HomeSerendipityChapter 31: Little Asura

Chapter 31: Little Asura

Ming Shu’s mind reeled. Of all people to run into, why him?

Song Qingzhao stared at her face, seemingly as startled as she was.

They locked eyes for a moment, frozen. Just as Song Qingzhao was about to move, Ming Shu snapped back to reality. She quickly raised her hand in a plea for silence, her face beseeching. Song Qingzhao’s expression cooled, but he remained quiet. He merely flicked the window prop, causing the wooden shutter to slam down, nearly catching Ming Shu’s fingers on the sill.

The scene inside vanished.

Ming Shu rubbed her nose, thinking, “How fierce Song Qingzhao is.”

Soon, his voice came from inside: “Gentlemen, the spring scenery outside is lovely. Shall we continue our discussion outdoors? It would be more pleasant.”

It was a day for students to discuss current affairs as exam preparation. Someone quickly agreed: “Brother Song’s suggestion is excellent. It’s stuffy in here; the open air might clear our thoughts.”

“Let’s go, let’s go outside,” another voice chimed in, already heading out.

While Song Qingzhao hadn’t exposed Ming Shu’s spying, he didn’t want his companions to remain under her gaze.

Ming Shu heard footsteps as the room emptied. She smacked her forehead in frustration. All that effort for nothing.

She brushed off her skirt and started back to Lu Chang’s room. But after a few steps, she saw a young man standing with his hands behind his back under the bamboo grove. Song Qingzhao hadn’t left with the others; he was waiting for her.

Nothing is more awkward than being caught red-handed.

Ming Shu steeled herself and approached, curtsying, “Young Master Song.”

Song Qingzhao looked down at this girl he’d only met once, who barely reached his shoulder.

If it hadn’t been her face that had suddenly appeared in his view, he might not have recognized her. Today she wore a plain padded jacket, her hair in a simple bun adorned only with two small hairpins and a wildflower. She looked entirely different from the girl he’d met outside Wanjia Tower days ago.

“Women aren’t allowed in the academy. Why are you here?” he asked coldly, his gaze piercing.

“I…” Ming Shu racked her brains for an excuse.

Song Qingzhao watched her struggle: “If you can’t explain, I’ll have to take you to the headmaster.”

Ming Shu took a deep breath, about to answer, when she spotted someone approaching on the corridor beside the bamboo grove. A chill ran down her spine.

Song Qingzhao didn’t get his answer because Ming Shu suddenly darted behind him like a cat, using his body as a shield. Her voice was barely audible: “I’m sorry, Young Master Song. Please don’t move. Let me hide for a moment.”

Song Qingzhao was bewildered.

He looked towards the corridor and saw Lu Chang, the top scholar from Jiangning who had entered Songling Academy two months ago.

Lu Chang glanced their way. Though he knew Song Qingzhao, they weren’t close friends. He merely nodded slightly and continued walking. Song Qingzhao returned the nod without conversation. After Lu Chang had passed, he heard a sigh of relief behind him, and oddly, he found himself relaxing too.

“Miss Lu, what are you…” Song Qingzhao turned to continue questioning, but he suddenly remembered her mentioning her brother was at Songling Academy, and her surname was Lu. He paused, then continued, “Is Lu Chang your brother?”

Ming Shu could only nod with an embarrassed smile—her excuse about visiting her brother was now useless.

If Lu Chang found out she was earning money by coming to the academy, he’d surely throw her out. How could she investigate then?

Well, she’d deal with Song Qingzhao first.

She cleared her throat, gathering her courage. She couldn’t let herself be swayed by his good looks. She had to turn the tables!

“Young Master Song, you’re close to Xie Xi. Do you know which young masters he’s friendly with? Why does he come to Songling Academy so often?”

“You’re here for Xie Xi?” Song Qingzhao’s brow furrowed slightly. He had thought she was here for… He felt foolish and a bit embarrassed.

“Yes and no. I’m also here to bring things for my brother,” Ming Shu said, unaware of his thoughts. “Young Master Song, who was that person entering with Xie Xi earlier? Are they close?”

“That’s Tang Li. He’s not a candidate this year but an orphan the headmaster took in a few years ago. Xie Xi and he…” Song Qingzhao caught himself midway, realizing he’d been led off track. His expression turned serious again. “Why are you asking these questions? Is this Wen’an’s doing again? What is that girl thinking? Isn’t it enough that she has people following and investigating Xie Xi outside? This is absurd!”

It seemed Wen’an’s actions hadn’t gone unnoticed by everyone.

Ming Shu defended Wen’an: “How is it absurd? In this world, a woman’s marriage determines her happiness for life. If she has the means, what’s wrong with seeking a good husband? Especially given the situation in the Prince’s household, Countess Wen’an must have unspoken sorrows. What’s wrong with not wanting to repeat her mother’s fate?”

Song Qingzhao grew angry: “Does not want to repeat her mother’s fate give her the right to do as she pleases? Don’t we know Xie Xi’s character? She…”

He paused again, his gaze moving past Ming Shu to the bamboo grove with an odd expression.

“What about him? Why did you stop?” Ming Shu pressed, but Song Qingzhao suddenly fell silent.

His look was strange… Was there something behind her?

A bad feeling arose.

“My unruly sister. I’ll discipline her myself. No need for Brother Song to trouble himself.”

An icy voice came like a handful of winter snow shoved down Ming Shu’s collar and spread down her back.

Ming Shu turned stiffly, forcing an awkward smile: “Bro…ther…”

Lu Chang emerged from the bamboo grove, his eyes cold and sharp, looking at Ming Shu with a mix of amusement and anger. “So you remember you have a brother?”

Hearing this, Ming Shu felt even colder. Forgetting about Song Qingzhao, she darted to Lu Chang’s side, as docile as a chick.

“Of course, I remember! I came to bring you spring clothes! Hehe.” She nodded vigorously, almost ready to swear an oath.

Lu Chang looked at Song Qingzhao: “Brother Song, you’ve heard it. My sister came to see me. Do you still want to take her to the headmaster?”

Ming Shu thought, “It’s over. How much did my brother hear?”

Song Qingzhao remained silent, coldly gazing at Lu Chang.

Though no words were exchanged, Ming Shu sensed a confrontational atmosphere. It made her scalp tingle.

After a moment of tension, Song Qingzhao yielded, gesturing “please” with his hand: “Brother Lu, as you wish.”

“Thank you,” Lu Chang bowed slightly, turning to leave without hesitation.

Ming Shu dared not linger any longer. She fluttered after Lu Chang like a small butterfly. Song Qingzhao stood still for a moment, then stepped forward and bent down to pick up a flower from the ground.

It was the flower that had fallen from her hair—a cluster of purple clover that grew on the mountainside.

Lu Chang walked quickly, forcing Ming Shu to jog to keep up with him.


Lu Chang shoved the door open forcefully, causing Ming Shu’s heart to flutter as she followed him inside.

“Brother, I’ve brought you new clothes. Look!” She rushed to the bedside, proudly pointing at the neatly folded garments.

Lu Chang ignored them and walked to the window, throwing it open.

“Mother also sent some dried fish and this basket of eggs… I gathered these eggs myself…”

Again, Lu Chang paid no attention to these items. He casually picked up a book from the table and sat by the window to read.

Ming Shu stood quietly in the room for a while before approaching Lu Chang. This time, she was wiser—she neither mistook his identity nor argued with him. Instead, she tugged gently at his sleeve and whispered, “Brother, I’m hungry.”

She then counted silently in her heart: one, two, three…

Before she could reach “four,” Lu Chang spoke: “There’s food on the table.”

Ming Shu turned to look. A wicker basket of food sat on the table, likely sent by Lu Chang after he received word of her arrival at the academy.

“What about you?” Ming Shu asked after peeking into the basket.

“I’ve eaten,” Lu Chang replied without looking up.

“You’re lying.” Ming Shu didn’t believe he would eat without her. She tugged at his sleeve again. “Brother, let’s eat. You can scold me after we’ve had our fill.”

Lu Chang brushed her hand away, remaining silent.

“If you won’t eat, I won’t either.” Ming Shu sat on the bed, sulking and fiddling with the tassels of her fan case.

Lu Chang slammed his book down and turned to look at her. Though he had told her not to come to the academy anymore, his heart had leaped with joy when he heard she had arrived. He had rushed back from the library, eager to see her, only to witness that scene in the bamboo grove. His heart had plummeted as if crushed into the dust.

“Ming Shu, what do you want?” he asked, addressing both her and himself.

“I…” Ming Shu felt uncomfortable under Lu Chang’s gaze, unable to pinpoint why. She bit her lip and confessed, “Brother, to be honest, I came not only to bring you clothes but also for another reason. I’ve been tasked with investigating Xie Xi’s character, so… I was following him earlier to gather information.”

Lu Chang’s furrowed brow relaxed slightly. “Xie Xi? You… didn’t come for Song Qingzhao?”

Now it was Ming Shu’s turn to be confused. “Why would I come for Song Qingzhao? We’re not even acquainted!”

Even after their brief encounters, she wouldn’t have rushed to the academy just to see him. She wasn’t crazy.

Lu Chang’s expression visibly softened. He unconsciously moved to the table and began unpacking the food from the basket. “What are you investigating now?” he asked.

“I’m just checking if… Xie Xi has any…” She glanced at Lu Chang, lowering her voice, “lovers in the academy.”

Lu Chang froze as if he had heard something unbelievable.

Ming Shu quickly explained Xie Xi’s situation, omitting the matter of the County Princess. “Brother, don’t worry about why I’m investigating Xie Xi’s character. You’re a man too, help me think—are there men like Liu Xiahui in this world, with no concubines, no maids, refusing even the most beautiful women?”

“What’s so strange about that? I’m a man, and I don’t have concubines or maids…” Lu Chang placed chopsticks in her hand.

“That’s because our family is poor. Mother and I can’t afford to find you, concubines and maids…”

Before Ming Shu could finish, she received a light tap on her head.

“My brother is a man of integrity, upright and honorable. He’s not a lustful person. How can those ordinary men be compared to my brother?” Ming Shu quickly corrected herself, then asked, “Brother, don’t you think my suspicions are reasonable?”

Lu Chang gave her a sidelong glance. “I’ve been at Songling Academy for less than two months. I’m not familiar with anyone, and Xie Xi isn’t even a student here. How would I know what kind of person he is?”

“What about Tang Li?” Ming Shu asked about another name.

“Tang Li?” Lu Chang searched his memory but found the name unfamiliar. He shook his head. “I don’t know him. He’s probably not from this year’s group of exam candidates.”

“He’s not,” Ming Shu confirmed.

“If he’s not, then I certainly haven’t had any interaction with him,” Lu Chang said. He rarely paid attention to people beyond those important to him.

Unable to gather information from Lu Chang, Ming Shu felt disappointed. Even the tofu she picked up with her chopsticks didn’t taste as good. She could only stay at Songling Academy for half a day, and after eating, she’d probably have to leave. What excuse could she use to come back to the academy?

What was the fastest way to test Xie Xi’s preferences?

If he liked men…

Ming Shu bit her chopsticks, lost in thought. Suddenly, she stared at Lu Chang without moving.

Lu Chang frowned under her gaze. Then he heard her say, “Brother, I think you’re very handsome…”

This compliment sounded somewhat off.

“How can you be so good-looking?” she continued.

Lu Chang’s frown deepened.

“Why don’t you help me? Help me test… Ouch!”

Ming Shu received another tap on her head from Lu Chang, this time not so gentle.

“Ming Shu, get rid of that idea right now! If you dare say another word, I’ll throw you out immediately!” Lu Chang was truly angered by her absurd suggestion.

“I was just joking!” Ming Shu lowered her head obediently and continued eating.

Lu Chang watched her eyes darting about and knew she hadn’t given up. She was probably concocting another ridiculous plan, just like that time at the Bandit Inn.

He sighed inwardly and spoke, “Ming Shu…”

Hearing Lu Chang’s suddenly deep voice, Ming Shu looked up to find her brother staring at her. “Hm?” she asked, puzzled.

Lu Chang leaned towards her, his face drawing closer. Ming Shu backed away slightly, only to find the wall behind her, leaving no room to retreat.

They were very close now. Lu Chang’s features were within reach. It was maddening how handsome he was. She felt…

“Want to stay at the academy?” he asked, his voice almost enchanting. He slowly raised his hand, his fingertip brushing the corner of her lips.

He picked off a grain of rice.

Ming Shu, as if paralyzed, could only nod instinctively.

“I have a way, but you must promise me one thing,” Lu Chang said.

He’d rather keep her under his watchful eye than let her run around causing trouble.

Ming Shu’s eyes lit up. “I’ll promise you ten things!”

“One is enough.” Lu Chang leaned in closer, his lips near her ear as he whispered.

“Stay away from Song Qingzhao!”

The farther, the better!

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