HomeSerendipityChapter 23: Big Brother Has Arrived

Chapter 23: Big Brother Has Arrived

“Yin Haoyu, what did you call me?” Yin Shujun turned, coldly facing her younger brother.

Yin Haoyu faltered, realizing his mistake. She was his elder sister, yet he had addressed her by name. Unwilling to apologize, he stubbornly relied on his status as the Yin family’s legitimate son: “Why were you touching my Feixue?”

So the snow-white cat was named Feixue, Yin Haoyu’s beloved pet.

“It’s made of sand. Can’t people touch it?” Yin Shujun sneered.

“Others can, but not you,” Yin Haoyu retorted. “You’ve already ruined everything in your room. Now you want to ruin others’? I won’t allow it!”

“Others’? Yin Haoyu, I’m your elder sister!” Yin Shujun’s eyes reddened with anger, her fists clenched.

Seeing this, Yin Haoyu felt he’d gone too far. Just as he was about to speak again, a clear voice called out from behind.

“A’Yu, I’ve caught it.”

Yin Liangjun was excitedly running over with the recently escaped cat, her face beaming as she addressed Yin Haoyu.

Yin Haoyu’s face lit up, then looked worriedly at her skirt: “Third Sister, are you hurt?”

Yin Liangjun glanced at the mud on her skirt knee, smiling unconcernedly: “It’s nothing. I just tripped while chasing Feixue.” She then turned to Yin Shujun, “Elder Sister is here too. Let’s all go to A’Yu’s room for tea and admire the painting. I heard Grandfather gifted A’Yu a famous painting yesterday.”

Yin Shujun’s hands clenched tighter.

Her brother treated her like an enemy, yet addressed others so affectionately as “sister.”

“No need,” she said, a fire burning inside her. Unable to contain herself, she smiled eerily, “Enjoy yourselves. Just remember to keep a close eye on that beast, lest it be harmed.”

With that, she turned to leave. Yin Haoyu, infuriated, was about to argue further when Yin Liangjun held him back.

The siblings parted on bad terms.

Yin Shujun returned to her embroidery tower in a foul mood. Upon entering her room, she chased out all the servants and locked the door tightly, leaving Ming Shu and Shuangyan staring at each other outside. Soon, the sound of shattering porcelain could be heard from within.

When the door opened again, Yin Shujun’s expression had composed, but not a single piece of porcelain remained intact in the room.


Late that night, Ming Shu, no longer needed to attend to Yin Shujun, had retreated to her room after dinner to work on her notes. Suddenly, hurried footsteps and the panicked cries of the garden’s matron broke the silence.

“The young miss has retired. If the young master has an urgent business, this old servant can send someone to relay the message. Please, young master, stay back…”

The garden erupted into chaos. Ming Shu opened her window to see Yin Haoyu storming into the garden, enraged. In aristocratic households, the women’s quarters were strictly off-limits, even to brothers. Yin Haoyu’s midnight intrusion suggested something dire had occurred.

Servants emerged from all around as Yin Haoyu stopped in the garden, not entering the embroidery tower. Instead, he shouted from below: “Yin Shujun, come down here!”

“Young master, what has happened?” A night-duty maid hurriedly came down from Yin Shujun’s room to inquire.

“What happened? You should ask your mistress!” In the dim lantern light, Yin Haoyu’s face was contorted with anger. His voice was loud enough for everyone to hear clearly. “Ask your mistress what she did! My Feixue… started vomiting shortly after returning to my room, then began convulsing at night. Just now… Feixue didn’t make it.”

The cat had died.

“What did you say?” Yin Shujun appeared on the balcony of the tower and then hurried downstairs.

“What did I say? I said Feixue is dead! Sister, how could you be so cruel?” Yin Haoyu was furious, his words now unrestrained. “Feixue and Qingshuang from your room were siblings, we brought them home together. Wasn’t killing Qingshuang enough? You had to go after Feixue too?”

“I didn’t!” Yin Shujun had rushed down so quickly she hadn’t even put on her shoes properly, her hair in disarray.

“If not you, then who? If I hadn’t arrived in time this afternoon, you probably would have thrown it into the pond. You were the one who threatened me to be careful!” Yin Haoyu accused.

“You were being so aggressive then, am I not allowed to say a few angry words?” Yin Shujun’s eyes reddened with urgency, feeling helpless against Yin Haoyu’s certainty.

“Just angry words?” Yin Haoyu took a deep breath, trying to control his emotions. “Sister, now both Qingshuang and Feixue are dead, and you’ve driven Yuying away. What’s left around you? Father and Mother argue endlessly because of you. Do you want to alienate everyone before you’re satisfied?”

“What do you know?! Yuying, she…” Yin Shujun clutched her collar, tears rolling down her cheeks. “Why won’t you believe me? It’s you who won’t believe me!”

“Believe you? How can we believe you when you can harm even those who’ve been with you for years…”

“Young Master!” A voice suddenly interjected. “Even a three-year-old knows you need evidence to catch a thief. You accuse the young miss of harming Feixue, but do you have any proof?”

“What proof do we need? Who else would do such a vicious thing?” Yin Haoyu turned to face the speaker. “You’re that companion, Lu Ming Shu? You’re speaking for her?”

Ming Shu gave a brief curtsy, her face expressionless. “I’m not speaking for anyone, nor do I know about past events in your household. I only know that today, when I accompanied the young miss past the stone bridge and we encountered the cat, she approached to pick it up, but you arrived before she could. Whether she intended to hold the cat or throw it is mere speculation. The fact is, she did nothing. That’s the first point. Secondly, the encounter with Feixue was chance; the young miss had nothing in her hands and didn’t feed the cat anything. Shuangyan and I witnessed this. Thirdly, you say the cat began vomiting after returning to your room, but our young miss hasn’t left the embroidery tower since returning. She locked herself in her room. The garden has only one exit, and she can’t have snuck out unnoticed by everyone in the garden. Everyone here can testify to this!”

Her words were clear and well-reasoned. Yin Haoyu was momentarily stunned, unable to refute.

“Shuangyan, help the young miss back to her room to compose herself before coming out to explain,” Ming Shu commanded.

As if waking from a dream, Shuangyan treated Ming Shu’s words like an imperial edict, hurriedly helping Yin Shujun back to her room. Yin Shujun wanted to argue further, but a glance from Ming Shu somehow calmed her. She fell silent and followed Shuangyan.

Ming Shu then turned back to Yin Haoyu: “If the young master doesn’t believe my words, you can gather all the garden staff tomorrow to question them one by one. However, in my humble opinion, since the incident occurred in your room, your household staff should also be investigated. We need to uncover the truth and find the real culprit to give closure for your beloved cat and clear the innocent.”

“You think she’s innocent?” Yin Haoyu now recovered, pointed at the departing Yin Shujun. “That’s because you haven’t seen what she’s capable of! Be careful following her, or you might end up like those people and cats – with a bad fate!”

“Mind your words, young master! That person inside is your sister. As for my fate, you need not concern yourself,” Ming Shu’s voice suddenly turned stern.

Yin Haoyu abruptly fell silent. He had been blinded by anger tonight, speaking recklessly. Ming Shu’s sharp rebuke brought him back to his senses.

“My sister…” Yin Haoyu nodded, his brow furrowed with both anger and pain, at a loss for words. He had come in a rage over his cat, but could he demand his sister’s life for a pet?

As Ming Shu was about to speak again, another group carrying lanterns hurried over, led by Yun Gugu from Madam Li’s side.

The news of Yin Haoyu’s night intrusion into his elder sister’s quarters and the renewed harm to the family’s pet cat had reached the ears of Yin Licheng and Madam Li, even alarming the elder Mr. Yin.

Both Yin Shujun and Yin Haoyu were taken away, along with Ming Shu.

Regarding Feixue’s death, Yin Shujun and Yin Haoyu each stuck to their version, neither willing to yield.

Yin Licheng and Madam Li privately summoned Ming Shu for questioning. Ming Shu’s position was the most impartial as an outsider with no vested interests in the Yin household. Behind closed doors, Ming Shu repeated verbatim what she had told Yin Haoyu earlier. While these words failed to convince Yin Haoyu, they did sway Yin Licheng. After long deliberation, he made his decision.

The final result was surprising: Yin Haoyu was punished with three days of confinement in his room for intruding into his elder sister’s quarters at night and disrespecting her, while Yin Shujun escaped unscathed. As everyone dispersed, servants relayed the outcome to the Yin family patriarch. Yin Licheng retired to rest, leaving only Madam Li holding Ming Shu’s hand, sighing:

“Good child, we owe you thanks this time. Otherwise, Shujun would have been punished again. If she makes another mistake, no one will be able to help her. Why can’t that child just behave?”

From Madam Li’s words, Ming Shu realized that she didn’t fully believe Shujun either. However, as a mother, she still wanted to protect her daughter regardless of what she had done. Ming Shu lowered her head, aware that her insignificant position meant a few words couldn’t change deeply-held beliefs.

She felt somewhat disappointed.

Her initial intention in speaking up had been to prompt Yin Licheng to order a thorough investigation into Feixue’s death, but this goal wasn’t realized.

The life of a cat held little weight in the minds of the Yin family elders. A full investigation of the entire household over a cat was impossible. So, Feixue’s death was officially attributed to accidental poisoning from something consumed outside.

However, this glossing over of the incident only preserved the face of those in power without convincing anyone. The thorn in Yin Haoyu’s heart would only sink deeper, and his resentment towards his elder sister would only grow. Just like the cat and rabbit that died two years ago, although rumors were suppressed in the same manner, some things remained forever etched in people’s hearts, becoming ineradicable prejudices.


After the Feixue incident, Yin Shujun became even more silent. Her occasional glances at Ming Shu were particularly complex and contradictory.

She probably both loved and hated her—that was Ming Shu’s interpretation.

Ming Shu cast a flirtatious glance back at Yin Shujun, who momentarily froze before scowling and turning away, much like a petulant child.

Ming Shu wasn’t one to hold grudges against children. She had been busy lately, continuing to chat with various people in the Yin household.

“Shh! Lower your voice. We can’t mention Yuying’s name here,” Aunt Wang, who was trimming flowers, paused her scissors and made a silencing gesture. After Ming Shu covered her mouth and nodded, Aunt Wang pulled her behind some foliage and whispered mysteriously, “Yuying was the maid who served the young miss for ten years. Later, she was severely whipped by the young miss over a small matter and driven out of the household. I heard that when she left, there wasn’t a patch of uninjured skin on her back. The young miss was ruthless.”

“Ten years and the young miss could bear to do that?” Ming Shu slipped some peanuts into Aunt Wang’s hand, and they both squatted down to eat.

Gossiping while slacking off was enjoyable, and Aunt Wang was no exception.

“Who knows what the young miss was thinking? Yuying had been by her side since she was seven, always her most capable maid. They were like sisters. Who could have imagined that after the young miss’s personality changed, even Yuying wasn’t spared.”

“They were close? I noticed our young master seemed quite familiar with Yuying too.”

“Of course. The young master is only two years younger than the young miss. Before she changed, the young miss always looked after her little brother. The siblings were very close, so naturally, the young master became familiar with Yuying too, treating her like an elder sister.”

“I see. No wonder the young master’s tone was unusual when he mentioned Yuying that day,” Ming Shu nodded in realization.

“You should be careful around the young miss. Don’t end up like Yuying,” Aunt Wang finished her peanuts and her gossip, standing up to resume work. But as she turned, she froze as if struck by lightning.

“Young… young miss…”

Yin Shujun was standing silently behind them.

“Lu! Ming! Shu!” Yin Shujun almost gnashed her teeth as she called out her name.

Ming Shu stood up, brushing off peanut shells, and met Yin Shujun’s gaze. Besides anger, there seemed to be a hint of sadness in her eyes.

Ming Shu wanted to explain, but Yin Shujun turned and left. Ming Shu followed quickly, only to face Yin Shujun’s angry visage as she pointed at her nose: “Get out! Don’t come near me! You’re no different from them!”

As she scolded, she stormed into the garden, calling out: “Throw her bedding out!”

The servants looked at each other, unsure. Seeing they wouldn’t act, Yin Shujun rushed into Ming Shu’s room herself and began tearing at her bedding. When Ming Shu entered, the room was in disarray, but Yin Shujun hadn’t stopped.


A sharp slap landed on Yin Shujun’s cheek, the crisp sound making everyone’s scalp tingle.

The world suddenly fell silent.

Yin Shujun stared wide-eyed at Ming Shu, looking as if she could devour her. Those who had followed them in were equally petrified.

Unbelievably, Ming Shu had slapped Yin Shujun.

Ming Shu shook her slightly numb hand and said, “Have you calmed down? If so, let’s talk this through. I’m a companion your mother invited, not a slave sold to your family. If you want me to leave, fine, go talk to your mother. If she says the word, I’ll leave immediately. Otherwise…” Ming Shu crouched down, leisurely picking up the bedding and tossing it back onto the bed. She then sat on the edge of the bed.

“I’m staying right here. What can you do about it?”

“…” Yin Shujun was furious.

She had never encountered someone so shamelessly brazen.

News of Yin Shujun’s outburst at Ming Shu, and Ming Shu’s retaliatory slap, quickly spread throughout the estate. No one cared about Yin Shujun’s well-being; instead, they admired the companion’s bold new act.

Tao Yiqian naturally heard about this incident. While impressed, he worried about Ming Shu and sought her out when he found an opportunity.

“Don’t worry, I’m fine,” Ming Shu reassured him after hearing his concerns. She then changed the subject, “Your timing is perfect. I need your help with something.”

“What is it?” Tao Yiqian asked.

Ming Shu pulled a folded paper from her sleeve and handed it to him, whispering, “Help me investigate a few people.” She leaned in closer and whispered additional details into his ear.

Tao Yiqian grew increasingly surprised as he listened. After his initial shock, he looked slightly troubled. “Most of this is manageable, but the palace…”

The imperial palace wasn’t a place one could enter easily.

Ming Shu raised an eyebrow. “What, you can’t do it?”

Unwilling to appear incompetent, Tao Yiqian puffed out his chest and committed, “I’ll make it happen since you’ve asked.”

Ming Shu smiled sweetly. “Thank you in advance, then.”

Her smile was captivating.

After bidding farewell to Tao Yiqian, Ming Shu went to find Yin Shujun. Unable to locate her in the usual places, Ming Shu grew puzzled. Halfway through her search, she encountered Shuangyan. When questioned, Shuangyan hesitated before revealing, “The young miss went to Youxiang Pavilion in Miaosheng Garden. She didn’t want me to follow or tell anyone. Please don’t say I told you.”

Miaosheng Garden was a rockery in the Yin estate’s back garden, with Youxiang Pavilion at its peak—ideal for summer, but freezing in early spring.

Why would Yin Shujun go there?

Without time to ponder, Ming Shu raced towards Miaosheng Garden, driven by her duty to keep an eye on Yin Shujun.

As Ming Shu approached the garden, she saw a figure dangling precariously from the rockery. Her heart raced as she recognized Yin Shujun hanging there, her face red from exertion.

Suddenly, Yin Shujun’s grip faltered. Ming Shu watched in horror as she plummeted from halfway up the rockery.

In that moment of falling, Ming Shu had only one thought: fate seemed determined to harm her head—first memory loss, and now this potential concussion.

Fortunately, Miaosheng Garden wasn’t a real mountain, just a rockery made of Taihu stones. Ming Shu’s fall was broken by winter jasmine vines, softening her landing. Still, she twisted her ankle badly as she hit the ground.

The world spun around her as she lay there, unable to move. She heard panicked voices and felt someone pinching her philtrum. Soon, she was lifted onto a chair and carried away.

Ming Shu drifted in and out of consciousness, unsure where she was being taken. The voices around her faded as she fell into a fitful sleep. In the darkness, a hand seemed to push her, jolting her awake.

The dizziness had subsided, and she realized her wounds had been dressed. She heard voices in the room.

“It’s my fault,” one voice said. “I knew my cousin was difficult. I shouldn’t have recommended you as her companion.”

“Don’t blame yourself, Young Master Tao. No one could have foreseen this,” another voice consoled.

Ming Shu recognized them as Tao Yiqian and a household matron. She struggled to sit up. “Tao Yiqian…”

Tao Yiqian spun around, delighted to see her awake. He rushed to her bedside. “You’re awake! The doctor has examined you. Apart from a sprained ankle, it’s all superficial injuries. Do you feel any discomfort?”

Ming Shu shook her head. “No.” She glanced outside. “How long was I unconscious?”

“Not long, about half an hour.”

“Where’s Shujun?” she asked.

Misunderstanding her concern, Tao Yiqian replied bitterly, “Grandfather has confined her to the Buddhist hall. We thought her temper was just poor, but now she’s endangering lives. Don’t worry, the family will address this.”

“No…” Ming Shu threw off her blanket. “Shujun didn’t do this.”

“Why defend her? Her maid Shuangyan confessed they lured you to Miaosheng Garden.”

“It wasn’t Shujun. Take me to see the Madame. I’ll explain everything,” Ming Shu insisted.

“The Madame is also under house arrest,” the matron replied.

“Wait, I’m the victim here. You’re punishing people without even asking me what happened?” Ming Shu rubbed her temples in frustration.

“Ming Shu, don’t worry about this now. Focus on recovering,” Tao Yiqian urged. “We’ve sent for your mother. She’ll be here soon to care for you. You can stay here and rest easy.”

Ming Shu nearly jumped up. “What? Did you contact my mother? Who authorized that?”

“Grandfather did. He said we need to explain how a young lady was injured while in our care, so…”

Ming Shu pressed her forehead heavily. “There’s nothing to explain. I’m not seriously injured. You’re all overreacting…”

Her complaints were cut short by a voice from outside.

“Overreacting? So you planned to hide this?”

Ming Shu froze, staring at the doorway in disbelief.

A servant lifted the curtain, letting in a gust of cold night air. Ming Shu clutched her blanket tighter as she watched a young man enter.

It wasn’t her mother who had arrived, but the formidable young master of the Lu family.

Lu Chang’s eyes were as cold as a frosty night.

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