HomeSki into LoveThe fourth step in steaming buns is placing them in the steamer.

The fourth step in steaming buns is placing them in the steamer.

Commentator 1: [For some reason, contestant Shan Chong forgot to wear his helmet. Hmm, the snow season has just begun. All snow enthusiasts must wear helmets when entering the snow park, especially when jumping in the park… Although we don’t know why he could forget his helmet.]

Commentator 2: [And then he crouched down.]

Commentator 1: [Is he feeling unwell?]

Commentator 2: [We can see the staff member who brought him his helmet standing beside him, possibly urging him… No one can talk down to Shan Chong with their hands on their hips. Today is an exception.]

Commentator 1: [Are you sure that’s a staff member?]

Staff members shouldn’t be pulling contestants’ ears. Who would dare try that, especially during a national live broadcast…

As everyone knows, Shan Chong is married, and rumor has it he’s henpecked. If his wife sees this, won’t she break his legs when he gets home?

From this distance, even the big screen doesn’t show clearly what’s happening. So no one knows what they’re whispering about—

If they could hear, they’d realize this conversation is far from friendly.

“So what, you’re not competing? Wang Xin will kill me! Get up! I told you I’d tell you after the competition, and yesterday I said it was a gift… You’re acting like it’s a matter of life and death. What, did you think I’d give you divorce papers as a gift?”

“Ah, no.”

“Then what is it?”

“It’s…” The man crouching on the ground, supporting his chin with one hand, thought for a moment and said seriously with a blank expression, “It’s me being coy.”

Saying “being coy” with a cold, handsome face, giving off an “if you don’t let me be coy, I’ll hack you with a knife” aura, created a jarring contrast. Combining these elements, there probably wasn’t a woman who wouldn’t fall for this act.

Wei Zhi blinked, her face instantly turning red. The blush spread from her neck upwards, finally reaching her ears. She raised her hand and pinched her earlobe, the cool fingertips making her whole body shiver.

“Get up first.”

She squeezed these words out through gritted teeth.

“Can’t get up.”

The man’s voice remained steady.

“Don’t tell me you’re going to play that old trick of ‘I’ll only get up if you kiss me.'”

“…” The crouching man thought for a moment, shifted his bottom slightly, and said, “That works too.”


Like hell, it does.

Wei Zhi reached out to pull him up. Shan Chong had genuinely intended to stay on the ground but then worried she might fall if she failed to pull him up. So he reluctantly stood up, following her lead.

But he didn’t stand properly. Instead, he bent his waist and leaned close to her face.

Wei Zhi looked at his face, now just inches away, and reached out to put his safety helmet on properly. With a “click,” the safety buckle was fastened. He was still bending over…

Wei Zhi turned to look at the big screen, seeing her pixelated face staring blankly back at her. After three seconds of silence, she said, “This is a public place.”

“What’s there to fear,” he lowered his eyes, “Don’t we have a marriage certificate?”

He looked as if he wouldn’t move unless she did.

So after hesitating for three seconds, she steeled herself, leaned in, and kissed him on the cheek.

The man paused for a moment, turned his head to look at her deeply, then raised his hand to adjust his helmet before turning and walking towards the jump platform.

Wei Zhi watched Shan Chong until he reached the starting platform, then slowly walked back to the entrance, looking back every few steps. She didn’t think much of what had happened.

As soon as she sat down on the sofa back at the lodge, watching the live broadcast of the event, Dai Duo, sitting next to her, suddenly asked, “Are you A Zhai Taitai? What’s that?”

Wei Zhi nearly twisted her neck off as she turned her head towards him.

Dai Duo held up his phone—

On the short video platform’s live-streaming channel, the current event was being broadcast.

There weren’t many viewers, but at this moment, all the comments flooding in were from people who had come to watch for specific reasons.

Fan 1: ???? Is something wrong with my eyes? I think I saw our A Zhai Taitai on TV.

Fan 2: Oh, are you an A Zhai fan too?

Fan 3: Shocking, I thought I was the only one who became a fan because of the manga!

Fan 4: C-count me in?

Fan 5: Good heavens, the fourth wall has been broken! It is A Zhai, damn it! Didn’t she show her face on TV before?

Fan 6: Is this person out doing field research at a ski competition instead of updating the serialized manga at home?

Fan 7: Yo, insider here, vested interest, staying anonymous. It’s not field research, it’s man-hunting—your Taitai snagged our snow circle’s number one big shot. Tremble, humans.

The comments paused briefly for a few seconds.

Then they started flooding in at an even more frenzied pace.

Fan 1: Ahhhhhhh damn!!! A Zhai!!! You’ve made it!!!

Fan 2: I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me—

Fan 3: ??? Is it too late to write a figure skating novel/manga now? Or basketball? Table tennis? Diving? Swimming? Volleyball works too, where’s an opening, let me squeeze in!

Fan 4: ……… A manga artist and the top snowboard park rider, aww, this pairing is straight out of a shoujo manga!

Fan 5: A Zhai YYDS!

Fan 6: I knew normal people wouldn’t do something as outrageous as kissing in public like that. Anyone with less of a maiden’s heart wouldn’t pull off such a move.

The comments continued to roll in like a tide.

But Wei Zhi couldn’t bear to look anymore.

She raised her hand and pushed the phone away.

She picked up her phone and found the WeChat group for Shan Chong’s disciples, CK and Backstabber.

[Girl Chirp: You’re the only one with hands that can type!!!?]

[CK, Backstabber: Hahahahahahahahaha!!]

[CK, Backstabber: It’s fine, look how much more respect your readers have for you now! Respect!]

[Girl Chirp: Get lost!!!!]

Outside the competition venue.

Shan Chong stood on the starting platform, bending down to make a final adjustment to his bindings.

As agreed with Wang Xin, the first run was just to warm up, not to be too impressive and make the other competitors unhappy, so a fs cork 2160° would do.

They both felt this wasn’t particularly difficult, and other competitors could probably pull it off with some effort.

Shan Chong finished securing his bindings and set off.

Under everyone’s gaze, that tall, slender figure leaped from the jump platform with textbook-perfect form, bending his body and grabbing the board—

Amidst the admiring comments of the two on-site commentators, his movements were as smooth as flowing water. He easily completed a high-quality, visually impressive fs cork 2160°, then landed steadily at the very end of the parabolic trajectory.

The snowboard hit the ground with a “thwack”—

Commentator 1: [A high-quality regular-footed axis rotation 2160°. For Shan Chong, who was the first in the world to perform an axis rotation of 2520° in competition, we can see that this 2160° isn’t a difficult move for him. It’s not hard to imagine this result—]

Commentator 2: [Landing! Good, a very stable landing!]

As the two commentators praised him enthusiastically, the man could be seen landing on his front edge, initially stable—

But under the excited gaze of everyone, his knees seemed to lose their support. He had landed steadily, but without warning, they buckled…

Realizing something was wrong, he tried to recover with an ollie on the spot, pulling up on the board.

Then everyone watched as he fell forward.

As he hit the ground hard, the venue fell silent.

In the rest area, Wei Zhi let out an “Ah,” then an “Uh,” and saw Wang Xin rolling up his sleeves and heading out.

She stood up and took a few steps towards the door, hearing Wang Xin shouting from afar—

“I told you to keep a low profile on the first jump, did I tell you to keep such a low profile that you’d fall flat on your face?!! An axis rotation of 2160°!!! Even Dai Duo wouldn’t have landed steadily and fallen forward!!! Are you a devil?!!! A devil trying to give me a heart attack!!!!”

She pushed open the door and saw Shan Chong taking off his helmet, slowly letting out an “Ah,” and saying, “Don’t I still have two more chances?”

Wang Xin pinched the bridge of his nose.

Shan Chong turned his head and suddenly said out of nowhere, “You know what?”

Wang Xin: “Know what! I don’t know anything!!!!”

Shan Chong: “My wife is pregnant.”

Wei Zhi: “…”

Wang Xin: “…”

Wang Xin: “Oh, that I do know.”

Shan Chong held his safety helmet, thought for a moment, then turned his head to stare at him: “How do you know?”

Wang Xin: “Not only do I know, guess if your parents know? Shan Shan probably knows too, and oh my, Shan Shan might have told Dai Duo, so Dai Duo knows as well.”

Shan Chong: “…”

Wang Xin: “Are you furious now?”

Shan Chong thought for a moment, nodded, and said, “Mm.”

Wang Xin: “Then I’m happy.”

Shan Chong: “…”

After the first jump and before the second one began, Shan Chong disappeared.

As the competitors before his second jump were almost finished, Wang Xin was searching everywhere for his star athlete.

“Is he angry with you?” Wang Xin asked.

“He won’t be angry with me,” Wei Zhi said, trying to keep the peace, “He wasn’t born with the ability to be angry with me.”

Wang Xin thought about it. Indeed, the last person in the world to know he was going to be a father, after declaring he was furious, had returned to the rest area and, without a word, first hugged his wife and kissed her.

She asked him why he fell, and he very good-naturedly said he had been distracted and lost his balance.

She said, don’t get distracted on the next jump, it’s too dangerous.

He said, okay, sorry.

…… This must be what the early Ice Age wolf-dogs looked like when they were first domesticated by humans.

“Then is he angry with me?” Wang Xin asked again.

Wei Zhi honestly said, “It’s possible.”

The middle-aged coach began anxiously pacing in circles again, using WeChat to mobilize everyone he could to find Shan Chong. Watching the coach frantically moving around the rest area, Wei Zhi felt his hairline had receded a few millimeters.

Then, just as the second-to-last person before Shan Chong had finished their jump, he appeared—

The man, who had disappeared for such a short time, now returned holding a large bag of White Rabbit milk candies. He first came back to give Wei Zhi a handful, stuffing them into her pocket.

Then, along the way, he gave candies to everyone he passed, everyone he saw, everyone willing to interact with him.

Wang Xin watched him as if he were looking at a lunatic, too stunned to even think of stopping him.

They watched as he distributed candies from the rest area to the jump platform. Every staff member and competitor on the starting platform received a few White Rabbit milk candies personally handed out by the cold and indifferent Shan Chong.

Everyone held the white, sweet milk candies in bewilderment as they heard the man tirelessly repeat the same phrase: “It’s nothing, just some good news.”

Then, after he completed his second jump, a triple cork 1800°, landing steadily under Wang Xin’s death stare, almost everyone thought the good news he mentioned was that he was about to win another gold medal.

Until that day, after the competition, when people flooded the man’s short video platform to congratulate him on winning first place again, they discovered he had updated his account after a long absence—

The familiar voice of an older man from Northeast China.

[My wife is pregnant, and I was the last to know.]

Then came the footage of him falling on his first jump today.

[I was so shocked my legs went weak.]

Then a screenshot of a WeChat group conversation—

Shan Chong: Did you all know my wife is pregnant?

Family members answer in turn.

Shan Shan: Did your sister-in-law tell you?

Shan’s mother: That’s perfect, I’m out looking at cribs. Which color do you think is suitable?

Shan’s father: Aren’t you in a competition? Focus on that.

[When I was so shocked my legs went weak, my mom was already shopping for cribs.]

Three seconds of black and white footage.

[So annoying.]

Three seconds of an image: White Rabbit milk candies.

[But I still gave candies to all the on-site competitors and staff, because my wife said that a man only learns to be patient and grow up when he becomes a father.]

Three seconds of black and white footage.

[I’m a man now, heh.]

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