HomeSerendipityChapter 34: Minister of the Department of State Affairs

Chapter 34: Minister of the Department of State Affairs

Lu Chang’s injury wasn’t severe, so he didn’t seek medical attention. Ming Shu took a short leave from Lin Daniang and found a place to apply medicine to his wound. Since Ming Shu couldn’t enter the Bamboo Forest State and Lu Chang couldn’t go to her room, the siblings found a secluded pavilion to sit in.

“Look at your hand,” Ming Shu said, holding Lu Chang’s hand while applying medicine. “The new wounds haven’t healed completely, and now you’ve added more.” She complained as she tended to his injuries. His hands were covered in scars, old and new, from previous encounters with bandits in the mountains. The sight pained her heart.

Lu Chang remained silent. Her nagging brought him joy as if her words could soothe any injury. The pain seemed insignificant.

Ming Shu focused on applying the medicine, then gently blew on his hand. “Does it hurt?” she asked.

“No,” Lu Chang shook his head.

“I doubt that,” she replied with a smile. “But my brother saved someone. He’s a hero! So impressive!”

After her complaints, she began praising him enthusiastically.

Lu Chang accepted her compliments without modesty, turning his palm to hold her hand. “Your hand is cold. Are your clothes too thin?” he asked, frowning.

“I got hot running around with Lin Daniang. It’s only now that I’m sitting still that I feel a bit chilly. It’s nothing,” Ming Shu explained, but still let him warm her hands.

Her brother’s hands were very warm.

“Are you adjusting to life at the academy?” Lu Chang asked while warming her hands.

“I am,” Ming Shu replied. She was content as long as she wasn’t idle. She then leaned close to whisper, “But Ma Daniang snores like thunder at night. I can hardly sleep.”

“I can talk to the teacher’s wife and see if—” Lu Chang began, but Ming Shu interrupted him.

“Brother, there’s no need. It’s only for a few days. I’ll get used to it.”

Allowing Ming Shu to stay at the academy was already complicated. Although it was due to the arrival of the Third Prince and the Minister of Rites, it still relied on Lu Chang’s influence. Moreover, Mrs. He and Lin Daniang were very kind to her. She didn’t want to cause trouble over minor issues, especially if it meant Lu Chang had to humble himself to ask for favors.

While Lu Chang was still pondering, Ming Shu insisted, “I was just chatting with you. If you bring it up, I won’t share my thoughts with you anymore!”

Among the family, there was nothing they couldn’t discuss. Ming Shu spoke her mind freely, without hiding anything. It was just casual conversation, not a request for help.

Her last words had a strong impact. Lu Chang could only say, “I understand. I won’t mention it. But if you can’t bear it, tell me. Don’t force yourself.”

“Thank you, brother,” Ming Shu smiled sweetly.

Lu Chang looked at her smiling face and raised his hand, hesitating for a moment before half-embracing her shoulder.

Ming Shu was slightly startled. He asked, “Are you still cold?” She shook her head and replied, “Not with you here, brother.”

Lu Chang kept his arm around her shoulder and said, “Regarding Xie Xi’s matter, investigate if you must, but don’t get too close to them.”

“What’s wrong?” Ming Shu detected unusual seriousness in his tone.

“Nothing specific. Just a bad feeling,” Lu Chang explained.

Ming Shu nodded and asked, “Brother, aren’t you curious why I’m investigating Xie Xi?” She had mentioned her investigation but never explained why.

“If I ask, would you tell me? And if you did, would you listen to my advice?” Lu Chang countered.

“I can’t,” Ming Shu replied, determined to keep others’ family matters confidential.

“Then there’s no point in asking,” Lu Chang said. He wished he could control her, keep her safely in the women’s quarters, but the reality was that he couldn’t. From childhood, she had her ideas, her mind as free as a bird in the sky. The closer he got, the more apparent her unpredictable nature became. If he could control her, she wouldn’t be Jian Ming Shu.

Lu Chang had come to terms with it. If he couldn’t control her, he could only protect her.

Though his expression seemed disapproving, his words held a tone of compromise. Ming Shu’s smile widened. “Brother is the best!”

As the siblings chatted, time slipped away. Both had afternoon engagements and couldn’t talk further. Lu Chang calculated the time and urged her to go eat. Ming Shu packed up her things and was about to leave when she suddenly remembered something. She turned to Lu Chang and said seriously, “Brother, stay away from Tang Li too. The farther, the better!”

Lu Chang wasn’t close to Tang Li to begin with, so staying away wasn’t an issue. However, her warning made him curious. “Why? Have you discovered something?”

“Just don’t go near Tang Li!” Ming Shu rubbed her hands, the strange sensation still lingering.

“Alright, I understand,” Lu Chang agreed.

Lu Chang escorted Ming Shu to her living area before saying goodbye and returning to the Bamboo Forest State.

Ming Shu watched Lu Chang walk away before turning to leave. Suddenly, someone called out to her.

“Miss Lu.”

Ming Shu turned to see Song Qingzhao.

Song Qingzhao was surprised to see Ming Shu’s first reaction was to look around nervously as if she were doing something illicit.

Thankfully, her brother had walked away.

After confirming no one else was nearby, Ming Shu addressed Song Qingzhao, “Mr. Song, did you need something? The situation in Mingli Hall earlier was urgent, and I didn’t have a chance to thank you properly. Thank you for coming to our aid.” She bowed slightly.

Song Qingzhao waved his hand. “Miss Lu, you’re too kind. It was nothing.” That wasn’t why he had come.

“Then…” Ming Shu engaged in conversation while remaining vigilant of her surroundings.

“Miss Lu, are you staying at the academy because of Xie Xi? Did Wen An ask you to investigate?” Song Qingzhao asked directly.

“Are you here to persuade me to give up?” Ming Shu countered.

“I just don’t understand. You seem reasonable, so why are you indulging Wen An’s foolishness?” he questioned.

“First, I accepted her request and am being paid for my services. Second, calling it foolishness is your opinion, not mine,” Ming Shu stated firmly.

Song Qingzhao stood three steps away from her and calmly said, “That’s because you don’t know Wen An. She’s always been stubborn and impulsive. Investigating Xie Xi is one thing, but she even went as far as to plant a courtesan in his bed. This is no longer a secret among the three families, and the Xie family is already displeased. Now she’s set her sights on the academy. Is she determined to fabricate some flaw just to feel secure? You might think I’m not considering Wen An’s feelings, but have you considered the consequences her reckless actions might bring upon herself?”

Wen An already had a reputation for being cunning and manipulative. Doing such things before her marriage, if word got out, how would others view her? Not to mention the Xie family’s reaction. If conflicts arose in the future, people would side with Xie Xi. How would that benefit her? Marriage isn’t as simple as marrying just one person.

Being prepared is good, but too much can be detrimental.

“I understand your difficult position and your concerns,” Ming Shu responded.

She understood Song Qingzhao’s dilemma—caught between his cousin and a close friend of many years. Taking sides was challenging. Moreover, Wen An’s investigations yielded no results. Putting herself in his shoes, if someone told her Lu Chang was problematic without substantial evidence, she would dismiss it as nonsense. As for Song Qingzhao’s worries, they were even more apparent. Whether Wen An married the Marquis of Yongqing or not, she would eventually marry someone. A tarnished reputation would do her no good.

“However… Mr. Song, if you and I and others can understand this, surely someone as intelligent as the County Princess understands it too? Although investigating her future husband like this is indeed excessive, I believe she knows what she’s doing and understands the consequences better than anyone. The fact that she’s willing to risk everything to do this, despite understanding the situation, proves it’s not mere foolishness.

Sometimes in life, there’s no perfect solution. Any choice we make can lead to irreversible consequences, good or bad, and we must bear them. When weighing two options, we choose the more important one. In the County Princess’s mind, the question of Xie Xi’s character far outweighs the concerns you mentioned. If the investigation reveals nothing and Xie Xi is wronged, she’ll naturally bear the consequences. But for now, she’s willing to pay this price to investigate, so I’ll help her. It’s that simple for me.”

Song Qingzhao had come to persuade Ming Shu, but after their conversation, he found that not only had he failed to convince her, but he was almost persuaded by her…

“But for some things, even when we can see the consequences, why persist?” Song Qingzhao made one last attempt.

Ming Shu usually didn’t like discussing such grand principles, but since Song Qingzhao had saved her once and was a man who made her heart race, she had given a lengthy explanation. Hearing his question, she sighed and was about to carefully consider her response when footsteps suddenly approached from ahead.

Her desire to philosophize vanished. She quickly hid behind a large tree like a rabbit. Song Qingzhao was bewildered by her behavior, but before he could ask, a hand reached out from behind the tree and pulled him in as well.

With her previous experiences of Lu Chang’s sudden appearances etched in her mind, Ming Shu feared he might return unexpectedly as he had before. Hiding herself wasn’t enough; worried that Lu Chang might read too much into finding Song Qingzhao there, she decided to pull him into hiding too.

Song Qingzhao steadied himself against the tree, half a step away from Ming Shu, who gestured for him to be quiet.

Ming Shu peeked out and, seeing two strangers walking by, sighed in relief. She heard Song Qingzhao’s voice from behind, “Are you that afraid of your brother?”

“It’s not fear,” Ming Shu answered, turning back. Seeing the confusion in his eyes, she waved her hand dismissively. “You wouldn’t understand even if I explained. Don’t ask.”

She had initially been puzzled by Lu Chang’s attitude. He hadn’t completely approved of her association with Tao Yiqian or her investigation of Xie Xi, both men, but he hadn’t stopped her either. With Song Qingzhao, however, his stance was unyielding. After careful consideration, she realized it might be because of what she had said—”I want to marry him.” Her brother was probably worried she might act impulsively out of attraction and get involved in something improper with Song Qingzhao, hence his strictness.

Thinking about it, Lu Chang had it tough—a brother with a father’s concerns.

She couldn’t let him down.

“Alright, it’s clear now,” Ming Shu said, clapping her hands as she emerged from behind the tree. “Mr. Song, we’ve said all there is to say. I must investigate Xie Xi’s matter, but I promise I won’t fabricate anything or wrongly accuse your friend. I also won’t cause trouble for the County Princess. That’s all. I have to go now.”

Her desire to explain further had been interrupted by the passersby, and Ming Shu had lost interest.

Before Song Qingzhao could respond, she added, “Oh, and please don’t come looking for me in the future.”

Song Qingzhao wouldn’t have sought her out anyway, but hearing her say this, he instinctively blurted out, “Why can’t I come find you?”

As soon as he said it, he was taken aback—it sounded as if he frequently sought her out.

“It’s troublesome. Just don’t look for me. Farewell!” Ming Shu cupped her hands in farewell and quickly left.

Song Qingzhao was left speechless.

In the past, it had always been women persistently trying to get close to him. But with Lu Ming Shu, the roles seemed reversed, as if he had become the persistent one.

Over the next few days, as the prince’s visit approached, activity in the academy intensified. Ming Shu found herself busy as a top, spinning through various parts of the academy. Despite the hustle, she became familiar with the staff throughout the academy, often chatting with them during brief respites from her duties.

The academy’s stable environment attracted long-term employees who were well-versed in its affairs. Their casual remarks provided Ming Shu with valuable insights. Additionally, her keen observation revealed subtle differences in Xie Xi’s treatment of Tang Li compared to his other friends, differences perhaps unnoticed even by Xie Xi himself.

The County Princess was right—women can be more perceptive than men in certain matters. Ming Shu noticed things that even Lu Chang had missed.

Ming Shu had formed a tentative conclusion but lacked concrete evidence. She kept her observations to herself, planning to investigate Tang Li’s background in the city after the prince’s visit.

The orphan brought to Songlin Academy ten years ago shouldn’t be difficult to investigate, though it might involve the academy. She’d need to find a way to handle that later.

The day before the Third Prince and Minister of Rites Lu Wenhan’s arrival, all students except those preparing for exams gathered to hear the headmaster’s speech. Madam, He led Lin Daniang and other managers in a final inspection of the academy. Ming Shu assisted them, checking every location from the Confucius Temple to the lecture halls and rest areas.

They discovered several oversights, which Madam He quickly ordered to be rectified. Ming Shu, busy helping, missed lunch. Only at sunset did Madam He allow everyone to rest.

Starving, Ming Shu took a shortcut to the dining hall. Near Spring Warmth Pavilion, she heard shouting.

“Stop! Young Master, please stop! You’ll kill him!”

Ming Shu rushed towards the commotion. In the pavilion, a fight had drawn a crowd of onlookers and would-be peacemakers. Ming Shu saw Xie Xi throwing punches at someone on the ground, his face contorted with rage. The victim curled up, wailing. Attempts to stop Xie Xi failed until someone shouted, “The teacher’s coming!”

The teacher responsible for student conduct arrived, furious at the scene. He berated both parties, regardless of Xie Xi’s status as the Marquis of Yongqing’s heir. Xie Xi remained silent, glaring at his victim.

The teacher, seeing the crowd, decided to continue the lecture in private. He ordered the injured student to see the school doctor.

As friends helped the beaten student up, he glared at Xie Xi with a dark smile.

Ming Shu recognized him as Yang Zishu, one of the students nearly hit by the falling plaque days earlier. Yang Zishu had a poor reputation, known for bullying less fortunate students despite his family’s wealth and connections.

Ming Shu was puzzled by what could have provoked the usually gentlemanly Xie Xi to such violence.

As the crowd dispersed, Ming Shu overheard two passing students:

“Why did Young Master Xie lash out? He and Zishu barely interact.”

“You don’t get it. Yang the Tyrant picks on the weak. Seems he offended Tang Li. Serves him right to get a taste of his own medicine!”

Their voices faded as they walked away.

Ming Shu rubbed her temples—these relationships were getting complicated.

The next day, the Third Prince Zhao Jingran and Minister of Rites Lu Wenhan were set to arrive.

Ming Shu rose early, heading to meet Madam He and Lin Daniang. On her way, she heard about the aftermath of yesterday’s fight.

Despite Xie Xi being the aggressor, both he and Yang Zishu were punished due to the severity of the incident and the impending visit. Yang Zishu was confined to his room, while Xie Xi, not being a regular student, was to be expelled after the guests’ departure. Both were barred from today’s events.

This was a significant day for all students. They were to join the Third Prince in paying respects to Confucius and participate in examinations of classics and poetry. While the tests focused on soon-to-be candidates, all students had a chance to showcase their talents. Impressing the prince or the minister could smooth their path in future civil exams.

For Yang Zishu, missing this opportunity was a heavy blow.

Ming Shu contemplated this as she listened to the gossip.

All staff gathered outside Small Snow Garden for final instructions. Madam, He reviewed the day’s schedule one last time.

As the sun rose, the academy basked in spring beauty. When the prince’s procession reached the mountain base, a messenger alerted the academy. The headmaster led all students to the main gate, while Madam He positioned herself with Ming Shu and other staff nearby.

The academy’s main gates stood wide open, flanked by welcoming potted plants. Headmaster Xu Yan and the faculty stood at the forefront, with neatly arranged, uniformly dressed students behind them. To the left waited for Madam He’s group, with Ming Shu positioned close enough to glimpse the entrance.

After a half-hour wait that left Ming Shu’s legs numb, the prince’s procession approached. Everyone straightened their attire and stood at attention.

Two carriages stopped outside. As two men alighted, the headmaster stepped forward to greet them.

“Headmaster Xu Yan of Songlin Academy, along with all faculty and students, humbly welcome the Third Prince and Minister Lu.”

The students chorused, “We respectfully welcome the Third Prince and Minister Lu.”

The male students bowed deeply, while the women performed curtsies.

Ming Shu, following Madam He’s lead, curtsied but sneaked a glance at the arrivals. Her first view was of Third Prince Zhao Jingran.

She assessed Yin Shujun’s rumored fiancé—not handsome, but with clear features and a regal bearing that set him apart.

Her gaze then shifted to the man behind Zhao Jingran.

Minister of Rites Lu Wenhan.

Contrary to Ming Shu’s expectations of an elderly official, the man in crimson robes appeared to be in his early forties. He was an elegant, handsome middle-aged man whose maturity conveyed authority rather than decline. Unlike the prince’s youthful gravitas, he entered with a warm smile that put everyone at ease.

Ming Shu looked twice, blinking in surprise.

This Minister Lu not only shared their surname but also bore a striking resemblance to her brother.

Was it just her imagination?

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