HomeSerendipityChapter 32: Jealousy

Chapter 32: Jealousy

Ming Shu readily agreed to Lu Chang’s request. Her overly quick “Okay” made Lu Chang frown—not even a moment’s hesitation or struggle. Her thoughts were truly hard to fathom.

As Lu Chang pondered this, Ming Shu whispered into his ear. Her breath tickled his ear, sparking his imagination, but her words were less than pleasant: “Brother, are you jealous of Song Qingzhao?”

Lu Chang trembled, suddenly feeling as if his confused feelings had been exposed.

“Brother!” Ming Shu patted his back emphatically. “Don’t be jealous of him. Although he’s ranked first on the hot list for the golden board, the spring exams are about real skill. My brother will surely take the top spot. These current rankings are just empty of fame. We don’t need them!”

As she finished speaking, she noticed Lu Chang staring at her intently.

What? Did she have rice on her face again?

“Brother?” She touched her face, calling out to him.

Instead of an answer, Ming Shu heard Lu Chang’s soft laughter.

He stroked his head, his lips curled in a smile, eyes crinkling. It wasn’t clear what amused him so.

Ming Shu was puzzled, but… Lu Chang should smile more often. When he smiled, it was like the warm sun of early summer, warming one’s heart.

“Hurry and eat. When you’re done, I’ll take you to meet someone,” Lu Chang said, returning to his seat.

“Who?” Ming Shu asked curiously.

“Someone who can let you stay at the academy.”

The afternoon at the academy was bright and sunny, with lush greenery everywhere. A gentle breeze made it particularly pleasant and comfortable.

However, the person standing in the courtyard was far from comfortable.

A woman in her forties, wearing a light green jacket and her hair in a neat bun, looked plump but was currently fretting to the maid beside her: “We allowed Xinliu to visit family before the new year, and she still hasn’t returned. Last month, Zhuzi was allowed a month off to get married. We’re already short-staffed, and now Qiuyun has fallen ill. In a few days, the Third Prince and the Minister of Rites will visit the academy, but we don’t have enough hands. We can’t even find someone to serve tea!”

“It’s not easy to find people on such short notice,” the old maid worried alongside her. “With the Third Prince visiting, if we accidentally hire someone unsuitable and cause trouble, our academy can’t afford that risk.”

“Exactly! It’s driving me crazy,” the woman said.

This was what Ming Shu heard as she followed Lu Chang into the small two-courtyard residence. This was the on-campus home of Xu Yan, the academy’s headmaster. While the headmaster managed external affairs, his wife, Madam He, was responsible for internal matters. The woman speaking was Madam He herself.

Though Madam He’s words were somewhat exaggerated—the academy did have people to serve tea—with such important guests coming, the current staff might not be sufficient.

“Madam,” Lu Chang’s voice rang out.

Madam He turned, her anxious expression softening into one of affection at the sight of Lu Chang. “Lu Chang? What brings you here?”

She was quite familiar with Lu Chang. Although the academy had many poor students, Lu Chang was unique in his openness about his difficult circumstances, facing them with dignity. To make ends meet, he both studied and took on odd jobs. Even Headmaster Xu had praised him several times, and Madam He held him in high regard.

“I heard from the Headmaster that you’re worried about the shortage of staff. I thought I might be able to help,” Lu Chang explained, cupping his hands respectfully.

“Oh?” Madam He’s face lit up. This was exactly what she needed.

“Hello, Madam,” Ming Shu greeted her promptly.

“And who is this?” Madam He inquired.

“My sister, Ming Shu. She came to bring me clothes today. If you don’t mind, she could help out at the academy for a few days,” Lu Chang offered.

Madam He’s eyes brightened as she looked Ming Shu up and down. “Your mother is truly blessed to have such outstanding children. It’s enviable.”

“You’re too kind, Madam. We don’t deserve such praise. My sister can be quite mischievous at home…”

“I am not!” Ming Shu protested.

Lu Chang smiled slightly. “But she’s our mother’s only daughter and my only sister, so we tend to indulge her at home. She’s not used to heavy work, but she can certainly manage serving tea and such tasks. I hope that’s acceptable to you, Madam.”

Madam He covered her mouth, laughing. “Oh, Lu Chang. I always thought you were cold and aloof, but I see I was mistaken. Your heart… is far from cold. You want your sister to work at the academy, but you don’t want her to suffer?”

Exposed by Madam He, Lu Chang didn’t defend himself. He simply lowered his head, looking like an obedient child ready to accept an elder’s guidance.

Ming Shu was amazed—was this her brother? So docile? So shy? Had he been possessed?

No wonder the older folks at the academy liked him. Who wouldn’t feel protective seeing Lu Chang like this?

“Alright, I understand,” Madam He said. “There’s no heavy work at the academy anyway. I wouldn’t dream of giving such a delicate girl any difficult tasks. The main thing is that she needs to be quick and attentive when the Third Prince and Minister Lu visit.”

“Minister Lu?” Lu Chang asked, puzzled. He only knew about the Third Prince’s visit.

“Yes, Minister of Rites Lu Wenhan. Although His Majesty has entrusted the Third Prince with overseeing this year’s spring examinations, the Ministry of Rites is still primarily responsible. That’s why they’re visiting together,” Madam He explained.

It was customary for high-ranking officials to inspect renowned academies in the capital before each imperial examination, both to encourage the candidates and to assess their quality. As the most famous academy in Da’an, Songling would naturally receive the most distinguished visitors.

Ming Shu covered her mouth in surprise. The Third Prince? Wasn’t he Yin Shujun’s rumored potential husband? The Emperor’s son? And the Minister of Rites? The head of the Six Ministries? These were truly important figures! She felt her trip to the academy was worthwhile. Even if she couldn’t uncover anything about Xie Xi, being this close to such important people was a gain in itself.

“Ming Shu will shadow Madam Lin for the next couple of days to familiarize herself with the environment. Madam Lin, please teach her,” Madam He instructed. Then she turned to Ming Shu, “One more thing, Ming Shu. The academy is mostly populated by young men, including exam candidates who mustn’t be distracted. You…”

Madam He’s words were tactful. To avoid potential issues, the academy not only restricted female visitors but also typically hired older women or plain-looking girls. They had never employed someone as beautiful as Ming Shu.

“I understand, Madam. I’ll stay with Madam Lin and won’t wander off,” Ming Shu quickly grasped Madam He’s meaning.

Pleased with her perceptiveness, Madam He added, “I’m afraid we’ll have to inconvenience you a bit. You won’t be able to dress like a normal young lady during your time here.”

“That’s no problem,” Ming Shu agreed readily.

Madam He nodded and instructed Madam Lin, “Find her a set of page boy’s clothes to change into.”

Madam Lin complied and led Ming Shu away.

Meanwhile, Madam He continued talking with Lu Chang: “You’ve been a great help, my boy. By the way, how old is your sister this year?”

“Eighteen,” Lu Chang replied.

“The perfect age for marriage. Has she been betrothed?” Madam He asked gently.

“Not yet,” Lu Chang answered, immediately realizing his mistake. He looked up to see—

Sure enough, Madam He’s eyes were gleaming.

Besides managing the academy’s internal affairs, the academy mistress had one great passion: matchmaking.

“Wonderful, wonderful,” Madam He smiled warmly.

Lu Chang suddenly felt the urge to slap himself.

Just then, a clear voice called out.

“Brother, Madam.” Someone came running from the corridor, quickly reaching Lu Chang’s side.

Lu Chang looked closely, his pupils contracting imperceptibly.

Ming Shu had changed into a page boy’s outfit—a simple, cyan-colored belted robe with a cross collar. Her hair was completely tucked into a headscarf. The fresh appearance was eye-catching.

In truth… this attire didn’t hide her beauty. Instead, it brought out a different kind of charm.

Ming Shu officially started her role as a page boy at the academy the next day. Although Madam He had accepted her the previous day, Ming Shu returned to Shengmin Ward to settle her affairs before rushing back to the academy early the following morning. She changed into her new clothes and began familiarizing herself with the academy’s layout under Madam Lin’s guidance.

During her initial visit, Ming Shu had only taken one path through the academy. Now, she discovered that Songling Academy was vast, built along a mountain with a serene environment perfect for focused study. The eastern side housed the teaching areas and Confucius Temple, divided into three courtyards with different educational responsibilities. Students dormitories were located in the Yusong Hall to the south, mostly accommodating two or four people per room. However, the exam candidates preparing for the imperial examinations lived in a separate area surrounded by bamboo, known as the Bamboo Grove.

The western side of the academy contained the library and guest quarters, while the northern area housed the dining hall, administrative offices, and staff quarters. The remaining space featured landscaped gardens built into the mountainside, including various pavilions and terraces open for students to study.

Madam Lin managed most of the academy’s daily operations for Madam He, including purchasing food supplies, replenishing consumables, and distributing necessities to students’ dormitories. She was constantly busy, running all over the academy. Ming Shu followed her for an entire afternoon before finally grasping the layout of Songling Academy.

“Girl, what are you scribbling in that notebook?” Madam Lin asked, resting on a roadside stone after a long day of running around.

“I’m drawing a map of the academy layout,” Ming Shu explained, showing her small notebook to Madam Lin.

While the map was comprehensible, the tiny, dense writing was too much for Madam Lin. She pushed the notebook away, asking, “Why are you drawing this?”

“The academy is so large, with many rules. Unlike you, Madam Lin, I’m not familiar with every corner yet. I’m afraid of getting lost and causing trouble, or worse, entering forbidden areas. I remember your teachings: I’m not to enter the teaching areas without permission, and I absolutely cannot enter Yusong Hall or Bamboo Grove! Moreover, when the Third Prince and Minister Lu visit in a few days, I don’t want to let the academy down. What if the Prince asks for tea and I deliver it to the wrong place? That would be terrible,” Ming Shu explained with a smile. She had entered the Bamboo Grove as Lu Chang’s sister before, but now as a page boy, she couldn’t go there anymore.

Madam Lin laughed at Ming Shu’s explanation, which was part flattery. “You clever girl! Have you eaten some magic pills? Your silver tongue is so different from your brother’s.”

Ming Shu chuckled and helped Madam Lin stand up as they headed to their final destination.

Because Ming Shu could read and count, Madam Lin assigned her to inventory a new batch of writing supplies on her first day. This task might have been challenging for others, but Ming Shu found it easy. In less than half an hour, she had counted all the brushes, ink, paper, and inkstones, completed the inventory list, and stored everything in the academy’s warehouse. Madam Lin was delighted and praised Ming Shu profusely.

The first day passed without Ming Shu seeing either Lu Chang or Xie Xi. However, she wasn’t in a hurry.

While the day went smoothly, the night proved challenging.

Ming Shu was assigned to share a room with Madam Ma from the kitchen. Madam Ma was fine, except for one troublesome habit—she snored loudly at night.

The academy was particularly quiet at night, making the snoring sound like thunder. Ming Shu tossed and turned, unable to sleep. She realized adapting to life here might take some effort.

After struggling for half the night, she finally dozed off, only to be awakened by Madam Ma getting up.

Madam Ma, responsible for the kitchen, had to rise at the end of the Yin hour to start the fires and prepare breakfast for the entire academy.

Ming Shu lay in bed for another half hour, unable to fall back asleep. She decided to get up, dress, and wash up. When she stepped out, yawning and stretching, the sky was just beginning to lighten. Despite her sleepless night, the morning mountain breeze refreshed her. The academy was still quiet, with only smoke rising from the kitchen. With nowhere else to go, Ming Shu headed to the kitchen.

Madam Ma, aware of her snoring problem, saw Ming Shu’s early appearance and guessed she had disturbed her sleep. She gave Ming Shu a full bowl of freshly cooked porridge and a newly steamed bamboo shoot bun.

Ming Shu thanked her and left the dining hall, warming her hands with the porridge bowl. She sat on a nearby pine stone, sipping the hot porridge while admiring the academy in the early dawn light.

Before she could finish her bun, she heard footsteps approaching. The sound grew closer, soon reaching the pebble path near her.

Ming Shu set down her food and took a few curious steps forward—who could be running so early in the morning?

Before she could remember the academy’s morning exercise routine, a group of over ten young men emerged from the dim morning light.

Ming Shu stood frozen in shock, forgetting to swallow the bite of the bun in her mouth.

In her eighteen years, she had never seen such a sight.

Over ten young men of similar age, dressed in identical light athletic wear, ran towards her with the wind. Their hurried footsteps were accompanied by panting, laughter, and complaints—full of youthful energy like the morning sunlight.

After her initial surprise, Ming Shu quickly hid behind a tree—it would be awkward to be caught here!

Fortunately, she was already standing under a tree by the pebble path, not very noticeable. The young man saw a page boy but didn’t pay attention to her appearance. They ran past, laughing and joking. Only the leader slowed down, taking a few steps back to stop where he had spotted Ming Shu.

Song Qingzhao wiped the sweat from his brow, thinking he must be seeing things.

Hadn’t Lu Chang’s sister left the academy two days ago? Why was she here so early in the morning, dressed as a page boy?

Ming Shu nearly choked on her bun as she and Song Qingzhao stared at each other for a moment. Song Qingzhao recovered first and said, “Miss Lu? Is it you? You…”

Ming Shu swallowed her bun and looked away coldly, seeming to snort in disdain.

Song Qingzhao was bewildered by her attitude. In their previous encounters, she had been smiling. Now, she looked at him as if he were her mortal enemy. Had his harsh attitude the other day offended her?

Ming Shu had already started walking back the way she came, inwardly crying.

She had promised her brother to stay away from Song Qingzhao, and she was keeping her word. Surely this performance would satisfy her brother?

The running group had already disappeared, and Ming Shu was no longer in sight. Song Qingzhao turned back, full of questions.

Behind him stood a pair of watchful eyes.

Lu Chang stood there, staring intently.

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