HomeSerendipityChapter 16: Bianjing

Chapter 16: Bianjing

The blizzard came and went quickly. By the second day, the wind had stopped and the snow had ceased. The third day dawned clear, but the deep snow outside made travel by carriage difficult. Consequently, Lu Chang and his group, along with the Tao family’s escort team, were stranded in this remote wilderness for five full days before they could resume their journey.

Ming Shu had already become familiar with the escort team, especially Tao Yiqian, the young man from the Tao family. After hearing Ming Shu’s embellished description of that perilous night, he was thoroughly impressed with the siblings. He regarded Ming Shu as a chivalrous heroine and was on the verge of becoming sworn siblings with them.

“We’re leaving now, so settle down!” Lu Chang, unable to watch her mislead people any longer, spoke up just as they were about to depart. They had already boarded the carriage, yet Tao Yiqian, mounted on his horse, was still gazing at them reluctantly. To an outsider, it might have appeared that he and Ming Shu were the true siblings, which was rather unsettling to witness.

“The more friends, the more paths open to us,” Ming Shu said, helping Madam Zeng into the carriage before turning back to sit beside Lu Chang. She waved at Tao Yiqian.

The carriage had barely started moving, its pace initially slow, when Lu Chang suddenly cracked his long whip with a sharp “snap.” The horse abruptly broke into a gallop, causing the carriage to lurch forward violently. Ming Shu was jostled against Lu Chang’s arm, letting out a prolonged “Eh!” before steadying herself by gripping his arm. She complained, “Brother, what are you doing?”

Lu Chang glanced back. His rickety carriage had already taken the lead, leaving the Tao family’s escort team far behind. Tao Yiqian’s figure was barely visible now. Only then did Lu Chang’s mood lighten. He said, “Driving the carriage. If you’re not comfortable, go inside.”

“I won’t,” Ming Shu retorted. Her face was tightly wrapped like Lu Chang’s, with only her eyes visible. The corners of her eyes lifted challengingly as she said, “I’ll keep you company while you drive. Why don’t you tell me about my past?”

“What do you want to know?” Lu Chang asked, keeping his eyes on the road as he reined in the horse to stabilize the carriage.

“Tell me… where did we used to live?” Ming Shu inquired.

“Under the old locust tree in Changkang Lane, Jiangning County,” Lu Chang replied.

“And what kind of person was I before?” Ming Shu pressed on.

Lu Chang turned his head at this question. Ming Shu was resting her chin on her hand, gazing at him with clear eyes that reminded him of a child. This brought back memories of the past. He had known her for ten years, watching her grow from a little girl with hanging braids into a blossoming young woman. But if asked what kind of person she was, Lu Chang found it difficult to answer.

The Jian family was wealthy and influential. From a young age, Ming Shu had been clothed in silk and fed on delicacies, always surrounded by attendants. She carried an air of nobility that highlighted the disparity between rich and poor. He had to admit he held some prejudice against her, viewing her through the lens of societal norms as a spoiled, domineering rich girl. This bias had caused him to forget their first meeting years ago, when her little head had peeked out from behind her mother’s back, smiling brightly at the shy boy he was, saying candidly, “Little big brother, I’m Ming Shu. Ming Shu means ‘moonlight.’ Mother says I’m her little moon.”

He was nine years old then, still a child himself, yet he had been captivated by her. He thought, how could there be such an adorable little girl in the world? She looked like a delicate porcelain doll, like a fairy from heaven. Back then, he had wished that when he grew up, he could marry someone like her.

“Brother? Brother?!” Seeing no response from him, Ming Shu gave his shoulder a firm pat.

Lu Chang snapped back to reality, meeting Ming Shu’s eyes. He suddenly realized how his thoughts had wandered. How could he take his childhood fancies seriously?

“Does this question require so much thought?” Ming Shu eyed him suspiciously.

Lu Chang was grateful for his face covering; otherwise, she might have noticed his embarrassment.

“I was thinking about how to tactfully tell you that you used to be quite the troublemaker,” he said, glancing at her seriously.

“Me? A troublemaker?” Ming Shu didn’t believe a word of it, knowing Lu Chang was just teasing her.

“Mm-hmm. Fighting with others, causing mischief, climbing trees, swimming in ponds… you name it,” Lu Chang continued, a smile playing at his lips beneath his face covering. Only the slight crinkle of his eyes betrayed his amusement as he indulged in the memories, his mood improving.

All of this had happened before Ming Shu’s mother passed away. Back then, they were innocent playmates with a deep bond. He was a street urchin, and she was a little hellion—both were mischief-makers disliked by adults. When he was bullied, she would stand in front of him with her hands on her hips, backed by her family’s servants. This tiny girl knew how to stand up for him, getting into fierce squabbles with others, leaving him to clean up the aftermath… Now, as he thought back, those distant memories felt as vivid as if they had happened yesterday.

Upon reflection, her change had come after her mother’s death. It must have been a difficult time. No matter how well her father treated her, he couldn’t replace her mother. As the only daughter in the vast Jian household, issues of inheritance and family continuation—matters that should have only concerned her as an adult—suddenly weighed heavily upon her. Whenever she went out, she represented the Jian family. She couldn’t allow people to point at her and call her “a wild child with a father but no mother to teach her manners” or “just another uncouth merchant’s daughter, not fit for polite society.” Gradually, she changed. He also stopped visiting the Jian household as often. When he saw her again after a long time, she had become a proper young lady, truly as unreachable as the moon in the sky.

In the past, he would never have been able to see this version of Jian Ming Shu again. Ironically, it took a bout of amnesia to bring back her childlike nature.

“Brother, you’re smiling secretly!” Ming Shu, whose thought process had always been different from others, didn’t pursue the topic of her past but instead stared directly at Lu Chang’s eyes.

Lu Chang smiling—now that was a rare sight indeed.

“I am not!” Lu Chang denied it.

“You are!” Ming Shu reached out to pull at his face covering.

Lu Chang quickly grabbed her hand, saying sternly, “Stop fooling around!”

Ming Shu was only pretending, and immediately grinned, saying, “Brother should smile more often. You look so much better when you smile…”

Lu Chang’s eyes crinkled again as she continued, “Yes, just like that. When we get to the capital, who knows how many young ladies you’ll charm…”

His smile instantly vanished, but she went on, “There must be many girls who want to be my sister-in-law. I’ll have to screen them carefully for you. Anyone who wants to get close to you will have to win me over first. Oh my, I’ll be receiving so many handkerchiefs and sweets…” That’s how it always happened in the stories—win over the little sister, and you’d have a chance with the brother, right?

She was lost in her fantasy, almost tasting those sweets already, oblivious to Lu Chang’s darkening expression.

What nonsense!

Lu Chang pressed his palm firmly on top of her head, trying to bring her back to reality. Ming Shu, finishing her daydream, looked up at him with sparkling eyes and said sweetly, “Brother, I love you.”

Having accepted this brother and this family in her heart, Ming Shu held nothing back.

Lu Chang’s chest tightened sharply—this wasn’t the first time he had known her feelings, but he didn’t want a marriage based on duty rather than love. Ever since learning of the Jian family’s intentions, he had always avoided her, keeping his distance and drawing clear boundaries. She had never before used the word “love,” even on the day of their parting. She had only mentioned marriage, not love, as if their union was merely a financial transaction for the Jian family, using gold, silver, and a daughter to secure immense wealth and status.

Today, she had finally said it, but this declaration of “love” was in the context of sibling affection, devoid of any romantic sentiment.

Vaguely, Lu Chang felt he had made the wrong decision.

Throughout the journey, Lu Chang’s ears were filled with Ming Shu’s voice.

Ming Shu’s personality had completely changed since that night she first called him “Brother.” The gloom brought on by her memory loss gradually dissipated, and she once again became a person bathed in sunlight. There was no trace left of the imperious rich young lady from before.

Lu Chang’s head ached from her constant calls of “Brother,” but this Ming Shu was not the Ming Shu of the past. With the identity of siblings as a cover, she seemed to no longer need to be cautious or reserved. She didn’t have to pretend to be a gentle and virtuous young lady. Instead, she happily played the role of an endearing sister, clinging to Lu Chang until he was exasperated but still unable to do anything about it.

Under Ming Shu’s unabashed exuberance, Lu Chang’s aloofness crumbled completely.

Soon, the group arrived at the nearest town. Lu Chang took Ming Shu and Tao Yiqian to the local magistrate’s office to hand over the captured bandits. When they came out, Ming Shu was gleefully weighing the ten taels of silver in her hand.

After resting for a night, the group set out again early the next morning, this time heading straight for the capital, Bianjing.

After the blizzard, the weather was fine, with no further unusual occurrences. The journey was smooth, and within four days, the prosperous capital was within sight.

“Ming Shu, look! Bianjing is right ahead,” Tao Yiqian called out, riding his horse ahead and then back, pointing towards the distance.

After several days together, Tao Yiqian and Ming Shu had become familiar enough to address each other by name.

“Really?” Ming Shu stood up, shading her eyes as she gazed into the distance, filled with anticipation.

“We’re about to enter the city. Would you like to ride a horse?” Tao Yiqian reined in his horse to walk alongside Lu Chang’s carriage, offering his riding crop to Ming Shu, handle first.

Ming Shu naturally wanted to. She had been admiring how dashing Tao Yiqian looked on horseback throughout the journey. But… she glanced furtively at Lu Chang.

Brother surely wouldn’t agree.

“Don’t worry, Brother Lu. I’ll lead the horse for your sister. I’ll ensure her safety,” Tao Yiqian, seeing her hesitation, pleaded on Ming Shu’s behalf to Lu Chang.

Lu Chang wanted to refuse, but the words caught in his throat when he saw Ming Shu’s hopeful expression. He simply looked at her without speaking. Ming Shu, well-versed in Lu Chang’s temperament, knew that his silence meant tacit approval. Overjoyed, she took the riding crop, eager to try.

Tao Yiqian’s horse was gentle, with a sleek, snow-white coat. It stood patiently as Ming Shu climbed onto its back. Tao Yiqian held the reins, standing in front of the horse, and leaned down to instruct Ming Shu on the basics of riding. Ming Shu’s headscarf had slipped, revealing half of her face, unable to conceal her vibrant beauty. Standing there with the similarly aged and handsome Tao Yiqian, they looked like the perfect pair of young lovers straight out of a romance novel—a dashing young gentleman and a beautiful lady, attracting many glances from passersby.

Lu Chang felt a twinge of discomfort somewhere in his heart. Meanwhile, Tao Yiqian, having finished instructing Ming Shu, noticed Lu Chang staring intently at them. Assuming Lu Chang also wanted to ride and was eager to please, he said, “Brother Lu, would you like to ride as well? I can have one of my men take over the carriage, so you can stretch your legs too.”

“Thank you, that would be nice,” Lu Chang unexpectedly agreed, watching Ming Shu as she enthusiastically rubbed her face against the horse’s mane.

One of Tao Yiqian’s men quickly came to take over the carriage. Lu Chang jumped down and walked straight toward Ming Shu. Tao Yiqian was smiling, about to arrange a horse for Lu Chang, when to his surprise, Lu Chang approached the pair, said, “No need to trouble yourself,” and took the reins from his hand. Right in front of Tao Yiqian, he swung himself onto the horse, sitting behind Ming Shu.

“I’ll take her for a ride. Thank you for watching the carriage, Young Master Tao.”

Before Tao Yiqian could react, Lu Chang flicked the reins. The horse sprang forward, accompanied by Ming Shu’s delighted cry. The white horse galloped away, leaving Tao Yiqian standing there, mouth full of dust—this wasn’t how he had imagined things would go!

Their clothes fluttered in the wind, the scenery on both sides blurring into a haze. Ming Shu was exhilarated, her headscarf blown off, her black hair streaming behind her.

“‘The Wufeng Tower with its auspicious trees and rosy clouds, Yimen has been the land of emperors since ancient times,'” Lu Chang’s voice came from behind her, tinged with rare youthful excitement. “Ming Shu, we’ve arrived in Bianjing.”

Bianjing, they had finally arrived.

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