HomeSerendipityChapter 25: Harmful Tactics

Chapter 25: Harmful Tactics

With the “Mountain Guardian” staying put, Ming Shu was helpless. She could only fret in vain.

Lu Chang sat calmly in the main hall, reading. Even with the wide-open door facing the busy street, with vendors’ calls and children’s cries drifting in, he remained undisturbed, as if deaf to the outside world. In contrast, Ming Shu hopped about the house like a one-legged grasshopper, testing her limits.

“Brother, I’m bored,” she said, limping over to sit across from Lu Chang after circling the room twice.

“The door isn’t locked,” Lu Chang replied without looking up.

Ming Shu glanced at the door—it was open, but two fierce dogs stood guard. One was Zhao Bao, and the other… well, she dared not step outside.

She slumped onto the table. Madam Zeng, amused, brought breakfast—toasted, crispy mantou slices with rice porridge and a boiled egg.

“Talk to your brother properly. He’s not unreasonable,” Madam Zeng said, patting Ming Shu’s back.

As Ming Shu opened her mouth, Lu Chang slapped a book on the table. “If you’re bored, read this.”

Ming Shu was silenced by the “Book of Rites and Its Correct Meanings.”

“Memorize it, and your mind will calm. You’ll stop thinking about Miss Jia or whoever,” Lu Chang added.

Ming Shu stunned, tugged at Madam Zeng’s sleeve, pleading with her eyes.

Madam Zeng shrugged—she couldn’t control her son.

Memorizing the book was out of the question. After eating, Ming Shu sat listlessly by the wall, playing with Zhao Bao. Soon, a visitor arrived—Tao Yiqian, carrying various packages. Ming Shu brightened. Her brother might not let her out, but surely he couldn’t refuse visitors. Without waiting for Tao to greet anyone, she pulled him inside, leaning on the wall for support.

“Be careful,” Tao Yiqian said, smiling awkwardly at Lu Chang and Madam Zeng. Seeing Ming Shu’s difficulty, he wanted to help but his hands were full.

Lu Chang finally looked up and approached them. Tao Yiqian thought he was coming to help with the packages and offered them, but Lu Chang merely glanced at them before moving to Ming Shu’s side, supporting her arm to guide her inside. Tao Yiqian was left hanging, embarrassed, but Madam Zeng smoothly intervened, taking the packages from him.

Besides Ming Shu’s bedding from the Yin household, Tao Yiqian brought medicine prescribed by the doctor last night and various tonics.

Ming Shu cared about only one thing.

“Where’s my notebook?”

“Here, here,” Tao Yiqian hurriedly pulled out the small book and handed it to her.

She clutched it to her chest like a treasure, then asked, “How’s Su Jun?”

“Still confined in the ancestral hall. Yesterday, by chance, Grandfather was hosting guests, and many officials were touring the gardens when they witnessed that dangerous scene. With so many outsiders present, how could Grandfather not be furious? He berated Uncle and Aunt last night and ordered Su Jun’s confinement. No one could persuade him otherwise, and even Aunt was implicated for pleading on Su Jun’s behalf. Before I left today, I heard they might send Su Jun to a southern estate for a while to cool off.”

“Why are you all so certain it was Su Jun? You’re not even giving her a chance to explain,” Ming Shu said, sitting on a bench by the wall. She took two baked sweet potatoes from Madam Zeng, offering one to Tao Yiqian.

Tao Yiqian accepted without hesitation, sitting beside her and peeling the potato as he spoke. “They questioned her last night. Uncle personally conducted the interrogation. A maid saw Shuang Yan sneaking up to Miaosheng Xiaojing. When questioned, Shuang Yan admitted to setting a trap for you. Now everyone believes she caused your fall.”

“Su Jun’s tricks were just putting bugs in my desk and locking me in the outhouse. The water bucket above the door at Miaosheng Xiaojing’s Puxiang Pavilion—that’s more her style. Childish pranks, not something I’d easily fall for,” Ming Shu said, warming her hands with the hot potato, having eaten too recently to eat more. “She didn’t confess, did she?”

“No, but she couldn’t explain herself convincingly. Given your recent public argument and Shuang Yan’s admission to setting a trap on her orders, no one believed her defense. Grandfather had given her one last chance before, and now, so soon into the new year, this happened. Who would trust her now?” Tao Yiqian explained.

“Fifth Brother, Su Jun’s trap was set in Puxiang Pavilion, but I was pushed off the edge of Deshi Mountain in Miaosheng Xiaojing. Su Jun and Shuang Yan were at the foot of the mountain, not on it!” Ming Shu stood up abruptly, surprised at the Yin family’s deep distrust of Su Jun. “If I had known, I wouldn’t have left with my brother last night. Take me back to the Yin house. I need to speak with the Eldest Madam or your uncle.”

“What? Did someone push you? Did you see who it was?” Tao Yiqian asked, shocked, lowering his half-eaten sweet potato.

“No, I didn’t,” Ming Shu replied.

“No? Then do you have any evidence?” Tao pressed.

Ming Shu shook her head again.

Tao sighed, “If you didn’t see anyone and have no evidence, why do you think it wasn’t Su Jun? Maybe she arranged for someone else to push you when her first plan failed?”

If even Tao Yiqian thought this way, it was clear how the rest of the Yin family viewed the situation.

Two years of rumors, piling up like feathers. Each feather might be light as snow, but thousands accumulated could crush a person.

“I don’t believe Su Jun is that kind of person. Can you take me to see your uncle or aunt?” Ming Shu asked Tao.

Tao shook his head regretfully, “Aunt is confined for pleading Su Jun’s case. Uncle is still angry about Grandfather’s reprimand and refuses to see anyone speaking for Su Jun. Even you… can’t return to the Yin house now.” He added, “But don’t worry, they’ll cover all your medical expenses.”

Ming Shu cared little for medical costs. She broke her sweet potato in frustration, “Is there any way to see them? What about your grandfather?”

Tao looked at her, conflicted.

Meanwhile, Madam Zeng, eating her sweet potato across from Lu Chang, watched Ming Shu and Tao talking. She smiled, remarking, “They look good together.”

Lu Chang, who had been listening with a frown, turned to his mother. Madam Zeng, with a matchmaking glint in her eye, said, “Look at your sister. Doesn’t she match well with the Tao family’s fifth son?”

Older women often loved matchmaking, and Madam Zeng was no exception. Seeing young people together, she imagined them as a couple.

“They don’t match!” Lu Chang refuted his mother’s fantasy and stood up, walking towards Ming Shu.

“You’re saying your fall from Deshi Mountain wasn’t an accident, but intentional?” he asked.

Ming Shu lost in thought, turned to find her brother beside her. She clung to his arm, feigning distress, “Yes, someone pushed me. Your sister was bullied!”

Lu Chang allowed her to hold his arm, asking, “Want revenge?”

Ming Shu nodded vigorously.

“But how can you seek revenge when you don’t know who did it?” Lu Chang questioned.

“I may not have evidence, but I’m 80% sure. If I can get back into the Yin house, I have ways to expose the culprit!” Ming Shu declared confidently.

“Is entering the Yin house so difficult?” Lu Chang remarked.

“You make it sound easy. Didn’t you hear? They won’t discuss this anymore and won’t let me in,” Ming Shu pouted, tugging at his hand.

“Do they think they can just drop this matter? Pushing someone down a mountain is attempted murder. You’re lucky to be alive. This can be reported to the authorities!” Lu Chang said coolly, his fingertips brushing her palm, stirring an odd feeling.

“Report to the authorities…” Ming Shu pondered, not fully grasping his meaning.

“But Ming Shu didn’t see anyone and has no evidence. Even if we report it, won’t they still suspect Su Jun?” Tao Yiqian questioned, not understanding Lu Chang’s point.

Lu Chang didn’t explain, but Ming Shu suddenly grinned, “Fifth Brother, don’t you get it? My brother means we have nothing to lose! Reporting isn’t the main goal; seeing your grandfather and uncle is. The Yin family, being prominent, won’t want this legal trouble. Then I’ll have the upper hand and can easily meet them!” She turned to Lu Chang proudly, “Right, Brother?”

Her brother, seemingly upright, had come up with such a cunning plan. She was impressed.

“Brilliant! Lu Chang, that’s genius!” Tao Yiqian exclaimed, enlightened. Midway through his praise, he realized he was siding against his own family and his face fell—these siblings had led him astray.

“Brother… so you’re letting me handle this?” Ming Shu asked cheerfully, swinging Lu Chang’s hand.

Lu Chang turned to her, expressionless, “I’m not allowing you to meddle in others’ affairs. But since you were hurt, this debt must be settled. You have three days to resolve this. Is that enough?”

Ming Shu bit her lip, “It’s enough.”

With the challenge set, Ming Shu wasted no time. She carefully reiterated her instructions to Tao Yiqian, emphasizing the need to complete everything within three days. After discussing the details further, she let Tao leave.

Time was short, and Tao had much to do. He declined Madam Zeng’s dinner invitation and hurried off, working separately from Ming Shu.

After a quick meal, Ming Shu retreated to her room, writing and sketching in her notebook, no longer bothering Lu Chang.

As dusk fell, Ming Shu finally made progress, stretching out in her chair. Lu Chang knocked on the door.

“Brother,” she called, letting him in while remaining lazily seated.

Lu Chang, unsurprised by her posture, set a tray on the table. “Stretch out your foot,” he said.

Ming Shu hesitated, then understood—he wanted to change her bandages.

“I can do it myself,” she said, slightly embarrassed about removing her shoes and socks.

Lu Chang, already seated on the bed with the ointment open, just raised an eyebrow. Ming Shu slowly raised her leg, gently placing it on the bed. He carefully moved it onto his lap.

He removed her shoe and sock, unwrapping the old bandages to reveal the bruised flesh and swollen ankle.

Lu Chang’s expression darkened. He applied a large dollop of ointment, rubbing it in with warm hands. As he increased pressure to disperse the bruising, Ming Shu endured the pain silently. Once the ointment was applied and new bandages wrapped, Lu Chang looked at Ming Shu, noticing the fine sheen of sweat on her brow.

Seeing his gaze, Ming Shu said, “Brother, you’re so kind.”

Lu Chang seemed unmoved, responding coolly, “Put your trotter away.”


She took back her gratitude!

Ming Shu angrily put on her socks, watching Lu Chang pack up the medical supplies. Suddenly, she climbed onto the bed, quickly sat beside him, and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. Tilting her head close to his ear, she asked, “Brother, you’re not angry with me anymore, are you?”

Lu Chang was momentarily speechless.

Not angry? He could barely breathe.

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