HomeSerendipityChapter 46: Guilt

Chapter 46: Guilt

Ming Shu was known for her quick action. After discussing the initial plans with Wen’an and Yin Shujun in the carriage, she lost interest in playing and could only think about the shop, wishing it could open the next day.

But she understood that haste makes waste. Since all three shared the same vision, they needed to plan carefully.

Yin Shujun owned two well-located storefronts, part of her dowry from her mother. One was already a silk shop, managed by a hired shopkeeper, but it barely broke even. Yin Shujun’s mother was considering closing it to explore other options. However, using this storefront would require Yin Shujun to get her mother’s approval first.

Wen’an would provide the funds and her extensive connections inside and outside the palace. Her keen eye for fashion trends among the nobility would ensure a steady clientele. However, this also presented challenges. Catering to noble customers meant the shop’s decor, furnishings, and staff had to be top-notch, and the merchandise had to be of the highest quality.

This greatly increased the startup costs. Even with Wen’an’s wealth, they needed to control expenses. Ming Shu didn’t want to be wasteful, and since Wen’an and Yin Shujun couldn’t handle the shop’s preparation and operation, the responsibility fell to her.

Suddenly, Ming Shu felt immense pressure.

She thought she’d be clueless, but after the initial excitement, she quickly calmed down and began methodically planning how to establish the shop. It was as if she had done this before or had prior experience. Though complex, it felt familiar.

That night, Ming Shu told Zeng Shi about their plans.

To Ming Shu’s surprise, Zeng Shi didn’t object and strongly supported her decision. Ming Shu had expected to have to persuade her mother, but Zeng Shi’s ready agreement made her so happy that she hugged her mother tightly, showering her with affectionate words.

Zeng Shi smiled, “Did you think I would object?”

“Yes. Women working outside the home often face criticism. I thought you might…”

“Silly child,” Zeng Shi said, gently stroking Ming Shu’s hand. “This world isn’t easy for women, which is why women must be strong. If you’re determined to succeed, how could I stand in your way? Don’t worry about others’ opinions. Having something of your own gives you the confidence to face others. Nothing else matters.”

Ming Shu stared at Zeng Shi in amazement.

Zeng Shi’s beautiful face and delicate frame might make one think she was dependent on men, but in reality, she had spent the best twenty years of her life as a widow, raising her children alone without relying on anyone. She was an insightful woman, her perspective perhaps shaped by her past experiences. Though unconventional, her views aligned perfectly with Ming Shu’s.

Ming Shu realized that her brother and mother were indeed different from other families.

“Mother, I understand,” Ming Shu said softly, nestling in Zeng Shi’s embrace.

“Go, open that trunk…” Zeng Shi pointed to a trunk in the room.

Ming Shu obeyed, taking out four embroideries as instructed and laying them on the bed.

“What beautiful Su embroidery! Such exquisite work is rarely seen outside the palace,” Ming Shu exclaimed, admiring the lifelike flowers, birds, insects, and animals.

“Not to boast, but back in Jiangnan, your mother was a renowned embroiderer. For many years, this skill put food on the table and raised Lu Chang… and you,” Zeng Shi said, pride evident in her expression as she looked at her work.

“I haven’t inherited even a fraction of your skill, Mother,” Ming Shu said humbly.

Zeng Shi continued, “I embroidered these in my younger days. My eyesight isn’t good enough for such delicate work now. If you like them, take them to frame or make them into screens for your shop. Didn’t you say your shop would cater to nobles and officials? You’ll need some impressive decorations.”

“For me?” Ming Shu pointed to herself, then suddenly realized something. “Mother, weren’t you saving these for when Brother gets married?”

Zeng Shi smiled softly, “That was the original plan, but now… it’s the same whether they’re for him or you. Whoever needs them can use them first.”

Ming Shu felt a surge of warmth, her eyes moistening. She wanted to refuse, but seeing the expectant look in Zeng Shi’s eyes, she swallowed her words and said confidently, “Mother, don’t worry. I won’t let you down. I’ll take care of Brother’s marriage too. I’ll earn money for his future wife’s betrothal gifts!”

Zeng Shi’s smile widened, “His marriage is for him to worry about, not me.”

Ming Shu didn’t understand her meaning, but she saw wisdom and brightness in her mother’s eyes, clear as snow.

With her mother’s support, Ming Shu acted freely. While Lu Chang was taking the imperial examination, she roamed Bianjing City, exploring its busiest streets and alleys. She carefully studied other shops and storefronts to get a good grasp of the market.

On the third day, good news arrived from Yin Shujun. Madam Yin agreed to let Yin Shujun, Ming Shu, and Wen An manage the shop. This wouldn’t have gone so smoothly, but due to Yin Liangjun spreading rumors of harming Yin Shujun, Madam Yin felt guilty. She thought she had wronged her daughter and, considering Shujun’s straightforward nature, believed she needed experience in social affairs. To prepare her for managing a household after marriage, Madam Yin agreed to this arrangement.

With the shop secured, Ming Shu sought out Tao Yiqian to discuss what to sell. The Tao family specialized in jade, supplying both the imperial palace and major jewelry merchants in the Da’an Dynasty. Since Ming Shu and her partners wanted to cater to women, jewelry was the obvious choice. With gold and jade being fashionable for women’s accessories, they decided to focus on gold and jade jewelry.

In just nine days, Ming Shu settled several matters, but the new shop still lacked a name. By then, the spring imperial examinations had concluded.

On the day Lu Chang returned, Madam Zeng prepared a feast at home. Ming Shu set aside her work and went to the examination hall to greet him personally.

“Brother!” Lu Chang heard Ming Shu’s voice as soon as he exited the hall. Before he could spot her, she had already fluttered to his side like a small bird.

“Let me carry that!” Ming Shu snatched the bamboo basket from his hand, smiling as she looked up at him.

A hint of a smile appeared on Lu Chang’s face, but it quickly faded as he seemed to recall something. He walked straight ahead. Ming Shu followed, carrying the basket, and ran to his side, saying, “Brother, slow down. I can’t keep up.”

Lu Chang turned and took the basket back from her.

“Brother, let me see if you’ve lost weight,” Ming Shu said, stepping in front of him and walking backward. “I heard the examination cells are small and damp. Staying there for so many days must be exhausting.”

Lu Chang remained silent as Ming Shu scrutinized his face. “You look fine,” she concluded. “Still as handsome and dashing as ever!”

“Watch where you’re going!” Lu Chang finally spoke, but before he could finish warning her, Ming Shu’s heel caught on a stone. She lost her balance and began to fall backward.

With a swift movement, Lu Chang dropped the basket and grabbed her hand, pulling her towards him. Ming Shu crashed into his chest, her forehead hitting him hard.

As she regained her senses, Lu Chang had already let go, looking at her with annoyance. She could only grin sheepishly and say, “Brother, your reflexes are amazing!”

Lu Chang gave her a cold glance, bent down to pick up the basket, and continued walking. Ming Shu followed, this time walking properly beside him.

The siblings returned home amid Ming Shu’s cheerful chatter.

When they arrived, Madam Zeng hadn’t finished cooking. Lu Chang went straight upstairs, with Ming Shu following.

“Here, take this back,” Lu Chang said as he entered the room, removing something from around his neck and tossing it to Ming Shu.

Ming Shu caught it reflexively. It was the protective charm she had gotten for him. The red string and charm bag were still warm from his body heat, indicating he had worn it close.

“I got this for you. Why are you giving it back?” Ming Shu asked, confused about what had upset him.

“I don’t want to wear the same thing as someone else,” Lu Chang replied as he washed his hands at the basin.

Ming Shu thought for a moment before remembering her conversation with Song Qingzhao on the day of the exam. Had he been holding onto that for nine days? When did her brother become so petty?

Lu Chang turned around and said, “Aren’t you leaving?”

Ming Shu stared at him, pressing her lips together.

“I need to change!” Lu Chang added.

Ming Shu bit her lip and said, “Don’t undress. Wait for me to come back!”

She ran to Madam Zeng’s room, retrieved a package from a chest, and returned. She opened it in front of Lu Chang.

“It’s one of a kind. Do you want it?” Inside was a crimson robe.

Lu Chang hesitated. Ming Shu continued, “I knew my brother would pass with flying colors, so I prepared this for your palace examination. Do you want it? If not… I’ll give it to Song Qingzhao.”

The name “Song Qingzhao” acted like a trigger.

“I want it!” Lu Chang quickly snatched the robe.

Ming Shu finally smiled. “Try it on. Let me see if it fits.”

She left the room and closed the door, allowing Lu Chang to change. Soon, he gently opened the door. Ming Shu, who had been playing with her fingers by the stairs, looked up and saw Lu Chang standing in the doorway.

Candlelight bathed his shoulders, and the red robe blazed like fire.

Lu Chang rarely wore such vibrant colors, but this shade suited him perfectly.

His usually cool demeanor melted away, leaving only a radiant young man before her.

Although Ming Shu was accustomed to Lu Chang’s handsomeness, seeing him in this crimson robe left her stunned.

Her heart seemed to skip a beat, stirring strange feelings. This scene, as if from a recurring dream, felt like a hidden, joyful anticipation…

“How does it look?” Lu Chang’s voice broke the spell.

Ming Shu snapped back to reality and quickly said, “It looks great. Red suits you, brother.”

Inwardly, she scolded herself: Ming Shu, what are you thinking? This man is your brother!

How sinful.

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