HomeSerendipityChapter 55 - Turning Back

Chapter 55 – Turning Back

The gates of the Lu family mansion stood wide open. Spring was in full bloom, with warm sunlight slanting into the courtyard. Half the hall basked in sunlight as the day grew increasingly hot.

Today, Mingshu and Lu Chang had gone out, not returning for lunch. Madam Zeng, freed from preparing a meal, seized this rare moment of leisure. She brewed herself a bowl of eight-treasure tea and sat in a cool corner, playfully teasing Zhaobao, who lay at her feet, to ease her boredom.

While having her children around was lively, occasional moments of tranquility were also delightful. This was truly a stolen moment of leisure amidst life’s busyness.

After a while, Madam Zeng leaned back in her chair, closing her eyes as she sipped her tea. Suddenly, someone burst through the door.

“Mother!” Mingshu’s crisp voice rang out. “When did my brother get engaged? Who’s my sister-in-law? Why didn’t you ever mention this to me?”

“Pfft!” Madam Zeng nearly spat out her tea. “Engaged? When did he get engaged? How come I don’t know about this?”

Lu Chang stepped over the threshold behind Mingshu, his face etched with resignation. Mingshu had been pestering him about this the entire way home.

The news of his top placement in the imperial exams paled in comparison to her shock at his supposed engagement.

Mingshu recounted the events at the examination hall. Naturally, Madam Zeng’s attention was drawn to the “engagement” matter. She eyed Lu Chang suspiciously, but he remained silent, averting his gaze.

“Brother said he’d marry no one but her!” Mingshu exclaimed anxiously. “Quick, tell me, what kind of girl is she?”

“There’s no engagement. He’s never been betrothed. He’s just spinning tales,” Madam Zeng scolded Lu Chang.

Mingshu turned to Lu Chang in surprise. “Brother, you’re lying? This is about your marriage. If word gets out, no one will want to marry you!”

“It’s not entirely a lie,” Madam Zeng interjected, patting Mingshu’s hand as she sat back down and took a sip of tea. “There is indeed a young lady from a good family.”

“Brother’s sweetheart?” Mingshu sat on a small stool beside Madam Zeng, listening intently as if to a story.

Her heart inexplicably began to race. Perhaps her brother’s tale was truly moving.

“That girl has known him since childhood. She’s beautiful and good-natured, the daughter of a wealthy family. She’s liked him since they were young. But your brother, proud and arrogant, distanced himself from her because he disapproved of her father’s actions. Before he left for the capital, the girl sought him out to clarify his feelings, but he rejected her. Now that he’s come to his senses, the girl might not be waiting for him anymore. She might already be betrothed to someone else. His claim of ‘marrying no one but her’ is just wishful thinking on your brother’s part.”

As Madam Zeng spoke calmly, Lu Chang remained silent, his gaze growing distant.

Only Mingshu listened with genuine emotion, her clear eyes wide open. Her chest tightened as if something was tugging at her heart. Somehow, this story resonated deeply with her.

“Mingshu, if you were this girl, would you wait for him?” Madam Zeng gently stroked Mingshu’s head, voicing the question in Lu Chang’s heart.

Mingshu shook her head. “I wouldn’t wait.”

Why wait for someone who had already left? Especially when that person hadn’t given her any reason to wait.

Lu Chang closed his eyes. “Let’s stop talking about this.”

Suddenly feeling sorry for him, Mingshu added, “If brother returns quickly enough, maybe she hasn’t gotten engaged or married yet. Life is unpredictable; perhaps fate has left you a glimmer of hope.”

“If it were you, and you were still unmarried when we met again, would you be willing to turn back?” Lu Chang asked.

Mingshu, nestled against Madam Zeng, was about to shake her head when she noticed Lu Chang looking at her intently as if she truly were the girl he spoke of. Her heart tightened again as if gripped by his invisible gaze. Her response changed.

“If it were a man like you, brother… perhaps I might consider turning back…” Mingshu wasn’t sure if she was consoling him or if this was truly what she believed. Quickly, she added, “But I’m not that girl. Why do you keep asking me? Do I even know her?”

“You do,” Madam Zeng said.

“Mother?” Lu Chang furrowed his brow, unsure of what Madam Zeng intended to say.

“That girl…” Madam Zeng paused.

Mingshu’s heart suddenly leaped, though she didn’t know why.

“Her surname is Jian.”

Mingshu abruptly lowered her head, pressing her hand to her temple, her brows tightly knit. The sudden pain in her head and the chaotic images flashing through her mind made her cry out in pain.

“Mingshu?!” Lu Chang rushed to her side to support her.

Madam Zeng sighed. It seemed the memories wouldn’t return so easily. They would need to take a more gradual approach.

As Mingshu’s headache subsided, she sat up straight, still holding onto Lu Chang’s hand. “Brother, I’m fine…”

She was about to continue their previous conversation when the sound of gongs and drums came from outside.

Government officials had arrived at the Lu residence to deliver good news.

The golden flower notice had arrived.

A large crowd gathered outside the Lu home to offer congratulations, forcing Madam Zeng and Lu Chang to rise and greet them. Lu Chang had placed first in this year’s imperial examinations, with Song Qingzhao coming in second.

The palace examination would take place in just three days. If Lu Chang could claim the top spot there, he would achieve more than just being this year’s top scholar.

Provincial examiner, metropolitan examiner, and palace examiner—achieving the top rank in all three would be an unparalleled honor.

Fortunately, the palace examination was three days away, coinciding with Mingshu and Lu Chang’s agreed-upon return date. She had promised Lu Chang to stay with the Wei family for no more than three days, regardless of her findings.

This way, she’d be back in time to witness her brother’s success.

Early the next morning, Mingshu left home in disguise. Lu Chang followed, escorting her to the Wei residence and watching from afar as she knocked on their gate.

A servant in brown opened the heavy door, eyeing the stranger suspiciously.

Before him stood a woman in Taoist robes, her hair tied up under a yellow cap. She held a Buddhist whisk and carried a peach wood sword on her back—a beautiful yet cold-eyed Taoist priestess.

Mingshu formed a yin-yang hand seal, bowing to the servant. She introduced herself as planned, causing the servant to stiffen.

Taoism was flourishing, with many seeking immortality and enlightenment. Practitioners included both men and women, some joining later in life, others training from childhood in renowned sects. The latter were more respected and considered true cultivators. Mingshu was posing as one of these.

“I’m on a worldly mission,” Mingshu explained. “While in Bianjing, I noticed celestial anomalies pointing to this location. Your mansion seems to be at the center of these signs.” She pretended to calculate something. “Your master has been blessed by the Star Lord of Military Affairs. He must have enjoyed military success and promotions these past years. A red auspicious aura once surrounded your house, but it’s faded recently, replaced by an encroaching gray mist. There must be an ongoing issue, persisting for months, affecting your master’s fortune. As an outsider dedicated to vanquishing evil and upholding the Way, I seek no reward. If possible, may I enter to investigate?”

“Holy One, I can’t make that decision,” the servant replied, somewhat convinced but unable to grant permission.

“Perhaps you could inform your master? I’m sure I can persuade him if we meet,” Mingshu suggested.

“The master isn’t home today…” the servant hesitated, then added, “Why don’t you wait a moment while I ask the Second Master?”

Mingshu nodded, knowing he meant Wei Xian’s brother, Wei Chao.

The servant closed the door. Half a cup of tea’s time later, it reopened. A tall, thin middle-aged man and a plump woman emerged from behind the screen wall. The woman was Mrs. Wei, who had approached Mingshu earlier, and the man was her husband, Wei Chao.

This couple was an interesting sight—one tall, one short, one thin, one plump, as if naturally complementing each other. They approached, arguing in hushed tones.

“You know your brother’s temper. He hates strangers in the house. Didn’t we just have a Taoist from Shangqing Temple last month? Why are you causing trouble again? If your brother finds out, we’ll be in for it!” Wei Chao scolded quietly.

“That Shangqing Temple Taoist was a fraud! He took the money but solved nothing. Has the house been peaceful since he left? Look at my head!” She lifted her hair, revealing a bruise on her forehead. “I fell on the stone steps the other night. I’m lucky I didn’t crack my skull open.”

“Wasn’t that because a cat scared you?”

“Since when did we have a cat? Why would it suddenly appear to scare me? Have you found this cat in the garden? It must be an evil spirit! This has happened so many times. I can’t eat or sleep from fear. Now that an expert has offered to help, why won’t you let them check?”

Mingshu could hear everything clearly from outside. Mrs. Wei’s voice was as loud as ever.

“But brother…”

“Brother, brother, brother! Is he your father? Why are you so obedient? You’ve been cowering before him for years, not daring to speak up. If I had known you’d be like this, I wouldn’t have married into the Wei family! Wei Chao, I’m telling you, if this isn’t resolved, I’m taking the children back to my parents’ house!”

“Lower your voice!” Wei Chao made a shushing gesture, looking around nervously before reluctantly agreeing. “Fine, fine. We’ll meet this person first. They might just be a charlatan anyway.”

Mrs. Wei glared at him, then motioned for Mingshu to approach.

Mingshu understood, bowing to Wei Chao and his wife with a hand seal.

According to Mrs. Wei, Wei Xian ruled the household with strict discipline, even punishing his brother frequently. Wei Chao feared him greatly. Wei Xian disliked outsiders entering their home, so apart from him, few ever brought guests inside. Although Mrs. Wei complained, she too respected and feared her brother-in-law, not daring to openly bring Mingshu into the house. This led to Mingshu’s current plan, secretly coordinated with Mrs. Wei.

Wei Chao was startled by Mingshu’s youthful beauty, his thoughts wandering. Mingshu, seeing through him, said, “Amitabha. Good sir, I understand your doubts about my words. No matter, please hear me out before deciding.”

Her clear, measured voice carried a convincing air of otherworldliness. Wei Chao said, “Go on.”

“You must have had experts set up a feng shui formation to ward off evil, correct? Water flows east like the Azure Dragon guarding the home; mountains to the north as the Black Tortoise, stabilizing the residence; a lotus pond to the south as the Vermilion Bird; and a winding path through the side garden to the west as the Bai Tiger. With all four celestial animals present, it’s an ideal feng shui arrangement. Am I mistaken?”

Wei Chao was stunned. “You are indeed an expert, Holy One.”

This was indeed how their home had been built, following expert advice. Her accurate description was truly astonishing.

Mingshu humbly waved her hand. “If you find my words credible, would you allow me to enter and observe? I can explain further inside.”

“Please, come in, Holy One,” Wei Chao bowed, inviting Mingshu inside.

As Mingshu followed him in, she smiled at Mrs. Wei.

In truth, Mingshu knew nothing about feng shui. Mrs. Wei had provided this information beforehand to help her gain entry. Mingshu had simply embellished it with some improvisation, successfully convincing them.

By the lotus pond on the eastern side of the Wei residence, Madam Wei Du Wenhui sat in a pavilion, chatting with a visitor.

“Ruyi, haven’t you cooled down yet? Today, the examination results were posted. I heard Qingzhao placed second. That’s wonderful news. Won’t you go home to see?” Du Wenhui gently coughed as she tried to persuade her guest.

This visitor was none other than Madam Xu, the eldest daughter-in-law of the Duke’s mansion. Ruyi was her maiden name.

Angered by the Mingshu incident, Madam Xu had left the Duke’s mansion in a huff. Unable to return to her parent’s home, she had come to stay with the Wei family under the pretext of visiting a close friend. Although Wei Xian disliked outsiders in his home, he had to consider the Duke’s face and didn’t object.

“I’m not going back. I carried my son for ten months, only for his heart to turn to an outsider. Why should I return?” Madam Xu had been at the Wei residence for three days. The Duke’s mansion had only sent a steward to fetch her, which made her feel more wronged and unwilling to return.

“In three days, it’s the palace examination. If Qingzhao becomes the top scholar, you’ll be the mother of the champion. Are you sure you won’t go back?” Du Wenhui, understanding Xu’s proud, face-saving, and stubborn nature, tried to persuade her.

The old Duke was long-lived, and Xu had been the eldest daughter-in-law for over twenty years without ascending to the position of family matriarch. She had been looking forward to the glory of being the champion’s mother. On the day of the palace examination, she would surely return.

“We’ll see then,” Xu replied uncomfortably. Her gaze wandered and suddenly fixed on the moon gate at the entrance of the small garden. “Who are those people?”

Du Wenhui looked in the same direction. She saw several people entering the garden from afar, barely making out the second branch’s couple leading someone in.

“Lingxue, go ask the Second Master who has arrived,” Du Wenhui dispatched her maid to inquire.

The maid returned quickly.

“Madam, the Second Master has brought in a female Taoist priest to inspect the house. They say… they plan to exorcise spirits.”

“Where did they find this charlatan to come and deceive your family?” Xu spoke up first.

Du Wenhui’s brow furrowed slightly as she watched the second branch and their guest slowly approach.

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