HomeSerendipityChapter 38: Scapegoat

Chapter 38: Scapegoat

Lu Chang’s warm hand seemed to possess an extraordinary power, enveloping Ming Shu’s fist firmly, causing her to gradually unclench her hand and relax.

Ming Shu thought she had finally said those words.

Although it was an impulsive outburst, and she felt sorry for Madam He and Headmaster Xu, she didn’t regret it. Her mind was clear. Tang Li was already involved in a murder case, and every detail about her could be crucial to solving it. She shouldn’t withhold information at this point.

Her words were like a bolt from the blue. Before others could react, Xie Xi’s expression changed. The usually gentle and refined young man suddenly became fierce and threatening, snarling, “Don’t spout nonsense!”

Everyone was standing in the hall, only three to five steps apart. Xie Xi looked as if he might lunge at Ming Shu. Lu Chang’s hand was still on Ming Shu’s; seeing this, he quickly pulled her behind him, shielding her with his body. He raised his arm to keep his distance and coldly said, “Stay away from her.”

“Insolent!” Zhao Jingran slammed the table again. “Xie Xi, stand down!”

“Your Highness, she’s the one spouting baseless accusations, slandering others!” Xie Xi lost his earlier composure, his brow furrowed with urgency.

“Whether she’s talking nonsense can be easily verified. There’s no need to shout in front of His Highness,” Lu Wenhan said, his smile gone as he waved for the guards to make arrangements.

Song Qingzhao forcefully held Xie Xi back, saying, “Xie Xi, calm down!”

“Let go! Don’t go after her!” Xie Xi cried urgently.

“No need to investigate!” Headmaster Xu fell to his knees again, bowing his head in confession. “Your Highness, it’s Xu Yan’s fault! Tang Li is a girl… she’s Su Changhua’s only daughter, Su Tangli.”

“Preposterous! This is outrageous!” Zhao Jingran roared in anger, then berated Xie Xi, “And you, Xie Xi! You knew about this all along, didn’t avoid suspicion, and even helped conceal it? Don’t you realize we’re dealing with a murder case here?”

“She wouldn’t kill anyone!” Xie Xi insisted, still half-restrained by Song Qingzhao.

“Xie Xi, calm down! We’re not saying she’s the killer. We’re still investigating, aren’t we?” Song Qingzhao saw his friend seemingly transformed, both anxious and angry, wanting to slap some sense into him.

“Bring Tang Li here,” Zhao Jingran commanded sternly.

Xie Xi struggled but couldn’t break free from Song Qingzhao’s grip. He turned to Song Qingzhao and pleaded, “Qingzhao, we’ve been close friends for years. Please, help her for my sake.”

Song Qingzhao frowned, “Xie Xi, what do you want me to do for her? His Highness is here today to uncover the truth. If she’s not the killer, what is there to help with? If she is the killer, who in this world could help her?” He pressed Xie Xi down forcefully and continued, “Xie Xi, stop talking. If you say more, we’ll lose the last bit of friendship between us. Have you thought about Wen’an at all today? She’s your betrothed wife.”

At the mention of Wen’an, Xie Xi suddenly fell silent.

Lu Wenhan picked up Ming Shu’s notebook from the table and waved her over. “Little girl, come here.”

Ming Shu took half a step forward, only to realize Lu Chang hadn’t let go of her hand. She shook her hand, slightly embarrassed. “Brother, it’s fine now. Let go quickly!”

Lu Chang finally released her. Ming Shu walked over to Lu Wenhan and asked, “What can I do for you, sir?”

Lu Wenhan pointed at her drawing and asked, “Since there are no footprints in the flower bed of the bamboo grove, perhaps the killer went in another direction after leaving the grove. Can you think of any other possibilities?”

His words sparked a realization in Ming Shu. She flipped back two pages, tore out one page with a “rip,” and placed it next to the map of the bamboo grove.

“Songling Academy is too big, and my notebook is too small to fit it all on one page,” Ming Shu explained with a sheepish smile, noticing Lu Wenhan’s slightly surprised look. She then pointed at the map and continued, “The bamboo grove connects to two other places. To the south is Yusong Pavilion, and to the north is the staff area. The staff area is busy preparing today’s meals, so the killer wouldn’t run there right after committing murder. I guess they might have gone to Yusong Pavilion. Yusong Pavilion is…”

Yusong Pavilion was the residence area for ordinary students, where Tang Li lived. Because she was disguised as a man, Madam He had arranged a single room for her when assigning accommodations.

Ming Shu looked toward Xie Xi as she spoke.

Xie Xi had now calmed down from the shock of Tang Li’s identity being revealed, but he stubbornly clung to one point: “So what? I said I lost the sleeve arrow. I didn’t give it to her. If she doesn’t have the weapon, how could she harm anyone?”

“Your Highness, Minister Lu, Tang Li has been brought here,” a guard announced as he led someone into the hall.

Everyone’s eyes turned to look.

Tang Li bowed with her head lowered. She wore a loose robe, her hair neatly tied up. Her demeanor didn’t reveal any flaws; she looked like a handsome young scholar. Unaware that her identity had been exposed, she only felt that everyone’s gaze on her was a bit strange, and seeing Headmaster Xu slumped on the ground made her nervous.

“Miss Su,” Zhao Jingran waved his hand, instructing the guards to present the sleeve arrow tube and arrow to her. “Take a look. Do you recognize this? Is it yours?”

Tang Li’s expression changed upon hearing this form of address. Her first instinct was to look anxiously at Xie Xi.

Xie Xi struggled again, trying to break free from Song Qingzhao’s grip to rush to her side, but to no avail.

“His Highness is asking you a question. Why are you looking at Xie Xi?” Lu Wenhan’s face darkened as he stared at Tang Li.

Tang Li then looked at Headmaster Xu, who only said, “They all know now. Just tell the truth.” He said nothing more.

She could only speak: “This… this isn’t mine. I’ve never seen it before.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Xie Xi closed his eyes briefly, seeming to breathe a slight sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, someone interjected.

“Your… Your Highness, we’ve seen this item before,” said one of the two friends of Yang Zishu who had been brought by the guards.

These two, one named Zhang Song and the other Peng Guo, were coincidentally tall and short, fat and thin. Because they were close to Yang Zishu, they had been brought for questioning. The one speaking now was the tall, fat one named Peng Guo.

“Yes, we’ve seen it,” Zhang Song chimed in.

“Where did you see it?” Zhao Jingran asked.

“In… in Tang Li’s possession,” Peng Guo said, shrinking under Xie Xi’s glare.

“Just speak freely. Don’t be afraid. His Highness is here; no one dares to cause trouble,” Lu Wenhan said.

Peng Guo nodded quickly and continued, “For the past month, Zishu has always secretly watching Tang Li for some reason. Zhang Song and I followed him and did our share of watching too. The day before Young Master Xie came to the academy, we saw him teaching Tang Li how to use this in the bamboo grove. A few days before His Highness arrived, Zishu took us to find Tang Li… to force her to write a poem for him to present to His Highness. We saw this item in her room then.”

“I saw this item at the same time as Peng Guo,” Zhang Song hurried to corroborate.

“Bring that piece of writing over for them to identify,” Lu Wenhan ordered.

The guards quickly brought over the piece of writing that was under Yang Zishu’s hand when he died. The paper was largely soaked in blood, but a few characters remained untouched. Zhang Song and Peng Guo looked at it for a moment before saying one after another, “This is the one Tang Li wrote for Zishu.”

“Do you two have anything else to say? This case is likely Tang Li’s retaliation against Yang Zishu’s actions, using the arrow given by Young Master Xie to assassinate Yang Zishu early this morning. We have witness testimony, physical evidence, and motive, almost everything. Won’t you confess clearly?” Lu Wenhan said coldly.

“I didn’t! I didn’t! Brother Xie, save me!” Tang Li suddenly stepped back but was restrained by the nearby guards.

Lu Wenhan glanced at the darkening sky and said, “Your Highness, I think the Bianjing Prefect should arrive soon. These two are talking nonsense, not a word of truth. Why don’t we hand them over to the Bianjing Prefecture? With some torture, we might pry open their mouths.”

Xie Xi, who had been watching with bulging eyes, shouting “Let her go, it’s not her,” suddenly clenched his fists upon hearing Lu Wenhan’s words. As if making a momentous decision, he said, “I killed Yang Zishu! It has nothing to do with Tang Li! Besides forcing Tang Li to write for him, Yang Zishu also discovered her female identity and was blackmailing her everywhere. That sleeve arrow was something I had made for her self-defense.

Just yesterday, that beast Yang Zishu went too far. Not only did he force her to write the poem presented today, but he also tried to insult her. I couldn’t stand it, so I beat him up to vent my anger. Later, as I thought about it more, I became angrier. So early this morning, I went to Tang Li’s room, took the sleeve arrow from her, followed Yang Zishu to Huantao Pavilion, and seized the opportunity to kill him, settling everything once and for all. All of this has nothing to do with Tang Li. I did it alone.”

“Xie Xi, have you lost your mind? Do you realize how serious the crime of murder is?” Song Qingzhao couldn’t believe Xie Xi’s insanity.

“Brother Xie Xi… you… I…” Tang Li slowly knelt on the ground, her eyes red and face streaked with tears. She tried to speak several times but couldn’t muster the courage.

Lu Chang spoke up, firing a series of questions: “Xie Xi, since you claim to be responsible for this case, tell us: Where did you discard the sleeve arrow? How did you return to the Bamboo Grove Inn after the crime? How did you kill the victim? Did you hide below the left window or the right?”

Xie Xi, stumped by the questions, thought for a moment before lowering his head to avoid Lu Chang’s gaze. He mumbled, “The sleeve arrow… I threw it under the window… Of course, I returned to my room through the bamboo grove. The window… I hid below the left one…”

Before Lu Chang could respond, a crisp sound of shattering porcelain echoed through the room.

Zhao Jingran had angrily thrown the celadon teacup on the table. As it shattered and tea splattered, he raged, “Xie Xi! You’re the heir to the Yongqing Marquis, destined to inherit the title. Not only do you fail to serve your country, honor your parents, and bring glory to your family, but you also commit such a lawless act! You engage in impropriety with a criminal’s daughter at the academy and cover up for each other?

This is a murder case! You lie repeatedly, not only disregarding the law to provide false testimony but also interfering with the investigation and even claiming to be the murderer to protect the real culprit! How can you face your parents and clan with such behavior? I don’t know how the Yongqing Marquis raised such an heir. When I return to the capital, I will report this to the Emperor. If you don’t want the Yongqing Marquis title, return it to the court!”

Xie Xi finally realized the consequences of his actions for his family. He wanted to explain further, but Zhao Jingran had no desire to hear his voice. He waved his hand, ordering the guards to take both of them away.

After the two were escorted out, Lu Wenhan attempted to calm the situation: “Your Highness, please calm down. We can continue the investigation later. You’ve been at the academy for almost a day without eating. Why don’t you rest and have some food?”

Zhao Jingran, still fuming, sank heavily into his chair. Lu Wenhan then gently addressed Lu Chang and Ming Shu: “You two have also been working hard all day. Go drink some water and eat something.”

Ming Shu marveled at how quickly Lu Wenhan’s demeanor could change, from warm as spring sunshine to gloomy as autumn.

“Lord Lu, Your Highness, may I examine the sleeve arrow’s tube and dart?” Lu Chang asked.

Lu Wenhan nodded, and a guard brought the sleeve arrow. Lu Chang picked up the dart, twirling it lightly in his hand. Seeming to have an idea, he said, “I’d like to take the sleeve arrow back to the crime scene. May I?”

“Have you discovered something?” Lu Wenhan asked curiously.

“I’m not certain, but whether Tang Li or Xie Xi committed the crime, there are inconsistencies. I want to take another look,” Lu Chang replied.

“I’ll go too!” Ming Shu quickly added.

“Aren’t you hungry?” Lu Wenhan asked Ming Shu.

“I am, but I can endure it,” Ming Shu answered honestly.

“Haha, you’re quite sincere. Full of energy and enthusiasm – it’s great to be young…” Lu Wenhan’s expression turned wistful for a moment before he snapped back to the present. “Go investigate. His Highness and I look forward to your findings.”

“Thank you, Lord Lu!” the siblings said in unison.

Lu Wenhan watched their retreating figures for a long while before looking away.

Leaving Chongming Hall, Ming Shu noticed the mountains had turned gray. She realized it was already late afternoon. What a heart-pounding day it had been.

“Brother, you suddenly want to take the sleeve arrow to the crime scene. Have you discovered something?” Ming Shu asked curiously as they walked side by side.

“Shouldn’t you eat something first?” Lu Chang worried about her hunger.

Ming Shu shook her head vigorously. “I’m too anxious. I don’t want to waste time.”

Lu Chang stared at her for a moment, then slowly pulled a candy from his sleeve. “Here, have this.”

Ming Shu’s eyes lit up as she took the candy. “Why do you have this, brother?”

Lu Chang walked ahead, simply saying, “Guess.”

He didn’t eat sweets. That morning, seeing two candies on the table, he’d thought of her and pocketed them on a whim. While attending the Third Prince, he knew her meals might be irregular. The candy might come in handy.

And indeed, it had.

“Are you being mysterious now, brother? It’s obvious. You don’t like sweets, so you must have brought it for me,” Ming Shu said, her words muffled by the candy.

Seeing her content expression as she sucked on the candy, Lu Chang’s lips curled into a smile.

He understood her, just as she understood him.

Soon they reached Huantao Pavilion. The doors were closed, with two guards standing outside. Lu Wenhan had sent someone to accompany them, who greeted the guards. The guards then allowed Ming Shu and Lu Chang to enter.

Yang Zishu’s body still awaited the coroner’s examination and the scene needed investigation by the capital’s constables. Everything remained untouched, except for the calligraphy piece that had been under Yang Zishu’s hand.

The doors and windows had been closed for a while, and the complex odors inside made Ming Shu’s stomach churn. She paused at the entrance to regain her composure before entering with Lu Chang.

Lu Chang immediately opened the closed window. He walked to the windowsill, using a handkerchief to hold the arrow dart as he reloaded it into the tube. Crouching to window level, he aimed toward Yang Zishu’s position.

Ming Shu watched quietly from the side as Lu Chang aimed left and right for a moment, then lowered his hand and closed his eyes briefly before raising the weapon again.

This time, he moved quickly – raising, aiming, and releasing the trigger.

The arrow shot from the tube, but instead of flying toward Yang Zishu, it veered toward the main door.

Just then, with a creak, the door opened. Song Qingzhao, who had escorted Xie Xi away earlier, had returned after hearing they were investigating. He was startled to encounter the arrow.

Ming Shu stood up straight, calling out, “Watch out!”

Lu Chang also straightened up.

Fortunately, the arrow whistled past Song Qingzhao, hitting the wooden board before clattering to the floor.

It was a false alarm, but Ming Shu’s heart was racing. She complained to Lu Chang, “Brother, you should have warned us you were going to test the arrow. You nearly scared me to death!”

Lu Chang picked up the arrow and carefully examined the mark it left on the wood.

Seeing he didn’t respond, Ming Shu apologized to Song Qingzhao, “I’m sorry, Young Master Song. Are you alright?”

Song Qingzhao entered the room, shaking his head. “I’m fine. I heard from Lord Lu that you were investigating here, so I came to see.” Remembering their recent disagreements about Xie Xi, he added, “Ming Shu, I’m sorry. I never imagined Xie Xi could be so foolish. The other day with you…”

Ming Shu’s back stiffened at the mention of their previous encounter. She couldn’t let Lu Chang know about her private interactions with Song Qingzhao, so she quickly interrupted, “Let’s not bring up the past. No one could have predicted this. Understandably, you defended your friend. Let’s drop it!”

She glanced at Lu Chang and caught his slightly cold gaze.

Lu Chang stared at her – he seemed to be the only one who noticed Song Qingzhao had called her by name.

That “Ming Shu” sounded particularly unpleasant to him.

Song Qingzhao nodded at Ming Shu’s words and changed the subject. “I came to join your investigation.” He paused, then explained, “Not to exonerate Xie Xi, but because I feel there are still many unresolved questions. Whether it was Xie Xi or Tang Li, some things don’t add up.”

“I understand,” Ming Shu said. She and Lu Chang felt the same way.

“May I… join you?” Song Qingzhao asked sincerely.

Join them? Just like that?

In front of her brother, Ming Shu didn’t dare nod. She looked to Lu Chang, who had somehow already moved to the corpse. He was comparing the sleeve arrow dart to the wound on Yang Zishu’s neck. Hearing the question, he turned, smiling at Song Qingzhao: “I’d be delighted if Young Master Song wants to help.”

Ming Shu suddenly felt that her brother’s smile was eerily similar to Lord Lu’s, especially next to Yang Zishu’s lifeless face.

“You’re too kind, Brother Lu. Thank you both,” Song Qingzhao bowed gratefully, then asked, “Have you made any discoveries?”

Lu Chang’s smile faded as he stood. “The wound on Yang Zishu’s neck wasn’t made in one strike. It was stabbed at least twice, and the wound is slightly larger than the arrow dart.”

When they discovered the body earlier, Yang Zishu had just died. The blood hadn’t coagulated, and the wound was obscured by blood. Now that the blood had clotted, it was easier to examine.

This statement startled both Ming Shu and Song Qingzhao.

“What does that mean? Isn’t the sleeve arrow single-shot? Even if it weren’t, the chances of hitting the same spot twice are extremely low,” Song Qingzhao said quickly.

“Brother, according to your deduction, Yang Zishu might not have been killed by an arrow shot through the window?” Ming Shu asked.

Lu Chang nodded, holding up the sleeve arrow. “Feel how light this is compared to a regular sleeve arrow. It’s more delicate, meaning the internal components are very thin. Such light components wouldn’t generate much force. I tested it earlier – its power is much weaker than a standard sleeve arrow.”

He handed the weapon to Song Qingzhao and continued, “Sleeve arrows are close-range weapons, typically used for sneak attacks in combat. Their range is usually only twenty to thirty paces, and this one is even less effective. The arrow loses power at the end of its range. Look at the arrow I just fired – it couldn’t even penetrate the wood. This proves the weapon is delicate but lacks power. Similarly, if the killer shot from the window, given the distance to Yang Zishu’s seat, the arrow couldn’t have fully embedded in his neck.”

As he explained, Ming Shu and Song Qingzhao began to understand.

Lu Chang wasn’t finished. “Secondly, considering the distance from the window to Yang Zishu’s position, killing him with a sleeve arrow would require exceptional archery skills. How could anyone achieve such precision with one shot? Does Xie Xi have that level of skill?”

Song Qingzhao shook his head. Although noble sons like them trained in martial arts from childhood, they were far from true warriors in skill.

“Then Tang Li is even less likely,” Ming Shu said. “According to Zhang Song and Peng Guo, Xie Xi only taught her to use this weapon two days ago. It couldn’t have been her, or at least not her hiding under the window to shoot Yang Zishu.” She continued, “Brother, you said earlier that Yang Zishu’s neck wound is larger than the arrow dart. So… do you suspect Yang Zishu wasn’t shot, but stabbed from behind after someone entered the room, gripping the arrow by hand?”

This would explain why Yang Zishu fell onto the table with a twisted expression but didn’t cry out – someone must have covered his mouth and nose to prevent him from calling for help.

And Tang Li wouldn’t have had the strength for that.

“If that’s the case, it also explains why there were no footprints in the bamboo grove. The discarded arrow tube might not have been left when the killer fled the scene, but placed there beforehand,” Song Qingzhao said.

Lu Chang nodded.

These points of analysis nearly overturned all their previous theories.

“If the killer didn’t escape through the bamboo grove, where else could they have gone? What other routes are there…” Ming Shu mused aloud, suddenly remembering something. She pulled out her small notebook and crouched down.

“What are you doing?” Song Qingzhao asked curiously, watching her tear pages from her notebook.

With several ripping sounds, Ming Shu efficiently tore out all the layout sketches she had drawn and pieced them together, quickly assembling a complete map of Songling Academy.

They had indeed overlooked one place.

“There’s more than just the bamboo grove. There’s another place… but how did that person manage it?” Ming Shu murmured, deep in thought.

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