HomeSpring BanquetChapter 33: Life and Death Unknown

Chapter 33: Life and Death Unknown

The quiet words fell into his ears like a thunderbolt on flat ground, catching Chengxu completely off guard.

Chengxu drew in a sharp breath, stunned for a good while before finding his voice again. “I… I will go at once!”

Lord Ziyang, who had always been indifferent to everything, unexpectedly moved to such anger for a woman? After his shock, Chengxu felt a twinge of admiration. It’s not easy! The old iron tree that had lived for over twenty years had finally blossomed, and it was worth letting everyone from the Jiang family come and see!

With that thought, he hurried out of the room in a rush.

Huaiyu lay dazed on the bed, hearing voices around her but unable to make out what was being said clearly. In her haze, she felt someone turning her over, and then there was a gentle tug on her back, causing a sudden, searing pain.

“Ah—” she moaned in pain, struggling to lift her eyelids.

Lingxiu stood beside her bed, holding half of her inner garment in her hand, tears streaming down her cheeks like broken beads. When she saw Huaiyu open her eyes, her tears flowed even harder. “Miss…”

“Why are you crying again?” Huaiyu murmured hazily to her. “I’m fine… don’t cry…”

Fine? Lingxiu shook her head frantically, and opened her mouth, but found her throat too choked to speak. Stomping her feet in frustration, she burst into even louder sobs.

Jiang Xuanjin had initially turned away from the bed to give them privacy, but at the sound of Lingxiu’s crying, he thought something had gone wrong with the person on the bed, and swiftly turned his head back.

The person on the bed lay face down, half of their clothing removed, the fabric on their back stuck with blood, revealing a patch of mottled bruising and unclear flesh.

Such severe injuries on her back?! Jiang Xuanjin felt a shock in his chest, finding it hard to believe. What kind of people were in the Bai Manor that they could inflict such serious harm on her?

Li Huaiyu’s pupils dilated, her breath weak and intermittent as she faintly spoke to Lingxiu, “It’s just a superficial wound… I didn’t let them off easy… don’t worry…”

Seeing her condition, Jiang Xuanjin frowned. Ignoring any impropriety, he took Lingxiu’s place and said to her, “Go find the female physician.”

Still crying, Lingxiu took a moment to react, then nodded vigorously and ran out.

Once she had disappeared, Li Huaiyu struggled to move her eyes and fixed them on the person beside her.

“You…” Despite being near death, Huaiyu still had the mind to tease him. “Your face looks so awful… are you feeling sorry for me?”

In this state, she could still say such nonsense. Jiang Xuanjin was incredulous. “No!”

With a disgruntled pout, Huaiyu murmured, “So heartless…”

Jiang Xuanjin’s face hardened with frustration. He was about to ask her what had happened to lead to this, when suddenly the person on the bed seemed to slump, their eyes closing abruptly.

Startled, he immediately reached out to feel her breath.

She still had a pulse.

A wave of relief washed over him, followed by a rush of frantic heartbeats. Jiang Xuanjin glanced down and wondered if he might be suffering from some heart condition; nothing had seemed quite right all day.

“Your Highness.” Lingxiu returned shortly after going out, her voice urgent. “They said the household’s physician is with the madam and can’t come!”

Upon hearing this, Jiang Xuanjin’s expression turned cold.

While punishments could be justified, withholding the physician despite knowing how severely Bai Zhuji was injured was a blatant attempt to endanger her life. How could the esteemed wife of the censor be so heartless as to stoop to this level of cruelty?

Taking off his waist pendant and handing it to her along with his purse, Jiang Xuanjin instructed, “Take these and go outside the manor to find a physician. Use the side gate and do not inform the Lady of the Bai Family.”


The physician summoned from outside the manor arrived much quicker than the one from within, but upon seeing the person on the bed, she never once relaxed her brows.

“I must first remove the girl’s clothes and prepare warm water. If the manor has clean salt, bring some as well,” she instructed.

Lingxiu complied, while Jiang Xuanjin stood nearby, unable to resist asking, “Is it serious?”

The physician sighed. “This is more than serious. It’s a miracle this girl is still alive. Look at her pulse; she must have had previous illnesses, compounded now by these severe injuries. Her whole being is weakened. I have little confidence in her recovery.”

Jiang Xuanjin hesitated, furrowing his brow. “Tell me what herbs you need.”

“It’s beyond herbs at this point…” The physician sighed again, glancing at his expression helplessly. “Let me write a prescription to sustain her for now.”

“Very well.”

After taking the prescription, Jiang Xuanjin turned back to the bedside. He looked at her pallid face, thought for a moment, then reached out and took her hand, placing his sandalwood prayer beads, which he always wore, gently on her wrist.

At the hour of the monkey, the sun set behind the mountains.

Ba Dezhong ng had finally finished his affairs at the court and returned home in his sedan chair. Just as he stepped through the gates of his mansion, a servant from the eastern wing hurried over to him. “Master, you must come and see Madam!”

“What has happened to Madam?” Ba Dezhong ng asked, puzzled.

The servant led the way, shaking his head as they walked. “It’s hard to explain, Master. You’ll understand when you reach the eastern wing.”

Ba Dezhong ng followed, inwardly reproaching Madam Bai Mengshi for always being so secretive.

However, upon reaching the entrance of the main house in the eastern wing, he immediately understood why the servant had hesitated.

The usually tidy room was in utter disarray. Tables and chairs were overturned, and exquisite porcelain that had adorned the place lay shattered everywhere. Bronze incense burners and silver phlegm basins were twisted and dented on the ground, with even some bloodstains visible on the walls.

Frowning deeply, Ba Dezhong ng exclaimed, “Has there been a burglary?”

Bai Mengshi emerged from a side hall, crying as she knelt before him with a handkerchief pressed to her face. “Master, you must make a decision for me!”

“What exactly happened?” Ba Dezhong ng helped her up. “What decision do you need me to make?”

Wiping her tears, Bai Mengshi choked out, “All this you see is because of Zhuji! She didn’t return all night yesterday, sneaking back only this morning. I was angry at her lack of self-respect and wanted to punish her to teach her a lesson. Who would have thought she would defy discipline, not only injuring a servant but also smashing everything in my room!”

Ba Dezhong ng listened in shock. “Is this true?”

“All the evidence is here. Would I lie?” Bai Mengshi sighed. “Initially, I pitied Zhuji for losing her engagement and didn’t want to be too harsh. I planned to discipline her for a few days to make her reflect. But who knew she would show no remorse, seek support from others, and then arrogantly leave!”

Ba Dezhong ng’s anger flared. “Who dares to support her?”

At this question, Bai Mengshi hesitated for a moment, unable to answer.

“Madam, there’s more to what Miss Fourth has done! She also stole Miss Second’s dowry. When confronted, she showed no shame. Instead, she threatened to steal all of Miss Second’s dowry!”

“What nonsense is this?” Ba Dezhong ng’s vision darkened with anger. He no longer cared about who supported whom. He reached into his sleeve and pulled out a hardwood ruler, shouting furiously, “Where is she now?”

“In the western wing,” replied Madam Bai Mengshi.

Ba Dezhong ng turned and stormed off, his rage reaching its peak. He had always been disciplined himself, and he had dedicated himself to teaching his children to uphold values of propriety, righteousness, and integrity. He didn’t expect them to achieve great success; he only wished for them to discern right from wrong. Yet here he was, raising an arrogant and lawless bandit.

Bai Zhuji had not returned all night, and already irritated, Ba Dezhong ng’s fury only intensified upon hearing Madam Bai’s words. He wished he could turn back time and erase Bai Zhuji from existence.

He rushed to the western wing, barging into the room to find Bai Zhuji sleeping on the bed.

Sleeping, of all things!

Consumed by anger, Ba Dezhong ng entered the room without acknowledging anyone else present. He raised the ruler and swung it towards the figure on the bed.

“Master!” Lingxiu exclaimed in shock.

Ignoring her, Ba Dezhong ng was beyond reason. No one could stop him now. He swung the ruler forcefully, intending to deliver justice!

However, in a split second, someone beside the bed swiftly turned and blocked the blow. The three-foot hardwood ruler landed in that person’s hand with a clear, resonating sound.


Everyone in the room gasped in shock.

Ba Dezhong ng stared in astonishment at the hand that caught the ruler, then slowly raised his gaze to the face of the person who intervened.

“Lord Bai,” Jiang Xuanjin’s expression was grim. He pushed the other end of the ruler aside and tucked it back into his sleeve, asking calmly, “What are you doing?”

“Your Highness?!” Ba Dezhong ng took two steps back upon realizing who it was, momentarily thinking he had entered the wrong place. But as he glanced around—the room’s furnishings, the view outside, and even Lingxiu standing nearby—all confirmed that he was indeed in Zhuji’s room.

It was late evening, almost nightfall, and here was Lord Ziyang still in another family’s daughter’s room?!

Ba Dezhong ng’s suppressed anger surged back up. He looked at Jiang Xuanjin in disbelief, feeling both exasperated and furious. “I thought Your Highness was a man of etiquette and principles. I never expected you to commit such a breach of privacy!”

Jiang Xuanjin frowned at him. In an instant, he understood why Bai Mengshi dared to treat Bai Zhuji so severely. Ba Dezhong ng, this old man, clearly didn’t care much about Bai Zhuji’s life.

“Your Highness,” the timid voice of the physician handed him the medicine, “We need to act quickly, there’s no time to waste.”

Upon hearing this urgency, Jiang Xuanjin brushed aside Ba Dezhong ng’s presence and took the medicine, instructing Lingxiu promptly, “Help your mistress.”

“Yes!” Lingxiu hurried to the bedside, carefully positioning Li Huaiyu to ease the administration of the medicine.

It was then that Ba Dezhong ng finally noticed the pale, almost lifeless figure on the bed, and the heavy scent of blood in the room.

“What happened?” He was bewildered.

Lingxiu clenched her teeth, “Madam nearly beat Miss half to death. She’s badly injured all over. My lord, despite all this, you still want to snuff out her last breath? She’s your own daughter! How can you be so heartless?”

Startled by this revelation, Ba Dezhong ng exclaimed, “Madam beat her?”

Pausing for a moment, he furrowed his brows, “With so many wrongdoings, she deserved it!”

With his patience finally wearing thin, Jiang Xuanjin glared coldly at Ba Dezhong ng and shouted, “Yufeng!”

Yufeng had already arrived at the Bai residence upon hearing the news from the Jiang residence. Upon hearing the command, he drew his Emei dagger.

“What are you doing?” Ba Dezhong ng’s voice turned stern, “This is the Bai residence! Your Highness oversteps his bounds and now you plan to defy your host?”

Ignoring Ba Dezhong ng completely, Jiang Xuanjin ordered Yufeng, “Clear out all unnecessary persons from this courtyard. Guard the entrance and let no one in without my command, not even a fly.”

“Yes!” Yufeng acknowledged, pushing his Emei dagger forward, gesturing Ba Dezhong ng to leave.

Did the term “unnecessary persons” include him? Ba Dezhong ng was furious as he stepped out of the room, turning back to declare, “Jiang Xuanjin, you’ve gone too far! Tomorrow morning, I will report this to the court!”

Setting down the empty medicine bowl, Jiang Xuanjin rose to his feet and walked to the doorway, gripping the door cord as he stared out at the visibly enraged man, “Feel free to report as you wish, I will be waiting for His Highness’s summons.”

After finishing speaking, he swung the door shut, shutting out all the noisy voices outside.

Inside the room, everyone was so scared that they didn’t dare to make a sound. The medical woman nervously arranged the herbs brought by the imperial wind, while Lingxiu hurriedly went to check on Huaiyu who was lying on the bed.

At first glance, she couldn’t help but exclaim, “Miss Huaiyu!”

The person on the bed frowned deeply. Her face, which had been pallid just moments ago, had suddenly turned abnormally red. Her mouth was slightly open, her body twitching like a fish thrown onto a stone floor. Even though her skin had been treated with fine medicine, blood was now seeping through.

Jiang Xuanjin tightened his jaw and quickly strode over, reaching out to feel her forehead.

It was burning hot!

Taking a deep breath, he turned to the medical woman. “She has a high fever.”

Upon hearing this, the medical woman hurriedly put down what she was holding and went over to check her pulse again, her expression suddenly becoming grave.

“What’s wrong?” Jiang Xuanjin looked at her.

The medical woman sighed, pointing outside the door with her hand, then stood up and walked out. Jiang Xuanjin understood and followed her, closing the door behind them.

“I’ll be direct,” the medical woman whispered as the door closed, “this young lady’s internal and external injuries are severe, especially to her spleen and lungs. If the high fever doesn’t subside and if she doesn’t respond to the medicinal herbs soon, I’m afraid…”

She didn’t finish her sentence. Jiang Xuanjin understood as well. His face remained calm, but he subtly tightened the cuffs of his sleeves.

The medical woman sighed, “Let me go fetch some fever-reducing medicine for her. Your Highness, please find some wine and water for someone to clean her body. Whether she can make it through this ordeal depends on her destiny.”

“Alright.” He replied quietly as he watched the medical woman leave, lingering at the door for a while.

The night was cool and tranquil like water, with all parts of the Bai Mansion already asleep and dark, except for this brightly lit room in the west courtyard. Jiang Xuanjin reached out and caught a glimpse of the light seeping through the door crack, pursing his lips as he sighed softly.

Upon returning inside, he had Lingxiu fetch half a jar of wine and then wring a cloth to gently wipe Huaiyu’s face and limbs. He repeated this for an hour without the slightest hint of annoyance.

When the medical woman’s medicine finally arrived, Jiang Xuanjin finally stopped his ministrations.

“Give it to her.” The medical woman gestured, “Be careful not to touch her wounds.”

Lingxiu nodded and lifted Huaiyu up. Jiang Xuanjin cooled the medicine slightly and spoon-fed it to her bit by bit.

However, this time, Huaiyu couldn’t swallow the medicine. She frowned and spit it all out. Jiang Xuanjin’s expression darkened as he decisively stopped using the spoon and instead lifted the bowl, holding her mouth shut and pouring the medicine in.

Although she still managed to spit out a fair amount, she swallowed some as well. After finishing the bowl of medicine, Jiang Xuanjin held her for another half hour, gradually calming her down until she stopped convulsing.

As the night grew deeper, the noise outside the courtyard gradually faded away. Lingxiu anxiously glanced at the time and then at Lord Ziyang sitting motionless by the bed. Unable to restrain herself, she whispered, “Your Highness, you should rest in the guest room. I’ll watch over her here.”

Jiang Xuanjin didn’t move, merely changing the cloth and continuing to wipe her face. He casually asked her, “What does Miss Huaiyu usually eat in the mansion?”

Lingxiu was puzzled by his question but answered truthfully, “Normally, she has plain congee and small dishes for breakfast, two vegetarian dishes and a bowl of rice for lunch, similar to dinner.”

She continued in a flurry, “People in the mansion are all high and mighty. They know the Madam doesn’t favor our Miss. She’s treated unfairly in food, clothing, and expenses. When Miss was still foolish, they even made fun of her behind my back and bullied her. Now that she’s finally regained her senses, they find every way to deduct her monthly allowance. Miss is living a truly difficult life!”

Jiang Xuanjin listened quietly, casting a glance at the person on the bed, then murmured, “I thought… I truly misjudged her.”

Back then, when she claimed she couldn’t eat well or dress warmly in the Bai Mansion, he had thought she was lying to manipulate his sympathy. Yet, it turned out to be true, something he had refused to believe. Did all those lies he had assumed she told him over this time also contain neglected truths of her sincerity?

As this thought arose, countless fragments of her words echoed in his mind:

“Are you stupid? When a young lady offers to compensate you, it’s a way to flirt with you. Who cares if she actually needs to compensate or not!”

“I won’t let go. Don’t say these useless words.”

“In my eyes, naturally, you are the most important.”

Jiang Xuanjin furrowed his brow, instinctively trying to shake off these voices. However, the softest and most heartfelt sentence lingered stubbornly in his ears.

“I want to be with you. Year after year, I hope we can meet often.”

Her voice was like a warbler’s, with a teasing little hook at the end, tickling his heart.

Feeling a warmth in his chest, Jiang Xuanjin felt his throat tighten. He lowered his head and looked again, seeing the smiling face that had filled his ears and eyes gradually fade away, leaving the person on the bed still weak and pale.

He suddenly tightened the cloth in his hand.

“Your Highness?” Lingxiu startled, looking at him with confusion.

Momentarily taken aback, he realized he had lost composure and slowly lowered his gaze. “It’s nothing.”

The restlessness in his chest gradually settled. Jiang Xuanjin reached out again to feel Huaiyu’s forehead.

The fever still hadn’t subsided.

Feeling a weight in his heart, he turned to the medical woman. “Come and take a look at her.”

The medical woman, who had been dozing at the table, snapped back to attention and hurried over to check Huaiyu’s pulse again. Her lips turned pale at the result.

“How is she?” Jiang Xuanjin asked.

After hesitating for a while, the medical woman struggled to say four words, “It’s up to fate.”

Jiang Xuanjin heard this, bowed his head to look at the person on the bed, his brows furrowed tightly. He reached out and brushed the Buddhist beads she wore on her wrist, beads that had been with him for many years, and muttered softly, “Even if it’s fate, it should favor you a bit.”

As Lingxiu listened to his words, she looked at him in astonishment, feeling an inexplicable tightness in her nose.

After Ba Dezhong ng left the west courtyard and returned to Bai Mengshi’s side, despite his initial anger at Jiang Xuanjin’s domineering behavior, he began to feel that something wasn’t right. So he asked Bai Mengshi, “Did you hit Zhuji?

Bai Mengshi paused for a moment, then continued with a tone of grievance, “Didn’t I already explain? I wanted to teach her a lesson, so I instructed them to administer family discipline. But the punishment wasn’t severe at all. Who would actually dare to truly strike her? Please don’t believe those deceptive appearances!”

“What about Lord Ziyang?” Ba Dezhong ng frowned. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier that he was protecting Zhuji?”

Bai Mengshi felt even more aggrieved. “As for Lord Ziyang’s identity, he doesn’t give me any face at all. How could I dare to report him?”

Indeed, Lord Ziyang didn’t give anyone any face. Not just Bai Mengshi, he didn’t show any respect even to him.

After thinking it over, Ba Dezhong ng realized that Bai Mengshi’s explanation made sense. Despite his anger, he decided to wash up and rest. He planned to present a petition early the next morning.

However, after a good night’s sleep and walking towards the morning court session, Ba Dezhong ng hesitated again.

Yesterday, Lord Ziyang showed no hint of guilt on his face and carried himself with righteousness. He didn’t seem like someone burdened by a guilty conscience. Before leaving, he even expressed no fear of Ba Dezhong ng reporting him to the emperor, stating he would await the emperor’s summons.

Could there be more to this situation that he didn’t know?

Standing in the court assembly, stealing a glance at the emperor sitting on the dragon throne, Ba Dezhong ng hesitated repeatedly. Ultimately, he decided to swallow the petition he had prepared.

The attendance at court today was unexpectedly sparse, and the court session ended after just an hour. Ba Dezhong ng swiftly left the palace, thinking that if Jiang Xuanjin remained in the west courtyard without explanation today, he would go to speak with Jiang’s elderly father.

However, as soon as he stepped into the Bai Mansion, Ba Dezhong ng was startled by the scene inside.

Red silk-covered dowry palanquins lined up from the entrance to the main hall. At a glance, it looked like a blazing red dragon.

“Master!” The gatekeeper approached with a joyful expression, bowing respectfully. “You’ve returned. Everyone from the Jiang family is waiting in the main hall!”

Ba Dezhong ng blinked slightly, lightly tapping his forehead. He chided himself for being so distracted, forgetting that today was the day the Jiangs were coming to finalize the engagement. Xuanji’s marriage arrangements were paramount now, and other matters could wait until later.

Gathering himself, he composed his demeanor and stepped into the main hall.

Bai Mengshi was already standing there, and with a glance at the abundance of red decorations filling the hall, joy lit up his face.

The dowry gifts determined how highly the bride’s family regarded the marriage. Xuanji had truly brought honor to their family, as evidenced by the sixty-four palanquins prepared by the Jiangs. Just from the edges visible beneath the red silk, one could tell the weight and grandeur concealed beneath.

The Bai relatives standing behind her expressed their envy. “Xuanji has married well. She wasn’t raised in vain!”

Bai Mengshi heard this and felt even happier, though she maintained a modest demeanor, covering her smile with her hand. “The dowry is secondary. The main thing is that Xuanji can marry a good husband.”

Several relatives praised her, elevating Bai Mengshi to cloud nine.

The Jiang family members sat quietly in their designated seats, sipping tea without saying a word.

As Ba Dezhong ng entered, he didn’t pay much attention at first. He greeted Jiang Chong, who was seated at the front, with a bow. “My apologies for the delay, honored family and guests.”

Jiang Chong stood up but didn’t acknowledge the term “honored family.” Instead, he clasped his hands and said, “Mr. Bai serves the country diligently; it’s only fitting for us to wait.”

Ba Dezhong ng was taken aback, smiling politely but sensing something amiss. His gaze swept to the side, and he froze on the spot.

Old Master Jiang sat on the guest seat with his dragon-headed cane. Beside him was the smiling Jiang Shen, and behind them stood a row of Jiang’s uncles and relatives, each one a prominent figure in the court.

No wonder the morning court was deserted today—why had all these people gathered here?!

Despite his inner shock, Ba Dezhong ng forced himself to remain calm. He bowed respectfully to Old Master Jiang. “To have Old Master personally visit our mansion, I am truly honored and humbled!”

Old Master Jiang smiled kindly and looked at him. “Please, sit down, honored family member.”

Glancing nervously at the people behind Old Master Jiang, Ba Dezhong ng stiffly took his seat, only daring to occupy half of it and sitting ramrod straight.

Old Master Jiang continued, “Today, I am here for the formal engagement.”

Ba Dezhong ng nodded, bowing again. “According to custom, General Jiang’s presence alone would have sufficed. Your visit today makes me feel inadequate in the manner of hospitality.”

Old Master Jiang chuckled and shook his head. “I am merely following the customs. Please don’t feel uneasy; your mansion’s hospitality is impeccable.”

What did he mean by that? Ba Dezhong ng was somewhat bewildered, and Bai Mengshi behind him was also confused.

According to custom, shouldn’t it be the groom’s father who comes to finalize the engagement? Why was Old Master Jiang here for Jiang Yan’s marriage? Furthermore, didn’t General Jiang just misspoke earlier? Why did he refer to Ba Dezhong ng as “Mr.” instead of addressing him as a family member like Old Master Jiang did?

Before they could fully grasp the situation, Old Master Jiang spoke again, “Is my son Xuanjin still troubling your mansion?”

Ba Dezhong ng’s expression soured slightly at the mention of this. “Your Highness is likely still at the Western Pavilion.”

“Very well,” nodded the old master, then turned to Jiang Chong. “Go and fetch him.”

Bai Mengshi, seeing the situation, hurriedly interjected, “With so many members of the Jiang family here today for Xuanji’s wedding matters, it’s already quite a gathering. Why disturb Your Highness further?”

Glancing at her, the old master smiled, “If it weren’t for Miss Bai’s wedding, I wouldn’t be sitting here today.”

With these words, Ba Dezhong ng finally seemed to catch on to something. He looked at the Jiang family members in astonishment, and opened his mouth as if to say something, but found his thoughts too absurd to articulate.

Bai Mengshi, still puzzled, furrowed her brow, finding the whole conversation inexplicable. In the hall, the Bai family members whispered to each other, discussing the situation.

In the Western Pavilion’s chamber,

Jiang Xuanjin had spent the night without sleep, yet the person on the bed hadn’t shown signs of waking. His eyes, dark as night, remained fixed on the physician taking the pulse, growing increasingly restless. He moved forward, intending to check the person’s breathing once more. However, before he could, the chamber door swung open.

“Master,” Yufeng entered, bowing and delivering the message. “The old master requests your presence in the main hall. The eldest son is waiting for you outside the courtyard gate.”

He’s asking for him. Presumably, Ba Dezhong ng had returned home after the morning court session. Jiang Xuanjin pursed his lips, glancing at the person in bed. His hand hovered just an inch from her breath, contemplating. Eventually, he sighed and gently tucked the covers around her.

“I’ll attend to other matters first,” he said as he rose and turned to Lingxiu. “Take good care of your mistress. If anything happens, come and inform me.”

Lingxiu nodded repeatedly.

Taking the clean outer robe handed over by Yufeng, Jiang Xuanjin changed clothes, washed his face with cold water, and went out to find Jiang Chong. The two of them headed towards the main hall. Just as they stepped over the threshold, they heard the old master’s stern voice: “What kind of manners are these!”

Everyone was startled, unsure whom he was scolding. Jiang Xuanjin, however, conscientiously stepped forward and bowed his head before him. “I have been disrespectful, Father.”

“So you realize your disrespect?” The old master glared directly at him. “On the day of the betrothal, as someone about to marry into the family, you arrive later than your prospective in-laws?”

The previously bustling main hall instantly quieted as if everyone had suddenly died.

Ba Dezhong ng’s eyes widened, as did those of Bai Mengshi. Behind them, all the members of the Bai family stood dumbfounded in place. Some even rubbed their ears in disbelief, suspecting they were dreaming.

Who was the prospective groom? Lord Ziyang? Could this old master have become confused?

Amidst the shock, Jiang Xuanjin remained calm. He turned and addressed Ba Dezhong ng calmly, “I apologize for my tardiness, sir.”

Ba Dezhong ng: “…”

Although Jiang Xuanjin was younger in age and seniority, his identity spoke for itself, always referred to as “this prince.” Hearing him call himself “junior” inexplicably made Ba Dezhong ng feel uneasy.

“What’s going on here?” Bai Mengshi’s composure faltered. She frowned at Jiang Xuanjin and then turned to the old master behind her. “Wasn’t today supposed to be about Jiang’s young master coming to propose to Xuanji on behalf of the Jiang family? How did it turn into Lord Ziyang seeking marriage?”

Leaning on his cane, the old master chuckled. “We invited so many from both families today precisely to clarify this matter and prevent future gossip. Xuanjin is older than Yan’er, so naturally his marriage should come first. Today, with everyone from the Jiang residence present, it’s to show Mr. Bai our sincerity and reassure him about giving his daughter to Xuanjin.”

Listening to this, Ba Dezhong ng was deeply shocked—not by the sincerity of the Jiang family, but by the revelation that Lord Ziyang truly intended to marry into his family.

“How many in the court would want to be related to Lord Ziyang? Even Qi Ge Lao is willing to offer his legitimate daughter to him as a concubine, but he hasn’t spared a glance at such a stunning beauty. How did he set his sights on Bai Zhuji?”

If it hadn’t been for yesterday’s incident, Ba Dezhong ng might have naïvely thought that Lord Ziyang was interested in Xuanji. But after yesterday’s events… If he still didn’t know whom Lord Ziyang wanted to marry, he might as well have lived these forty-plus years in vain!

Bai Mengshi thought of this too; her face turned from red to pale in an instant. She glared at Jiang Xuanjin, her fingernails digging into her flesh.

“He wants to marry Bai Zhuji? How could he marry Bai Zhuji? Even if Xuanji marries Jiang Yan, it’s still a high match. What right does that fool have to marry Lord Ziyang? If this happens, will Xuanji have to call her ‘aunt’ in the future? It’s simply absurd!”

Angered beyond restraint, Bai Mengshi disregarded etiquette and spoke urgently, “This cannot be!”

Before Ba Dezhong ng could respond, it was the womenfolk who spoke up first. Jiang’s old master frowned, displeased, and gave her a stern look before asking in a deep voice, “Why can’t it be?”

Bai Mengshi was flustered, both angry and anxious as she stepped forward and asked, “Does the old master know whom His Highness intends to marry?”

“Naturally,” he nodded, “Miss Bai Zhuji, your fourth daughter.”

“If you know that, then surely the old master also knows that Bai Zhuji has been foolish and of questionable character for many years! Marrying her off to the young master is already inappropriate, so how can she marry His Highness?” Bai Mengshi shook her head repeatedly. “Please, old master, think twice!”

Her words were harsh, inadvertently stepping on Jiang Yan’s dignity. Jiang Chong glanced at her and immediately frowned.

“How dare you!” Ba Dezhong ng sensed the gravity of the situation and rebuked her, “This is not the place for you to speak!”

“His Highness is the pillar of the country; his marriage naturally cannot be taken lightly. Even if the old master punishes me today, I must clarify things and not let her deceive His Highness!” Bai Mengshi maintained a righteous stance, “Every word I say is true. Bai Zhuji not only has a habit of theft but also stays out all night, tarnishing her reputation and making her unfit for a noble marriage!”

In other families, when marrying off daughters, they were eager to speak well to ChengXu being looked down upon by the in-laws. However, the Bai family was different; they spoke a few words as soon as the marriage proposal was made, and the family leader immediately wanted to pour dirty water on the daughter to be married.

Jiang Xuanjin looked up at her frustrated appearance and smiled slightly, “Every word is true?”

Facing his gaze, Bai Mengshi felt a little guilty but nodded forcefully, “Yes. Everyone in the mansion knows! Bai Zhuji, out of vanity, stole the dowry prepared for her second sister to wear. I saw it myself yesterday. She hasn’t returned home all night!”

“Stole her second sister’s dowry?” Jiang Xuanjin thought for a moment, “Is Madam Bai referring to the jewelry that Miss Four wore yesterday?”

“Yes!” Bai Mengshi said firmly, “Those were all prepared by me for my second daughter. I checked them and couldn’t be wrong.”

With a sneer, Jiang Xuanjin took out a gold-threaded hairpin adorned with pearls, “Madam Bai, take a look at this. Isn’t this also part of the dowry for Miss Second?”

This was left behind by Bai Zhuji in the Mo Residence and brought to the Bai Mansion by Yufeng. He had planned to return it to her once she woke up, but unexpectedly, it came in handy.

Bai Mengshi glanced at the hairpin in his hand and found its craftsmanship similar to those of Bai Zhuji. She immediately nodded, “Yes! This one too!”

Putting away the hairpin, Jiang Xuanjin nodded, “That makes things easier. This hairpin is from Canghai Yizhu Ge. The manager of Canghai Yizhu Ge, Mr. Lu, lives next door. If Madam Bai insists that these items were prepared as dowry for Miss Second, we can simply invite Mr. Lu over. A few questions will clarify everything.”

Upon hearing this, Bai Mengshi’s face turned pale. She then angrily retorted, “Are you suggesting that I’m lying?”

This was a defensive response born of embarrassment and anger. Normally, such a retort would intimidate most people into offering placating words like “That’s not what I meant.”

However, Jiang Xuanjin was not one to save face.

“You are indeed lying,” he frowned, his expression growing even colder. “The jewelry worn by Miss Four was gifted by Mr. Lu from Canghai Yizhu Ge. Yet you falsely claimed it was stolen by Miss Bai Er as her dowry. As the head of the Bai family, you dare slander a junior in public?”

Unexpectedly, the lie was exposed on the spot. Bai Mengshi was suddenly embarrassed, unable to stand firm. She stammered a few words, her embarrassment evident for all to see.

Her current demeanor made Ba Dezhong ng feel ashamed just looking at her. He angrily rebuked, “How dare you speak such nonsense here!”

“Madam…” Bai Mengshi gritted her teeth, brazenly refusing to admit fault, “I haven’t lied! His Highness intends to protect Bai Zhuji! Even if those jewels were obtained elsewhere, the fact remains she doesn’t come home at night! An unmarried girl staying overnight at someone else’s house— who knows what might happen!”

“You’re making a scene!” Ba Dezhong ng finally couldn’t stay seated, rising to deliver a slap across Bai Mengshi’s face, causing her to stagger back a few steps, clutching her face and leaning against the table. Her eyes turned increasingly resentful, “I spoke the truth for the good of our Bai family. If His Highness impulsively marries Zhuji and later finds something amiss, won’t he blame our family?”

Her words carried a malicious intent, insinuating Bai Zhuji’s impurity. Spoken in front of both families’ elders, it seemed she had little concern for Bai Zhuji’s reputation.

The Jiang family exchanged glances, silent for a moment. Suddenly, Jiang’s old master stood up and bowed slightly to Ba Dezhong ng.

Ba Dezhong ng quickly reached out to support him, frowning, “This gesture is unnecessary, Old Master Jiang!”

“I should perform this gesture,” Jiang’s old master sighed, “As Madam Bai said, it’s indeed inappropriate for an unmarried girl to stay overnight at another’s house.”

Bai Mengshi was overjoyed, thinking her words had finally made an impact.

However, the old master continued, “Moreover, Xuanjin has always been a person of integrity. Knowing it wouldn’t be good for Miss Four, he still let her stay at the Jiang residence overnight. I have failed to teach my son properly, and I apologize to your family.”

Jiang Chong followed suit, bowing, “As the eldest brother, I didn’t stop him either, and I apologize to Mr. Bai!”

Jiang Shen also bowed, “As the second brother, I didn’t stop him either, and I apologize to Mr. Bai!”

The Jiang family members who knew about the “Third Young Master hiding a woman in his room” incident all bowed to Ba Dezhong ng. As members of the Jiang family, not only did they fail to intervene, they were secretly pleased, feeling deeply ashamed!

Looking at the row of lowered heads in front of him, Ba Dezhong ng was stunned, and Bai Mengshi was equally stunned.

“Last night… Zhuji stayed overnight at the Jiang residence?” Ba Dezhong ng asked quietly.

Jiang Xuanjin glanced at him, his expression cold, “Miss Four injured her foot yesterday at Jiang’s. She had difficulty walking temporarily, so I allowed her to stay in the guest pavilion. It was my oversight, unrelated to Miss Four. I apologize for any inconvenience caused.”

All the accusations of theft and immoral behavior were now revealed as slander! After hearing Jiang Xuanjin’s explanation, everyone’s gaze turned to Bai Mengshi. Even the Bai family members themselves couldn’t help but feel that Bai Mengshi’s behavior this time was truly malicious and absurd!

Ba Dezhong ng looked at Jiang Xuanjin with deep remorse, “So His Highness’s rudeness yesterday was because I wrongly accused Zhuji?”

With a slight frown, Jiang Xuanjin replied, “Do you think you only wrongly accused her?”

Ba Dezhong ng was momentarily stunned, “Isn’t that the case?”

Glancing at Bai Mengshi, Jiang Xuanjin said to Ba Dezhong ng, “Your wife nearly beat your daughter to death yesterday. If I hadn’t intervened, your beating might have killed her! You didn’t bother to investigate, blamed her, every word and action—do any of them deserve an ounce of respect from Xuanjin?”

Ba Dezhong ng was shaken to the core, speechless in response.

The Jiang family members behind him were also shocked, hastily asking, “What happened? Is Miss Four injured?”

Jiang Xuanjin lowered his gaze, masking his emotions as he replied, “Her life hangs in the balance.”

Hearing this, Ba Dezhong ng looked incredulously at Bai Mengshi, who quickly lowered her head and murmured, “I didn’t hit her that hard.”

It was the servants who had been heavy-handed.

Unable to attend to anyone else, Ba Dezhong ng turned and walked towards the western courtyard. Jiang’s old master couldn’t sit still either, fearing they might lose the daughter-in-law they had waited for so long. He hurriedly followed, leaning on his cane.

As he moved, everyone from the Jiang family followed suit, leaving Bai Mengshi and a few Bai family members standing dazedly in the hall.

As they approached the western courtyard, a maid hurriedly dashed out from the courtyard gate, running so fast she stumbled and fell hard to the ground.

“Lingxiu?” Ba Dezhong ng called out upon seeing her.

She seemed too shaken from the fall to get up immediately. Lifting her head, she saw Jiang Xuanjin and grinned foolishly, “Your Highness, Miss has pulled through!”

Her smile was radiant despite the dirt on her face as if emitting its light. However, the brightness faded quickly, and Lingxiu stared blankly ahead before suddenly bursting into tears.

All the fear and worry from the night poured out in her sobbing, heart-wrenching cries that touched everyone present.

Jiang Xuanjin watched her, his grip on something in his hand loosening slightly.

She pulled through…

Those words stirred complex emotions in everyone. Ba Dezhong ng glanced at the narrow room ahead and finally realized he hadn’t treated Zhuji well at all, allowing her to be mistreated like this.

He turned to the group behind him and said, “The room is small. Let His Highness and the old master go in first. The rest of us can rest in the adjacent rooms.”

Too many people crowding around a sick person would only disturb them further. Though everyone wanted to see Miss Four, they nodded understandingly at the host’s suggestion.

Jiang Xuanjin entered the room and approached the bed with practiced familiarity, lowering his head to inspect the person lying there.

The face remained pale, yet there was a faint hint of vitality returning.

Relaxing his furrowed brows, he glanced at Ba Dezhong ng beside him and rose to offer him a seat. Ba Dezhong ng stepped forward to look, his eyes betraying deep guilt.

“I have not been a good father,” he admitted. “I promised her mother to take good care of her, but I failed.”

Old Master Jiang interjected, “It’s never too late to make amends now.”

Ba Dezhong ng sighed bitterly. “Old Master Jiang, how should I make amends?”

“It’s simple,” Old Master Jiang said sharply, pointing his cane towards Jiang Xuanjin beside him. “Marry your daughter to him. That would be the best compensation.”

Ba Dezhong ng fell silent, his guilt weighing heavily. After a moment, he reluctantly agreed, “Old Master Jiang is right.” He turned to Jiang Xuanjin beside him. “It seems heaven favors my daughter, allowing her to gain the Emperor’s favor. Frankly, I nearly fell into disgrace earlier today. Fortunately… Fortunately, I trusted the Emperor’s integrity once.”

Jiang Xuanjin remained silent, his head bowed.

Old Master Jiang chuckled, “Even if you had fallen into disgrace, it wouldn’t be so bad. This child hasn’t been reported against yet. Having such an experience wouldn’t hurt.”

Ba Dezhong ng felt grateful for his father-in-law’s understanding, but looking at the weak figure on the bed, he couldn’t help but worry. Turning to the attending physician, he asked anxiously, “Is she going to be alright?”

The physician smiled wearily, “The prescription has been prepared. With careful administration three times a day, she will recover.”

Nodding slightly, Ba Dezhong ng turned back to Jiang Xuanjin and respectfully clasped his hands, “Thank you, Your Highness, for saving my daughter’s life.”

Before Jiang Xuanjin could respond, Old Master Jiang shook his head and remarked, “There’s no need for thanks. If he hadn’t saved her, who would marry her now?”

With that, he pulled Ba Dezhong ng along and headed outside. “Since our esteemed son-in-law accepts this marriage proposal, let’s discuss the wedding date and accept the betrothal gifts.”

Ba Dezhong ng nodded repeatedly, stumbling a few steps as he followed, but couldn’t resist glancing back once more.

In the dim room, Lord Ziyang stood quietly by the bedside, his demeanor aloof, reminiscent of the figure he often saw in court. Despite being physically close, he seemed distant.

In the main house of the Eastern Courtyard, Bai Xuanji had been quietly shedding tears for half an hour, while Lady Bai applied a cold compress to her face, her eyes filled with resentment.

“She must have used some bewitching trick; otherwise, how could His Highness fancy her?” Lady Bai muttered angrily, then tried to console Bai Xuanji, “Don’t worry, they only said to prioritize Lord Ziyang’s marriage, but they didn’t mention canceling your engagement.”

“Not mentioning it is just as good as saying it outright! What’s the difference between that and explicitly canceling it?” Bai Xuanji wiped her tears. “Besides, even if it’s not canceled, marrying into his family would still mean being overshadowed by Bai Zhuji.”

While she was glad for a promising marriage, what pleased her more was the chance to outshine Bai Zhuji. Now, with her marriage in uncertainty and Bai Zhuji seemingly gaining an upper hand, she couldn’t accept it.

Thinking of the mocking gazes from relatives earlier, Bai Xuanji felt resentment stirring within her.

Lady Bai sighed, “If only we had known earlier, we could have dealt with her directly. Even if Lord Ziyang wished to marry, she wouldn’t have had the chance.”

Upon hearing this, Bai Xuanji looked up at her mother. Feeling a pang of unease, Lady Bai hurriedly said, “I was just joking. Even if I were serious and someone ended up dead, I’d be eating prison food.”

Wiping away her tears, Bai Xuanji replied, “If it were publicly done, you’d surely end up in prison.”

But what if it wasn’t done publicly?

Lady Bai froze, catching the look in her daughter’s eyes, and suddenly felt a chill down her spine.

After finalizing the marriage details between the Jiang and Bai families, they bid farewell. Old Master Jiang stepped out and glanced back at Jiang Xuanjin, who hadn’t followed them. He sighed with a mix of exasperation and amusement, “You, Lord Ziyang, are you planning to elope?”

“I have something to return to her,” Jiang Xuanjin said calmly. “Once she wakes up and it’s returned, I will leave.”

Old Master Jiang shook his head at the flimsy excuse, muttering, “Such irresponsibility!”

Ignoring his words, Jiang Xuanjin watched them leave, exchanged a few words with Ba Dezhong , and then returned to the Western Courtyard.

“Master,” Yufeng followed behind him, “You should rest. Your eyes are all red.”

Jiang Xuanjin shook his head and sat by the bed, saying, “I missed the morning court today. There are many matters to attend to. Just prepare a cup of tea for me.”

Yufeng sighed and obeyed.

There were several reports freshly delivered to him. Jiang Xuanjin rubbed his temples and patiently began reviewing them. When he reached the fifth report, the person in the bed coughed softly.

Startled, he leaned forward to look. Bai Zhuji’s eyes were tightly shut, her lips slightly parted as if whispering something. He didn’t catch it the first time, but the second time those two words were clear.

She was calling out: “Father Emperor.”

Jiang Xuanjin paused, staring at her for a moment, then chuckled softly.

Dreaming herself to be a princess! She must be dreaming something delightful.

Just as he was about to reach out and touch her lips where she mumbled nonsense, a stern voice outside interrupted, “Who goes there!”

It was Yufeng’s voice. Jiang Xuanjin raised an eyebrow, set aside the reports, and got up to open the door.

Outside stood a man in a silver snow-patterned robe, holding a jade bone fan from Nanyang in one hand.

“Get lost!” Lu Jingxing looked up at him, his eyes full of hostility.

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