HomeSerendipityChapter 28: Clear Pond

Chapter 28: Clear Pond

Despite the luxurious bedding in the Yin mansion, an old saying goes, “A golden cage is no match for one’s own humble home.” Ming Shu felt truly relaxed only when lying on her small bed at home.

After a deep, restful sleep in her own “den,” she finally replenished the energy drained over the past few days. She woke up close to noon, with no one disturbing her. Ming Shu thought no other young lady could be as lazy as her. With mixed feelings of being pampered and guilty for oversleeping, she quickly washed up and got out of bed.

The day was bright and sunny.

“Brother! Mother!” she called out while descending the stairs. Only Zhaobao came running, wagging its tail.

The puppy, tiny when first brought home, had doubled in size in just a month. It happily circled Ming Shu as she walked into the hall. She didn’t see Zeng Shi but bumped into Lu Chang coming out of the kitchen.

Lu Chang wore a light cyan robe with two green bamboo stems embroidered at the hem. His long hair was neatly tied, and his features were refreshingly handsome.

Ming Shu knew his clothes were originally plain, but as they wore out, Zeng Shi would mend them by embroidering bamboo stems. Now, almost all his clothes bore bamboo patterns.

Thanks to Zeng Shi’s excellent needlework, the bamboo embroidery looked lifelike, completely concealing the repairs.

Ming Shu thought if she had money, the first thing she’d do would be to make new clothes for her brother.

With this in mind, she asked, “Where’s Mother?”

“She went to deliver embroidery work,” Lu Chang replied, placing what he was carrying on the table before turning back to the kitchen.

Ming Shu blinked, suddenly noticing Lu Chang had been carrying two bowls of vegetable dumplings. With Zeng Shi out, had Lu Chang cooked today?

She quickly followed him into the kitchen and saw Lu Chang with rolled-up sleeves, skillfully removing steamed buns from the stove.

“What are you staring at?” Lu Chang glanced at Ming Shu as he turned around and continued walking out.

“You cooked?” Ming Shu asked, reaching out to help with the buns.

Lu Chang swatted her hand away. “It’s hot!” he shook his head, “What’s so strange about me cooking?”

Ming Shu moved from his left side to his right, saying, “I’m just thinking, what kind of amazing brother are you? You can study, fight, drive a carriage, cook… Is there anything you can’t do?”

“Flatterer!” Even the usually composed Lu Chang couldn’t help but smile at Ming Shu’s sincere compliment.

“Even if it’s flattery, it’s sincere. Others would love to receive such praise,” Ming Shu sat down with him, each with a bowl of dumplings, eating them with pickled vegetables and steamed buns.

Halfway through their meal, they had a visitor.

Tao Yiqian came on behalf of his aunt to deliver money to Ming Shu.

A box contained six silver ingots, neatly arranged, conservatively worth about a hundred taels.

Ming Shu’s eyes lit up. After exchanging pleasantries, she tucked the box into her arms and invited Tao Yiqian to stay for a meal. However, he had urgent matters to attend to and soon took his leave.

“We’re rich!” After Tao Yiqian left, Ming Shu sat back at the table, opened the box, and touched each silver ingot.

A hundred taels of silver was indeed an unexpected windfall.

“Brother, take these,” she said, grabbing three ingots to give to Lu Chang after she’d had her fill of touching them.

Lu Chang didn’t accept: “Keep them for yourself. I don’t need them.”

“Brother, don’t try to fool me. The money you bring home is from doing manual labor at the academy, isn’t it?” Although she hadn’t understood at the academy, Ming Shu had figured it out after some thought.

It was unlikely for a candidate about to take the metropolitan examination to do manual labor at the academy. It was Lu Chang’s request.

Lu Chang simply said, “Ming Shu, I know what I’m doing. This money is what you earn by taking risks twice. Keep it for yourself.” His attitude was firm, leaving no room for argument.

Ming Shu didn’t insist. Giving and receiving requires a willingness from both parties; otherwise, it’s just forcing.

Besides, with the money in her hands, she could still find ways to use it for Lu Chang’s benefit. There was no need to insist on giving him the silver directly.

“Brother, what do you think we should do with these hundred taels?” Ming Shu stared at the box of money, lost in thought.

Having money brings its worries, just as having none does.

A hundred taels was neither too much nor too little. It was more than enough to improve their living conditions, but not enough to buy a large house, hire maids for Zeng Shi, or rent a shop for a small business.

She wanted to invest the money to make more, but renting a shop would leave nothing for inventory, making it difficult to start a business.

“Do whatever you want with it,” Lu Chang said reflexively but immediately regretted his words.

With Ming Shu’s daring nature, letting her do whatever she wanted could lead to trouble.

“I want to start a small business, but a hundred taels isn’t enough…” Her ambitions were big; she dreamed of opening a large shop. As she pondered, her attention turned to the gold bracelet on her wrist.

Lu Chang immediately understood her intention and quickly extinguished her idea: “Don’t even think about pawning that bracelet. It’s what Father left for you. It’s not for sale.”

In fact, during their difficult times on the road, Ming Shu had considered pawning the bracelet, but Lu Chang had always stopped her. When she fell from Cloud Flower Mountain, besides the bracelet she always wore, she had other jewelry like earrings and hairpins. To avoid raising suspicions, they were kept with Zeng Shi and never touched.

The gold bracelet was a token of love given to Ming Shu’s mother by Lord Jian, later passed to Ming Shu. It held extraordinary significance for her. Since her mother’s death, Ming Shu had worn it constantly. If her memories were intact, she would never consider pawning it. Lu Chang wouldn’t allow her to sell it now either. As for other jewelry, they were her personal belongings, and he had no right to dispose of them. Unless necessary, he would never pawn them.

“Oh,” Ming Shu wondered about this father figure who could afford such a valuable bracelet.

Seeing her drop the idea, Lu Chang simply said, “I’m returning to the academy tomorrow.”

Ming Shu’s eyes brightened instantly. “So soon?”

“You seem happy about my leaving,” Lu Chang keenly observed.

“No, no! How could I bear to part with you?” Ming Shu shook her head, but her face betrayed the joy of a bird about to be freed from its cage.

“Then I won’t go,” Lu Chang said.

“Don’t say that!” Ming Shu quickly grabbed his arm. “No matter how much I’ll miss you, I can’t hinder your career. Brother, your future is important. You should return quickly.”

Seeing her eagerness to send him off, Lu Chang felt a pang in his heart.

His face turned serious. “Lu Ming Shu, don’t think I don’t know what you’re planning. I’ll let the Yin family incident slide as your first offense, but if you dare to do anything dangerous behind my back again, I’ll…”

He trailed off, unable to finish. What could he threaten her with? It seemed there was nothing he could use against her.

As a brother, he felt like a paper tiger in front of her.

“I won’t dare, I won’t dare,” Ming Shu’s attitude was consistently good.

Admitting fault, actively pledging… and then…

Never truly reforming.


With only a month and a half until the imperial examination, Lu Chang couldn’t afford to delay. He set off for Songling Academy early the next day.

With money to spare, Ming Shu couldn’t resist spending. She immediately took Zeng Shi shopping for spring clothing fabric, buying the most for Lu Chang. Besides spring clothes, she bought folding fans, fan cases, and sachets – anything she fancied, she bought without hesitation.

Having spent the money, she felt content and looked forward to sending the new clothes to Lu Chang.

After all, someone about to achieve fame in the imperial examinations should dress properly.

After two days of shopping, Zeng Shi couldn’t walk anymore, and Ming Shu grew bored. She returned to her initial state upon entering the capital, idly staring at Zhaobao at home.

It was dull.

One afternoon, she sat listlessly in the hall, chin in hands, lost in thought. She almost regretted solving the Yin family’s problems so quickly; otherwise, she could have been a companion for longer. She wondered how Yin Shujun and Yin Liangjun were doing…

Just then, Zhaobao, who had been curled up sleeping by the door, suddenly rushed to the entrance and started barking, snapping Ming Shu out of her reverie.

Footsteps approached, and Zhaobao’s alert barking suddenly turned into affectionate whimpering. A slender figure stopped at the doorway. Seeing Zhaobao, she couldn’t help but crouch down, her hand hovering in the air, wanting to pet but not daring to. She called out to Ming Shu, who was already looking over, “Hey, does your dog bite?”

Ming Shu yelled at Zhaobao, “You shameless mutt, always trying to charm pretty girls. What’s the point of keeping you?”

Zhaobao’s quirk was to act fierce like a wolf around men but soft as a cat around girls, showing no backbone at all.

Coincidentally, today’s visitor was the most beautiful Yin Shujun from the Yin family.

Hearing Ming Shu’s words, Yin Shujun felt at ease petting Zhaobao’s head. Ming Shu remained seated, with no intention of welcoming her. She was no longer the Yin family’s little companion, nor was she in a master-servant relationship with Yin Shujun. She had no desire to bow.

Having spent time together, although they were never close, Yin Shujun had somewhat grasped Ming Shu’s temperament. After playing with Zhaobao, she entered with her two maids and sat opposite Ming Shu.


Her words had barely begun when Ming Shu interrupted.

“Money for services rendered. I just helped your mother with a task. Now that the payment is settled, we’re even. You don’t need to thank me.” Ming Shu didn’t want to hear sentimental words; they made her uncomfortable.

Yin Shujun had prepared a speech all night, still refining it on her way here, but Ming Shu’s single sentence scattered it all.

“Who said I was going to thank you?” She raised her chin, still somewhat arrogant. “I’m here to tell you about Liangjun’s punishment.”

“Go on.” At this, Ming Shu showed some interest.

“She and her mother were sent to the countryside estate. They won’t be back for three to five years,” Yin Shujun said concisely. “Are you satisfied with this result?”

Being exiled to a rural estate at a marriageable age, along with her birth mother, not only cut off all of Yin Liangjun’s paths back to the capital but also her chances of a good marriage in the future. With both her past and future severed, her life ahead would be difficult.

This outcome wasn’t particularly good or bad; it was a common solution in noble households. Ming Shu had no strong feelings about it. Even if she wasn’t satisfied, she couldn’t expect the Yin family to hand Yin Liangjun over to officials for investigation.

It is what it is.

She shrugged, neither agreeing nor disagreeing.

The conversation between them died again. Yin Shujun sat awkwardly for a moment before Ming Shu suddenly said, “If you’ve said what you came to say, why aren’t you leaving? Are you expecting me to invite you for a meal?”

Yin Shujun had intended to leave, but these words provoked her: “I’m not leaving! How can you be like this? Can’t you speak nicely? Even if I’ve offended you before, you… I always end up at a disadvantage.”

Hearing this, Ming Shu finally laughed. “What can I, a commoner, possibly say to a noble young lady like you? You don’t lack for gold or silver, while I worry about every tael.”

“You still need money?” Yin Shujun’s eyes lit up.

“What, do you have a way for me to make money?” Ming Shu glanced at her sideways.

Yin Shujun teased her, looking Ming Shu up and down before beckoning her closer. She whispered a single word in Ming Shu’s ear.



Ming Shu was highly skeptical of Yin Shujun’s so-called money-making opportunity, but Yin Shujun seemed enthusiastic.

“My lady, the clothes, accessories, and cosmetics are all here,” the two maids were sent back home by Yin Shujun to fetch a large bundle of items.

Now, all three were crowded into Ming Shu’s small room.

“My friends are not ordinary people. If you want to take on money-making tasks from them, you need to look presentable first,” Yin Shujun sat Ming Shu down in a chair and instructed her maids to open the bundle. “Here’s a set of clothes I had made before the new year. We’re about the same size, so they should fit you. There’s also a set of pure gold accessories. Let me dress you up.”

As Ming Shu was about to speak in surprise, Yin Shujun quickly added, “Don’t overthink it. I’m just lending these to you.”

With that, she and her maids set to work, holding Ming Shu in the chair as they styled her hair, applied makeup, and changed her clothes. After a full half-hour of busy work, Yin Shujun stared at the elegantly dressed Ming Shu, speechless, and murmured, “It’s true that clothes make the man, and gold adorns the Buddha. Lu Ming Shu, you…”

She knew Ming Shu was attractive, but she hadn’t expected that after being fully dressed up, Ming Shu would look like a completely different person. Her every gesture and expression lacked any trace of a commoner’s background. If Yin Shujun hadn’t seen the Lu family’s circumstances with her own eyes and known about their financial struggles, she would have thought Ming Shu was from a noble family.

Yin Shujun herself was a beautiful girl, but seeing Ming Shu now, she couldn’t help but marvel.

She was truly beautiful.

Without a mirror in the room, Ming Shu couldn’t see herself, but she knew she must look beautiful.

The clothes of the Yin family’s eldest daughter were of the finest quality in both fabric and cut. The accessories were exquisitely crafted, and rarely seen in public. Once dressed, Ming Shu felt like a general donning armor before battle, no longer able to be as casual as before.

Some habits, ingrained in one’s bones, cannot be forgotten.

After briefly explaining to Zeng Shi, Ming Shu left with Yin Shujun. They boarded the Yin family’s carriage and headed towards the Bian River.

“Today, I’m broadening your horizons! Wanjia Tower is the most famous restaurant in the capital. It has the strongest wine, the most beautiful dancers, the best food…” In the carriage, Yin Shujun’s words flowed endlessly.

Ming Shu had naturally heard of Wanjia Tower’s reputation. It was the favorite haunt of the capital’s elite, even the emperor had visited incognito. It was a place where patrons spent lavishly.

Yin Shujun talked the entire journey while Ming Shu listened.

When they arrived at Wanjia Tower, dusk had fallen. The building was brightly lit, its golden splendor resembling a celestial palace. The three-story structure stood by the water, its lights reflecting on the surface, creating a dazzling spectacle that exuded luxury from every corner.

“This place… are you paying if we go in?” Ming Shu felt her hundred taels of silver were inadequate for such a place.

Yin Shujun rarely had the upper hand with Ming Shu, so she seized the moment: “Following me, how could I let you spend?”

“Oh,” Ming Shu nodded and walked towards the entrance.

Several men loitered at the entrance, bowing to incoming guests. Yin Shujun pointed them out: “Those aren’t restaurant staff, just idlers…”

Before she could finish, one approached them, bowing and saying, “Greetings, young ladies. Mind your step; the stone stairs are steep. The restaurant is crowded today. Surely noble ladies like yourselves would find it stifling. Perhaps I could be of service and make arrangements for you?”

The man spoke flatteringly, his face beaming with eagerness.

Yin Shujun knew these men weren’t restaurant employees but made a living by helping arrange services for guests in exchange for tips. As an unmarried young lady, her monthly allowance was limited, and she hadn’t planned to spend on such services. However…

“Alright, you’ll do,” Ming Shu had already spoken. Showing no hint of unfamiliarity with such establishments, she gestured casually, “Find us a good private room with a nice view, but not too noisy. Bring two portions of opening soup and five types of wine fruits… ” She suddenly turned to Yin Shujun, “Any dietary restrictions?”

Yin Shujun shook her head dumbly.

“Then I’ll decide. It’s spring, mandarin fish is good.” Ming Shu continued, ordering a list of soups and appetizers like mandarin fish soup, dark sugar plums, red fruit cake, and chestnut yellow.

These were just the appetizers.

“That’s all for now. Go arrange it. We’ll order the main dishes later,” Ming Shu concluded.

The man bowed, saying “Certainly,” but didn’t move.

Ming Shu turned to Yin Shujun: “Why are you staring? Give him a tip.”

Without a tip, he wouldn’t be motivated to help.

Yin Shujun, dumbfounded, tipped a small piece of silver. She realized she’d been treated like a maid, which annoyed her. As she was about to explain, Ming Shu had already gone upstairs.

Soon, they were led to a private room upstairs.

“I’ve arranged this room for you, ladies. I’m sure you’ll be satisfied. It’s quiet but offers a view of downstairs. When the poetry gathering starts below, you’ll have an unobstructed view. You wouldn’t get such a prime spot if you came on your own,” the man explained, smiling.

The location on the second floor directly overlooked the main hall’s red stage below. It was indeed excellent.

“What poetry gathering?” Ming Shu asked, puzzled.

As the man was about to answer, Yin Shujun, unable to bear it any longer and fearing for her purse, dismissed him and explained herself.

“Before each imperial examination, they hold a poetry competition here. It’s for good luck, and the chosen poems often become famous. It attracts countless talents from the capital. In the past few years, at least one of the top three exam candidates has been a winner of this poetry contest.” Yin Shujun glanced around the second floor overlooking the red stage. “Look, this entire circle is occupied by young ladies tonight. They’ve come early to see the capital’s young talents.”

Ming Shu looked around and indeed saw that behind each screen sat women.

“I had originally planned to meet someone here to watch the event. You’re lucky,” Yin Shujun added.

The person she was meeting was the one she intended to introduce to Ming Shu, but they hadn’t arrived yet.

“What’s so interesting about it?!” Ming Shu said dismissively.

In her opinion, none of the capital’s talents could compare to her brother. If her brother wouldn’t participate in such a trivial competition, she had no interest either.

“Young talents, perhaps future husbands, how is that not interesting? Moreover, I heard Song Qingzhao will be here tonight.”

“Who’s Song Qingzhao?” Ming Shu hadn’t heard of him.

“The top talent from Songling Academy, the legitimate grandson of the Marquis of Zhenguo, and the top candidate for the imperial examination!”

Songling Academy? The same as Lu Chang’s?

“If Song Qingzhao is first, who’s next?” Ming Shu inquired.

“Second place seems to be Xie Xi, third is Lu Chang, the Jiangning provincial examination champion, fourth…”

“What? Lu Chang is only third? What qualifications do Song Qingzhao and Xie Xi have to rank above Lu Chang?” Ming Shu stood up, slamming the table.

“Why are you so agitated? I didn’t make these rankings, you…” Yin Shujun hurriedly pulled her back down, but before she could finish, a commotion erupted below. The young ladies around the second-floor gallery all stood up.

Ming Shu looked towards the source of the noise. A group of scholars had entered, led by a young man in cyan robes and a jade crown, carrying himself like a green bamboo.

Ming Shu rubbed her eyes and rushed to the railing.

She wasn’t mistaken; it was indeed the young man she had seen at Songling Academy.

“Look, the one in front is Song Qingzhao,” Yin Shujun’s voice sounded beside her ear.

So that was his name… Song Qingzhao.

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