HomeSpring BanquetChapter 34: Jealousy

Chapter 34: Jealousy

Once again seeing him at Bai Manor’s Western Courtyard, Jiang Xuanjin’s dark eyes flickered slightly, and he scoffed softly.

“Yufeng,” he said, “let him in.”

Lu Jingxing hesitated for a moment, his expression darkening further as he pushed past Yufeng and walked over. Without hesitation, he gripped Jiang Xuanjin’s clothes and slammed him against the door with a resounding thud.

“Why are you here again?” he demanded.

Glancing down at his crumpled clothes, Jiang Xuanjin frowned slightly, then pushed Lu Jingxing back a couple of steps with a swift motion, smoothing out his attire.

“That’s a question you should ask Bai Zhuji’s steward,” he replied calmly.

A man of another surname, always sneaking into Bai Zhuji’s chamber—what was his intention?

With narrowed phoenix eyes, Lu Jingxing had no interest in prolonging the confrontation. He grunted coldly, sidestepped Jiang Xuanjin, and headed toward the bed.

The person on the bed lay on their side, eyes tightly shut, their face deathly pale, reminiscent of how Danyang looked after drinking poison in Feiyun Palace.

His heart clenched, and Lu Jingxing reached out to feel their breath.

Jiang Xuanjin stood behind him and said, “There’s no need to check, she’s still alive.”

Ignoring him, Lu Jingxing insisted on feeling her breath with his fingers, finally exhaling in relief.

He had gone to Hanxiao Manor yesterday as she instructed, unaware of the suffering she had endured. Only upon returning and hearing reports that Miss Bai was “at death’s door” did he scale the walls of Bai Manor. Seeing her like this, alive but having suffered greatly, confirmed the severity of her condition.

Reaching into a small sandalwood box, Lu Jingxing took out a small pill and intended to place it in Bai Zhuji’s mouth.

“What are you doing?” Jiang Xuanjin frowned, swiftly intercepting Lu Jingxing’s hand.

Lu Jingxing replied irritably, “What else can I do? You’ve taken this medicine before, don’t you recognize it?”

With that, he pushed away Jiang Xuanjin’s hand and managed to get the pill into Bai Wuyu’s mouth. After looking around cautiously, he proceeded to pour tea and gently feed it to her, his movements fluid and intimate, as though he had been close friends with her for years.

“Who did this to her?” After seeing her swallow the pill, Lu Jingxing finally turned to Jiang Xuanjin with a stern expression.

Jiang Xuanjin stared at the person on the bed for a moment, checked her pulse after she swallowed the pill without adverse reactions, then answered, “It was Lady Bai, the mistress of the Bai family.”

“Lady Bai?” Lu Jingxing was surprised. “The daughter of the pharmacist Meng Hengyuan, and Ba Dezhong ‘s lawful wife, Lady Bai Mengshi?”

“Yes, her.”

Frowning as he observed the injuries covering Li Huaiyu’s body, Lu Jingxing muttered, “She’s still Bai Sijia’s mother. How could she be so ruthless?”

After a moment’s thought, he asked again, “Didn’t Ba Dezhong ng do anything to intervene for his daughter?”

“After all, they’re family,” Jiang Xuanjin replied indifferently. “He scolded her and maybe slapped her a couple of times. What else could he do?”

Today, Lady Bai’s behavior was indeed outrageous, but Ba Dezhong ng didn’t punish her severely. When the Jiang family left, he simply ordered her to reflect in her room, without saying much else.

Lu Jingxing snapped his folding fan shut and furrowed his brow. “That’s completely unreasonable! As the Lord Ziyang, facing such injustice, you just let it slide?”

“This is a matter within the Bai family,” Jiang Xuanjin said calmly. “I can’t punish Lady Bai on behalf of Ba Dezhong .”

Indeed, it wouldn’t be appropriate for outsiders to meddle in such family matters. Lu Jingxing tightened his grip on the fan bone, looking at the person on the bed, suddenly nostalgic for the time when Princess Danyang was still around.

“Princess Danyang was domineering and tyrannical in her actions. Once she deemed someone guilty, regardless of whose family or which prominent person’s wife they were, she would find a charge to throw them into the dungeon, making it impossible for them to live or die at will!”

He used to have reservations about such methods, feeling they lacked moral justification. But faced with situations like this now, Lu Jingxing found himself thinking that Danyang’s approach was quite satisfying. At least it didn’t allow evil-doers to roam free without consequence.

“Do you know Bai Mengshi’s father?” Jiang Xuanjin suddenly asked beside him, interrupting his thoughts.

Lu Jingxing snapped back, irritably saying, “Meng Hengyuan is a prominent merchant in the capital. How could I not know him?”

“If I recall correctly, someone went to the capital yamen last month and filed a complaint against him,” Jiang Xuanjin continued. “If Manager Lu has the time, perhaps you could inquire about it and find out who accused him of what, and why there has been no further action.”

At these words, Lu Jingxing was taken aback. Was Jiang Xuanjin suggesting they should cause trouble for the Meng family? But looking at the upright figure before him, he shook his head, finding it unlikely.

Everyone knew Lord Ziyang never meddled in others’ affairs, so why would he suddenly seek trouble for the Meng family just because Bai Zhuji was wronged? Perhaps it was related to some other case.

Nevertheless, Lu Jingxing was willing to help investigate Meng Hengyuan. He nodded in agreement.

Two people who usually couldn’t stand each other found themselves surprisingly in harmony for the first time, brought together by Li Huaiyu’s unconscious state on the bed. However, this harmony lasted for less than a stick of incense.

“Shouldn’t you leave?” Jiang Xuanjin looked slightly displeased, seeing Lu Jingxing sitting by the bed with no intention of leaving.

Lu Jingxing retorted irritably, “I’m not in a hurry to reincarnate. I should at least wait for her to wake up and exchange a few words, shouldn’t I?”

“What’s there to say?” Jiang Xuanjin’s eyes darkened. “Are you very close to her?”

“After so many years of camaraderie, I’m certainly closer to her than you, a murderer.” Lu Jingxing sneered, unfurling his fan to shield his chest, raising an eyebrow at him. “Why, jealous?”

“Why would I be jealous?”

“If you’re not jealous, why make such sarcastic remarks?” Lu Jingxing chuckled. “Just like back then when you didn’t like me getting close to Princess Danyang.”

In the past, Princess Danyang and him were quite close, which greatly displeased Jiang Xuanjin. He almost went as far as posting a notice at the palace gates, stating “Liu Jingxing and dogs are not allowed inside.” Whenever they crossed paths in the palace, Jiang Xuanjin would invariably darken his expression and exchange a few cutting remarks with him.

At one point, Liu Jingxing even suspected that Jiang Xuanjin might have feelings for Princess Danyang.

Confronted by Jiang Xuanjin’s meaningful gaze, Liu Jingxing hesitated briefly before letting out a cold laugh.

Why did Jiang Xuanjin dislike Liu Jingxing for getting close to Princess Danyang? At twenty, he had been appointed as the royal etiquette tutor to the young emperor and Princess Danyang, instructed in manners and ethics by the senior officials of the court. While Li Huailin was somewhat obedient, Princess Danyang, Li Huaiyu, was utterly uncontrollable. She not only associated with merchants but also invited characters like Liu Jingxing into the palace for drinks, disrupting palace order, causing dissatisfaction among the officials, and ridicule from the people.

Under such circumstances, was it any wonder Jiang Xuanjin would give Liu Jingxing a cold shoulder whenever he roamed around the palace?

“But you seem to treat Zhu Ji much better than Danyang.” Seeing the familiar Buddhist beads on Huaiyu’s hands, Liu Jingxing’s expression turned complicated. “A lively and adorable girl is always more endearing.”

His tone was peculiar, sounding like mockery yet also tinged with resentment.

Jiang Xuanjin thought he was sympathizing with Danyang’s unfairness, snorting lightly as he glanced at the person on the bed.

Princess Danyang and Fourth Miss Bai—one astute and the other naive; one influential in court, the other beset by misfortune. When comparing these two, wouldn’t anyone favor the latter? What was there to be unjust about?

As they were pondering this, the person lying on the bed suddenly moved.

Jiang Xuanjin was taken aback. He approached and sat down beside the bed, reaching out to gently lift her eyelids.

Li Huaiyu had been unconscious all day, feeling alternately like she was burning in a fire and then frying in hot oil. Her mind buzzed with piercing noises. Just as the fire subsided and the oil dried up, her whole body felt weak, unable to open her eyes no matter how hard she tried.

Struggling, someone suddenly reached out to help her, bringing a bright light into her vision. Blinking half-open eyes in confusion, it took her a while to adjust to her surroundings. Feeling uncomfortable in her position, she tried to move, only to be overwhelmed by pain surging from every limb.

“Ugh.” Huaiyu frowned, letting out a muffled groan.

Immediately, someone next to her snapped, “Stop moving!”

The voice was stern, making her feel apprehensive. Struggling to move her eyes, Huaiyu saw Jiang Xuanjin, his eyes bloodshot.

The Duke of Ziyang was meticulous about his appearance. Even when she had once knocked him off a wall and pinned him to the ground, he had remained composed and elegant. But now, why did he look so worn out that it startled her?

Huaiyu wanted to joke with him but the pain was too intense. She struggled with pale lips and finally managed to utter a few words.

“I know what you’re thinking.” Jiang Xuanjin stared at her, his gaze unfriendly, almost biting. “You think someone has caused me to be like this?”

Huaiyu took a shallow breath, revealing a faint smile through gritted teeth.

Seeing her expression, Jiang Xuanjin was infuriated to find that instead of feeling angry, his throat was tightening uncomfortably.

Disheveled, Jiang Xuanjin glanced toward Liu Jingxing beside him. “She’s awake. Say what you need to say, then leave.”

Liu Jingxing rolled his eyes at him and mimicked his tone, “In such a hurry to reincarnate? Well, I’m not in a rush.”

Huaiyu burst out laughing at this, though she winced immediately afterward, clutching her wounds and sucking in a sharp breath.

Jiang Xuanjin frowned sternly at her. “Finding your luck too tough?”

Huaiyu blinked pitifully, “No way!”

“And you’re still laughing?” Jiang Xuanjin was displeased, his gaze turning even colder as he looked towards Liu Jingxing. “She’s awake. Bai Yushi will come over. If you don’t think it’s a problem, then stay.”

Liu Jingxing’s hand, holding the fan, stiffened. He had climbed over the wall today. It would be awkward if he met Ba Dezhong ng head-on.

With an annoyed glance at Jiang Xuanjin, Liu Jingxing stood up and took a blue-and-white porcelain bottle from his sleeve, placing it by the bedside.

“This is a healing elixir. I brought all that was left. It can only do good, no harm. Since you’re still weak, don’t overexert yourself. Rest well. When you’re strong enough to speak, have Lingxiu inform me.”

After a moment’s thought, he added, “It’s best to do this when that annoying person isn’t around.”

Huaiyu shifted her gaze to look at him, blinking lightly. “Got it!”

Next to her, the “annoying person” spoke coldly, “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.”

With a disdainful hum, Liu Jingxing turned and left, pausing briefly before swiftly departing.

Jiang Xuanjin glanced at the medicine bottle on the bedside table. “He seems to treat you exceptionally well—sending clothes, jewelry, and precious elixirs.”

“You’re overthinking it, overthinking it!” Huaiyu gently shook her head. With the white cloth over her eyes, she couldn’t see the light, couldn’t see her surroundings, and certainly couldn’t see the faint blush on the Duke of Ziyang’s ears as he walked out.

“Fourth Miss Bai is finally awake!”

As this news spread, members of the Bai family hurried to the Western Courtyard. Ba Dezhong ng naturally arrived first and sat by her bedside. By the time Huaiyu had finished a bowl of medicinal congee and regained her voice, she didn’t feel like talking to Ba Dezhong ng and chose to remain silent.

“I asked the physician earlier. She said your external injuries will heal in about half a month, but internal injuries need careful nurturing. The Jiang family has sent a lot of medicinal herbs, all of which I’ve entrusted to Lingxiu,” Ba Dezhong ng said stiffly, maintaining his stern demeanor but speaking kindly. “Your room here is too small. I’ve had the main house in the Southern Courtyard prepared for you. It’s spacious and suitable for your recovery.”

Did a taste of family discipline make Ba Dezhong ng soften towards her? Huaiyu was surprised. She didn’t know what had happened while she was unconscious, but she felt that this old man suddenly seemed much more agreeable.

If Ba Dezhong ng’s current attitude counted as “agreeable,” then the relatives from the Bai family who came to see her next could be described as “obsequious.”

“Pearl, you must take care of yourself and recover soon! We’re all waiting to celebrate your recovery.”

“Auntie was so worried when you weren’t awake. She even went to the temple and lit incense for your safety.”

“Look at these injuries, so pitiful. Lady Meng from the Bai family has gone too far! Pearl, rest assured, we’ll make sure Dezhong gives you an explanation.”

After sending away these unfamiliar faces expressionlessly, Huaiyu finally asked Lingxiu hoarsely, “Am I going to be crowned emperor tomorrow?”

Lingxiu was startled by her question, glancing instinctively at the Duke of Ziyang sitting nearby, and shook her head anxiously, “Please don’t talk nonsense, Your Highness!”

“I’m not talking nonsense,” Huaiyu replied, puzzled. “If I’m not about to be crowned, why are they suddenly so attentive?”

Lingxiu whispered, “You’re about to marry His Highness as his wife, becoming the esteemed Empress. Those people have offended you before and now they’re rushing to curry favor.”

Huaiyu froze, stiffly turning her neck towards Jiang Xuanjin. “Have you arranged everything?”

Jiang Xuanjin finished the last document, nodding in confirmation.

Impressive. She didn’t need to do anything; she could just relax under his protection? Huaiyu thought happily. It felt quite nice to be sheltered like this.

“Oh, by the way, it’s this late already, why hasn’t the kitchen brought the medicine yet?” Lingxiu looked puzzled as she glanced outside, then decided, “I’ll go check the kitchen.”

Jiang Xuanjin nodded, watching Lingxiu run out, then set down the documents and stood up.

“Here, take this back.” He took out the golden hairpin with eight treasures and placed it by her side. “It’s late now, I should be going back.”

Huaiyu pouted unhappily upon hearing this.

Jiang Xuanjin glanced at her. “What’s wrong?”

“When you were sick, I never left your side,” she coughed softly, feeling aggrieved. “But now that I’m still suffering, you’re leaving.”

Her brows furrowed, her eyes brimming with tears.

Jiang Xuanjin retorted impatiently, “Have I not been staying in your room this whole time?”

“How is that unreasonable?” she replied. “Since our marriage is settled, if you stay to take care of me, everyone will praise your devotion and loyalty. Who would dare gossip about you then?”

Jiang Xuanjin frowned deeply. “You have a way with words, don’t you? Is the pain all gone?”

“It hurts…” Huaiyu frowned, tears welling up as she acted coquettish. “This time it really hurts, especially on my back, where I took twenty lashes.”

Feeling a pang in his heart, Jiang Xuanjin sat back down beside the bed, his expression dark. “Why were you punished in the first place?”

“Why else,” Huaiyu grunted, “the Bai family mother and daughter wanted to make life difficult for me. They found an excuse to punish me. I didn’t back down, so I fought back with the servants.”

Taking a breath, she continued, “I did well though, took down several of them on my own. If only I had more strength, they wouldn’t have been able to hold me down in the end.”

Jiang Xuanjin looked at her with a sinister gaze. “Should I commend your martial skills then?”

“You flatter me,” she grinned cheekily. “I wouldn’t call myself a martial prodigy, but you can praise my agility.”

Jiang Xuanjin gave a cold laugh that cut through her playfulness, instantly silencing Huaiyu.

“It really hurts…” she whimpered weakly.

With a stern face, Jiang Xuanjin stood up and went to find the medicine left behind by Lu Jingxing, feeding her a pill. As he leaned over the bed, the person on it moved again.

“What are you fussing about now?” he asked irritably, following her gaze down to see her struggling to move her hand.

Huaiyu remained silent, focusing all her attention on moving her fingers, enduring the pain in her arms as she slowly moved her hand towards his.

The hands were within reach, yet it took her considerable effort to touch his. Jiang Xuanjin paused, feeling a slight tickle in his chest, prompting him to unconsciously raise his hand and gently touch her fingers.

Huaiyu grinned widely, her eyes sparkling with joy. Jiang Xuanjin was taken aback, staring at her for a moment before withdrawing his hand with a stern expression.

“Are you so bored?” he asked coldly.

Huaiyu chuckled mischievously, not saying a word.

When Lingxiu returned with the medicine, she saw His Highness sitting by the bed, his face slightly flushed and displeased. Meanwhile, her young mistress was lying half-turned on the bed, looking mischievous and playful.

The scene made Lingxiu feel a bit embarrassed to intrude, but after glancing at the medicine tray, she approached with lowered eyes and handed the medicine bowl to Jiang Xuanjin.

Jiang Xuanjin blew on the medicine and offered it to Huaiyu’s lips. She wrinkled her nose at the bitter smell. “I don’t want to drink it.”

“Do you think this is a market where you can negotiate?” he replied sternly, furrowing his brows.

“Do I have to drink it?”

“Of course!”

“Then you should taste it for me,” Huaiyu said with a grudge, “I tasted it for you back then.”

She had even tasted a whole bowl of it!

Jiang Xuanjin sighed inwardly, thinking that the saying “better to offend a gentleman than a petty person” might not be entirely baseless. Look at her, still remembering something from so long ago.

Glancing around the room and seeing that Cheng Xu and Yu Feng were waiting outside, he figured he could take a sip without them noticing. Jiang Xuanjin swiftly scooped up a spoonful of the medicine and quickly swallowed it down.

Huaiyu nervously asked him, “Is it bitter?”

Swallowing the medicine, he replied, “Tasting the medicine is to check for toxicity, not to assess bitterness.”

“But how could the medicine be toxic? I just want to know how it tastes,” she frowned.

Giving her a sidelong glance, Jiang Xuanjin was about to say, “Very bitter, but you still have to drink it.” However, as soon as the word “very” left his mouth, he felt a sweet sensation in his throat. He frowned, trying to suppress it, but then a sharp pain surged in his chest. Clenching his fist, he struggled for a moment but couldn’t hold it back, and he lowered his head to spit out blood.

The blood, black as night, splattered on the ground, leaving a palm-sized mark that was unsettling to behold.

The suddenness of his vomiting blood startled Huaiyu. Her eyes widened in alarm, but her body was still immobile. She could only hoarsely shout, “Lingxiu, quickly give him a pill!”

Lingxiu hurriedly complied, taking out a pill from the blue and white porcelain bottle and handing it to him with water. Then she turned to go call Cheng Xu and Yu Feng outside.

“Don’t make a fuss,” Jiang Xuanjin swallowed the pill, furrowing his brows. “I’m fine.”

The bowl of medicine was clearly problematic, but he had only taken a small sip, so it shouldn’t be fatal. If he let Cheng Xu and Yu Feng in now, the entire Bai Manor might become implicated.

Huaiyu frowned as she watched him, struggling to move closer to the bed. Then she spoke hoarsely, “Lie down for a while.”

Lie down next to her? What a thought! Jiang Xuanjin shook his head and continued to sit, adjusting his internal breath. Lingxiu dared not move, and Huaiyu stared at him in silence, the room falling into a tense silence.

After several sticks of incense burned, Jiang Xuanjin opened his eyes, looking much better.

“Lujingxing’s medicine is indeed a rare treasure. You should take one pill daily from now on, and let them keep the decocted medicine,” he said.

Huaiyu looked at the medicine bowl on the small table beside the bed with mixed emotions. “Knowing someone has ill intentions, why let them continue to prepare it?”

“Evidence,” he replied.

Huaiyu immediately understood Jiang Xuanjin’s intentions, but after a couple of coughs, she sighed, “It’s useless. If I were really poisoned to death, this evidence could serve as proof. But since I’m not dead, even if we know there’s something wrong with the medicine, there’s nothing we can do to them.”

In Bai Mansion, the only ones daring enough to poison her, wanting her dead, were Bai Xuanji and her daughter. If it was discovered to be them, Ba Dezhong ng would undoubtedly handle it as he did with the recent bias towards Lady Bai Mengshi—never taking them to court. No matter how much evidence piled up, it would all be for nothing.

Jiang Xuanjin didn’t respond, contemplating quietly for a moment before murmuring, “It seems I truly must stay at Bai Mansion a few more days.”

If he hadn’t tasted it earlier, her life, just recently saved, might have been lost again. With danger lurking throughout Bai Mansion and her injuries not yet healed, where could he go?

Watching him with deep gratitude, Li Huaiyu smiled and replied, “Alright.”

If he wanted to stay, she certainly wouldn’t refuse. Resting and recovering in bed was tedious enough, and having someone around to banter with was quite pleasant. Moreover, Jiang Xuanjin investigating those who sought to harm her meant less worry and more peace of mind—a very favorable situation!

That night, Jiang Xuanjin and Li Huaiyu moved from the western wing’s guest quarters to the main house in the southern courtyard. Despite the discomfort of being jostled on a stretcher, Huaiyu was delighted to see the spacious and elegant room.

Upon hearing the news, Ba Dezhong ng arranged for a guest room next to the main house in the southern courtyard to be prepared. His intentions were clear: caring for the patient was fine, but proper decorum must be maintained.

Jiang Xuanjin complied without complaint, sleeping soundly once the guest room was arranged. Exhausted from two days without sleep and weakened by poison, he slept deeply and didn’t wake until late the next morning.

Compared to her weakness upon awakening the first day, Huaiyu felt much better today. The medication had eased much of her pain, and her voice was stronger when she spoke.

“You being here has certainly improved my meals,” she said with a smile as she watched him.

Jiang Xuanjin walked over and glanced at the dishes on the table. Then he looked at Lingxiu, who was holding something to feed her, and asked, “Have you tested them all for poison?”

Huaiyu nodded. “Silver needle test, checked by the physician, all clear.”

Nodding slightly, he sat down quietly at the table and started eating. One of the Jiang family rules was ‘silence at meals’. Therefore, Jiang Xuanjin never spoke once he picked up his chopsticks.

However, the person behind him seemed like a chirping house sparrow with a loud voice. She chirped away as soon as she saw him, “I was so uncomfortable yesterday, couldn’t even speak properly, thought I was going to suffer for ages, but woke up today and found my throat was better.”

“The physician said I was too noisy. She said she’s seen other young ladies who are quiet and demure, don’t talk much even when they’re sick, never seen anyone talk as much as me.”

“Oh, by the way, your robe today looks really nice.”

Veins popped on Jiang Xuanjin’s forehead. He put down his chopsticks and turned around, “Could you please shut up?”

Huaiyu, chewing on her vegetables, was taken aback, feeling quite wronged as she said, “Lingxiu said you used to care a lot about me, so why are you yelling at me again?”

Who cared about her! Jiang Xuanjin’s eyes were cold, “If I had known saving you would make you so noisy, I should have let you die.”

Swallowing her food, she smiled slyly, “Don’t pretend to be tough, I know you can’t bear to.”

Before, when she said he couldn’t bear to part with her, it was just teasing him. Now Li Huaiyu found that he really couldn’t bear to let her go, not something she had forced out of him.

“This is quite a spectacle.”

Giving her a disdainful glance, Jiang Xuanjin turned away and continued eating.

Having missed court for two days, many in the court were curious about the reason behind Lord Ziyang’s absence. Even the Emperor queried it during the court session, prompting Ba Dezhong ng to step forward and provide an explanation.

Thus, the mocking rhyme “Bai Mansion’s beauty bends the Lord’s will; henceforth, His Highness delays his morning court” spread from the court to the streets. The people of the capital were astonished: it turned out that the splendid bridal gifts that had left everyone speechless were not for Jiang Yan’s marriage to Miss Bai, but rather Lord Ziyang’s intent to marry Miss Bai Si?

For a while, countless people rushed to Bai Mansion, claiming to visit the sick but actually hoping to catch a glimpse of Lord Ziyang, rumored to be “deeply concerned for his beloved.”

Jiang Xuanjin was in a foul mood. He slammed shut the gates of the southern courtyard and stationed Chengxu and Yufeng at the entrance, forbidding anyone from entering.

Lying on the bed, Li Huaiyu smiled with her eyes squinting, “It seems quite lively outside?”

He glanced at her. “If you say another word, I’ll throw you out too.”

She closed her mouth and stopped talking, but her smile still sparkled in her eyes.

“Miss, Your Highness,” Lingxiu entered with medicine as usual, informing them, “The afternoon medicine has arrived.”

A bowl of dark herbal soup, smelling similar to what he had tasted before. Jiang Xuanjin didn’t let Lingxiu put it away; instead, he handed it over to Chengxu.

“Go find someone to verify the ingredients,” he instructed, “Do it discreetly, out of sight.”

“Yes,” Chengxu acknowledged and left.

Watching lazily, Huaiyu yawned and shifted her body to lie on Jiang Xuanjin’s leg.

“What are you doing?” His tone was unfriendly.

Grasping his hand plaintively, Huaiyu said, “It’s uncomfortable lying on the pillow.”

Uncomfortable on the pillow, but comfortable on his leg? Jiang Xuanjin’s face hardened. “Just because I’ve been lenient with your injury lately doesn’t mean you can take liberties!”

“Look at you, being mean again!” Huaiyu adjusted her posture comfortably. “I’m your future wife, after all. How is this taking liberties?”

“Have you forgotten what I told you?” Jiang Xuanjin frowned. “Our marriage is a matter of expediency.”

Compared to the bridal chamber, he might prefer the monastery. When she moves in, they will each lead their own lives.

Yawning, Huaiyu couldn’t be bothered to engage with him. Since he hadn’t pushed her away and she had nuzzled against his leg, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Jiang Xuanjin’s robe was thin, so when she pressed against him, he could almost feel the warmth of her face. Stiffening, he glared down at her with a look one might give an oddity.

As he continued to stare, he noticed her loose hair spreading over his legs, long and silky, quite tempting…

Before he could fully register his thoughts, his hand had already reached out.

What a mess!

Half an hour later, Lu Jingxing followed Chengxu inside and was greeted with the sight of “her hair unkempt, cascading over his knees. In a posture so pitiful.”

Lu Jingxing kicked the door with an ugly expression.

The loud noise startled Huaiyu awake. She blinked, disoriented. “Innkeeper Lu?” she murmured. “Why are you here at this hour?”

He pulled up a chair by the bed, looking serious as he asked, “Are you going to marry this man?”

Huaiyu understood Lu Jingxing’s concern. She scratched her head awkwardly, struggling to sit up from Jiang Xuanjin’s legs, pondering how to explain.

Feeling a chill on his legs, Jiang Xuanjin clenched his jaw and glanced at the person on the bed.

“Your Highness,” ignoring his gaze, Huaiyu asked cautiously, “Could you let me have a private conversation with Innkeeper Lu?”

Okay, fine. If Lu Jingxing had come just to ChengXu suspicion, why did he need a private conversation? Jiang Xuanjin sneered coldly, tempted to remind her that even if they hadn’t consummated their marriage, she would still be put in a pig cage for her misconduct!

The moment the thought crossed his mind, he could almost taste a hint of bitterness.

Momentarily taken aback, all his hostility dissipated. After the initial shock, he found it somewhat laughable. What was he doing? Was he still concerned about her? Just moments ago, he was contemplating living separate lives, and now he was entertaining these absurd thoughts. Was he humiliating himself?

Standing up, Jiang Xuanjin walked out without a word, stepping out of the main house and gently closing the door behind him.

Let her say whatever she wanted. She was just a friend; he had no control over her.

As the door shut, Huaiyu sighed, “Do you think it’s a bad idea for me to marry him?”

“What could be good about it?” Lu Jingxing was exasperated. “You said before that you wanted to marry Jiang Yan to get close to Jiang Xuanjin, and I didn’t object. After all, Jiang Yan is just a young brat, easy for you to handle. But Jiang Xuanjin? Have you forgotten what he’s done?”

“I haven’t forgotten.” Huaiyu leaned against the bedhead, looking down at the bruises on her hands. “It’s because I haven’t forgotten that I think marrying him is even better.”

As a niece-in-law, she would be bound by many rules, limiting her chances to get close to him. But as the consort, it would be different. She could slowly earn Jiang Xuanjin’s trust, learn his deepest secrets, use him to achieve her goals, and then send him to his doom!

Such a plan of revenge was far more intriguing than simply killing him outright.

Lu Jingxing furrowed his brow. “I’m willing to help you with whatever you want to do, but this method is too risky.”

“Jingxing,” she smiled at him, “you have to trust me. There’s nothing I can’t accomplish.”

Yes, over the years, she had managed to achieve everything she set out to do. But in the end? Lu Jingxing lowered his eyes, barely holding onto the jade bone fan in his hand.

“Did you come back to life just for revenge?” he asked hoarsely.

Huaiyu turned her head to ponder the question before replying, “Not just that, but it’s the most immediate thing I can do right now.”

She added with a smile, “And in doing so, I might just be able to help Huailin.”

Huailin, referring to Li Huailin again. Lu Jingxing chuckled bitterly, finally understanding. “Your most beloved person is your brother, and the person you hate the most is Jiang Xuanjin.”

So she came back to life with two goals: to ensure Li Huailin’s well-being and to bring about Jiang Xuanjin’s demise.

And him?

Hearing a strange tone in his voice, Huaiyu was alarmed. “What’s wrong with you?”

“…It’s nothing.” He lifted his fan to shield his eyes and brows, paused briefly, then resumed his normal demeanor. “I just feel frustrated that I can’t persuade you.”

“Oh, come on, why be frustrated? You know my temperament isn’t something new.” Huaiyu tried to console him. “Since you can’t dissuade me anyway, why not encourage me?”

“Encourage?” Lu Jingxing rolled his eyes after putting down his fan. “If you won’t listen to my advice and insist on going your way, don’t expect me to care if something happens to you. Encouragement? Forget it.”

With that, he stood up and swung his robes to leave.

“Hey!” Huaiyu hurriedly called after him. “Are you really that angry?”

Lu Jingxing didn’t look back, coldly replying, “I didn’t come here to see you today. Jiang Xuanjin has found some leads regarding the favor he asked for yesterday. I need to inform him.”

“What?” Huaiyu was shocked. “You helped him?”

“And who do you think all this is for?” With that remark, Lu Jingxing opened the door and walked out.

Leaning against the bedhead, Li Huaiyu frowned as she watched his departing figure. Something didn’t feel quite right, but she couldn’t put her finger on what it was.

Meanwhile, Jiang Xuanjin was copying Buddhist scriptures in his guest room. After transcribing more than half a section, Lu Jingxing finally came to find him.

“Meng Hengyuan was previously brought to court because of trading prohibited medicinal herbs privately,” he began as soon as he entered the room, closing the door behind him. “The accusation was serious, but the plaintiff lacked power and influence. It ended up being dropped due to personal grudges.”

Pausing with his brush, Jiang Xuanjin looked up at him. “Prohibited medicinal herbs?”

“Yes, the court issued decrees listing several precious and rare herbs that are forbidden for private trade, reserved only for the palace. Meng Hengyuan, dealing in medicinal herbs, knew exactly which items were off-limits. However, he was greedy for profit and disregarded the rules. Naturally, those who disapproved of him seized the opportunity to press charges.”

However, Meng Hengyuan was the father-in-law of Ba Dezhong ng and had connections with other officials in the court, making it challenging to convict him.

Setting down his brush, Jiang Xuanjin nodded. “Thank you.”

Looking at him, Lu Jingxing scoffed. “Thank me for what? Consider it an early gift from me.”

At his words, Jiang Xuanjin raised an eyebrow. “The wealthiest merchant in the capital, and you gift me with just a few words?”

“A few words are enough for your gift,” Lu Jingxing smirked faintly. “As for the Pearl and Jade Pavilion, I have other preparations.”

The betrothal was finalized yesterday, yet this man didn’t even mention it when they met, which nearly gave Jiang Xuanjin a heart attack when he heard the news on the street today! What was he thinking?

The more Jiang Xuanjin looked at his face, the more irritated he became. Lu Jingxing stormed out in anger, sweeping his sleeves. “I take my leave!”

Watching him leave in such a huff unexpectedly lifted the dark cloud that had hung over Jiang Xuanjin’s heart.

“Safe travels, Manager Lu,” he called after him. “Once the wedding invitations are ready, I will have them sent to your mansion.”

With the most prominent characters and in the boldest red ink.

With a loud bang, Manager Lu kicked his door once more.

Jiang Xuanjin smirked, put away the Buddhist scriptures, and instructed Yufeng, “Fetch the list of prohibited medicinal herbs from the court.”

“Yes,” Yufeng acknowledged before promptly leaving.

In the evening, Huaiyu finally waited for Jiang Xuanjin to come to her room. She greeted him cheerfully, “My hand isn’t hurting as much now!”

The bruises on her wrist were probably from a scuffle, not particularly serious. Jiang Xuanjin looked at her expressionlessly and responded coldly, “Hmm.”

Huaiyu frowned, “Why do you have to be like this again?”

He had been fine earlier, letting her hold him and even feeding her water. Was it the winter weather outside that turned him into an icy statue whenever he went out?

Sitting down at the table, Jiang Xuanjin said, “I found something.”

“Oh? What is it?”

He handed her two sheets of paper and asked, “Can you read?”

Of course, she could! She had even learned calligraphy from him before! Huaiyu rolled her eyes and gestured for Lingxiu to bring the papers over. She held them in her hand and took a look.

One sheet listed medicinal herbs, all familiar names from the palace. The other was a simpler list, resembling a prescription. However, one name on the simpler list matched a name on the other.

“A drop of blood.”

Huaiyu was briefly taken aback. “Could this be the prescription for the medicine you drank yesterday?”

Jiang Xuanjin glanced at her unexpectedly. “How did you know?”

“This ‘drop of blood’ sounds like poison.” Huaiyu blurted out, “You spat blood after drinking that medicine yesterday; it might be this stuff’s fault.”

He had intended to tease her a bit and then explain, but she already knew. Jiang Xuanjin stood up, frowning at her. “How do you know ‘a drop of blood’ refers to poison?”

These herbs were forbidden by the court and found only in the palace. How could a girl from the Bai household know about them?

Cursing inwardly, Huaiyu swiftly changed tack, smiling, “Why is that strange? My father’s study has many medical books. I used to browse through them. I didn’t remember much except for the illustrations.”

“See, this tiny red fruit, called ‘a drop of blood,’ is extremely poisonous. It says in the medical texts, ‘Consuming it leads to coughing up blood and eventual death,'” Huaiyu explained, gesturing animatedly. Her eyes were clear and unwavering, showing no hint of guilt. It seemed she wasn’t lying. Jiang Xuanjin pursed his lips, chiding himself for being too suspicious, and slowly sat back down. “Indeed, this prescription was reverse-engineered by Cheng Xu based on the concoction brewed in the mansion, the one prepared for you. The other sheet lists herbs that are forbidden by the court.”

Feigning surprise, Huaiyu widened her eyes as if she were an inexperienced fool, “Forbidden herbs?”

“Yes, meaning these herbs shouldn’t be found outside the palace, yet somehow they ended up in your medicine bowl,” Jiang Xuanjin explained, his voice tinged with irony. “What’s more, Meng Hengyuan, from the Bai family, was reported last month for dealing in forbidden herbs.”

Putting two and two together, it became quite clear who was behind the plot to harm her.

Huaiyu blinked in disbelief for a moment before asking him, “Are you planning to deal with Meng Hengyuan?”

His expression darkened at her choice of words. “When someone commits a crime and remains unpunished, I bring them to justice with evidence. It’s not a matter of ‘dealing with.'”

“Alright, bringing them to justice then!” Huaiyu chuckled. “So, are you planning to take this evidence to the palace?”

“Report a civilian merchant?” Jiang Xuanjin shot her a wry glance. “This isn’t something for me to handle.”

Huaiyu was puzzled. “Then who should handle it?”

However, she soon found out the answer herself.

“I mean…” Huaiyu watched as Jiang Xuanjin placed the empty medicine bowl back in her hands and poured a bottle of pig’s blood on the floor. A sense of dread washed over her. “I’m still recovering, and you’re willing to implicate me?”

Ignoring her, Jiang Xuanjin looked at her expressionlessly. “From now on, all you need to do is lie down.”

With that said, he stood up and exchanged a glance with Cheng Xu and Yufeng.

Cheng Xu and Yu Feng understood each other perfectly. Stepping outside the main house, they took a deep breath and shouted in unison, “Help! Fourth Miss is poisoned!”

Huaiyu’s mouth twitched involuntarily.

The normally peaceful Bai Mansion suddenly became bustling. Cheng Xu and Yu Feng’s voices were so loud that news of Fourth Miss being fatally poisoned spread quickly throughout the mansion.

Upon hearing the news, Lady Bai Meng was overjoyed and immediately rose to find Bai Xuanji. However, as soon as she stepped out of the east courtyard, Cheng Xu and Yu Feng apprehended her.

“What are you doing?” Lady Bai Meng exclaimed in panic, her voice low. “I am the mistress of the Bai family! How dare you lay hands on me!”

Yu Feng ignored her, but Cheng Xu, with a more amiable demeanor, said, “His Highness and Lord Bai are waiting for you in the main hall.”

Waiting for her? Lady Bai Meng was taken aback, her heart sinking. She immediately struggled, “I don’t believe it! You are not people of the Bai Mansion! On what grounds do you arrest me? Let go of me!”

Ignoring her protests, Cheng Xu and Yu Feng escorted her away.

“This is outrageous! Even if you are agents of His Highness, there is no reason to bully people in my Bai Mansion!” Lady Bai Meng continued to protest loudly, “This is an utter disregard for the law!”

Meanwhile, Jiang Xuanjin stood in the main hall, listening to the increasingly loud complaints approaching. He glanced at Lord Ba Dezhong ng on the main seat and calmly remarked, “They’ve arrived.”

Looking at Lady Bai Meng being brought in, Lord Ba Dezhong ng greeted him with a complicated expression, bowing slightly, “Your Highness, is this… perhaps a bit inappropriate?”

With a brief look, Jiang Xuanjin responded, “If Lord Bai feels that bringing her to the main hall is inappropriate, perhaps accompanying me to the imperial court might be more suitable. This case should rightly be heard there.”

Upon hearing this, Lord Ba Dezhong ng fell silent.

“Master!” Lady Bai Meng twisted free from the grip of the two behind her, clutching her handkerchief as she knelt before Lord Ba Dezhong ng. “You must intercede for me! These two…!”

“Meng Shuqin,” Lord Ba Dezhong ng interjected, cutting off her plea. “Did you instruct someone to prepare the medicine Zhuji has been drinking these past few days?”

Lady Bai Meng was taken aback and immediately shook her head. “I followed your instructions to reflect on my actions in my room. How could I have instructed anyone to prepare medicine for Fourth Miss?”

“But the kitchen maidservant responsible for brewing the medicine said you directed her,” Lord Ba Dezhong ng insisted.

Shaking her head repeatedly, Lady Bai Meng said firmly, “I know nothing about it. I never instructed anyone to go to the kitchen.”

“That’s quite a denial.” Jiang Xuanjin sneered and gestured for a few people to step forward. “Madam!” The maidservant who brewed the medicine rushed forward and knelt beside Lady Bai Meng. The steward held a ledger and approached, bowing respectfully. “Master, this is the register of household servants and maidservants. This maidservant is named Fulv, she serves in Madam’s courtyard and has been assisting in the kitchen these past few days.”

Lady Bai Meng’s face paled, her fingers clenched as she knelt straight-backed.

Jiang Xuanjin stared at her and asked, “Do you still claim to know nothing about this?”

With a stiff shake of her head, Lady Bai Meng replied, “Even if this maidservant is from my courtyard, I don’t know what she did.”

“You claim ignorance despite being responsible for her?” Lord Ba Dezhong ng’s expression darkened.

Lady Bai Meng stiffened her neck. “I’m clearing my name because I know His Highness intends to harm me. Even if I stay in my room for two days, some false charges will be pinned on me. I’m proving my innocence in advance.”

“If you are innocent, why do you insist on defending yourself so vehemently?” Jiang Xuanjin’s voice remained calm. “This maidservant brewed the medicine for Fourth Miss but contaminated it, causing her to fall into a coma on the brink of death. This is attempted murder. Madam, do you still think you can clear yourself?”

Lady Bai Meng shook her head, gritting her teeth. “I know nothing!”

Stubborn to the end.

Jiang Xuanjin shook his head and turned to Lord Ba Dezhong ng. “In your opinion, how should we handle this matter?”

Lord Ba Dezhong ng’s gaze was stern as he stared at Lady Bai Meng. “With both witness and physical evidence against her and her steadfast denial, what else can we do? Bring forth the family law!”

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