HomeSki into LoveChapter 61: Something Sweet and Sour

Chapter 61: Something Sweet and Sour

What does it feel like to have your bluff called out immediately?

Wei Zhi blinked, her mind going blank. She wished she could hop into Doraemon’s time machine, go back three minutes, cover her mouth, and then applaud Lu Xin, agreeing with everything he said, no matter how nonsensical.

She didn’t even want to ask why Shan Chong was there…

This road was the only way from the hotel to the ski resort. What was wrong with him having breakfast before heading to the slopes in the morning?

Was it illegal?

Wei Zhi was already so embarrassed she felt like dying. She decided to ignore the man standing behind her, pretending he didn’t exist. She calmly said “Good morning” and turned her head back.

She asked Lu Xin, “Have you noticed we’ve been arguing a lot lately?”

Lu Xin had noticed.

He wanted to remind Wei Zhi that the main (and only) reason for their arguments was Shan Chong—

But he didn’t dare, mainly because the root of the problem was standing right there, showing no intention of moving away.

So he could only helplessly move his lips, nodding under the man’s smiling gaze, and voluntarily admitted his fault: “It’s not your fault. In most cases, it’s my hasty judgments…”

Or rather, the one-sided information Wantong Hall had been feeding him.

He couldn’t help it.

Usually, he got his information from the club, and the news released by the club was always summarized by them. It wasn’t the “Nancheng Morning Post”; it was normal for them to add their subjective color to the information.

Wei Zhi knew she couldn’t blame him.

But she had to admit, at this juncture, it suddenly made sense why Shan Chong and the others had frowned when they heard her new friend was from Wantong Hall…

It wasn’t a case of tarring everyone with the same brush.

It was just that everyone was speaking with different mouths and listening with different ears.

Wei Zhi looked at the steamer of buns she had just shared with her friend. They had gone cold, the skin had hardened, and the filling inside had probably congealed into a lump…

They had indeed been delicious before.

But now, they were tasteless to eat, yet a waste to throw away.

“It’s tiring to argue so much,” Wei Zhi said. “Maybe we shouldn’t hang out together anymore.”

In the bustling breakfast shop, the young girl proposed breaking off their friendship in the most calm tone.

Not just Lu Xin, even Shan Chong was a bit shocked by her decisive thought process. The man raised an eyebrow, looking at the side of the young girl’s face from behind—

It was the same face, but it was hard to connect this indifferent-looking “heartless woman” with his little disciple who would cry and ask for hugs at the drop of a hat.

That was just…

Quite intriguing.

He simply pulled out a chair and sat down, ordered a bowl of milk and a pancake, and under the gaze of the two at the table, added three large spoonfuls of sugar to his milk.

“Don’t mind me, carry on,” he said calmly to the two who were in the middle of “breaking up”. “I’m just passing by for breakfast, sharing a table.”

Wei Zhi looked around. Indeed, with the breakfast rush, the shop was full.

She hesitated for a moment, not daring to tell him to eat at another shop. After all, every place served milk, soy milk, tea, fried dough sticks, and buns. Why did he have to join in here?

As she hesitated, Lu Xin called her name again, speaking to her.

“Xiao Zhi,” Lu Xin said, “I don’t think we need to go this far. We only argue about those trivial matters in the snow circle. We can just avoid talking about these things in the future.”

Wei Zhi looked at him: “Can you resist?”

Before he could answer, she said expressionlessly, “If tomorrow some video blogger says Shan Chong likes to ski without underwear, can you resist asking me if it’s true?”

Sitting beside them, the man didn’t even twitch an eyebrow. He split the fresh, hot pancake in half, his expression unchanging, playing the role of a “passerby sharing a table” to perfection.

Lu Xin: “Actually, I’m not that interested in Shan Chong.”

Wei Zhi: “Is there anyone not interested in him? Yesterday, I bet the Sogou input method on your phones all got PTSD from these two characters, right?”

Shan Chong: “A suggestion, do you not know any other people to use as examples? Why keep picking on one person?”

Wei Zhi: “Aren’t you just a passerby?”

Shan Chong: “Hearing my full name being thrown around early in the morning would affect anyone’s appetite, even a passerby’s.”

After he spoke, the two at the table fell silent.

Wei Zhi held her bowl of milk, sipping it slowly. The breakfast was cooling quickly this morning; soon a layer of milk skin formed in her bowl. She lifted it with her chopsticks, poked it into the milk, and stirred it to break it up. “I’m not good at arguing with people. It just irritates me,” the young girl said, staring at the swirling milk without looking up. “But I can’t stand hearing anyone speak ill of Shan Chong.”

She put down her chopsticks and emphasized seriously.

“Not a single word.”

Her voice was firm and resolute.

A minute later, Lu Xin left, looking dejected.

Shan Chong drained his bowl of overly sweet milk in one go, put down the bowl, wiped his mouth with a napkin, and asked the young girl beside him without looking up: “What delicious thing did you eat today to make your mouth so sweet?”

Wei Zhi thought to herself, there’s a Chinese idiom called “smashing a broken jar”, do you understand?

You don’t.

She blinked: “I meant what I said.”

After a pause, she slowly added: “Every time I argue with Lu Xin, it’s because of you.”

The surrounding voices were noisy, but her voice was clear. While letting herself go, there was a hint of rationality. She told him that if he hadn’t suddenly appeared and interrupted, she probably would have slammed the table and scolded Lu Xin and all the gossipers he represented.

The man listened to her speak, his eyes lowered, his long and thick eyelashes concealing the light in his eyes.

After a long while, he slightly raised his eyes.

He turned his head, giving her a casual glance, and said in a steady voice: “Hmm, you make it sound like I’m some kind of male seductress.”

Wei Zhi sincerely asked: “Did they forget to put a heart in your chest cavity when you were manufactured?”

Shan Chong snorted a laugh: “Who are you calling heartless?”

She stared back at him expressionlessly.

This really couldn’t be blamed on Shan Chong. In the past, when he was on the professional team, he was surrounded by men like Dai Duo, each more caustic than the last, as if one couldn’t survive in that environment without a vicious tongue.

Later, after retiring and starting to teach, he was indeed good-looking and his skills were top-notch. Many flirtatious young women booked lessons with ulterior motives, but most of them, like Hu Hu, were discouraged by his cold face and iron rules before they could even make a move—

Those who dared to openly say something flirtatious to him could be counted on one hand.

There was one right in front of him.

He didn’t know if his little disciple, who usually acted like a mouse seeing a cat around him, was timid or bold.

But he had to admit, he quite enjoyed it.

“Then what I said before still stands,” Shan Chong said. “Are there any other props you want to see me use? You’ve already boasted about it, shouldn’t I fulfill my beloved disciple’s wishes?”


The topic had indeed come full circle.

Wei Zhi felt this person was truly the king of killing the mood.

If you don’t know what to say, just lower your head and blush—what’s all this about fulfilling boasts? What nonsense is this! Ah ah ah!

She gritted her teeth: “When your beloved disciple is drawing her sword to face the whole world for you, can you at least be serious if you’re not going to help?”

Shan Chong: “I am serious. What’s wrong with letting you choose a prop? The sponsors all saw yesterday’s video, and now Burton is preparing to bring me their new Custom model. We need to record a video.”

Wei Zhi: “Oh.”

Shan Chong: “Choose one.”

Wei Zhi’s head moved slightly: “Half-pipe?”

Shan Chong: “…”

Wei Zhi: “Why are you looking at me like that? Can’t you do it?”

He wasn’t that good at it.

He could play around with it.

But compared to those professionals (Backstab), he was indeed a bit lacking in this area.

Shan Chong: “Choose something else.”

Wei Zhi: “You asked me to choose, and now you’re telling me to choose something else? Why did you ask me to choose in the first place?”

The young girl was quite resentful.

The man bit his snow-white teeth, lifting the corner of his lips slightly. Realizing that the fire from Lu Xin seemed to have spread to him, he lowered his voice a bit: “Did you eat gunpowder this morning?”

Wei Zhi was about to speak when suddenly as if answering for her, her lower abdomen felt a twinge of soreness. This was followed by that special feeling of being pushed into a sticky, warm liquid, her whole body enveloped by stickiness—

She suddenly realized what was happening.

So under the man’s puzzled gaze, she stood up and said, “I’m leaving.”

Shan Chong thought she was still hung up on the half-pipe issue. He raised an eyebrow, about to say something, but the young girl had already quickly paid the bill and rushed out of the breakfast shop like a gust of wind.

The man was left alone, a bit bewildered, never imagining that one day he would be disliked for not being very good at the half-pipe.


That day, when Backstab and Lao Yan arrived at the ski resort and saw the man sitting on the left edge of the half-pipe, above the pool cliff, they both fell into silence, filled with confusion.

The half-pipe, like the large, medium, and small jumps, is a terrain-type prop. As the name suggests, it’s a U-shaped bowl-like terrain, about 180 meters long, about 20 meters wide, and about 6.7 meters deep—

In official competitions, athletes start by entering the pipe, completing five to six technical moves on both sides of the U-shaped walls over about 180 meters, and then exiting the pipe.

During the process, any landing errors, loss of speed, or other mistakes are considered invalid scores for that round, just like failing to land on a big jump.

Compared to jumps, the half-pipe appears more in traditional board sports, such as some skateboard parks also having half-pipes…

But at least in the small circle of snowboard parks, those who seriously study this are even fewer than those who do big jumps.

What’s strange is that in the snowboard half-pipe event, China has real masters—in the men’s group, there’s the world’s first athlete to complete the double cork 1080 difficulty (*the double cork 1080 was once a move that Shaun White attempted but failed; Shaun White is an American snowboarder who is a three-time Olympic half-pipe champion and is hailed as the world’s best snowboarder), and in the women’s group, there’s an athlete who won silver at the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics…

Backstab’s main training event in the professional team was also the half-pipe. For him, he believed the biggest challenge of this event was that after playing with other terrain props too much, it’s easy to misjudge the landing point when flying out of the pipe wall in the half-pipe, resulting in falling on the pool cliff and being judged as an invalid move for that round.

Shan Chong had this kind of trouble too.

He was seen going down from the left pool cliff, steadily passing the left pipe wall and the bottom of the groove on a straight board, then up the right pipe wall, doing a fs wall (*frontside wall, a basic half-pipe move, external rotation, back facing downhill, riding on the front edge), slowing down past the pool cliff, becoming airborne for about a meter, grabbing the board, rotating—

He did a simple fs cork 540 (*frontside cork, a basic terrain move, external axis rotation), and up to this point, his moves were very much like the real deal… until he flew too far and landed directly on the right pool cliff.

With a “pa” sound of the snowboard hitting the machine-pressed snow trail, the man stood steadily on the pool cliff, his back to Backstab and Lao Yan standing at the bottom of the groove, frozen.

……… A wave of bewilderment emanated from his back view.

Backstab: “…”

Lao Yan: “…”

Lao Yan thought, oh, so there’s a terrain you’re not good at.

Backstab cleared his throat and called out to the man: “Brother Chong.”

The person standing at the height turned his head at the sound, looked at the disciples standing at his feet, was silent for a moment, then came down from the pool cliff, stopped steadily in front of him, and jumped twice: “Teach me.”

The man’s voice was steady, but it didn’t prevent Backstab’s pupils from shaking for three seconds.

After exchanging glances with Lao Yan for a few seconds, he hesitantly said: “The pipe wall of the half-pipe, about half a meter or a meter down from the highest point, is already close to 90 degrees. If that part is worn out due to overuse and the angle isn’t enough, it’s easy to fly out… This is a terrain problem, I see this piece has a heavy taste of disrepair—”

He first blamed the terrain.

Then he said: “Or the force at the moment of exiting the pipe wall, sometimes it should be vertically upward or towards the inside of the pipe, depending on the specific move. For example, in your fs cork 540 just now, at the moment of exiting the pipe wall, the whole body’s force should be upward rather than diagonally upward, to maintain vertical… So why are you suddenly messing with the half-pipe at your age? Is the big jump not working out so you’re planning to switch?”

Shan Chong: “It’s not that.”

Backstab: “Oh, you scared me. The half-pipe field is already full of talents, please don’t come and squeeze in, give others a chance—”

Shan Chong: “Your little junior sister wants to see it.”

Backstab: “…”

Lao Yan: “…”

The two disciples looked at him expressionlessly.

Shan Chong, having said this, really felt a bit hurt in his pride: “I’m indeed not very good at the half-pipe, so I hesitated for a moment and asked her to choose something else. Guess what? She gave me an attitude and left.”

The two disciples continued to look at him expressionlessly.

“She already has a bad temper, it’s not enough to make her angry to death, but I’m a bit concerned about the technical blank and deficiency she discovered,” Shan Chong bent down to take off his snowboard. “Burton will send this year’s new Custom model in a few days, and I need to record a video for them…”

Shan Chong concluded: “So, let’s record it in the half-pipe.”

Backstab: “Do you think this is what we’re looking at you for?”

The man picked up the snowboard, hung it on his elbow, and turned to look at him: “What’s wrong?”

“What’s going on between you and little junior sister?”

As the man was walking towards the starting point of the half-pipe, Backstab followed behind him, “Huh? Huh? Huh? Don’t tell me it’s nothing. Me, Lao Yan, Hua Yan, Yan Yan, which one of us didn’t come before her, we all have bad tempers too, how come we’ve never seen you let us occasionally choose a dish—”

The person walking in front stopped, and Backstab stuck close behind him.

“This morning at breakfast, she argued with that Wantong Hall guy again for me, and seemed to want to break off their friendship,” the man said calmly. “I’m very pleased, and declare a general amnesty.”

“Pleased about what?”

Shan Chong thought for a moment, remembering what she said—

[I’m not good at arguing with people. Whenever I argue with someone, it irritates me.]

[But I can’t stand hearing anyone speak ill of Shan Chong]

[Not a single word.]

The man slightly narrowed his eyes… Under his hand covering his face, the corner of his lips curved imperceptibly, then quickly flattened.

Shan Chong: “Your little junior sister may have a bad temper, but she has a sweet mouth.”

Backstab: “…”

Shan Chong: “Unlike you guys.”

Backstab: “…”


Is he even complaining now?

Should we apologize to you since you now look like you’re in a group with hundreds of disciples, all wasting your youth and life?!

Backstab: “I don’t care!”

The man threw his board at the half-pipe starting point and glanced at him sideways as if to say “What don’t you care about, are you crazy?”

“When I told you about the plan to mooch off little junior sister back then, you snorted and emphasized that internal romantic relationships weren’t allowed to maintain harmony in the school because it would be troublesome if problems arose,” Backstab rattled off without taking a breath, not forgetting to step on Shan Chong’s board, in a posture that said you’re not leaving until you explain today. “This is a serious issue, I was convinced at the time, don’t tell me now that there’s a possibility of double standards.”

Shan Chong looked at him for a while.

He wanted to deny it, but when the words came to his lips, he felt it was a waste of time—why should he explain so seriously to Backstab?

“That’s different,” so he said, “I’m the group owner.”

“So what?”

“Even if we date and break up, I can kick her out of the group,” he said slowly. “Isn’t that fine?”


“Satisfied with this answer?” He lowered his eyes, “Move your foot.”


Backstab immediately took out his phone—

He recorded a video of the man sliding down into the half-pipe, practicing hard, with the caption: Hah! Men!

Click to send to Moments.

Lao Yan was the first to like it.


On the other side, when Wei Zhi returned to the hotel, she was overwhelmed by pain, as if a thousand elephants were doing a happy bunny dance across her lower abdomen.

When Jiang Nanfeng was on the phone with Lao Yan, she had just come out of the bathroom and was trying to burrow into her blanket, wrapped up, her mind full of “left right right go turn around go go go.”

She couldn’t hear Jiang Nanfeng saying beside her: “What half-pipe… Wei Zhi said? Huh? Does she even know what a half-pipe looks like, and Chong God took it seriously?”

“Jiang Nanfeng, have you seen my hand warmer?”

Wei Zhi stretched out one hand from under the covers, feeling around the bedside table, searching everywhere for her hand warmer, “Where did I put it after using it yesterday?”

Jiang Nanfeng, on the phone, ignored her: “So you’re all accompanying him jumping that thing now? Is it dangerous?… Oh, no park’s not dangerous, right?”

Wei Zhi’s hand reached from the next bed to Jiang Nanfeng’s side, feeling her stomach.

Jiang Nanfeng was startled, goosebumps rising all over: “What are you doing?”

Wei Zhi: “Stomach hurts.”

Wei Zhi: “Hand warmer.”

Jiang Nanfeng was silent for three seconds, understood, got up found the hand warmer from a pile of messy clothes and miscellaneous items, charged it, and then returned to the bedside.

Lao Yan was talking about not being able to have class today on the other end of the phone, and Jiang Nanfeng didn’t mind, it was fine to ski on her own after getting familiar with the ski resort… So she leaned over and lifted a corner of the blanket on the next bed that was bulging into a small package: “I’m going skiing, will you be okay alone?”

The young girl curled up into a ball hiding in the depths of the blanket made an “mm” sound: “If you stay, will you sing me a lullaby to make me not hurt?”


“Then you can go, I’ll be okay,” she said in a muffled voice. “Put the blanket down, I’m so cold.”

Jiang Nanfeng dropped the blanket and got up to find painkillers for her. As she was rummaging through the medicine box, she heard Lao Yan ask after a moment of silence: “What’s with Wei Zhi looking like she’s about to die?”

“Period,” saying in a merciless voice, Jiang Nanfeng found the painkillers, “So all that series of things you just mentioned, like threatening to break off friendship with Lu Xin and then openly despising Chong God, it’s all the work of the magical period… Yeah, that’s right, where would she have this kind of courage usually?”

The other end of the phone said something, and Jiang Nanfeng said again: “So her turning and leaving wasn’t because she looked down on Chong God for not being able to do the half-pipe, but because her stomach hurt and her period came suddenly, if she didn’t leave it would have been a bloodbath… Chong God’s thought process is unique, even your toes could figure out that a skier who just learned to change edges has no right to look down on someone for not being able to jump the half-pipe, right?”

Wei Zhi’s head popped out from under the blanket: “Do I need to learn how to refrigerate myself because I’m dissatisfied with the refrigerator’s freshness?”

“Shut up,” Jiang Nanfeng pressed her head and stuffed her back into the blanket, asking casually, “Do you want me to bring you something to eat at noon?”

“Beef version of Guobaorou,” Wei Zhi said, “I want to eat something sweet and sour, sweet and sour, wuwuwu.”

“What merit do you have to specify dishes—people might think you’re pregnant with a son.”

“Didn’t you ask what I wanted to eat, I said it and now you’re complaining… How are you just like that guy!” Wei Zhi’s white little paws clutched the edge of the blanket, very aggrieved, kicking the blanket hard twice, “He said to let me choose a prop to jump for me to see, what’s wrong with choosing the half-pipe, and now he’s complaining to you guys! I just want to choose the half-pipe, just like I want to eat Guobaorou!”

Seeing her quite fired up, shouting with all her might despite her stomach pain, Jiang Nanfeng made a “fine, fine” gesture indicating her to shut up quickly. She might not be able to do the half-pipe, but she could afford Guobaorou.

As the two were pulling and tugging.

The doorbell rang.

Jiang Nanfeng was still on the phone with Lao Yan, just chatting casually, she walked over to open the door while talking and found Lu Xin standing outside…

The spirited young man was holding two pieces of cake and two cups of hot coffee.

He started by saying he was afraid Wei Zhi hadn’t eaten enough in the morning, so he brought some food for her.

Jiang Nanfeng was stunned for a few seconds, turned her head, and called Wei Zhi, who responded reluctantly from the bed. She urged her: “Hurry up, someone’s looking for you.”

Lao Yan on the other end of the phone also heard a male voice speaking and asked Jiang Nanfeng who it was.

She told him it was Lu Xin, not sure what he came for…

As she was live broadcasting, she saw the young girl climb out of bed with a dejected face, one hand holding her stomach, her hair a bit messy, walking to the door in slippers.

“What’s up?”

She asked the person standing outside the door. Although she sounded a bit impatient due to her stomach pain, her tone was still relatively friendly at this point. “Feels like we didn’t finish talking this morning.”

Lu Xin stood outside the door holding the gifts, his pale face now slightly flushed. He looked at the young girl somewhat hastily, “Just wanted to talk to you a bit more.”

As he spoke, he handed her the things.

Wei Zhi hesitated for a moment, then accepted them. She habitually sniffed the cake box, then put the box aside. Standing inside the door, she said in a soft, obedient voice: “Lu Xin, can’t we talk about this tomorrow? I’m not feeling very—”

“Xiao Zhi, I think the reason I always seem to lose my temper when discussing Chong God with you is because I might like you quite a bit.”


Amidst Wei Zhi’s abruptly halted voice and gradually bewildered expression, the young man was quite direct, not beating around the bush at all.

“You might think that without any prior arrangement, why do we always meet on the magic carpet? It’s because after I ski down, I dawdle in the latter half waiting for you… Don’t you believe me? Last time when I wanted to avoid you, didn’t you not see me at all?”


“I’ve figured it out, I just really like you. You might think this is a bit sudden and that the feelings came too fast, but this is really how I feel. I think if I don’t explain clearly to you, we’ll just keep misunderstanding each other—”

Faced with this sudden confession, Wei Zhi was a bit at a loss and shocked. She thought, last time when I couldn’t find you anywhere despite searching everywhere, leaving me to pine alone, this doesn’t seem like a plus point, right? Why are you bringing it up so proudly?

And these feelings didn’t come that fast, at least I didn’t feel it.

She stood there, silent, not speaking—

Not because she agreed, but because she didn’t know what to say.

The air just froze like that.

In any case, Wei Zhi never imagined that someone would confess to her—this kind of thing seemed to have never happened again, not even close, since middle school when she received a note she thought was scolding her and tore it up without even looking at it…

Now suddenly faced with a direct confession, she was stunned.

She was a bit curious: “What do you like about me?”

After asking, she noticed Lu Xin’s face turned red. She felt a bit regretful and was about to add “I’m just curious, don’t mean anything else,” when she heard him say: “You look good, speak nicely, have a good personality, and don’t cry when you fall.”

This was the second time he complimented her looks.

Wei Zhi: “Oh.”

Wei Zhi: “Actually, I quite like crying.”

Lu Xin: “Huh?”

Wei Zhi: “It mainly depends on who I’m with.”

Lu Xin: “What do you mean?”

“I don’t like crying in front of you because the emotions aren’t there. In other words,” the young girl thought for a moment and said very seriously, “Thank you for the cake, but I only see you as a friend.”

Even this morning there was a moment when I didn’t want to be friends with you…

She swallowed these words back.

Behind the two, in the room, Jiang Nanfeng, who had seen enough of the show, calmly said to Lao Yan on the phone: “Now we know what he came for, to confess… Didn’t you say earlier that Jiji gave him the cold shoulder this morning and even threatened to break off their friendship? What’s wrong with him?”

Outside the door, Lu Xin nodded: “It’s okay, I guessed as much, but I just wanted to tell you that I like you.”

Inside the door, Jiang Nanfeng added: “Can you believe it, nowadays there are still young boys who won’t leave even when chased away… I have to say, this Lu Xin is quite cute.”


In the end, Lu Xin finally realized that the young girl leaning against the doorframe was pale and seemed to have only one breath left. He mercifully let her go, stammering that they would talk again next time.

… I’ve been wanting to say this to you for a long time.

Unfortunately, Wei Zhi didn’t even have the energy to mock him. She waved her hand, politely seeing off this suddenly assertive god who had confessed to her. She didn’t even have the spirit to be shocked anymore, her mind full of thoughts of returning to bed to sleep.

After closing the door, she crawled back to bed using both hands and feet.

Maybe because she had stayed in Xinjiang for a long time this time, the weather was cold here, and she had caught a chill or something else. This time her period pain was particularly terrible. After the previous ordeal, the elephants on her stomach hadn’t settled down but had changed from doing the bunny dance to doing the samba.

The elephants’ trunks were whipping her lower abdomen one by one.

After Jiang Nanfeng helped her take some painkillers, she wrapped herself in the blanket and lay down, shivering for about ten minutes. By the time the medicine started to take effect, she was already dozing off…

Then she heard Jiang Nanfeng say in her ear that she was leaving for the ski resort.

Nodding vaguely, she just reminded her “Guobaorou, okay,” then pulled the blanket over her head and fell into a deep sleep.

She slept for who knows how long until she was woken up again by knocking on the door. She lifted the blanket, and the fresh air that suddenly rushed into her nostrils made her cough twice—

Only then did she realize that if the person at the door had come five minutes later, they might have witnessed how a person could suffocate themselves in a blanket.

Lifting the blanket and slowly crawling up, the painkiller’s effect hadn’t worn off, her stomach didn’t hurt anymore, but her whole body felt lazy and lethargic…

Wei Zhi blinked, responded with a “Coming,” and unhurriedly moved to open the door.

The door opened with a “click,” creating a small gap. Outside in the corridor, perhaps because the window wasn’t closed tightly, a cold breeze mixed with the scent of ice and snow blew in her face, making her squint slightly.

In her blurry vision, she saw the person outside wearing a black snowsuit—her gaze moved down from his black snowsuit to his black snow pants, then to the familiar light brown Nitro ski boots…

She was stunned for a moment.

She held onto the door, her gaze moving back up, meeting the emotionless black pupils of the man outside.

“Open the door,” he said.

Wei Zhi reflexively opened the door wider, and the person outside came in.

As he passed her, the man casually stuffed something into her hand. After entering the room, he looked around, pretending not to see the messy room, and asked casually: “Does your stomach still hurt?”

“Ah,” Wei Zhi’s brain wasn’t fully awake yet, so she just stared blankly at the person who had suddenly appeared, suddenly entered, and suddenly asked a question, “Not at the moment.”

“Then hurry up and pack your things, we’re checking out tomorrow,” Shan Chong turned around and said to her, “If you want to see the half-pipe, we can go to Altay. I’ll jump for you to see.”

Wei Zhi looked at him with a bewildered expression.

The thing she was holding in her hand made a rustling sound through the kraft paper.

Feeling the cold touch through the kraft paper in her palm, she casually looked down—

She found that wrapped in the kraft paper in her palm was a candied haw stick.

… Eh?

A candied haw stick.

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