HomeSerendipityChapter 45: Taking the Exam

Chapter 45: Taking the Exam

March brought a profusion of flowers to Bianjing. As spring warmth chased away the last chill, the city burst into bloom. People shed their heavy winter clothes for lighter spring attire, and elegant women resembled blossoming flowers, filling the streets with vibrant life.

This year’s spring in Bianjing was particularly lively due to the upcoming triennial imperial examinations. Taverns and teahouses buzzed with exam talk, local papers flew off the stands, and even gambling houses opened betting pools on the results.

The excitement was palpable everywhere.

The spring examinations would be held at the imperial academy, overseen by the Ministry of Rites. It consisted of three sessions over nine days and six nights. Once candidates entered, they couldn’t leave until the exams ended. They had to bring their food and supplies for the duration.

Three days before the exams, Zeng Shi and Ming Shu began preparing Lu Chang’s necessities. Besides dried food, they packed writing materials, daily essentials like candles and oilcloths, and even a small clay stove for hot water. They filled his exam basket to the brim and needed an extra wicker basket to fit everything.

When Lu Chang saw this, he protested, “That’s enough. We’re not moving house.”

“Better to be over-prepared,” Ming Shu replied, showing him how she’d organized everything neatly in the basket’s drawers. Lu Chang listened attentively, occasionally glancing at Ming Shu with warmth in his eyes.

After explaining everything, Ming Shu concluded, “Once Mother adds the dried food, it’ll be complete. I’ll check everything again before you leave.”

“Take a break,” Lu Chang said, handing her a cup of tea.

She drank it quickly but didn’t rest. Instead, she pulled out two items from her pouch: a fortune slip and a red amulet.

“Look, Mother and I got these from the temple while you were studying. It’s the best fortune!” She tucked the slip into Lu Chang’s hand and stood on tiptoe with the amulet. “Brother, lower your head.”

“What’s this?” Lu Chang asked, obediently bowing his head.

“An amulet for your success. Wear it!” She hung it around his neck and pressed it against his chest, smiling with satisfaction.

“Superstitions…” Lu Chang began to object, but seeing Ming Shu’s stern look, he swallowed his words and nodded. “Thank you and Mother.”

“We’ll be expecting your success!” Ming Shu beamed.

On March 10th, a bright, clear day, the imperial examinations began. For most scholars, this was the most important event of their lives. Entire families came to see them off, including the Lu family. Lu Chang had tried to dissuade Zeng Shi and Ming Shu from coming, but they were more excited than he was, so he relented.

The area outside the examination hall was packed with people waiting for the gates to open. Everywhere, families were giving last-minute advice to candidates. Even the wealthiest families had to walk, as carriages couldn’t navigate the crowded streets. Zeng Shi fussed over Lu Chang while Ming Shu stood by, smiling but glancing around curiously.

Suddenly, a group pushed through the crowd, clearly from a wealthy family, with servants clearing a path. People murmured greetings: “Madam Song.”

It was the wife of the eldest son of the Duke’s household, personally escorting her son to the exams.

Ming Shu looked over, seeing elegantly dressed people with elaborate hairstyles adorned with gold and jade ornaments. When she heard the name Song, she quickly spotted Song Qingzhao in the center of the group.

Song Qingzhao stood out like a bamboo shoot among flowers, drawing many greetings from classmates, family friends, and commoners. He responded politely but remained aloof, while his mother, the future Duchess, beamed with pride. Her joy was understandable – married to the Duke’s heir, she had given birth to two outstanding sons. The eldest would inherit Dukedom, while the younger excelled in literature and was destined for a bright official career through the imperial exams.

Ming Shu’s heart fluttered as she watched from afar. Strangely, she felt drawn to Song Qingzhao when seeing him from a distance, but when they interacted closely, like during their investigation at Songling Academy, that feeling faded, and she saw him as just a friend.

She couldn’t understand these conflicting emotions.

While she pondered this, Song Qingzhao left his mother’s side and hurried over to Lu Chang’s group, his expression softening slightly.

“Brother Lu, Madam Lu…” he greeted with a bow, then turned to Ming Shu. “Ming Shu.”

Lu Chang returned the greeting, subtly stepping in front of Ming Shu.

Partially blocked, Ming Shu could only peek out from behind Lu Chang and wave at Song Qingzhao.

Song Qingzhao smiled and added, “I received what you sent through Wen’an. Thank you for your thoughtfulness.”

Lu Chang frowned, turning to Ming Shu. “What did you send?”

“Just an amulet. Mother and I got two from the temple. Since Song Qingzhao had given us medicine before, I sent him one through Wen’an as a small gesture,” Ming Shu explained, then addressed Song Qingzhao. “Don’t mention it. It’s not worth much, just for good luck. I hope both you and my brother succeed in the exams!”

“Your kindness is more than enough,” Song Qingzhao replied, his smile genuine and different from his usual polite demeanor.

Ming Shu smiled back, but Lu Chang couldn’t bring himself to smile. He unconsciously touched his chest, feeling the amulet Ming Shu had given him.

So it wasn’t unique after all.

From a distance, the Duchess observed this scene thoughtfully, then began questioning her maid. She knew her son well – his aloof nature rarely allowed such expressions, and he had never shown interest in any young woman before. This was unusual.

Suddenly, the crowd stirred as someone shouted, “The Third Prince, the Minister of State, and the Minister of Rites have arrived!”

The exam officials responsible for the nine-day event arrived in sequence. The crowd parted, bowing as the crimson-robed officials passed, heading towards the examination hall.

Halfway there, one official stopped in front of the Lu family, singling out one name among all the candidates.

“Lu Chang,” Lu Wenhan smiled encouragingly. “Do your best. I look forward to your performance.”

Lu Chang bowed his head and replied, “Thank you for your concern, sir.”

As Lu Wenhan continued towards the hall, his gaze briefly met Zeng Shi’s. They exchanged a silent look before he moved on, disappearing into the examination hall.

One remained stationary, while the other continued forward, their figures separated by the grand doors of the imperial academy.

After watching Lu Chang pass the inspection and enter the examination hall, Ming Shu and Zeng Shi headed home. Zeng Shi seemed preoccupied the entire way, barely responding to Ming Shu’s comments.

“Mother? Are you alright?” Ming Shu asked, concerned.

Zeng Shi snapped out of her thoughts and patted Ming Shu’s hand reassuringly. Noticing her daughter’s worry, she smiled and said, “I’m fine. Look, your friends are here to see you. Why don’t you go say hello?”

She nodded towards a carriage at the end of the alley. Ming Shu looked over and saw an eye-catching carriage with Wen’an and Shujun peeking out from behind the curtains.

Ming Shu’s face lit up with joy.

“You’ve been cooped up at home like a chick in a cage while your brother was preparing. Go have some fun, but come back early. And don’t get as drunk as last time,” Zeng Shi said.

Ming Shu, who had indeed felt confined for the past twenty days to avoid distracting Lu Chang, was eager to go. “Mother, can I go?” she asked excitedly.

“Go on!” Zeng Shi nodded with a smile.

Ming Shu darted to the carriage like a bird freed from its cage, hopping in without waiting for help.

“Finally, we see you,” Yin Shujun exclaimed as soon as she saw Ming Shu.

Ming Shu squeezed between her two friends, feeling as if she was embracing them both. Though the county princess’s carriage was spacious, it was still a tight fit for the three of them. Yin Shujun complained about the cramped space but didn’t ask anyone to move.

After sharing secrets and getting drunk together, they became close friends.

“County Princess, Miss Yin, it’s been a while. Any money-making opportunities to share?” Ming Shu’s first words were about money.

Wen’an pulled her hand away, saying, “You’re too materialistic. We came to see you out of kindness, and this is how you treat us?”

“Well, I haven’t had any income for over twenty days, and I’m getting anxious. Unlike you two from noble families who don’t worry about food and clothes, I need to plan for the future,” Ming Shu explained, leaning on Wen’an with a smile. “The County Princess cares for me and won’t be angry.”

Wen’an glanced at her disapprovingly. “What? Do you want to keep taking odd jobs? Why not consider a proper business?”

“I’ve always been doing proper business, benefiting you and Miss Yin. How is that improper?” Ming Shu retorted but then understood Wen’an’s point. “I get what you mean, but I don’t have much savings. If I opened a shop, I might not be able to manage the cash flow. I need to save up more.”

“How much silver do you think you need to open a shop?” Yin Shujun asked.

“At least 500 taels for a decent shop, I guess,” Ming Shu replied.

“500 taels? What kind of decent shop could you open with that?” Wen’an scoffed.

“Is 500 not enough?” Ming Shu thought she was being ambitious, but Wen’an seemed to think bigger.

“If we’re opening a shop, it should be the largest in all of Bianjing. I don’t have any marriage prospects yet, and I’m tired of dealing with the snide remarks from my aunts and half-sisters at home. How about this: I’ll partner with you to open a shop. What do you think?” Wen’an looked at her slyly. “I have the money, but you’ll have to manage the business.”

“What about me?” Yin Shujun chimed in, not wanting to be left out. “I have a storefront! And… and my cousin Tao Yiqian! We won’t have to worry about supplies!”

Ming Shu was surprised that her casual joke had sparked such enthusiasm from her friends.

“Are you serious? One of you is a county princess, and the other is the daughter of a high-ranking official. Aren’t you afraid of criticism?”

Although society was becoming more open-minded, it was still uncommon for women to venture outside the inner courtyard.

“There’s nothing to fear. If anyone dares to gossip, I’ll give them a piece of my mind,” Wen’an said dismissively.

“I’m not afraid either. I’ve been the subject of gossip for over two years and nearly ruined by it. What else is there to fear?” Yin Shujun was even less concerned. Her carefree nature and recent experiences had made her bolder than before.

Ming Shu looked at them both for a moment, then asked, “So… what kind of shop should we open?”

“Clothes, jewelry, cosmetics. We have plenty of connections in the inner courtyards. Anything related to women will do,” Wen’an quickly replied.

Ming Shu thought for a moment. “But that’s not special enough.”

With money, a storefront, and supplies secured, she wanted to open a unique shop.

“What do you think about opening a shop that not only sells goods but also helps people solve their problems? We could assist ladies and young misses with their difficult issues while turning them into loyal customers. It’s killing two birds with one stone. How does that sound?” Ming Shu suggested carefully.

Wen’an and Yin Shujun were both taken aback.

Coming from anyone else, this idea might have seemed far-fetched. But coming from Ming Shu, it somehow seemed convincing.

She had already dealt beautifully with the Yin family rumors, the Yongqing Marquis’s heir’s affair, and even a murder case.

“Good idea. Shall we give it a try?” Wen’an was the first to be intrigued.

Yin Shujun nodded enthusiastically and asked, “What should we call the shop? ‘All Wishes Granted Hall’?”

Her suggestion earned her a playful swat from Wen’an. “It’s not a fertility temple. What’s with ‘All Wishes Granted’?”

Ming Shu burst out laughing.

Outside the carriage, the weather was clear and sunny – a perfect day.

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