HomeShadow Love

Shadow Love

Chapter 19

Fireworks burst over Lucheng, painting the cold northern night with vibrant colors and warmth. Countless people lined the streets, gazing upward with joy and...

Chapter 20

After a lively night, the citizens of Deer City began their ancestral worship at the Clear Snow Festival. The atmosphere turned more solemn than...

Chapter 21

The Crown Prince's noble status precluded him from staying in the simple military camp. The former city governor Li Zhangyi's mansion temporarily became Sima...

Chapter 22

Though Li Shuang answered Jin'an that way, she knew her own body's condition all too well. Standing nearby, Lu Xin couldn't help but say, "General,...

Chapter 23

After the Clear Snow Festival, Lu City seemed to suddenly become desolate. The number of pedestrians on the streets drastically decreased, and overnight snowfall...

Chapter 24

When Li Shuang regained consciousness, she found herself half-buried in muddy ground. As she tried to move her legs, she realized that the more...

Chapter 25

In the dark cave, mud slowly trickled down the walls, converging at the bottom of the pit. The sluggish flow posed no threat to...

Chapter 26

When Li Shuang awoke, she found Qin Lan by her bedside, his appearance slightly haggard. As she opened her eyes, Qin Lan's expression shifted,...

Chapter 27

As March arrived, the northern frontier welcomed early spring, leaving behind the icy winter. Tender grass shoots emerged from the remnants of snow in...

Chapter 28

As dawn broke the following morning, a soldier came to inform Li Shuang that Chang Wanshan had awakened and wished to see her. Sleepless through...

Chapter 29

As dawn broke, Li Shuang rode swiftly from the northern border to the capital of Great Jin, covering the distance in half the usual...

Chapter 30

Three commanders accompanied Li Shuang southward. All were borrowed from the general's office, and each had a background in the martial arts world. The...

Chapter 31

"General, your words terrify me. We're old friends; why such hostility?" The Shaman Guide smiled, seemingly unaffected by Li Shuang's murderous intent. "We're not friends,"...

Chapter 32

The Shaman Guide stepped forward, his eyes sweeping across the dungeon. "Those who can move, drag the injured out," he ordered, his usual smile...

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