the excitement of an eagle chasing chickens. “Give the signal, Chen Yong.”

By this time, Jiao Chunlu’s men should have been dealt with, leaving only Chen Yong and his group in the forest.

Following orders, a subordinate shot an arrow into the sky. Cao Hai then cracked his whip and urged his horse into the trees.

Lu Chang’s mount was far from exceptional and, burdened with two riders, had exhausted its strength after the long chase.

“Get down!” Lu Chang suddenly shouted. He pulled Ming Shu close and pressed her down, then rolled to the side of the horse.

Two long arrows whizzed over where they had just been.

Before Ming Shu could react, the horse let out a painful neigh. An arrow had struck its hind leg, causing it to stumble and fall sideways. Lu Chang quickly embraced Ming Shu as they tumbled to the ground.

They rolled through sand, soil, and mud. Their arms scraped painfully against the ground, but Lu Chang shielded Ming Shu from the worst of it. She escaped mostly unharmed, while Lu Chang grunted in pain, likely injured somewhere.

Ming Shu’s heart raced, but there was no time to inquire about his injuries. Lu Chang was already pulling her to her feet.

Cao Hai had caught up and attempted to separate them. To his surprise, “Zhan Yi” was willing to risk his life to protect Jian Ming Shu, making it difficult to part them. As daylight broke, “Zhan Yi’s” true appearance became clear. Despite the blood on his face, Cao Hai recognized him by his build and skill.

“Lu Chang?!” he exclaimed in shock, sensing something amiss. How could Lu Chang be in Lin’an? Wasn’t he supposed to be confined in Bianjing, reflecting on his actions?

While Cao Hai hesitated in confusion, his four subordinates lunged at Lu Chang and Ming Shu, intent on capturing them. Lu Chang outnumbered and protecting Ming Shu, could only defend desperately. Just as the situation turned dire, three more figures burst from the forest, engaging Cao Hai’s men. These were Lu Chang’s remaining loyal followers, and their arrival helped ease the pressure on him.

Lu Chang pushed Ming Shu behind him, focusing on the opponents before him.

As blades flashed and fists flew around her, Ming Shu gritted her teeth and retreated. Suddenly, a figure sprang from the forest behind her, swiftly grabbing her throat and shouting, “General, it’s a trap!”

Lu Chang turned, his eyes widening in horror. The blood-soaked Chen Yong had emerged, gripping Ming Shu tightly and backing westward. Cao Hai’s face paled as he urged his horse to Chen Yong’s side.

“The forest… besides Jiao Chunlu’s men, Lin’an’s garrison troops are also lying in ambush… to suppress the bandits!” Chen Yong explained, holding Ming Shu hostage.

Ming Shu could only smell the heavy scent of blood.

In the distance, Lu Chang, entangled with opponents, was consumed by rage. Disregarding their attacks, he charged towards her.

“It’s you? Jian Ming Shu!” Cao Hai suddenly seemed to realize something.

Ming Shu managed a strained smile. “Yes, it’s me!”

The thirty thousand taels of gold were a ruse, as was the collusion with Jiao Chunlu. The truth was using Jiao Chunlu to investigate the Cao family and locate their ill-gotten gains, forcing them to admit guilt. She and Lu Chang had deliberately leaked information to Cao Hai’s men. The promise of gold was enough to drive Cao Hai to deploy his private army against Jiao Chunlu. This was exactly what Ming Shu wanted – it allowed the forces hidden in Jiangning to trace Cao Hai’s secret camps, while she could use the pretext of suppressing bandits to have Lin’an’s garrison clear out both Jiao Chunlu and Cao Hai’s private forces. Ming Shu’s role was to lure him to Raven Forest, where he would meet his private army, cementing his guilt.

The charge of treason.

The Cao family could not be allowed a peaceful end.

He thought victory was within grasp, unaware that he had walked into a trap from the very beginning.

Lin’an’s garrison troops had long been lying in wait outside Raven Forest, ready for his appearance.

“I’ll kill you!” Cao Hai roared in anger, reaching for his weapon. However, a thrown blade from afar knocked his hand away from his sword.

Unable to reach them in time, Lu Chang had resorted to this method to save her.

“Ah!” Chen Yong suddenly screamed in pain.

Ming Shu had somehow produced the dagger Lu Chang had given her and stabbed it deep into Chen Yong’s arm. As he cried out and loosened his grip, Ming Shu desperately ran towards Lu Chang. Lu Chang, having knocked out those restraining him, sprinted towards her.

In a flash, Chen Yong, fighting through the pain, lunged at Ming Shu to prevent her escape.

The impact sent Ming Shu stumbling. She fell, her head striking a rock. As dizziness overwhelmed her, she lost consciousness.

When light and sound returned, Ming Shu felt the world spinning around her.

The trees above whirled incessantly, and her ears rang with what might have been the sounds of fighting or merely the echo in her head.

She closed her eyes again, taking several deep breaths to suppress the vertigo. She hadn’t been unconscious for long; she was still in the forest. Her forehead throbbed where she had hit it, and blood seemed to trickle down her temple. Afraid to touch the wound, she struggled to sit up, panting as she tried to make sense of the scene before her.

One glance was enough to send her heart racing.

In the time she had been unconscious, something had transpired. The fighting continued nearby, and Chen Yong lay motionless on the ground.

As for Lu Chang…

Lu Chang found it nearly impossible to breathe, desperately gasping for air as his chest felt ready to burst.

He had taken down Chen Yong, but Cao Hai had snuck up behind him, wrapping a soft whip around his throat.

With the immense strength of a seasoned warrior, Cao Hai pressed against Lu Chang’s back, seemingly intent on choking the life out of him in an act of vengeance.

Lu Chang’s feet barely touched the ground as he was lifted by the stranglehold. His vision blurred, and he could no longer make out the distant figure.

He struggled to turn his head towards Ming Shu but couldn’t manage it.

The suffocation drained his strength, and his mind began to blank… His hands couldn’t pry the whip from his neck, and he felt his throat would be crushed at any moment…

Death loomed before him.

Suddenly, the pressure on his neck eased.

Air rushed into his nose and lungs… He snapped back to consciousness, ignoring the stabbing pain in his throat as he grabbed the whip and violently flung it aside. Cao Hai offered no resistance… He simply stood there, staring ahead in disbelief.

Lu Chang turned, freed from his bonds, to see the dagger he had given Ming Shu buried in Cao Hai’s chest. At the other end of the blade, Ming Shu’s hand gripped it tightly.

She had killed Cao Hai.

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