HomeSerendipityChapter 21: Sea of Jealousy

Chapter 21: Sea of Jealousy

Lu Chang had approached Ming Shu while she was staring absentmindedly at another man. He called her name, but couldn’t bring her back to reality. Instead, he heard those startling words from her lips.

Lu Chang’s composure suddenly shattered, like a snapped bowstring.

The sound of the broken bamboo broom startled Ming Shu back to her senses. She whipped her head around to see Lu Chang staring at her with a pale face, his cold gaze filled with indecipherable anger. Only then did she realize she had spoken her thoughts aloud. She slapped her forehead in frustration, intending to apologize sincerely. But before she could finish saying “Brother,” Lu Chang had already picked up the bundle and jars, turning to walk swiftly down the other end of the corridor without calling for her.

Ming Shu stamped her foot, wanting to slap herself—how could she have blurted out such a shameless thing?

No wonder her brother was angry. If she had a sister who said she wanted to marry a man after just one glance, she’d be furious too.

“Brother—” Ming Shu followed Lu Chang, calling out “Brother” repeatedly, trying to apologize sincerely. “I misspoke, please don’t be angry… Hey, slow down!”

Lu Chang ignored her, his face ashen, his chest tight with an inexplicable anger that threatened to burst out of him.

His mind kept replaying the image of Ming Shu gazing at that other man, her expression, and those words “I want to marry him,” like a never-ending carousel.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. It felt like someone was hammering his heart, making it pound violently in his chest. Unable to calm down, he could only walk faster, as if venting his anger through his footsteps. Meanwhile, Ming Shu flitted around him like a little bird, constantly calling him “Brother.”

The word “Brother,” which used to melt his heart, suddenly became grating.

Past the corridor and through a small bamboo grove lay the students’ living quarters. Each student preparing for the exams had their room, including Lu Chang. The room was small, with just enough space for a bed, desk, and chairs, leaving only enough room in the middle to turn around.

The room had Lu Chang’s distinctive clean scent, reminiscent of pine and bamboo. Books were piled on the desk, but the bedding was neatly folded. The room felt lived-in, not immaculate but not messy either.

Ming Shu followed Lu Chang into his room, calling out worriedly, “Brother, say something, please.”

They had walked all the way here, and Lu Chang hadn’t uttered a word, a stark contrast to his earlier delight at seeing her.

Ming Shu knew her brother was truly angry. He never argued with people; when extremely upset, he would at most fall silent. His previous scoldings had always been for show, never taken to heart. Today was the first time she had seen him genuinely upset.

Lu Chang didn’t acknowledge her presence, instead busying himself with tidying the room, and organizing the books and writing materials on his desk. Ming Shu, knowing she had misspoken, followed him around, alternating between apologies and offers to help clean, but he neither let her assist nor spoke to her.

Gradually, Ming Shu’s temper began to rise.

She fell silent, sitting glumly on the edge of the bed. After staring at Lu Chang’s back for a moment, she said irritably, “Brother, do you plan to never speak to me again?”

Lu Chang’s hands paused briefly, but he didn’t turn around.

“Fine, don’t speak then!” she answered herself angrily. She thought about how she had traveled across half of Bianjing City early in the morning, laden with packages, without even having lunch, only to be ignored like this over one misspoken sentence. She felt increasingly wronged.

She stood up abruptly, saying, “I’m going home.”

As she turned to leave, a hand suddenly caught her arm.

“Sit and wait for me,” Lu Chang said, his only words so far.

Ming Shu, pulled back to sit on the bed and watched him leave the room. Now she couldn’t bring herself to leave and could only sit there, brooding.

Lu Chang returned shortly, carrying a wooden tray. He had gone to get food from the dining hall.

“Eat before you go back,” he said, his tone still neither warm nor cold. His brief absence seemed to have calmed him somewhat.

With no other table in the room, he placed the food on the newly tidied desk. Ming Shu looked over to see two bowls of rice and a large plate of mixed dishes: tofu, greens, and bamboo shoots with pork. The portion was generous as if the serving lady had scraped the bottom of the pot for him. Ming Shu didn’t know that Lu Chang usually missed mealtimes due to his cleaning duties, but the kind-hearted dining hall lady always saved food for him. Today, hearing that his sister was visiting, she gave given extra.

Strangely, while the academy students looked down on Lu Chang, the staff—like the dining hall lady, the kitchen cook, and the gardener—all liked him.

“You sit first, I’ll borrow another chair,” Lu Chang said, going to the next room.

By the time he returned with the chair, Ming Shu was already standing at the desk, opening one of the jars Madam Zeng had sent, and taking out some dried fish. Seeing Lu Chang return, she snorted softly.

Her anger hadn’t fully subsided.

Lu Chang placed two chairs side by side and pulled her to sit down, facing the single plate of food. Ming Shu, famished, began eating quickly. Lu Chang didn’t eat himself but kept adding food to her bowl. When her temper seemed to have cooled, he suddenly said, “Ming Shu, don’t say things like that.”

As her elder brother, he had the right to be upset about her careless words. But the inexplicable anger he felt seemed to stem from something beyond a brother’s perspective. He couldn’t pinpoint why, but Ming Shu’s gaze at that moment and those words had struck him like an arrow to the heart.

“Then you can’t ignore me,” Ming Shu said, her cheeks slightly puffed. She hadn’t thought too deeply about it, assuming her brother was just angry at her thoughtless words.

Lu Chang gave a soft “Mm” in response, watching her eat. Though she ate quickly, her old habits of good manners remained, making her eating appear endearing rather than unsightly.

Her anger nearly dissipated, and she ordered him, “I don’t want meat, just tofu. The tofu here is delicious.” Lu Chang lifted the entire plate, transferring all the tofu to her bowl until she said, “Enough, enough.” She smiled brightly and picked up some bamboo shoots and pork with her chopsticks, offering them to him. “Brother, try this. The cook here is skilled.”

Normally, Lu Chang would have found this inappropriate and insisted she put the food in his bowl. But today, for some reason, he slowly opened his mouth, accepting the food she offered while looking into her eyes.

Ming Shu was startled. What had gotten into her brother today? The last time she tried to feed him a grape, he had lectured her at length about propriety.

Lu Chang quickly lowered his head, picking up his chopsticks to eat, no longer looking at her.

Throughout the meal, the tension between the siblings had dissipated.

Ming Shu sipped the red fruit tea Lu Chang had prepared, watching him clean the table. She joked, “Brother, you and Mother are spoiling me. You won’t let me do any chores.”

“Is that a problem?” Lu Chang efficiently cleared the dishes, wiped the table, and sat back down. Instead of rushing to return the dishes, he raised an eyebrow and asked, “Is everything alright at home?”

“It’s fine, just a bit dull. Mother took on embroidery work and managed the household. It’s quite tiring, and I can’t help much. You both spoil me too much; it’s not good.”

“You’re complaining about being spoiled? Or is there something else you’re not saying? Hm?”

Lu Chang knew her too well. Ming Shu fell silent. She had intended to gauge his attitude towards her seeking employment, but seeing his reaction, she dared not say more, fearing he might uncover her plans. She smiled and said, “I’m not complaining. Mother and Brother are the best.”

Lu Chang narrowed his eyes, finding her words suspicious.

“Lu Ming Shu, are you sure you’re not hiding anything from me?”

“Of course not…” Ming Shu said nervously, quickly sitting beside him and changing the subject. “Brother, there’s been a strange occurrence in Shengmin Ward where we live.”

“What strange occurrence?” Lu Chang asked.

“There’s a family surnamed Jia. They have a daughter about my age who used to be sweet and gentle. But two years ago, her personality suddenly changed. She started abusing the family’s pets, beating servants, even her maid. She talks back to elders, speaks rudely, and acts increasingly willfully in public. Despite repeated reprimands, she doesn’t change. Her parents are so worried they’ve confined her at home. Brother, with your knowledge, what do you think could cause such a sudden personality change?”

She had disguised Yin Shu Jun’s story.

“Are there families surnamed Jia in Shengmin Ward? And they have servants?” Lu Chang questioned, staring at her.

Shengmin Ward was a commoner area; how could there be wealthy families with servants?

Ming Shu, realizing his astuteness, quickly said, “Oh, Shengmin Ward is so big. You’ve only been there a few days, Brother. Of course, you haven’t heard of this family. I heard it from someone else and was curious. You’re so smart, Brother. Please analyze it for me.”

Flattery works wonders, especially when Ming Shu’s praise sounded so sincere. Lu Chang finally stopped his intense stare and began to ponder.

“A person’s personality develops gradually from childhood, closely tied to their environment. Barring deliberate deception, major environmental changes could cause mental and behavioral abnormalities. For instance, sudden family decline or the death of parents or close elders.”

“But there haven’t been any major changes. Her parents and elders are alive, and the family is well-off,” Ming Shu replied.

“Perhaps something happened that the family doesn’t know about, or it could be due to a physical ailment.”

“Ailment?” Ming Shu asked, puzzled.

“Some obscure diseases, especially if there’s a family history of hysteria or external injuries. Like you… after your soul-leaving condition from the fall, your personality changed.”

“How did I change?” Ming Shu seized the opportunity to ask.

Lu Chang turned to look at her: “Before, you were obedient, gentle, well-behaved…”

Ming Shu frowned, suspicious: “That’s not right. You used to say I was a little terror…” Halfway through her sentence, she realized Lu Chang was teasing her and punched him lightly. “Brother, you’re making fun of me again.”

Lu Chang hid his smile behind his fist and continued, “Besides these, it could be due to drugs. Many substances in the jianghu can alter personalities, like datura. Long-term use could lead to such side effects.”

“You mean someone might be poisoning her?” Ming Shu pondered. Yin Shu Jun’s abnormal behavior started two years ago and worsened over time, which fits with what her brother said about long-term use.

“However, while these drugs can cause personality changes, they often come with symptoms like confusion, mania, and delusions.” Noticing her empty cup, Lu Chang stood to refill her tea as he answered.

Ming Shu thought that based on the descriptions from Madam Yin and Tao Yiqian, Yin Shu Jun didn’t seem confused. Moreover, if she had such obvious symptoms of mania or delusions, surely the Yin family would have noticed and sought medical help.

“She doesn’t have those symptoms. So it doesn’t seem like poisoning. What could it be then? Possession by a spirit? Soul swapping?” She mused absentmindedly, accepting the refilled tea.

Before she finished speaking, Lu Chang lightly tapped her head.

“Don’t talk nonsense. There are no ghosts or spirits in this world; it’s always human mischief. You speak so detailed; have you seen this Miss Jia?”

“No, it’s all hearsay,” Ming Shu said, warming her hands with the teacup.

“Ming Shu, even what you see might not be true, let alone what you hear. Neighborhood gossip is often exaggerated. Those gossipmongers embellish stories for momentary pleasure, regardless of truth, not realizing how they harm the people involved. You must not develop such habits. This Miss Jia is at a marriageable age. If her reputation is damaged, it could affect her lifelong happiness. We shouldn’t spread baseless rumors. The harm of rumors, at the least, can ruin a person’s life; at worst, it can destabilize a country.” Lu Chang said seriously.

Ming Shu nodded, “I understand, Brother. Rumors should stop with the wise.”

Lu Chang’s advice seemed to broaden her perspective. She put down her teacup and impulsively hugged his arm, beaming, “Brother, you’re so smart.”

Lu Chang’s heart skipped a beat.

He thought she must have forgotten his previous advice about maintaining propriety.

“Stop flattering me. Don’t get involved in other people’s affairs,” Lu Chang tapped her forehead, then asked again, “Are you not hiding anything from me?”

“No, really, I’m not.” Ming Shu grinned, releasing his arm and walking to the door to gaze at the scenery.

The dormitory area was connected by long corridors hung with bamboo curtains, beyond which lay a serene bamboo grove. As Ming Shu gazed out, she suddenly had a thought and turned back, “Brother…”

Lu Chang was searching for his money pouch by the bed, intending to give Ming Shu the savings he had accumulated to take home. Hearing her call, he looked up, only to see her staring out at the bamboo grove as she asked, “That young man we saw earlier in the corridor… do you know who he is?”

Lu Chang’s good mood instantly shattered at this question.

Ming Shu found herself ushered out of Songling Academy’s gates by Lu Chang, clutching a money pouch.

Just because she had inquired about the identity of the young man she had glimpsed earlier, Lu Chang was angry again.

Ming Shu didn’t understand why she couldn’t stop thinking about that young man. She had only seen him for a moment and hadn’t even gotten a clear look at his face, yet something about his aura felt familiar as if she had known him for a long time.

It was as if… he was a key to unlocking her hazy past.

“I’m doing well here. You and Mother needn’t worry. I need to focus on preparing for the exams now. Don’t come to Songling Academy unless it’s urgent,” Lu Chang said as he helped her into the carriage. His tone was still pleasant, but his tense expression betrayed his emotions.


Ming Shu wanted to say something, but Lu Chang ignored her, going straight to the coachman to give some instructions. The carriage set off, leaving Ming Shu to settle inside and lift the curtain.

Lu Chang hadn’t left; he stood at the academy gates watching her depart.

She suddenly remembered that her brother often wore blue-green clothes, and today he was wearing a light blue-green academy uniform.

As the carriage moved further away, Lu Chang’s figure grew distant. He stood there motionless, like a slender bamboo stalk.

After returning from Songling Academy, Ming Shu focused her attention on Yin Shujun’s matter. Following her conversation with Lü Chang, Ming Shu felt enlightened, her perspective broadened beyond her initial assumptions. After resting at home for a day, Ming Shu finally donned the clothes gifted by Madam Li, Yin’s wife, and packed a simple bag to go to Yin’s residence.

The two sets of clothes from Madam Li were in fresh colors, with patterns and fabric far superior to what Lü Chang had bought. They suited Ming Shu much better.

“You look lovely dressed like this,” Madam Zeng remarked, seeing a glimpse of Ming Shu’s former self and feeling a mix of emotions.

“But I still prefer the clothes you made for me, Mother,” Ming Shu smiled, carefully folding the outfit Madam Zeng had sewn and placing it gently in her trunk before bidding farewell.

Outside, a carriage from the Yin household waited. Though Ming Shu was only a companion, the Yin family had sent someone to fetch her – a task Tao Yiqian had eagerly volunteered for. His eyes lit up seeing Ming Shu emerge in her new attire.

“Fifth Young Master…” Ming Shu called, lifting the carriage curtain as she sat inside.

Tao Yiqian quickly urged his horse alongside the carriage. “No need for formalities. Call me Mingyuan or… Fifth Brother.”

Ming Shu considered briefly before agreeing, “Alright, Fifth Brother.”

Delighted by her address, Tao Yiqian listened as she continued, “Fifth Brother, aren’t you returning to Lin’an?”

“Not yet. My family has entrusted me with managing several shops in the capital, so I’ll be staying for a while.”

Ming Shu nodded and asked, “By the way, Fifth Brother, I forgot to ask before – Shujun is also seventeen this year, isn’t she? Has she been betrothed? Or perhaps she’s interested in someone?”

“Nothing’s been decided yet, but I heard my mother mention that my aunt – the Empress – seems interested in arranging a match between her and the Third Prince.”

“Your family has already produced an Empress. If you were to have a Prince’s consort as well, it would truly be a great honor,” Ming Shu remarked.

“Indeed. My maternal grandfather and eldest uncle are hoping it will work out. But given Shujun’s situation, wouldn’t marrying into the royal family bring trouble to our household? I fear this marriage might not happen.”

“Does your maternal grandfather have no other eligible daughters?” Ming Shu inquired.

“The main branch has only Shujun as a legitimate daughter. There is another sister, Liangjun, only a year younger, but she’s born of a concubine. She couldn’t marry into the royal family unless my aunt took pity on her and adopted her as a legitimate daughter. Then she might have a chance.”

“And the relationship between this sister Liangjun and Shujun…”

“I know what you’re thinking, but don’t worry. Liangjun is a kind and lovable girl…” Tao Yiqian, fearing Ming Shu’s disbelief, added, “She’s as likable as you. You’ll see when you meet her. She and Shujun have always been close. Since Shujun’s personality changed, no one in the family wants to approach her, not even her brother. Only Liangjun still visits her regularly, talking to her and keeping her company.”

Ming Shu nodded, about to ask more when Tao Yiqian smiled and pointed ahead. “We’ve arrived. Look, Liangjun has come to greet you.”

Ming Shu peered out the window and indeed saw a young lady in yellow standing expectantly on the stone steps of the side entrance.

As the carriage stopped, Ming Shu descended using the small footstool and was immediately greeted by a bright, smiling face.

“How could I trouble the Third Young Miss to come and receive me?” Ming Shu said, about to curtsy, but Yin Liangjun stopped her. Ming Shu addressed her by her family rank.

“Sister, don’t be so formal. I was thrilled to hear Mother found a companion for Big Sister, and excited to have another sister. And when Fifth Brother told me how you cleverly captured bandits and saved them on the journey, I admired you so much. Knowing Fifth Brother was fetching you today, I couldn’t wait to meet you and came out to wait,” Yin Liangjun said cheerfully, affectionately taking Ming Shu’s arm.

Ming Shu allowed herself to be led, glancing at Tao Yiqian, who sheepishly whispered, “I only mentioned your part, not your brother’s. Don’t worry.”

Reassured, Ming Shu turned back, saying, “Third Young Miss, you flatter me. That day, I only did what was necessary given the circumstances. It’s not worth mentioning.”

“Still, Sister must be very clever to turn danger into safety. Someone clumsy like me wouldn’t manage and would only burden Fifth Brother.” She stuck out her tongue playfully.

Tao Yiqian gently tapped her head, saying, “Don’t talk nonsense. If you were there, I’d protect you with my life.”

Yin Liangjun smiled sweetly. She was naturally beautiful, with a pointed chin, watery eyes, and a slender, delicate figure. Her smile was sweet, and even when not smiling, she had a touching, vulnerable air that made people want to protect her.

“Sister Ming Shu, let’s go meet the other sisters. They’re all waiting in the study,” Yin Liangjun said excitedly, pulling Ming Shu along.

Ming Shu stopped, smiling, “Third Young Miss, Madam instructed me to be Shujun’s companion. I should pay my respects to her first, then accompany her to the study.”

Yin Liangjun paused, but Tao Yiqian chimed in, “That’s right. I’ll take you to see Shujun first.”

“Or I could take Sister Ming Shu,” Yin Liangjun volunteered.

“That works too. You girls can talk better. I won’t interfere. Ming Shu, give me your luggage, and I’ll have it sent to your room. Little Sister Liangjun, please take care of Ming Shu for me,” Tao Yiqian said, realizing it was better for the girls to go together and take Ming Shu’s bags.

“Don’t worry,” Yin Liangjun assured, patting her chest.

Tao Yiqian added to Ming Shu, “If you encounter any difficulties, just find me. Take care of yourself.”

After thanking Tao Yiqian, Ming Shu bid farewell and left with Yin Liangjun.

Yin Shujun, as the eldest legitimate daughter, resided alone in an embroidery tower named “Lan Cui Ge” (Embracing Green Pavilion). Surrounded by a small courtyard, it offered exclusive scenery and comfort, demonstrating her family’s love and indulgence. It was puzzling why she had suddenly changed her personality.

As Ming Shu followed Yin Liangjun, they encountered many Yin family servants. Each greeted Yin Liangjun with smiles, and she responded in kind, addressing everyone by name. Ming Shu observed that Yin Liangjun seemed very popular among the servants.

Yin Liangjun introduced Ming Shu to everyone, and when they heard she was to be Yin Shujun’s companion, their expressions grew complex. Ming Shu feigned confusion and asked Yin Liangjun, “Why are they looking at me like that?”

Yin Liangjun seemed to have been waiting for this question. She hesitated before answering, “My sister has a rather strict personality. They fear her.” After a pause, she bit her lip and whispered in Ming Shu’s ear, “Sister Ming Shu, please be patient when serving my sister. If you encounter any difficulties with her, you can tell me.”

Ming Shu raised an eyebrow, surprised. “Your sister is…”

“Shh, we’re here,” Yin Liangjun made a silencing gesture, as if afraid of disturbing the garden’s occupant.

Weren’t these sisters supposed to have a good relationship? It didn’t seem so.

The garden gate was closed. As Yin Liangjun turned to knock, Ming Shu’s brow furrowed slightly.

What a charade!

Ming Shu and Yin Liangjun didn’t find Yin Shujun in the embroidery tower. According to the servants, Yin Shujun had gone to the family school early that morning.

“How strange, my sister went to class on her own today?” Yin Liangjun mused as she led Ming Shu to the school.

“Doesn’t she usually attend classes?” Ming Shu asked as they walked.

“She does, but usually… not on time, and she often skips. The teachers turn a blind eye, and no one dares to confront her…” Yin Liangjun explained.

“Your sister is…”

“She’s just a bit willful, that’s all,” Yin Liangjun quickly defended Yin Shujun, but her justification sounded weak and unconvincing.

Ming Shu just smiled, offering no response.

Soon, they arrived at the school, and both fell silent about Yin Shujun.

The Yin family school was in the Runwen Hall, divided into east and west sections. The east was for male family members, and the west was for daughters. The two sides were connected by a long corridor, with a square lotus pond in the middle housing several koi fish, creating an elegant and serene environment.

Morning recitations had already begun in the eastern hall, with clear reading voices carrying over. The western hall, however, had not yet started classes.

As Ming Shu entered the western hall, she saw several young ladies of blooming age already seated. Besides the main branch of the Yin family, there were likely girls from collateral branches as well. A glance revealed about seven or eight people, nearly filling the entire classroom, except for one conspicuously empty area.

The classroom desks were arranged in rows of three and columns of four. In the first position on the left sat a girl in red clothing, but the seats behind and to her right were empty, in stark contrast to the other fully occupied positions.

With so many young ladies present and the teacher not yet arrived, it should have been a lively morning. However, today no one was talking, and the classroom was unusually quiet. All eyes turned to the newcomer, Ming Shu. Outside the classroom, in the covered walkway, several maids and older women were in attendance. One of them, seeing Ming Shu, hurried forward.

“This is Aunt Yun from Mother’s side,” Yin Liangjun whispered to Ming Shu.

“Our Young Miss is already in the classroom. Miss Lu, you’re late,” Aunt Yun said sternly, her appearance matching her severe tone.

“Aunt Yun, it’s my fault… I thought Big Sister was still in her room, so I took Ming Shu to look for her there. Don’t blame Ming Shu,” Yin Liangjun spoke up quickly, taking the blame upon herself.

Hearing this, Aunt Yun’s expression softened slightly. She said, “Third Young Miss, go take your seat.” Then she led Ming Shu forward, stopping beside the girl in red. “Young Miss, this is Miss Lu Ming Shu, the companion Lady has found for you,” Aunt Yun introduced. “Ming Shu, this is our Young Miss Shujun. You’ll be her companion from now on.”

Ming Shu looked at the young lady who sat ramrod straight even as everyone else turned to look at her. She smiled slightly, curtsied, and said, “Ming Shu pays her respects to Miss Shujun.”

Only then did Yin Shujun turn her head—and the sight startled Ming Shu.

She was startled by Shujun’s beauty.

Ming Shu had expected Shujun and Liangjun to look similar, but Yin Shujun was strikingly beautiful, surpassing the delicate charm of Yin Liangjun by several degrees. With phoenix eyes and willow-leaf eyebrows, a jade-like nose, and cherry lips, she was captivatingly gorgeous. Even Ming Shu, as a woman, had to admire her beauty. However, Shujun’s complexion was somewhat pale, and her striking features were tinged with a hint of sharpness, making her seem unapproachable.

“Hmph,” Yin Shujun snorted slightly, looking at Ming Shu with disdain. Ignoring Aunt Yun’s introduction, she coldly said, “Another one to monitor me? This time they’ve brought in an outsider?”

Aunt Yun was embarrassed by her words but, being familiar with Yin Shujun’s temperament didn’t say much. She simply pointed to the seat behind Shujun and said, “You’ll sit here from now on. The teacher is coming, prepare for class.”

Ming Shu obediently sat in her assigned seat. However, as soon as she sat down, she heard several soft gasps from beside her. Puzzled, she looked around and saw several pairs of eyes staring at her in terror, though they quickly averted their gaze when she turned to look.

In front of her, Yin Shujun continued to sit rigidly, like a stone statue.

“Young ladies, today we’ll start with ‘The Rules for Women’ as usual. Please take out your books and read them through three times,” the teacher, a woman in her forties, instructed as she entered.

The sound of pages turning filled the air. Ming Shu looked at her desk, which was empty, but noticed some books in the desk drawer. She could vaguely make out the characters for “The Rules for Women” on the cover, so she reached in to take one out.

The previously uniform recitation suddenly became chaotic, with a few muffled cries mixed in.

Ming Shu’s hand had already entered the desk drawer when she suddenly froze.

Yin Shujun, sitting in front with an icy expression, revealed a malicious smile. She pretended to recite, but her eyes glanced back, waiting for the show to begin.

However, after one page was recited, then another, suddenly, a clear recitation voice came from behind her.

Yin Shujun’s smile faltered, and she turned back in disbelief to see Ming Shu with her hands lightly resting on the desk, holding an open book and reciting. Her voice was crisp and clear, and when she noticed Shujun looking, she even returned a friendly smile.

This was impossible!

Yin Shujun looked at the desk surface, then at the floor, but saw nothing.

Under Ming Shu’s smiling gaze, Yin Shujun turned back angrily, haphazardly flipping through her book, no longer reciting. The teacher frowned at her behavior and was about to reprimand her when suddenly a scream pierced through the classroom, nearly deafening everyone.


The girl sitting to Yin Shujun’s right rear and Ming Shu’s immediate right jumped up, her face pale with fright. Pointing at Yin Shujun’s back, she stammered, “Spi… spi-spi-spider!”

Everyone looked where she was pointing, and screams erupted as the classroom fell into chaos.

A spider as big as a palm was crawling up Yin Shujun’s hair that fell down her back.

The young ladies had never seen such a sight, and many nearly fainted. Even the teacher was stunned. Yin Shujun, seeing everyone staring at her back, turned to look. When she saw it, she was utterly terrified, her eyes glazing over!

Somehow, the spider she had arranged to be hidden in Ming Shu’s desk had ended up on her own back.

“Ah—” Her scream was even louder, but she dared not move, fearing the spider would crawl into her clothes. “Quickly… quickly…” she pleaded.

The classroom was in chaos. All the young ladies huddled in corners, none daring to approach Yin Shujun or help her. She was left alone in her fear, her beautiful face turning increasingly pale.

“I… I’ll call someone,” the teacher said, not daring to touch the spider herself.

Yin Shujun glanced sideways; the spider had almost reached her shoulder and was heading towards her face. Its eight long legs were now within inches of her. She felt like fainting but couldn’t, and at that moment, she wished she could die. Suddenly, a delicate white hand reached out, effortlessly pinching the spider’s leg and plucking the palm-sized creature from her hair.

“It’s alright, don’t be afraid,” said Ming Shu.

Somehow, she had moved behind Yin Shujun and removed the spider. She held it by two of its long legs, while the other six curled inward, still twitching and looking frightening.

“It’s not poisonous, and it doesn’t bite. Look, it’s quite docile,” Ming Shu said, bringing the spider close to Yin Shujun’s face.

Yin Shujun sprang from her seat, backing away and shouting, “Get out! Take it away! Quickly!”

The teacher also said, “Throw it away quickly!”

Ming Shu responded with an “Oh,” seeming somewhat reluctant as she tossed the spider out the window. It disappeared into the grass, and everyone in the room finally breathed a sigh of relief.

“Sister Ming Shu is amazing!” Yin Liangjun was the first to react, applauding.

The other young ladies followed suit, looking at Ming Shu with admiration. Ming Shu bowed slightly, saying, “You’re too kind.”

Meanwhile, Yin Shujun, having regained her senses, rushed up to Ming Shu and angrily accused, “It was you!” — She must have been behind this! How else could the spider have ended up on her back?

Ming Shu continued to smile, gently pushing Yin Shujun back into her seat, saying with a hint of indulgence, “Miss Shujun, it’s time for class. Don’t make a fuss.” Then she turned to the teacher and said, “Teacher, shall we continue the lesson?”

The teacher, somewhat dazed, quickly said, “Everyone, quiet down. Let’s continue the class.”

As everyone returned to their seats, including Ming Shu, Yin Shujun turned to glare at her fiercely, but Ming Shu only responded with a smile.

Outside, Aunt Yun, who had rushed over upon hearing the commotion and witnessed everything, quietly dismissed the servants who had come to catch the spider. She thought to herself, “Amitabha, perhaps this Lu Ming Shu really can handle our Young Miss.”

As the recitation resumed, Ming Shu kept both hands under her desk, her left hand firmly pressing down on her trembling right hand.

Such a huge spider! Her heart had nearly stopped from fright!

But what could she do? In this first encounter, she couldn’t afford to lose.

For the sake of money, she had to go all out!

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