HomeSerendipityChapter 52: Women's Crown

Chapter 52: Women’s Crown

This was already the second time Lu Chang had heard Ming Shu mention marrying Song Qingzhao.

From the initial shock to this pure jealousy, he gradually understood that some feelings, once begun, could not be reversed. Even if he avoided and evaded, it would only be futile cowardice. This emotion did not stem from impulsiveness or youthful vigor. It was not even a sudden change; rather, it had sprouted in childhood, matured in adolescence, and had been nurtured by time bit by bit, growing slowly into a towering tree.

Looking at Ming Shu in front of him, covering her mouth, and looking guilty for saying and doing wrong things, Lu Chang suddenly realized how foolish his initial decision had been. Using the title of “siblings” indeed restrained Ming Shu’s thoughts, but it also fostered his feelings, completely reversing their previous roles.

Perhaps, this was karma.

Wearing the title of elder brother, he couldn’t do anything, not even qualify for jealousy.

“Sister, I was irritated by that Mrs. Sun and deliberately provoked her. I didn’t expect Mr. Lu to hear it,” Ming Shu cautiously explained.

She had to handle her Brother’s strict father with care.

“Do you like Song Qingzhao then?” Lu Chang asked her.

Ming Shu looked at Lu Chang pondering him. He didn’t seem angry, just resigned, but it was this resignation that made Ming Shu inexplicably sad.

“We’ve only met a few times. How can I like him? Brother, you’re overthinking,” she honestly replied. “If Brother doesn’t like it, I’ll avoid him in the future.”

Song Qingzhao was the legitimate second grandson of the Duke’s Mansion, with a noble status, making it difficult to approach him.

Her feelings toward Song Qingzhao were somewhat complicated. Sometimes she felt he was someone familiar from deep in her memory, and other times he seemed like just an ordinary friend. But one thing she was sure of: regardless of anything, her feelings for him wouldn’t develop into romantic love, let alone marriage.

“No need,” Lu Chang raised his hand to pat her head. “My dear sister, you don’t need to avoid anyone.”

Just a straightforward interaction.

That was all he could give her—this freedom.

The main household of the Duke’s Mansion was in turmoil today.

Madame Xu, who had been the wife of the heir for so many years, had never felt as embarrassed as she did today—being scolded by her father-in-law, scolded by her husband, and finally even looked down upon by her son.

And all this was simply because she wanted to discipline a stubborn and willful wild girl. Who would have thought that girl would have a connection with the Prime Minister, not only did she fail to discipline her, but she also caused a big disaster because of it. When Mrs. Sun returned and knelt before her to confess, she had half-believed her. Little did she expect that the next day, people from the Lu Mansion would come to interrogate her.

A stone stirred up a thousand waves, even alarming the Old Duke.

The Old Duke scolded her, “Lu Wenhao was a reckless person back in Bianjing, having been an official for over a decade, he’s slick as an eel. Even I have to address him as ‘Brother Lu’ when I see him. How dare you provoke him?”

Her husband also scolded her, “You’ve had smooth sailing for so many years, but when will you change your arrogant ways? Even though I’m just the heir now, if I inherit the title in the future, humility and caution are what the family needs. You should change your temper.”

Naturally, Song Qingzhao couldn’t scold her, but his face was cold. “Mother should have listened to her son’s explanation before acting. I know best about that day’s events. You’d rather believe a stranger’s one-sided words and wrong Lady Lu than listen to your son’s explanation. Even if she’s a commoner, you shouldn’t let others slander and insult her.”

Not only did her father-in-law and husband scold her, but even her son expressed extreme disappointment, which made Madame Xu feel as if she had been pierced by a thousand arrows and even thought of dying.

To appease Lu Wenhao’s anger, Song’s father wanted to tie Mrs. Sun and send her to the Lu family to apologize, and then let Madame Xu go to apologize. Madame Xu, who had grown accustomed to a comfortable life, was now so embarrassed and regretful that she was almost fainting in anger. She asked Mrs. Sun to help her held her in her arms and cried.

In the end, Song Qingzhao spoke up, “It was my fault that this incident arose, and the misunderstanding was caused by my failure to explain it properly at the first opportunity, leading to the current situation. Mother’s fault is my fault. Father, why not let me go apologize to Lady Lu myself? In this matter, the most wronged person is her. It has nothing to do with whether she is Mr. Lu’s daughter. If an apology is to be made, it should be to her first.”

Upon hearing that his son wanted to apologize in person, Madame Xu couldn’t sit still any longer and struggled to get up. “I’ll go, no need for you to go!”

“Don’t cause any more trouble!” Song’s father glared at her impatiently, then turned to Song Qingzhao. “Very well, you go and speak to them properly. As for Mr. Lu’s attitude, leave it to me and your grandfather.” After a pause, he asked Song Qingzhao, “I heard… Lady Lu said she wants to marry you. What’s going on with that?”

Song Qingzhao’s face reddened slightly, and he immediately bowed his head. “I’ve only met Lady Lu a few times, and we have no deep relationship. These rumors are probably misunderstandings. It’s better not to mention them again, lest it tarnish her reputation.”

“And how do you feel about her…?” Song’s father’s gaze was sharp.

“I think Lady Lu is intelligent and sincere, a good girl in my opinion. I do have some… feelings. But it’s too early to discuss this now. I just hope Father and Mother can rest assured and not scare her away.” Song Qingzhao confessed.

Song’s father looked at him fixedly for a moment, then suddenly burst into laughter. “Beautiful women and good men are sought after by all. It’s just that you need to handle it properly.”

“I know, Father. I won’t do anything out of line. Please rest assured,” Song Qingzhao bowed respectfully.

Madame Xu couldn’t even interject a word, feeling deeply wronged. After the father and son left, she struggled to sit back in her chair and said, “This family can’t tolerate me anymore, can’t tolerate me… Prepare a carriage for me. I’m going back!”

“Go back…? Go where?” Mrs. Sun was shocked. “Where do you want to go?”

“Back to my mother’s house…” Madame Xu paused halfway, suddenly remembering her parents. If she returned to her mother’s house, she would probably be sent back unchanged. So she changed her mind, “Go to the Wei family. I’m going to see Wenxi!”

The rain had persisted for a whole day before finally stopping, allowing the sunshine to spread across. After Lu Wenhao left and with no further visits from the Lu family, life for Ming Shu’s family of three continued unchanged. Ming Shu saw that Madam Zeng remained as she always was, unaffected by Lu Wenhao’s presence. They ate, slept, and laughed together as if Lu Wenhao’s reunion had never happened, gradually easing Ming Shu’s mind.

Lu Wenhao’s appearance was like a small pebble thrown into a vast lake, causing only a slight ripple. Over eighteen years, any past affections had long dissipated, and Lu Wenhao meant nothing to Madam Zeng beyond being the father of her child.

Ming Shu admired Madam Zeng’s resolve.

Lu Chang was also calm and unaffected by the addition of a father who was now the Prime Minister. He paid no heed to the rumors circulating in Bianjing City, remaining unruffled.

In the end, it was Ming Shu who caused the most commotion.

Of course, Ming Shu’s commotion wasn’t about transforming herself into the Prime Minister’s daughter. She was preparing for the ghostly affairs at the Wei family’s estate.

She was pondering the best approach to investigate the matter under the guise of another identity.

After much thought, she came up with a dubious idea.

In Lu Chang’s eyes, it was indeed a dubious idea.

“Brother, look, do I look convincing?” Ming Shu emerged dressed up, opening the door.

Lu Chang felt a headache coming on. “Are you sure you want to go to the Wei family like this?”

“Of course!” Ming Shu stood before him, suppressed her smile, assumed a cold expression, and swung her dusting brush over her elbow. Reciting a spell, she coldly said, “Supreme Celestial, this visitor, I am Tian Xuanqing, the third disciple under Lingxiao True Man of Mount Zhongnan, practicing techniques to vanquish demons. I descended from the mountain months ago per my master’s orders, wandering here…”

Lu Chang’s headache worsened upon hearing this. Glancing at Ming Shu, he saw she had changed into clothes resembling a female Taoist. Her long hair was tied up under a headdress, and aside from a dusting brush, she wore an octagonal mirror at her waist and carried a peach wood sword on her back. Her delicate face, usually charming, now exuded an air of stern righteousness, resembling… a swindling charlatan.

“Maybe you should think of another way…” Lu Chang attempted to dissuade her, but before he could finish, a knock came from downstairs.

Since Madam Zeng was not at home, it fell upon the two upstairs to answer the door. Ming Shu held Lu Chang back. “I’ll go.”

She hurried down the stairs. Before opening the door, she adjusted her headdress and straightened her clothes, replacing her smile with a cold demeanor. Only then did she reach out to open the door.

Outside stood Song Qingzhao, who had come to apologize.

Having rehearsed his apology twice in his mind, Song Qingzhao had retreated a half-step upon hearing the door open. He was about to bow to the person who emerged, but halfway through the gesture, he froze.

He hadn’t expected the person who emerged to be a female Taoist…

And this female Taoist was Ming Shu.

Song Qingzhao’s bowing hand hung awkwardly in the air as he stared at her in astonishment, momentarily forgetting to speak.

Upon reflection, he seemed to have seen her in many different guises. Initially, she resembled a noble lady, exuding grace with every move; later, she became a lively neighbor girl; then, she dressed as a boy to assist at the academy, appearing fresh and playful; and now today…

Ming Shu was naturally beautiful and often smiled warmly, which made her approachable. But now, her sudden transformation into a cold, aloof expression made her look like… a pretentious little fraudster.

“Mr. Song?” Ming Shu repeated the words she had just said to Lu Chang, now addressing Song Qingzhao. “After seeing this Taoist, why aren’t you speaking?”

Only then did Song Qingzhao regain his senses. “Fair maiden, please accept Qingzhao’s respect.”

As he was about to bow, Ming Shu chuckled and quickly stopped him. “My brother said I look like a swindling charlatan. What do you think?”

Shaking his head, Song Qingzhao asked her, “Why did you dress like this?”

“The Wei family’s estate is haunted, right? Someone asked me to investigate. I figured this attire would help convince the Wei family members.” Ming Shu lowered her voice.

“The Wei family? Commander Wei Xian’s family?”

“You know them?” Ming Shu asked.

“I do. Commander Wei’s wife is a close friend of my mother from her youth.” Song Qingzhao explained, mentioning how his mother had angrily gone to the Wei family’s estate early that day.

Before Ming Shu could reply, Lu Chang’s voice came from upstairs. “Ming Shu, who’s at the door?”

“Brother, it’s Song Qingzhao. He’s here…” Ming Shu glanced at Song Qingzhao. “Why are you here?”

“I’m here on behalf of the Duke’s Mansion to apologize to you. Previously, my mother spoke disrespectfully to you due to a misunderstanding, causing you distress. I sincerely apologize.” Song Qingzhao said.

“Forget about that incident. I’ve already forgotten.” Ming Shu waved her hand, showing no interest in apologies. She stepped aside to let Song Qingzhao in, then turned to Lu Chang. “Brother, prepare some tea for our guest.”

Lu Chang looked at her as she led the guest into the house, silently observing.

The gazes of Song Qingzhao and Lu Chang met in midair, almost sparking off fireworks.

“Please have a seat.” Ming Shu invited him to sit down and settled across from him, watching him with interest. “Tell me everything about the Wei family’s situation.”

Song Qingzhao’s apology seemed to be at a loss now.

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