HomeSerendipitySide Story 4

Side Story 4

Daylight had long since broken, well past the hour when ordinary households would be stirring. Yet the newlyweds’ chamber in the Lu residence remained silent. In the courtyard’s corridor, two or three maids and elderly servants stood at a distance, waiting to attend to the couple when they awoke. These were Ming Shu’s staff, well-trained and respectful, not daring to approach the main room without being summoned.

The sun cast shadows through the carved window, where birds perched undisturbed on the sill. The post-wedding tranquility was a stark contrast to yesterday’s festivities.

Inside, the room remained dimly lit. The dragon and phoenix candles had burned down to thick puddles of wax. A faint scent of last night’s lily incense lingered, mingled with a subtle, warm aroma. The bed curtains were half-drawn, revealing the sleeping figures within.

The thin quilt, once on the floor, now covered their bodies. As May brought warmer weather and they shared body heat, most of the quilt had been kicked aside, only draping across their waists and chests. Lu Chang was already awake, his eyes slightly open, gaze lingering on his wife’s face as he played with a handful of her long hair. Ming Shu still slept, her head resting on his arm. Her porcelain pillow and bolster had been pushed to the foot of the bed, one trapped beneath her leg.

Though it was quite early, Lu Chang had no intention of waking her.

They were supposed to pay their respects to Madam Zeng and Wei Zhuo today, but Madam Zeng had already sent word that they could come afternoon.

Seeing Ming Shu sleep so peacefully, Lu Chang worried she might not wake even by noon. As he considered sending someone to inform Madam Zeng, Ming Shu stirred, unwinding her arm from his waist and mumbling like a cat.

They had slept very late last night. In her hazy state, Ming Shu thought she heard a rooster crow, but by then she was too entangled with Lu Chang to worry about the time. She only remembered him holding her close, whispering in her ear, “It’ll be over soon… Ming Shu, stay with me a little longer…”

Quick? Not at all.

Ming Shu bit him in frustration.

Her consciousness wavered between exhaustion and pleasure. She desperately wanted to sleep, but her body was honest in its reactions…

From initial awkwardness to eventual indulgence, she realized some pleasures were best understood by men.

In her drowsy state, Ming Shu thought Lu Chang was a scoundrel. It was bad enough that he was so unrestrained in bed, but how dare he corrupt her as well?

“Awake?” Lu Chang asked, unaware of her thoughts, noticing only the alluring look in her eyes.

His shoulder still bore the mark of her fierce bite, in addition to the one on his neck. Two marks in total.

Ming Shu froze—this morning’s embrace felt like a dream.

As she hesitated, Lu Chang’s hand gently threaded through her hair at the nape of her neck, then caressed her throat. She jolted awake, springing up and snatching the quilt to wrap around herself.

Now she was safe, but Lu Chang…

She let out a soft gasp, covering her eyes with both hands. The darkness of night was one thing, but now it was daytime.

Lu Chang was reminded of when he first brought her to the capital. They stayed at a small inn, and she had accidentally walked in on him bathing in the kitchen. She had covered her eyes just like this. He laughed at the memory.

Hearing his laughter, Ming Shu peeked through her fingers, daring only to look at his shoulders and above. Occasionally, her gaze would drift a bit lower.

He was handsome, and his body was captivating.

Lu Chang laughed even louder, suddenly pulling her into his embrace and capturing her lips in a kiss.

Outside, the startled birds on the window sill took flight.

By noon, Madam Zeng still hadn’t received the expected visit to pay respects. She had no choice but to dine with Wei Zhuo alone.

She felt a bit dejected. “My daughter has been stolen away.”

Her precious little one had become someone else’s confidante.

“The one who stole your daughter is your son,” Wei Zhuo consoled her, then asked, “Should we… send someone to check on them?”

“There’s no need. They must be exhausted from yesterday,” Madam Zeng quickly shook her head. “I’m just worried that Lu Chang might… lack restraint.”

She thought about how Lu Chang was already 24 and had never been with a woman before. Now that he was married and had tasted the pleasures of intimacy, she worried he might overdo it, tiring out Ming Shu.

“Don’t fret needlessly. Lu Chang knows his limits. Given their feelings for each other, I’m sure we’ll have good news in ten months,” Wei Zhuo said as he called for the dishes to be cleared, seeing that she had finished eating.

At the mention of this, Madam Zeng’s face lit up with a smile.

“You shouldn’t worry so much. They’re not children anymore,” Wei Zhuo waved, dismissing the servants from the room.

As the door closed, leaving only soft daylight, Wei Zhuo stood behind Madam Zeng and wrapped his arms around her waist.

“Stop it. We’re in the children’s home,” Madam Zeng said, her face slowly reddening.

“What? So Lu Chang’s home is our home now? Besides, they’re busy with their affairs, and we with ours. What’s the problem?” Wei Zhuo whispered.

Madam Zeng’s face grew even redder.

And so, Ming Shu’s second day of married life, meant for paying respects, stretched from morning to evening, turning into a shared dinner instead.

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