HomeSerendipityChapter 26: Catching the Culprit

Chapter 26: Catching the Culprit

The three days passed quickly. Ming Shu and Tao Yiqian worked separately—Tao tirelessly investigated Ming Shu’s requests, while Ming Shu organized her strategy. On the third day, Ming Shu went to the magistrate’s office.

She simply reported that someone from the Yin family had harmed her and demanded an explanation. The Yin family was prominent in the capital, and when the clerk heard their name, he immediately sent someone to notify them. The news spread fast. When the Yin family’s steward arrived, several constables were trying to persuade Ming Shu to settle for compensation, but she just smiled, ignoring their advice.

Given the Yin family’s status, they could easily overpower a hundred Ming Shus if they chose to abuse their power. However, in the scholarly-governed Da’an Dynasty, with numerous imperial censors watching, Ming Shu’s complaint, though potentially suppressed, might catch a censor’s eye and become a major issue. Elder Yin Fanla, valuing his reputation above all since retiring from the previous emperor’s service, prided himself on being an incorruptible official. With a favored imperial consort from his family, he preferred to settle such matters privately.

After all, money was a small price to pay compared to losing face.

As Lu Chang had predicted when they heard Ming Shu only wanted to see Yin Licheng, the Yin family not only agreed immediately but even sent a carriage to fetch her.

When Ming Shu arrived at the Yin residence in their carriage, Tao Yiqian’s servant was already waiting at the gate to report to her.

Everything was prepared according to Ming Shu’s plan, with one unexpected addition—Lu Chang had come along.

Facing the Yin family, Ming Shu had initially felt somewhat uncertain. However, with Lu Chang beside her, she felt reassured, even though he remained silent and didn’t comment on her and Tao Yiqian’s plans, seemingly allowing them to proceed as they wished.

Lu Chang didn’t reveal his status as the top scholar from Jiangning, introducing himself only as Ming Shu’s brother as they entered the mansion.

Yin Licheng agreed to see Ming Shu alone. Not allowed into Yin Licheng’s study, Lu Chang waited in the adjacent flower hall. A pot of vibrant bicolor azaleas adorned the room. Lu Chang sat in a round-backed chair near the flowers, pulled out a book from his jacket, and began reading silently, appearing unconcerned about Ming Shu.

The maid who brought tea served it shyly, captivated by the handsome man reading beneath the flowers.

Lu Chang merely uttered a “Thank you” without even raising his eyes.

Halfway through his book, the study door finally opened. Ming Shu emerged, and Lu Chang put away his book and stood, questioning her with his eyes.

Ming Shu flashed a toothy grin: “It’s done!”

He didn’t know what Ming Shu had discussed with Yin Licheng in the study, but Lu Chang never doubted Ming Shu’s ability to persuade him successfully.

In early spring, the chill of February lingered. A recent rain left the sky overcast. In the Yin family’s garden, servants swept while rubbing their hands to warm them. As they worked, they indulged in their favorite pastime: gossiping about their masters.

The atmosphere in Huaixiu Pavilion had been tense for days due to Yin Shujun’s situation. The mistress was confined, and Yin Licheng hadn’t set foot there in days, staying in his study instead. This fueled rumors among the servants.

A drizzle fell as Yin Liangjun hurried into Huaixiu Pavilion’s garden, accompanied by a maid holding an umbrella. The maid closed the umbrella under the corridor while Yin Liangjun greeted the servants, asking about Madam Li’s condition.

“The First Madam hasn’t come out. She’s still worried about the First Miss. Thankfully, the Third Miss visits daily to comfort her,” someone replied.

Yin Liangjun smiled. “When Mother is sad, a daughter must share her burden. I’ll go pay my respects now.”

The servant praised her: “Third Miss is truly filial…” They continued complimenting her as she walked away, though Yin Liangjun didn’t hear it all. She knew their praises were always similar.

As she approached Huaixiu Pavilion, a maid lifted the thick curtain. Tao Yiqian emerged, with Madam Li personally seeing him out. She clasped her hands, saying, “Amitabha. Thank heavens! If this helps my child, I’ll richly reward Miss Lu.”

Yin Liangjun stepped aside.

“Aunt, please don’t worry. It’s cold outside, so rest inside. No need to see me off,” Tao Yiqian said, smiling as he took his leave.

As the curtain fell and he turned, he encountered Yin Liangjun.

“Third Sister, why are you here?”

“I’ve come to pay my respects to Aunt,” Yin Liangjun replied with a sweet smile, her dimples showing. “And you, Fifth Brother?”

“Liangjun is indeed a filial girl,” Tao Yiqian complimented her. “I came to discuss some matters with Aunt. It’s settled now. You should go in.”

Yin Liangjun nodded but didn’t move. Instead, she asked, “I just heard you mention Miss Lu. She was injured at our home. How is she now?”

“She sprained her ankle. It’s not serious,” Tao Yiqian replied.

“That’s good. It’s a pity I didn’t get to say goodbye when she left,” Yin Liangjun said regretfully.

“Don’t worry, you’ll have a chance to see her again.”

“Will she return to our manor?” Yin Liangjun asked, eyes widening with curiosity.

Tao Yiqian hesitated, then pulled her to a corner of the corridor. After glancing around, he whispered, “Liangjun, I’ll tell you a secret, but don’t tell anyone else. Miss Lu is in our manor today. She met with Uncle and said someone deliberately pushed her down the mountain that day.”

“Ah!” Yin Liangjun gasped, covering her mouth. “Who could be so cruel? Is it…”

Tao Yiqian understood her unfinished question. He shook his head. “We don’t know, but catching that person should reveal the true culprit.”

“Catch… Does she know who pushed her?” Yin Liangjun lowered her voice.

“She doesn’t, but she says she grabbed at the person when she fell and might have pulled something off them. If we search the Miaosheng scenic area, we might find it and use it to identify the culprit,” Tao Yiqian explained. He added, “Miss Lu is secretly heading to Miaosheng now. Don’t tell anyone, we don’t want to alert the snake.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll keep it secret,” Yin Liangjun promised solemnly.

“Good. Now go keep Aunt company. I have urgent matters to attend to,” Tao Yiqian said, patting her shoulder before leaving.

Yin Liangjun watched him go, then turned back to the room.

“Miss, aren’t you going in?” her maid asked, surprised to see her walking slowly from the corner.

Yin Liangjun looked up at her. “No, I just remembered I forgot something in my room. Let’s go back first.”

With that, she hurriedly left Huaixiu Pavilion.

Miaosheng Scenic Area was an artificial hill with a sturdy foundation. Taihu rocks, flowers, and vines adorned its sides, creating a landscape of jagged stones and natural cavities, exuding an eerie tranquility. Atop the hill stood Youxiang Pavilion, surrounded by lush vegetation, giving the impression of layered peaks. The pavilion, half-hidden among the greenery, resembled a celestial retreat.

The rugged terrain and dense foliage often cast the hill in shadow, especially on overcast days like today. Though far from sunset, the area was already dimming under the gloomy sky.

Spring’s abundant growth covered the ground with weeds, making it difficult to find small objects among the rocks and vegetation.

Ming Shu wasn’t alone; she brought a maid from the Yin household to help search. After a fruitless half-hour, the maid grew impatient. “Miss Lu, are you sure you remember correctly? We’ve searched the entire hill!”

Ming Shu smiled apologetically. “I’m sorry for troubling you. My memory might be faulty. If you’re tired, please rest in Youxiang Pavilion. I’ll keep looking.”

The maid rolled her eyes and left without ceremony. “Fine, search on your own. I’ll rest inside. Call if you need anything.”

Alone on the hill, Ming Shu warmed her cold hands with her breath. She glanced at the sky, sighed softly, and limped towards the hill’s edge.

She recalled being pushed from behind near the edge that day. If anything had fallen, it would be nearby. They had searched everywhere except a few treacherous spots but found nothing.

She’d have to venture further out.

Gritting her teeth, she carefully explored the edge. Suddenly, her eyes lit up.

“Found it,” she murmured, bending to retrieve something from the weeds.

The object dangled from her fingers, emitting a clear chime of jade. Despite being mud-stained, it was a woman’s ankle chain.

A cool breeze swept through the woods, making her shiver. The craggy rocks seemed to hide countless watchful eyes.

Ming Shu clutched the ankle chain and was about to call the maid when a hand suddenly pushed her hard from behind. She stumbled, fell, and dropped the chain.

The hand swiftly snatched the chain into the darkness.

Ming Shu turned to see only a gloomy cave.

Inside, the owner of the hand examined the chain in a sliver of light. It was indeed hers, but…

She realized she hadn’t worn this chain the day she visited Miaosheng.

She had fallen into a trap!

“Come out, Third Miss Yin,” Ming Shu’s amused voice called from outside.

She stood in the tree shadows, her dress mud-stained but her eyes bright as a clear sky.

Slowly, a figure emerged from the cave.

Yin Liangjun’s sweet, innocent face appeared from the shadows.

“You tricked me?” she asked, her expression unchanged as she tossed the chain at Ming Shu’s feet.

From the moment Tao Yiqian secretly told her about Ming Shu’s visit to Miaosheng, it had all been a trap. There was no evidence to be found; it was all a ruse to catch her. She hadn’t intended to fall for it, planning to observe from hiding.

She had disposed of the clothes and shoes worn that day but overlooked her accessories. Her visit to Miaosheng had been spontaneous, and she couldn’t remember what she’d worn. With Ming Shu’s trap sprung so quickly, she had no time to search her room. She’d rushed to Miaosheng, taking hidden paths, curious to see what Ming Shu might find.

The ankle chain had shattered her composure.

Recognizing it instantly, her mind went blank. She didn’t question its origin, only wanting to retrieve it. Only after grabbing it did she remember she hadn’t worn it in a long time.

“Did Fifth Brother help you get this?” Yin Liangjun asked, approaching Ming Shu.

Ming Shu didn’t answer. It had indeed taken considerable effort to persuade Tao Yiqian to secretly obtain Yin Liangjun’s ankle chain.

Remembering Tao Yiqian’s expression when he gave it to her, Ming Shu wanted to laugh.

She did laugh, which Yin Liangjun perceived as mockery.

Yin Liangjun glanced around, seeing no one.

“Do you think this plan is clever?” she asked.

“Not particularly, but it’s enough to deal with you,” Ming Shu smiled, bending to pick up the chain.

“You think this can catch me?” Yin Liangjun watched her. “I lost this chain days ago and only remembered today it might be here. That’s why I came looking.”

“That’s far-fetched,” Ming Shu replied.

“So what? It’s still a reason. You can’t catch me even if I say this,” Yin Liangjun said calmly.

“No matter. You can invent a thousand excuses, but I only need one statement,” Ming Shu smiled, fingering the chain. “Third Miss Yin, we have no grudge. Everyone knows I couldn’t harm you, and I’m the victim here. If I say you’re the culprit, you will be. If they don’t believe me, I can fabricate. Trust me, I can describe the scene so vividly that everyone will empathize!”

“You… you saw nothing, yet you’d fabricate facts?” Yin Liangjun’s calm facade cracked.

“I don’t need to have seen it. The victim’s words are most convincing, aren’t they? My testimony itself is evidence… False or not, I can make it true if I want!” Ming Shu’s words were chilling despite her smile.

“You…” Yin Liangjun gritted her teeth, suddenly at a loss.

“What? You shouldn’t be so surprised. This is just tit for tat. Are you afraid? Your sister has lived in this environment for years,” Ming Shu said, extending her hand. “Come, let’s go see your parents. They’re waiting for you.”

Yin Liangjun glared at her, then smiled slowly. “See Father? Mother? Sure… I’ll go with you… To your death!”

With a low shout, she lunged at Ming Shu.

Ming Shu stood at the hill’s edge, backed against the cliff. A fall now wouldn’t be as lucky as before.

Startled, Ming Shu froze, but a figure darted to her side, striking out mercilessly.

A terrified scream came not from Ming Shu, but from Yin Liangjun.

“Are you alright?” Lu Chang’s voice rang out.

He had been hiding nearby, the reason he insisted on accompanying Ming Shu to the Yin manor today.

“Brother, you’re too harsh. Where’s your chivalry?” Ming Shu clicked her tongue, seeing Yin Liangjun kicked away.

Yin Liangjun kicked and slammed against a rock, turned pale with pain, tears streaming down her face.

After all, she was a delicate young lady. This was too…

Lu Chang retorted, “Chivalry for a beast?”

Ming Shu was left speechless.

A crowd had gathered in the portico outside Huaixiu Pavilion. Yin Licheng, Madam Li, and young master Yin Haoyu were all there, anxiously looking out. Impatient due to his youth, Haoyu soon stood and walked into the courtyard, asking Tao Yiqian, “Fifth Brother, you called us here saying you’ve caught the culprit who harmed Miss Lu. Where are they?”

Tao Yiqian, gazing outward, replied without turning, “Soon, they’re coming!”

As he spoke, figures appeared at the gate.

He slapped his thigh in delight. “Look, here they are!”

In the distance, Ming Shu, Lu Chang, and several maids and servants slowly approached, surrounding someone. Yin Licheng and Madam Li stood up, watching the approaching group.

Yin Haoyu scanned the group but saw no bound prisoner. All faces were familiar, none looking like a culprit. He asked anxiously, “Where’s the criminal?”

As the group entered the courtyard, Ming Shu, Lu Chang, and the servants stepped aside. The person in the middle slowly knelt.


“Third Sister?”

Yin Licheng and Madam Li emerged from the portico. Yin Haoyu rushed to Yin Liangjun’s side. Everyone stared at her in shock.

Yin Liangjun kept her head down, silent. Her clothes were mud-stained, her hair disheveled.

Yin Haoyu crouched beside her. “What happened? Third Sister, did they bully you?”

When Yin Liangjun remained silent, he turned to Ming Shu and the others. “What did you do to my sister?”

Ignoring him, Ming Shu bowed to Yin Licheng. “Lord Yin, Madam, I’ve found the person you asked me to find.”

“Did… Liangjun push you down the hill? What happened? Why…” Yin Licheng looked at his kneeling daughter, disbelief etched on his face.

“It’s a long story. My efforts today weren’t just to find who pushed me, but…” Ming Shu glanced at Tao Yiqian, who nodded. She continued, “It was to fulfill the task Madam entrusted me with – to be a companion to your eldest daughter and uncover the reason for her personality change these past two years.”

“So my daughter’s personality change is related to her?” Madam Li walked out, staring at Yin Liangjun. After initial disbelief, anger flashed in her usually kind eyes.

Ming Shu nodded, then shook her head. “Related, but not entirely because of her.”

Yin Liangjun raised her head, laughing bitterly. “Of course, it’s not all because of me. If this guilt must fall on me alone as the mastermind, then everyone in this household, high and low, is an accomplice.”

“What are you saying?” Yin Haoyu looked at Yin Liangjun, bewildered.

“Let me explain to her,” Ming Shu said, turning to Tao Yiqian. “Fifth Brother, please bring those people in, and Shujun too, if that’s alright, Lord Yin.” Yin Shujun was still confined in the Buddha Hall, and only Yin Licheng could authorize her release.

Yin Licheng nodded.

Tao Yiqian left to make arrangements. Soon, before Yin Shujun arrived, the people Tao Yiqian had summoned filed into Huaixiu Pavilion.

All were familiar faces, but one made Yin Haoyu’s pupils constrict.


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