HomeSpring BanquetChapter 44: Is He More Important Than Me?

Chapter 44: Is He More Important Than Me?


Lu Jingxing lowered his head and scrutinized her for a long while, nearly wanting to smack her on the forehead with his fan in exasperation. “Why is it you!”

Huaiyu looked innocent. “Isn’t it good that it’s me? This way, you don’t have to trouble him or me…”

“Then why didn’t you speak up earlier?” He gritted his teeth. “Were you waiting to see me make a fool of myself?”

“No, no,” Huaiyu waved her hands. “I was just following the duties of a maid. His Highness was speaking to you, and it wouldn’t have been proper for me to interrupt.”

Proper, huh? When had Li Huaiyu ever cared about propriety? He felt like flipping his name upside down in frustration.

Lu Jingxing unfolded his fan and fanned himself angrily for a moment before asking irritably, “What do you need Bai Ai for? He’s been busy lately.”

Jiang Xuanjin replied, “The imperial examinations are over. What could he still be busy with?”

“Even after the examinations, there are things to be busy with… How do you know he participated in the exams?” Lu Jingxing was taken aback, looking at him with a startled expression. His eyes then darted around nervously. “Even though Bai Ai was once a favored consort at Feiyun Palace, he is neither guilty of any crime nor wanted by the court. He is eligible to participate in the examinations.”

His seamless change of expressions, from surprise to calm explanation, was so natural and convincing that Huaiyu couldn’t help but give him a secret thumbs-up.

Jiang Xuanjin said leisurely, “I am not here to accuse anyone.”

If he were here to accuse someone, he wouldn’t have come personally with a “maid” in tow to the Lu residence.

Lu Jingxing hesitated, fidgeting with his fan for a while before finally conceding, “Please come in.”

Jiang Xuanjin nodded and followed him inside. As he walked, he casually glanced to the side and noticed that the person next to him wore a familiar and nonchalant expression, as if she had been there countless times before.

Sensing his gaze, Huaiyu turned her head. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” he withdrew his eyes and continued to look ahead, stepping into the flower hall expressionlessly.

It didn’t take long for Bai Ai to arrive, standing in the flower hall and looking at Jiang Xuanjin with caution. “What business does His Highness have with me?”

“Did everything go smoothly during your exam?”

Why the sudden question? Bai Ai looked puzzled, then frowned. “The questions weren’t too difficult, and I believe I answered them satisfactorily, but… I can’t remember if I stamped my seal.”

Huaiyu stood quietly beside them, observing. She noticed Jiang Xuanjin’s subtle expression change, and he reached out his hand toward her. “Pass it here.”

She quickly handed over the scroll from her sleeve.

“Did you write this?”

After examining it closely, Bai Ai nodded. “Yes, indeed, this is my handwriting…”

“Is it yours?” Huaiyu looked surprised. “But the seal belongs to Young Master Jiang!”

At Bai Ai’s realization, he hurriedly flipped to the end of the scroll. Seeing the seal, he furrowed his brow. “What’s going on? How could this happen?”

Jiang Xuanjin’s expression turned grave. “Why did you forget to stamp your seal after finishing?”

“I was running out of time. I rushed to finish writing at the last moment and can’t remember if I stamped it,” Bai Ai said sincerely. “But this scroll is truly mine. How could it end up with Young Master Jiang? We didn’t take the exam in the same venue.”

There was a distinction between common-born scholars and those from prestigious families. Common-born scholars, lacking in wealth and background, took their exams in large, crowded venues after paying their fees. However, the students from noble families had their names submitted by the censor to the emperor before the exam, and they took their exams in the Ministry of Rites. The two places were quite far apart.

“Hand over the scroll. They will all be examined in the Ministry of Rites,” Jiang Xuanjin said.

This meant that the scrolls could get mixed up during the examination process.

“But they can’t stamp someone else’s seal on my scroll, can they?” Bai Ai was somewhat indignant. “If His Highness hadn’t brought it up, I would have been kept in the dark.”

Indeed, if Jiang Shen hadn’t spoken up, no one would have known that the answer scroll belonged to Bai Ai. Once the results were announced, what should have been Bai Ai’s top spot would silently become Jiang Shen’s.

“How coincidental,” Li Huaiyu muttered under her breath. “Mixing up the scrolls is one thing, but stamping the wrong seal?”

“Coincidence?” Lu Jingxing snorted. “It’s someone deliberately doing this, taking advantage of the ignorance of common-born scholars, taking their excellent scrolls to seek fame and fortune for themselves. This isn’t the first time such a thing has happened.”

“Has it happened before?” Jiang Xuanjin asked.

“Don’t you know?” Lu Jingxing sneered. “Remember the top scorer from the Zhang family two years ago? What kind of character was he? A spoiled rich kid with no knowledge of literature, yet he wrote such splendid essays and received praise from the court. Did you think those were his writings?”

“That’s just your speculation,” Jiang Xuanjin looked at him. “Do you have any evidence?”

“Do we need evidence to see that Liang Sixian has been enjoying his freedom for so many years?” Lu Jingxing shook his head. “Everyone knows what’s going on, but no one can say it openly. After all, the scrolls are in the hands of those in the Ministry of Rites, and no one can see them.”

That was true. Even Lord Ziyang couldn’t see the complete top-scoring scrolls.

Bai Ai said indignantly, “What can I do now? Go to the yamen and demand justice?”

“Don’t.” Huaiyu shook her head. “If you demand justice, people might think that Jiang Er Gongzi switched your scroll. But he didn’t; he’s even angrier than you are.”

Having blissfully slept, thinking he had finally escaped Jiang Shen’s entrance into officialdom, and then inexplicably becoming the top scorer, Jiang Shen must also be itching to demand justice.

Jiang Xuanjin stood up and nodded slightly to Bai Ai. “I will make this right for you. Please be patient for a couple of days.”

“Very well.” Bai Ai bowed. “I will await His Highness’s good news.”

Everything went smoothly. Huaiyu looked at Jiang Xuanjin’s profile and sighed with relief.

As they left the Lu residence, Jiang Xuanjin walked with his eyes half-closed, looking burdened.

Huaiyu gently hooked her arm with his and asked softly, “What are you thinking about?”

“About Liang Sixian,” Jiang Xuanjin said. “He’s talented and highly educated, making it hard to believe he would engage in corruption for personal gain.”

Huaiyu chuckled softly. “Your second brother is also talented and highly educated. His poems about yearning are as deep as the sea, faithful and unwavering. But do you think he’s a faithful person?”

The analogy was vivid, convincing Jiang Xuanjin. “We still need to investigate thoroughly.”

“Thank you for your hard work,” Huaiyu reached out and pinched his arm, lowering her gaze to conceal a hint of guilt in her eyes.

Jiang Xuanjin didn’t look at her, murmuring, “This Liang gentleman also had some grievances with Danyang before.”

“Why does everyone seem to have grievances with Danyang?” Li Huaiyu said casually. “Did she do a lot of wrongs and anger everyone?”

She had indeed committed many wrongs, but some of the things considered wrong in the past now seemed to have their reasoning from Danyang’s perspective. However, her reasoning didn’t conform to the laws and regulations, and she would ultimately be restrained.

Thinking of the brilliant figure in Feiyun Palace, radiant as the evening glow, Jiang Xuanjin furrowed his brow, suddenly feeling a bit heavy-hearted.

“Don’t think about her!” Huaiyu laughed, pulling him forward. “Go back and find your second brother. If we delay this any further, who knows what complications might arise.”

With the announcement of the results imminent, Jiang Xuanjin snapped out of his reverie. He dared not procrastinate any longer. Upon returning to the Jiang residence, he instructed Jiang Shen to search for the seal. After a thorough search without success, they sent someone to investigate the Ministry of Rites under the cover of night.

As a result, the seal was indeed found, right on Liang Sixian’s desk at the Ministry of Rites.

The next day, Jiang Xuanjin took Jiang Shen to the imperial court and reported the situation, earnestly requesting the Emperor to investigate.

Li Huaiyu, dressed in maid attire, accompanied Jiang Xuanjin to the Ministry of Rites. They saw sheets of paper flying everywhere, and Liang Sixian being escorted, looking disheveled, shouting towards them, “Your Highness, I am innocent!”

Seeing his desperate appearance, Jiang Xuanjin felt a twinge of pity, wondering if they were being too rough. How could they treat an academic official like this without solid evidence?

However, when Xu Yan convened the students of the capital to testify, and they saw the mass of people kneeling and protesting, admitting to their scrolls, Jiang Xuanjin’s sympathy evaporated. Not only Jiang Shen and Bai Ai, but during this round of selections, three scrolls from common-born scholars were replaced, and the seals on some scrolls were even tampered with and replaced with someone else’s name.

Huaiyu was astonished. “It’s like manipulating the heavens!”

Jiang Xuanjin was in a bad mood. He turned to her and asked, “Am I too quick to trust others?”

Huaiyu blinked in surprise. “Why do you say that?”

Feeling weary, he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close, resting his chin on her head. Jiang Xuanjin sighed. “From Li Fuxing to Liang Sixian, I always thought they were good people, but it turns out they were hiding such filthy things behind their backs.”

Patting the hand that rested on her waist, Huaiyu said, “People’s hearts are hidden beneath their skins. We shouldn’t judge solely based on appearances. Some may appear to be upright gentlemen but are cunning villains. And then… some seem irredeemable, but they might be wholeheartedly devoted to their country.”

Pausing for a moment, she chuckled again. “Of course, someone like me, who’s transparent inside and out, when I say I like you, I mean it. I like you on my face, and I like you in my heart!”

With a grunt, Jiang Xuanjin lifted her onto the carriage. His gaze was dim, indicating he was still quite unhappy.

So Li Huaiyu tried to cheer him up in every way possible. “Let’s not hurry back to the mansion. Shall we let the coachman take us for a leisurely ride around?”

He reached out to gently massage her waist, emitting a low “Hmm” as he settled her onto his lap, his eyes half-closed, gazing at her. Her long lashes fluttered gently, her deep, dark eyes hiding beneath, captivating.

Huaiyu couldn’t help herself and planted a kiss on his eye.

Jiang Xuanjin was a bit annoyed. “What are you doing?”

With a mischievous grin, she caressed his face and said, “Isn’t it obvious what I’m doing? Here, let me do it again!”

With that, she tugged at his collar and planted another kiss on his face.

The carriage moved slowly, swaying gently. Outside, there were voices of passersby chatting. Jiang Xuanjin felt it was quite audacious, but the person in his arms paid no mind. Not only did she kiss him, but her hand also wandered to his back, tracing his spine.

“Move again, and I’ll throw you off!” he threatened a mix of sternness and reluctance in his tone.

Huaiyu raised an eyebrow, her eyes playful. “You dare throw me, and I’ll dare scream ‘Lord Ziyang is molesting me!'”

Jiang Xuanjin stiffened immediately, considering releasing her to the side.

“If you dare push me away, I’ll also cry ‘molestation’,” Huaiyu laughed triumphantly, reaching to undo his belt.

“You…” Realizing what she intended to do, he was somewhat shocked. They were still on the street, and amidst the swaying curtains, one could vaguely make out the figures outside. But the person in his arms seemed fearless. She loosened his outer robe, pressing tightly against his inner garment, her lips, lifted with a warm breath, brushed against his Adam’s apple.

“Baizhu Ji,” he gritted his teeth, speaking sternly, “you can’t act recklessly here!”

Originally intending just to tease him, but hearing his words, Huaiyu lifted her eyes with displeasure. “Do you know some people are naturally rebellious? The more you try to stop them, the more they want to do it.”

With a light nip on his chin, she arrogantly declared, “I’m that kind of person!”

Jiang Xuanjin was furious and attempted to push her away. However, she was shameless. With a twist of her head, she shouted towards the street, “Ziyang…”

Immediately, the curious passersby on the street turned their heads towards the carriage.

Blushing, Jiang Xuanjin hurriedly covered her mouth and pulled her back into his embrace, allowing her to continue taking advantage of him.

“But don’t make a sound,” she chuckled mischievously, her hand slipping under his inner garment, tracing the contours of his firm abdomen, as if counting the lines of his muscles, refusing to stop.

“You’re going too far,” his voice was hoarse, filled with resentment as he whispered into her ear.

Thinking back to that night in the bedroom, Huaiyu was indignant. “Who’s going too far? I begged you so much back then, and you didn’t spare me either!”

This shameless… what they did in the bedroom was now replicated here? Jiang Xuanjin’s body tensed, feeling the warmth of her fingertips. He glanced at the swaying curtains ahead from the corner of his eye, feeling like he was about to combust.

Huaiyu giggled, lowering her head to peck him gently, her hand continuing its rogue exploration downwards.

Suddenly, ChengXu, who was driving the carriage, heard a muffled grunt from inside the carriage. “Master?” he asked hurriedly. “Are you alright?”

“Ah it’s nothing. Your master bumped his head,” there was no reply from the master, but the voice of the madam came from behind the curtain, “Just keep driving, head towards the outskirts.”

Outskirts? Cheng Xu was quite puzzled, but he complied nonetheless.

Huaiyu turned her head, looking at the person in front of her who was currently nibbling on her shoulder, and whispered playfully in his ear, “You need to be careful. Cheng Xu’s ears are sharp, we can’t let him hear anything.”

As she spoke, her hands continued their playful gestures, becoming even more audacious and bold.

Jiang Xuanjin’s eyes were already filled with murderous intent. He tightened his grip around her waist, taking a deep breath as he leaned his head against the carriage wall. His usually aloof face was now invaded by a touch of sensuality, his gaze angry and struggling.

Such irresistible allure…

Huaiyu thought to herself with a dry mouth. If Emperor Xuanjin hadn’t favored him and bestowed the title of Ziyang Jun upon him, she would have snatched him back to the Feiyun Palace as a court official.

It was a pity that Jiang Xuanjin showed no favor towards Danyang at all, and only Baizhu Jiji dared to tease him like this.

“Jiang Xie~” She breathed hotly into his ear, teasing his body while calling his name. That mischievous smile on her face made her look like a bandit coming down from the mountains.

Jiang Xuanjin was rendered defenseless by her playful antics, his body feeling uncomfortable. Unable to resist, he opened his mouth and bit down gently on her shoulder, letting out a low groan.

Their green amber robe and light orange maidservant dress were intertwined in a mess. It looked quite pleasing to the eye.

The hour was already late, and by the time the carriage swayed to a stop in the outskirts, the moon had already risen. As the carriage stopped, Huaiyu lifted the curtain and stuck her head out, calling out to Cheng Xu, “Go find some spring water. Your master is thirsty.”

“Understood.” Without any suspicion, Cheng Xu obediently left.

Huaiyu turned back with a smile, gently stroking Jiang Xuanjin’s back as she coaxed him softly, “It’s just us now, don’t be angry anymore.”

With a lingering flush on his face, Jiang Xuanjin glared at her fiercely. “You are…”

“I’m audacious, I don’t follow the rules, and I act recklessly!” Huaiyu admitted her mistake candidly, then reached out to straighten his outer robe. “But you’re in a better mood now, aren’t you?”

Jiang Xuanjin was taken aback, furrowing his brows as he looked at her.

So, was she teasing him like this because his mood wasn’t good just now? Jiang Xuanjin chuckled in annoyance. “Do you think I’ll believe you just because you say that?”

“It doesn’t matter if you believe it or not!” She pouted, looking defiant.

Jiang Xuanjin: “…”

Cheng Xu returned, respectfully handing over the water jug. “Master.”

Lifting the carriage curtain, Jiang Xuanjin took the water jug with one hand and Huaiyu with the other, pulling her to the side of the road. Annoyed, he said, “Hold out your hand.”

Huaiyu obediently complied, washing her hands with the water he poured out, muttering as she washed, “You have OCD, and you’re even fussing over me?”


“It’s necessary to wash, indeed!” Huaiyu earnestly rubbed her hands.

Cheng Xu looked on from behind, utterly bewildered. Weren’t they thirsty? Why was she washing her hands now?

The moonlight outside was intoxicating. Huaiyu lazily leaned against Jiang Xuanjin’s chest, yawning, “I don’t want to go back. It’d be nice to rest here.”

Giving her a sideways glance, Jiang Xuanjin shook his head. “That’s not possible.”

This place was full of trees and grass. How could anyone live here?

“I know it’s not possible. I was just speaking casually. The carriage feels too stuffy,” Huaiyu grumbled as she moved to climb onto the carriage shaft.

However, as soon as she got up, her hand was pulled back.

Jiang Xuanjin stood by the carriage shaft, pulling her hand and flipping her over, then lifting her down and carrying her on his back.

Huaiyu: “?!?”

“I also find it a bit stuffy.” He said indifferently, reaching to hook her legs securely on his back before striding back.

Huaiyu was dumbfounded. So was Cheng Xu. What did this mean? Was he planning to carry her back? But walking back to the main city from here would take half an hour, not to mention he was carrying her on his back.

Jiang Xuanjin’s back was broad and warm, giving a sense of security. After being surprised for a moment, Huaiyu relaxed. She casually placed her hand on his shoulder and swayed with his steps.

“You’re really cute,” she chuckled.

Jiang Xuanjin looked ahead expressionlessly. “What words should be used to compliment a man? I’ll teach you when we get back.”

“Don’t bother teaching, even if you do, I’ll still find you cute,” she laughed even more cheerfully. “I’m nice to you once, and you insist on being nice to me once too, unwilling to owe me anything?”

He remained silent, hooking his hand around her knee, his back straight.

This position would actually be uncomfortable for the person being carried, but Huaiyu was enjoying herself, swaying her head as she looked at the moon in the sky, the fragrance of incense lingering around him.

“If you’re tired of carrying me, just put me down. Cheng Xu is driving the carriage behind us.”


He agreed but didn’t act on it. Jiang Xuanjin continued to walk slowly with her on his back. By the time they were near the Jiang residence, the person on his back had fallen asleep. He looked at the plaque of the Jiang residence from afar, a faint smile on his lips, his ink-black eyes filled with the moonlight that had accompanied them on their journey.

Cheng Xu, watching from behind, was speechless.

As the corruption in the selection of officials gradually came to light with Liang Sixian being detained for trial, the people were in an uproar, and the court was in turmoil. The emperor ordered a thorough investigation of the Ministry of Rites, and the capital seemed to become lively again.

Jiang Xuanjin hadn’t attended court for two days, sitting calmly in his study copying Buddhist scriptures. He dismissed any senior officials who came to visit him, without even seeing them.

Curiously munching on melon seeds, Huaiyu asked him, “Aren’t you afraid of missing out on important matters by avoiding people like this?”

Without lifting his head, Jiang Xuanjin said, “At this critical moment, those who come to visit are certainly not here to discuss right or wrong but to balance political factions. It’s better not to see them.”

That made sense. Huaiyu grinned, thinking that after mingling in the court for eight years without getting involved in political factions and still standing strong, perhaps Jiang Xuanjin was the only one capable of doing so.

Just thinking about it, Cheng Xu rushed in with a panicked expression, “Master, there’s an esteemed guest!”

Jiang Xuanjin frowned, “Didn’t I say we wouldn’t see anyone?”

“But this person… cannot be ignored!” Cheng Xu shook his head repeatedly.

Jiang Xuanjin paused, put down his brush, and looked outside. He saw a person dressed in plain yellow court attire standing there, accompanied only by a guard.

His expression changed slightly as he stepped out to welcome the visitor. “What trouble are you causing again?”

Li Huailin looked at him with a troubled expression and said helplessly, “I really can’t make up my mind. His Highness refuses to enter the palace, and they won’t let me consult His Highness about everything, so I had to come and find you.”

Li Huaiyu abruptly stood up from the soft couch. Noticing her, Li Huailin smiled faintly, “Is the Princess Consort here too?”

“Greetings to Your Majesty.” Huaiyu’s expression was solemn. She glanced at the person beside him and couldn’t help but say, “It’s dangerous for you to go out like this.”

“I can’t be blamed for not cherishing my life.” Li Huailin smiled bitterly. “But if I want to bring a guard with me, I have to report to the Grand Preceptor first, then wait for them to discuss and decide on the patrol route and ceremonial guards… I find it easier this way.”

It might be easier, but his life would be in jeopardy! Huaiyu’s expression turned grim. Her brother was being too sheltered by her. Did he think being the emperor meant he could wander the streets at will? There were plenty of people who wanted to harm him. If they spotted him, it would be like a lamb walking into a pack of wolves.

With her heart in her throat, Huaiyu looked around and quietly instructed Cheng Xu and Yufeng, “Take care of His Majesty and prepare to escort him back to the palace later.”

Before Jiang Xuanjin could speak, she had already taken over the conversation. He glanced at her sideways, nodding to indicate that Cheng Xu and Yufeng should comply.

Li Huailin whispered, “I had no trouble coming here, Your Highness and Consort needn’t be so nervous.”

Huaiyu wanted to scold him, but her current status didn’t allow it. Fortunately, Jiang Xuanjin shared her sentiments. He spoke up for her, “As the ruler of the state, how can you be so careless?”

“…Your Highness, please calm down.” Li Huailin, forgetting his own identity when scolded, lowered his head nervously. “I will be more careful in the future.”

Jiang Xuanjin frowned at him. “Your Majesty, what brings you here?”

Recalling the matter at hand, Li Huailin lifted his head. “Regarding the case of the Imperial Tutor, Mr. Liang, I believe Xu Yan’s assessment is correct. Since it has been found that he abused his authority for personal gain, he should be severely punished and sent to the border. But Magistrate Liu mentioned that there are still some suspicious aspects to this matter, which made me hesitate. Magistrate Liu has always been fair, and his words have made me uncertain.”

“Why would you heed Magistrate Liu Yunlie’s words if you believe Xu Yan is right?” Jiang Xuanjin interrupted.

“But he…”

“Regardless of Liu Yunlie’s character, does it relate to the case handled by the Ministry of Rites?”


“Since it doesn’t, and he hasn’t presented any evidence to refute Xu Yan’s findings, why are you uncertain?” Jiang Xuanjin was displeased. “And you dare risk leaving the palace?”

Li Huailin felt scolded and a bit nervous, completely deChengxu of his usual dominance in court. He bowed his head, looking pitiful, which made Huaiyu feel a pang of sympathy. She brought over tea and placed it by Jiang Xuanjin’s hand, interrupting his anger.

Glancing at her, Jiang Xuanjin coldly told Li Huailin, “I’ll escort you back to the palace now.”

Li Huaiyu couldn’t help but find the situation somewhat laughable. Following behind her royal brother, she noticed he seemed to have grown taller.

He used to be only half a head taller than her, but now she could barely reach his shoulder.

She felt a strange mix of emotions.

“What are you looking at?” the person beside her asked quietly.

Li Huaiyu honestly whispered, “I’m looking at His Majesty.”

It wasn’t her imagination; she did indeed have a favorable impression of the emperor. Jiang Xuanjin’s gaze darkened slightly. “I’ll take him back; you needn’t come.”

“No, I must go too!” Huaiyu nervously grabbed his hand, earnestly pleading, “The more hands, the better! I might be of some help too, right?”

The person in front of her didn’t look too pleased. “The capital is turbulent lately. If we encounter any danger, you’ll only be a burden.”

Huaiyu’s expression fell, and she glanced resentfully at Li Huailin ahead.

Jiang Xuanjin led them out of the Moju Gate and then abruptly locked her inside with a loud thud, his tone tinged with anger. “Your Majesty?” Li Huailin turned curiously to him. “What’s wrong?”

Walking ahead with lowered eyes, he shook his head, gesturing for Cheng Xu and Yufeng to lead the way. Then he handed the emperor a cloak.

Li Huailin put it on resignedly. When he noticed his wife wasn’t there, he suddenly realized, “Are you worried about her safety, Your Majesty? Is that why you didn’t let her come?”

“I’m just afraid she’ll cause trouble.”

“Lately, I’ve often heard people mention Your Majesty’s wife,” Li Huailin chuckled. “All the officials in the court say that she and Your Majesty share a close bond.”

Do they? Jiang Xuanjin thought with a cold gaze. Indeed, they appeared close on the surface because this person was always professing affection for him, and her gaze truly seemed to confirm it.

Just now, he noticed the way she looked at the emperor, shining with tenderness, even more so than when she looked at him, with an indescribable something extra.

What’s this? It’s like receiving a unique gift, filling him with joy, thinking it was exceptional. Only to find out one day, when he goes out, that the gifts she gives to others are all the same, and even better than his.


“Where did I go wrong?” Sensing Lord Ziyang’s hostility, Li Huailin felt uneasy.

Regaining his composure, Jiang Xuanjin lowered his eyes. “You didn’t go wrong anywhere, Your Majesty, please come this way.”

Exiting the Jiang residence, they stepped onto an official road. Despite the quiet surroundings, they couldn’t spot a single passerby. Cheng Xu and Yufeng, along with the others, all looked serious. Jiang Xuanjin glanced around, sensing a foreboding.

“Walk slower,” he said. “Yufeng, go back and bring out another twenty household guards.”


Li Huailin looked around but saw nothing unusual. He couldn’t help but say, “Isn’t His Highness being overly cautious? How could there be…”

Before he could finish his sentence, two strong gusts of wind whizzed past his ear, embedding into the ground not far behind with a sharp clink, quivering fiercely.

His pupils constricted, and Li Huailin took in a sharp breath of air.

Jiang Xuanjin immediately stepped in front of him, raising his eyes toward the direction from which the arrows flew. His gaze turned fierce. “Protect the emperor!”

A tense atmosphere swept over the road. Ten covert guards surrounded the emperor, charging towards the high wall where the arrows came from.

But before they could reach it, several more arrows shot from different directions, their piercing whistles chilling to the bone.

“Retreat to the Jiang residence,” Jiang Xuanjin ordered in a grave tone.

The covert guards shifted their steps accordingly. However, their attackers wouldn’t let them leave so easily. Masked figures silently closed in, their weapons gleaming ominously.

Jiang Xuanjin’s expression grew grave. They were only half a mile away from the Jiang residence. If His Majesty were to be assassinated here, the entire Jiang household would likely bear the blame. The attackers’ posture indicated they were well-prepared. By not striking before the emperor arrived at the Jiang residence, they intended to implicate him and bring down the entire household, killing two birds with one stone.

Absolutely cannot let the emperor get hurt!

As the blades clashed, the masked assailants surged forward. The Jiang household guards met them head-on, while Jiang Xuanjin, protecting Li Huailin, charged ahead.

“I was wrong.” Li Huailin gritted his teeth, watching the chaos unfold. “I was too careless!”

“There’s no use saying that now.” Jiang Xuanjin reached out, grabbing his arm and narrowly pulling him away from an incoming blade. “Move quickly!”

The clash of swords echoed around them, accompanied by sporadic arrows whizzing by. Jiang Xuanjin glanced back and saw several crossbows suddenly being raised atop the high wall across from them.

“Your Majesty!” With a low shout, he pulled Li Huailin closer and positioned himself in front of him.

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh—” Arrows flew at them from behind.

“Master!” Cheng Xu exclaimed in horror, rushing to intercept several arrows for him. But before he could do much, four arrows, with piercing whistles, soared past him and headed straight for their backs.

With no time to dodge, Jiang Xuanjin managed to grab one arrow, but at the same time, two others pierced through the flesh of his back and shoulder, causing him to grunt in pain.

What was worse, the last arrow slipped past the interception and pierced straight through Li Huailin’s left arm.

“Your Majesty!”

“Your Highness!”

The cries of alarm rang out as Cheng Xu, eyes red with fury, kicked aside the masked assailants in front of him and turned to check on the two injured men. But before he could reach them, arrows were once again launched from the wall, aiming to strike.

Without pausing, he helped Li Huailin up from the ground and dashed toward the Jiang residence gate. All the covert guards behind them abandoned the fight with the masked attackers and rushed toward the high wall.

Li Huaiyu was squatting at the gate, sighing, when suddenly the Jiang residence gate was flung open and Jiang Xuanjin, covered in blood, charged in, barking orders, “Someone, come here!”

A servant, startled by his appearance, hurried forward to listen to his commands. Li Huaiyu looked up but saw nothing except the arrow piercing through Li Huailin’s arm.

“Huailin!” Her face paled as she rushed forward to support him, anxiously asking, “What happened?”

Jiang Xuanjin had just finished ordering the servant to apprehend someone when he was met with her question, leaving him momentarily stunned.

It was rare to see her so visibly distressed, her delicate brows furrowed with concern, her almond-shaped eyes full of tenderness. With both hands supporting Li Huailin, she even draped his right arm over her shoulder, fully supporting him.


Before he could utter a word, she had already begun guiding Li Huailin inside.

“Where’s the physician? Lingxiu, fetch the household physician to Moju!”

“Miss…” Lingxiu looked puzzledly at Lord Ziyang standing by the door, her expression somewhat flustered.

But Li Huaiyu didn’t even spare her a glance, her attention solely on the arrow lodged in Li Huailin’s arm. Seeing the wound slowly seeping blood, her urgency increased. “What are you standing there for? Go quickly!”

Lingxiu hastily lifted her skirt and ran off. Li Huaiyu then helped Li Huailin into Moju and swiftly cut away the fabric around the wound with scissors, working with practiced efficiency.

“Madam…” Li Huailin, sweating profusely from the pain, half-opened his eyes in astonishment as he looked at her. “You…”

“Don’t talk for now,” Huaiyu said urgently, her movements gentle as she held the arrow and snipped off its tail end with scissors. Then, she used a cloth to gently wipe away the blood around his wound.

Her actions were tender, her eyes filled with urgency, which left Li Huailin staring in surprise for a moment. Almost instinctively, he called out, “Sister…”

Li Huaiyu froze, her hand holding the cloth stiffening suddenly, as she looked at him incredulously.

Li Huailin didn’t recognize her; it was just that the pain from his wound made him feel scared and anxious, causing him to seek comfort. But seeing the shocked expression in front of him, he smiled again. “Madam, when you’re gentle, you remind me of my sister.”

Feeling somewhat embarrassed, Huaiyu blushed. “Is that so?”

“Yes, my sister is always fierce with everyone, but she’s the gentlest with me.” He smiled brightly, revealing a childish side as he looked at her with a scattered gaze as if seeing someone else through her.

Her throat tightened, and Huaiyu couldn’t help but reach out to touch his face.

“Miss!” Before her hand could reach him, footsteps approached from behind, startling her. She quickly withdrew her hand and turned around to see Lingxiu leading the physician in, followed by Lord Jiang, Senior.

The commotion had alerted everyone in the Jiang residence, and Senior Jiang came forward to apologize immediately. Huaiyu quickly stood aside, ushering the physician forward.

“Don’t apologize now,” Jiang Chong said, helping Senior Jiang up. “Saving His Majesty is the priority.”

The physician from the Jiang residence trembled slightly upon hearing the identity of the patient. Huaiyu placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder and said firmly, “No bones are injured, it’s just a flesh wound. It won’t be life-threatening. Just focus on removing the arrow for His Majesty.”


Jiang Yan stood among the crowd, frowning as he glanced at Li Huaiyu several times. Seeing her completely absorbed in attending to His Majesty, he couldn’t help but walk over and gently tug at her.

“What’s wrong?” Huaiyu didn’t even look up.

Jiang Yan was somewhat annoyed, pulling her aside forcefully and furrowing his brows. “While His Majesty’s condition is undoubtedly important, your younger uncle’s injuries are more severe. How can you stay here all the time?”

Jiang Xuanjin was injured too? Huaiyu was astonished. She hadn’t seen anything just now. Wasn’t he fine when he helped Li Huailin back?

“Where’s your younger uncle?”

Giving her a complex look, Jiang Yan pointed to the nearby guesthouse.

Jiang Shen and Xu Chuniang were inside the guesthouse, and the physician removed the arrow from Jiang Xuanjin. Huaiyu hurried in and saw a splash of bright red blood on the floor in front of the bed with a “plop.”

Gasping, she quickly ran over to see.

Jiang Xuanjin’s face was ashen, and he was biting down on a piece of softwood. His upper body was bare, covered in dark red bloodstains.

“Jiang Jie.” She leaned over the bed, asking urgently, “Are you okay?”

Hearing her voice, Jiang Xuanjin slowly opened his eyes.

Just as Huaiyu was about to ask again, she was taken aback by the look in his eyes—a chill ran down her spine. His ink-black pupils were as distant and cold as when they first met, staring at her quietly, as if she were a stranger.

“Sister, step aside for now,” Jiang Shen urged anxiously. “There’s still one arrow left to remove.”

Coming back to her senses, Huaiyu noticed the half-arrow still lodged in his back. It hadn’t hit any vital organs but the wound was deep.

“The Third Young Master, bear with it a bit,” the physician said as he pinched the arrow shaft, beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

Jiang Xuanjin withdrew his gaze from the people around him, closing his eyes indifferently.

As the second arrow was pulled out, blood gushed forth, but he merely furrowed his brow slightly, his expression returning to calmness.

Jiang Shen looked extremely tense as he assisted the physician in applying hemostatic medicine, repeatedly asking, “How are you? Can you endure it?”

Huaiyu also stepped forward, wanting to touch his hand.

“I’m fine.” Jiang Xuanjin half-opened his eyes, retracting his hand to ChengXu hers, and calmly said to Jiang Shen, “Brother, there’s no need to worry too much. A few days of rest will suffice.”

“The Third Young Master is being too casual about this!” The physician wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, “If the arrow had deviated by an inch, it would have been fatal!”

“What does it matter?” he murmured, “As long as I’m not dead.”

His self-deprecating tone was too strong, tightening Huaiyu’s chest. She quickly said, “How can it not matter? It looks painful just to watch!”

Ignoring her, Jiang Xuanjin closed his eyes again and waited for the physician to bandage the wound before reclining.

Sensing the tense atmosphere, Jiang Shen looked at the two of them in confusion. “What’s going on? Isn’t the Third Young Master always happiest to see his younger sister? Why is he acting like this today?”

Huaiyu scratched her temple awkwardly, laughing nervously. “I made him angry.”

“He’s always angry every day. Can’t you just coax him?” Jiang Shen waved his hand dismissively, then turned to pull Xu Chuniang aside. “Come on, let’s go check on Third Brother’s medicine.”

Xu Chuniang nodded and followed him as they left.

They departed, leaving behind Huaiyu, Chengxu, and Yufeng, who were still standing nearby. Huaiyu glanced at them and noticed that their usual gentle gazes toward her were absent.

“Did… did I make you angry too?” she asked softly.

Chengxu clasped his hands expressionlessly. “Wouldn’t dare.”

It wasn’t that they weren’t angry, it was that they wouldn’t dare. Huaiyu sighed, wanting to explain the situation, but she didn’t know where to start. She decided to stay silent, helping to clean up the blood on the floor and fetching clean clothes for him from the main house.

“Your subordinates are here,” Chengxu accepted the clothes and bowed to her. “You should go rest.”

With that, he closed the door, leaving her outside.

“Chengxu,” Yufeng frowned, glancing towards the direction of the bed. “Don’t overdo it.”

Wasn’t this already considered overdoing it? Chengxu was infuriated. He had served His Majesty for so many years, but he had never seen His Majesty so heartbroken. His amber-colored clothes were soaked in blood, yet no one dared to approach him. And where was the Lady? She was assisting His Majesty! Was she blind to not see his injuries? Or did she truly prioritize the greater good, thinking that His Majesty’s life was more important than the Emperor’s?

Chengxu couldn’t understand, especially after witnessing how much his master cared about this Lady. He found it even more incomprehensible.

Yufeng sighed and approached the bed, asking softly, “Does Master want the Lady to come and take care of you?”

“No need,” Jiang Xuanjin replied coldly. “Don’t let her through this door again.”

Yufeng paused, silent for a long time before responding, “Understood.”

Huaiyu squatted at the door, lost in thought. When Lingxiu saw her, she was surprised. “Why are you outside?”

“It’s nothing, I made a mistake,” she muttered. “Maybe everything will be okay in a while.”

However, two hours passed, and the door behind her kept opening and closing, but Chengxu didn’t let her in.

“His Majesty has awakened,” Lingxiu whispered to her. “Do you want me to inform the Emperor?”

Rubbing her numb legs, Huaiyu stood up. “You go tell him. He doesn’t want to see me. I’ll go take a look at the main house.”

The Emperor was attacked at the entrance of the Jiang residence and was severely injured. The Jiang family would surely be held accountable. She had to figure out a way to get Huaiyun to help.

Huaiyu took a deep breath and entered the main hall.

The elderly Jiang and the others knelt in a group, begging for forgiveness. Li Huaiyun repeatedly asked them to rise, but no one listened.

Huaiyu walked in and knelt at the forefront. “This humble wife has an earnest request.”

Li Huaiyun still remembered her and smiled reluctantly. “Madam, please speak.”

Glancing at the curious gazes of the people below, Huaiyu hesitated slightly.

Understanding her hesitation, Li Huaiyun whispered, “Everyone, please leave us for a moment.”

Confused, Jiang, the elderly patriarch, looked at Bai Zhuji, who gave him a reassuring look, and then continued to kneel upright.

After a moment of contemplation, Li Huaiyun led the Jiang family members out, leaving to check on Jiang Xuanjin.

With only guards left in the room, Huaiyu whispered to Li Huaiyun, “You should return to the palace and protect the Jiang family. His Majesty’s life is still in danger, and you cannot let his entire family suffer for your sake.”

Li Huaiyun was stunned for a moment, nodding slowly. “I understand that, but I don’t know how to…”

He wasn’t accustomed to lying, and Huaiyu, realizing this, gently coached him through the lie she had prepared earlier, ending confidently with, “Seamless!”

Li Huaiyun was taken aback, blinking at her for a while before nodding solemnly.

Jiang Xuanjin half-leaned against the head of the bed, the small guest room already filled with Jiang’s family members. He glanced around, not seeing the person who should have been there the most, his thin lips pursed tightly, his eyes filled with even more hostility.

Jiang Yan stood beside him, also looking around, displeased. “Why is my little sister-in-law missing again?”

“She seems to have gone to plead with His Majesty,” Jiang Chong said.

“Since when did she have the right to plead?” Jiang Yan muttered. “Wouldn’t it be better to accompany my little brother more?”

“Yan’er,” Jiang Chong shook his head.

Jiang Yan fell silent, but the elderly Jiang was also somewhat displeased. “Yan’er isn’t wrong this time. Zhuji’s behavior was inappropriate. When she comes out, let her take good care of Xuanjin.”

“No need,” Jiang Xuanjin lowered his eyes. “I have enough people by my side. One less of her won’t make a difference.”

Li Huaiyun: “…”

She had just finished teaching the Emperor how to lie and was about to step inside with her skirt raised when she was met with this statement, freezing her raised foot in midair.

Huaiyu blinked in confusion as she stared blankly at the person on the bed. Jiang Xuanjin also noticed her presence, hesitated for a moment, then coldly turned his head away. The others in the room also turned to look at her.

With an awkward smile frozen on her face, Huaiyu withdrew her raised leg and said, “I… I’ll go fetch the medicine.”

And then she ran.

Jiang Chong frowned slightly. “Third Brother…”

Jiang Xuanjin’s temperament had always been like this since childhood. If someone treated him well, he would reciprocate the kindness. But if someone slighted him even a little, he would withdraw all his goodwill and reveal his sharp edges.

Too childish.

Jiang Xuanjin remained silent, propping himself up and slowly lying on his side with his back to them.

Realizing there was nothing more to be said, Jiang Chong helped the elderly patriarch up and led the others out, advising Jiang Xuanjin to rest well. Jiang Yan, however, refused to leave, sitting by the bedside and whispering, “I don’t like her anymore.”

Compared to Miss Bai, he still preferred his little uncle. If she made his little uncle unhappy, then he would be unhappy too.

“Little Uncle, since you don’t like her either, why didn’t you just tell on her earlier?” he muttered. “Let the family know that she’s taking care of the Emperor instead of you. She’ll get scolded.”

“Don’t be silly.”

“I’m not being silly. I just felt angry seeing her there, taking care of His Majesty but ignoring you,” Jiang Yan furrowed his brow. “Doesn’t she even know her own identity and responsibilities?”

“Little Master,” Yuxu sighed helplessly. “Let’s let Master rest for a while first.”

“Alright.” Jiang Yan stood up, clenched his fist, and said, “Little Uncle, rest well. Your nephew will take his leave.”

Jiang Xuanjin turned his head slightly, watching his nephew’s retreating figure with a furrowed brow. He then whispered to Yuxu, “Yuxu, keep an eye on him. Make sure he doesn’t cause trouble.”

What trouble could the young master possibly cause? At most, he’s just going to bother Madam.

She muttered inwardly but didn’t dare to contradict him. She nodded with a stoic expression and turned to leave, letting the young master wander into the back courtyard without care.

In the back courtyard, Huaiyu was brewing medicine over a stove. There were two jars of medicine, one for Huailin and one for Jiang Xuanjin. She held a fan in her hand, staring at them, her mind wandering slightly.

“Little Aunt.” Jiang Yan’s voice sounded nearby.

Huaiyu snapped back to attention, smiling at him. “What’s the matter?”

“The physician said Little Uncle’s injury is severe and he needs some precious medicinal ingredients to nourish his blood and promote tissue regeneration. Could you please go to the medicine room in the west and fetch some?” Jiang Yan said earnestly.

Lingxiuo, who was nearby, immediately stood up. “Let me go fetch it. The medicine room is quite far from here.”

“Such precious medicinal ingredients, they won’t easily give them to a servant girl in the medicine room,” Jiang Yan said. “It’s better for Little Aunt to go herself.”

Without hesitation, Huaiyu stood up. “I’ll go. Lingxiuo, keep an eye on the fire. We’ll pour out the medicine in half an hour.”


Huaiyu navigated through the twists and turns of the Jiang residence, asking around until she found the location of the medicine room. But when she entered and inquired, she was surprised to find no medicinal ingredients for nourishing blood and promoting tissue regeneration.

“How could this be?” She frowned.

The steward of the medicine room chuckled apologetically. “The estate used to have a considerable stock of valuable healing herbs, but they were all taken by the Third Young Master two months ago. We haven’t been able to replenish them yet.”

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