HomeSerendipityChapter 130: Conclusion (Part 1)

Chapter 130: Conclusion (Part 1)

The room fell silent, with only their gazes speaking volumes, conveying feelings that outsiders couldn’t comprehend.

Ming Shu quietly looked at Lu Chang.

They had known each other for over a decade, growing from childhood friends to where they were now. She had admired him, liked him, and even given up on him once.

She truly believed they would never meet again, each marrying someone else and flying high in their separate lives. Perhaps years later, they might remember each other with a sigh of nostalgia.

In a distant, prosperous place, there was a young man she had once adored in her girlhood.

That youth, fond of blue robes, with his cool demeanor, would be frozen in time. As years flew by like a white colt passing a crack, he would never age.

But now, that young man stood before her. He looked even better in fiery red than in blue. He could laugh, worry, and get angry. He would grow old, no longer just a portrait in her memory or a figment of her imagination…

He had been by her side through danger and daily life, vibrant and real.

Three years was the term, and she was willing to be his wife.

“Yes,” Ming Shu said, uttering just one word.

Lu Chang smiled.

“Ah youth is wonderful,” Wei Zhuo remarked from his seat, envying them.

Madam Zeng, however, rose from her seat and approached the kneeling Lu Chang. With a playful smile, she asked, “This time, are you recognizing her as your sister?”

Without waiting for Lu Chang’s response, she turned to Ming Shu: “And you, are you recognizing him as your brother, forming a bond of kinship?”

Uh… Ming Shu recalled her earlier dramatic tea ceremony to recognize family ties, and her face flushed.

“Mother,” Lu Chang said, noting the teasing tone in his mother’s words.

“You’ve changed your minds, haven’t you?” Madam Zeng asked them both. After seeing them nod in unison, she finally said, “I approve.”

Ming Shu’s foot gently nudged Lu Chang under her skirt. “Are you going to get up now?” she asked.

Wei Zhuo laughed heartily. “Already worried about him?” He then turned to Madam Zeng, “Only you would show so little concern for your son.”

Madam Zeng feigned anger: “What good would my concern do? All this back and forth, it’s just youthful excitement. But now, with all this commotion, I’m left worrying. Shouldn’t I be a little upset?”

“Well, as long as you don’t get too upset. Let’s not mind them, let them have their fun,” Wei Zhuo quickly consoled her.

“Who said we’re a ‘we’?” Madam Zeng glanced at Wei Zhuo, her eyes sparkling with charm.

Wei Zhuo, thinking that the young couple’s matter was settled, decided to take advantage of Lu Chang’s momentum. He smiled at Madam Zeng but addressed Lu Chang: “Lu Chang, as it happens, I also have a request.”

Before he could speak further, Lu Chang understood.

Earlier, when Lu Chang had entrusted Madam Zeng to Wei Zhuo’s care during the crisis, Wei Zhuo hadn’t taken advantage of the situation or forced Madam Zeng under the guise of protection. Now that everything was settled, he planned to formally propose.

“Uncle Wei’s request only requires Mother’s approval. I will respect Mother’s decision,” Lu Chang said.

“Why drag me into this?” Madam Zeng had already turned away, hiding her face from view.

Wei Zhuo hurried after her, speaking softly to console her. Ming Shu stifled a laugh, nudging Lu Chang with her elbow and giving him a knowing look. The young couple then left the room side by side.

The snow hadn’t stopped yet. Outside the corridor, rocks, flowers, and trees were all covered in frost. Ming Shu stood on the stone steps before the corridor, catching snowflakes in her hand and watching them melt in her palm.

“Are you cold?” Lu Chang took her hand and warmed it with his breath.

Her hands were icy cold.

Ming Shu suddenly pulled her hand back and pressed her cold palms against his cheeks, her eyes crinkling with laughter.

“It’s cold,” she said, rubbing his face. “Lu Chang, I’m sorry.”

“What are you apologizing for?” he asked, letting her play with his face as he brushed away a snowflake that had landed on her temple.

“You spent a decade working towards your current position, but now it’s all gone to waste because of me. You’ve been demoted to Zhangyang. I…”

“Ming Shu, don’t think like that. How can one’s life span decades without facing challenges? We’re both still young. You’ve risen from the ashes like a phoenix, so why can’t I make a comeback? Being sent to Zhangyang may be a demotion, but isn’t it also a test for me? I’ll certainly produce results that will impress everyone. You needn’t worry about me. When I return to the capital, it will be a different story altogether.”

The current Lu Chang, though holding the title of Top Scholar, still lacked experience in officialdom. After three years of service in Zhangyang, he would return truly ready for important duties.

Seeing Ming Shu still looking melancholic, he added, “Besides, I’m just a poor scholar at heart. If worst comes to worst, I can always resign and return to Jiangning to be your accountant. How about that?”

Ming Shu burst out laughing. “What? Are you accusing me of using my wealth to bully you now?”

“I’m sorry, alright?” Lu Chang said, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close. He then asked, “When are you returning to Jiangning?”

With Cao Hai and Gao Shicai brought to justice, it was time for her to return to Jiangning to pay respects to her father.

“When this snow melts, I’ll go back to Jiangning,” Ming Shu said softly.

Once back in Jiangning, it would be a long time before she returned to Bianjing.

Besides holding memorial services for her father and others who died at the Jian residence, she also needed to stay in Jiangning to revive the Jian brand. Over the past year, due to the incident, most of their shops have closed, and the Jian name has almost disappeared from Jiangning.

She and Lu Chang would be apart for three years – her in Jiangning, him in Zhangyang.

“I’ll escort you back to Jiangning before going to take up my post in Zhangyang,” Lu Chang nodded. They both had their own goals to strive for.

Fortunately, they were still young.

“Thank you,” Ming Shu rested her head lightly on his shoulder, still reaching out towards the corridor.

Snowflakes fell into her palm, melting in an instant.

The cold of winter would eventually pass.

The heavy snow continued for days. When it finally stopped, everything in sight was covered in a vast expanse of white frost.

In such cold weather, gathering around a stove was most fitting.

A small clay stove with burning charcoal supported a copper pot. As the water boiled, fresh meat was added. The delicious meat and fragrant soup warmed them to their core as they ate, making the inside of the room feel like a different world from the outside.

The colder it was outside, the warmer it felt inside.

The warmth came not just from the hot soup, but also from the laughter and chatter that filled the air.

“I’m afraid I won’t make it to Shujun’s wedding, but don’t worry, I’ll make sure to send a grand gift,” Ming Shu said, her cheeks flushed red. She had already taken off her heavy outer robe, but even in just her lined garment, her back was sweating.

About to return to Jiangning, she had found an opportunity to meet with Wen An and Yin Shujun for a small gathering, repaying the silver they had pooled for her earlier, and saying goodbye.

“Who needs your gift?” Yin Shujun pouted happily, though her eyes held a hint of sadness. “I just… I’ll miss you.”

As she spoke, her eyes welled up with tears.

“Why are you crying? It’s useless!” Wen An pushed Yin Shujun away in annoyance, but still handed her a handkerchief.

Ming Shu stood up and sat between the two, wrapping her arms around them. “Don’t be like this, it’s just a short separation. I still want to bring the Jian brand to the capital, so I’ll be back. Plus, there’s still Mantang Hui. Look on the bright side, in the future, I’ll be supplying gold items to Mantang Hui. It will surely become the top gold shop in the capital!”

As she spoke, her eyes shone with ambition, her heart full of aspirations, more vibrant than the boiling soup on the clay stove.

She hugged them tighter, her eyes crinkling with a smile.

“A short parting is sweeter than a new marriage! Wait for me to come back.”

As the New Year approached, the streets of Bianjing were filled with a festive atmosphere.

Ming Shu brought two boxes of new pastries from Fenglou to visit Madam Xu at the Duke’s mansion. Madam Xu received Ming Shu in the main room of her courtyard, feeling a mix of emotions. She had learned about the incident at Daguosi Temple and Lin Wan’er and Tang Li’s plot, realizing that Ming Shu had saved her once again.

Madam Xu’s feelings towards Ming Shu were complex. Once, she had considered Ming Shu the ideal daughter-in-law, but after learning of her status as an orphaned merchant’s daughter, the class difference had cooled her enthusiasm. Despite everything that had happened and Song Qingzhao’s fondness, Madam Xu had been prepared to reluctantly accept the match. However, Song Qingzhao later said… never mind.

The girl was certainly endearing and lovable, but fate had other plans. As the elder, Madam Xu had to play the villain to let them go their separate ways.

With Ming Shu returning to Jiangning, Madam Xu felt even more wistful.

After chatting for a while, Ming Shu took her leave, and Madam Xu asked Song Qingzhao to escort her out.

It was only right to say a proper goodbye before departing.

Song Qingzhao wore a moon-white robe as he escorted her out of the mansion. His time at the Hanlin Academy had added a touch of official gravitas to his demeanor, no longer as cool and aloof as when they first met. As they entered the now-withered Hundred Flower Garden, walking slowly, Song Qingzhao suddenly stopped.

“When are you leaving?” he asked, already aware of her plans to return to Jiangning.

“In early spring. When the snow melts, the roads will be easier to travel,” Ming Shu replied.

Song Qingzhao nodded, looking up at a nearby tree. “Do you remember this tree?” he asked.

Ming Shu followed his gaze – the tree now stood bare, with only naked branches.

“Is this… a peach tree? What about it?” she asked, puzzled.

Song Qingzhao smiled again. She recognized the peach tree but didn’t recall what had happened beneath it.

He wondered if things might have been different had he confessed his feelings that day during the Dragon Boat Festival. He knew about the events in Lin’an, the Jian family case, and Lu Chang’s efforts. There was no room for him in this story.

He envied their shared love. The fair competition he had proposed had been lost to fate.

“I remember now. You gave me a longevity thread here,” Ming Shu suddenly said, recalling the young man who had once made her heart flutter under this peach blossom tree.

After a moment’s thought, she said frankly, “Qingzhao, thank you. You’re one of the few good men in this world. It’s my honor that you saw me differently.”

“Being good isn’t enough if I can’t win your heart,” Song Qingzhao said, his eyes dimming. “Ming Shu, what Lu Chang did for you, I could have done too…”

He just never had the chance to prove it.

“Qingzhao, I believe you. Lu Chang is wonderful, and so are you. You’re both unique individuals, neither inferior to the other. What Lu Chang accomplished, I have no doubt you could have done just as well if given the chance. Please don’t belittle yourself. Guard your heart, keep your passion, and give it wholly to your future wife.”

He deserved complete and unreserved love, while she was destined to be just a passerby in his youth.

They would both grow, meet more people, and explore broader horizons. Their paths had crossed, but it wasn’t meant to be. When he met the right person, he would be able to embrace love fully.

Life is a journey, full of choices and letting go.

“I appreciate your kind words,” Song Qingzhao suddenly felt that Ming Shu was more open-minded than him, even in rejection, she spoke with such frankness.

“I should go now,” Ming Shu smiled.

“Let me walk you back,” Song Qingzhao returned her smile.

Ming Shu shook her head. “No need, Lu Chang is waiting for me outside.”

Lu Chang had brought her here today but hadn’t entered the Song mansion, giving her time to say goodbye to Song Qingzhao.

“I see. Then I’ll see you off here,” Song Qingzhao stopped. “This is goodbye. Take care of yourself.”

“You too. Farewell,” Ming Shu bowed slightly before turning to leave.

Her simple figure seemed to melt into the vast snowy landscape in Song Qingzhao’s gaze, disappearing.

Since both Lu Chang and Ming Shu were leaving the capital after the New Year, the wedding of Wei Zhuo, the Imperial Guard Commander, was moved up.

His marriage to Madam Zeng was a low-key affair, with few noble houses in Bianjing receiving invitations. This was Madam Zeng’s wish – as both had been married before, there was no need for grand celebrations known to the entire city. They kept things simple.

Though simple, the proper rituals were observed.

The three letters and six etiquette ceremonies followed the traditions for a primary wife.

On the wedding day, the Minister of Rites from the Lu family sent a generous gift to congratulate the couple.

That night, Lu Chang went to see Lu Wenhan.

Lu Wenhan invited him to drink until they were both senseless. The young had grown old, and in the end, they were just ordinary people among the masses.

A few days after Wei Zhuo and Madam Zeng’s wedding, the New Year arrived. Ming Shu and Lu Chang stayed at the Commander’s mansion to spend New Year’s Eve with Wei Zhuo and Madam Zeng. Lu Chang bought many firecrackers and fireworks for Ming Shu, and they played with them in the courtyard while Wei Zhuo and Madam Zeng watched from the corridor.


A silver star soared into the sky, exploding like a blooming flower or scattering fireflies, dispersing into the night.

Ming Shu stood under the fireworks, clapping and cheering. Her face, illuminated by the flickering lights, was more radiant than the fireworks themselves. This scene was captured in Lu Chang’s gaze as he turned to look at her, etching itself in his heart.

The night passed, and a new year began.

On the third day of the New Year, before the holiday season ended, Lu Chang and Ming Shu set out on their journey back to Jiangning.

They had entered Bianjing in spring, and now they were leaving in spring as well.

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