HomeSpring BanquetChapter 46: The Weakness of Lord Ziyang

Chapter 46: The Weakness of Lord Ziyang

“I am under orders to track down the assassin,” declared Yi Yang, Commander of the Imperial Guards, standing at the forefront and cupping his hands in salute. “I request Second Young Master cooperate with us.”

“Assassin?” Jiang Shen was perplexed. “This is Lord Ziyang’s residence.”

“Someone testified that His Highness was ambushed near the Jiang Estate yesterday,” Yi Yang explained. “The Grand Minister of Justice has ordered a thorough investigation of the Jiang Estate and has summoned His Highness and others involved to the Ministry of Justice for questioning.”

What? Jiang Shen was taken aback. Cheng Xu and Yu Feng’s expressions also changed, and they stepped forward, ready to defend.

“His Highness saved the Emperor and is currently severely injured, yet you want to take him to the Ministry of Justice?” Jiang Shen furrowed his brows in anger. “What kind of logic is this?”

Yi Yang bowed his head apologetically. “I am merely following orders.”

Following orders? Liu Yunlie? Jiang Shen extended his hand. “Where is the warrant?”

The Jiang Estate is an official residence, and searching for it or apprehending someone requires at least an order from the Minister of Justice. However, Yi Yang could not produce it, only saying, “The situation is urgent. Several senior officials are already at the Ministry of Justice waiting. I ask the Second Young Master not to obstruct us.”

He signaled to his men, and numerous officers holding torches rushed inside.

Cheng Xu and Yu Feng couldn’t stop them. Jiang Shen, forced to retreat step by step, angrily retorted, “This is an act of insubordination!”

Yi Yang seemed not to hear, his eyes fixed on the main building’s entrance. He deflected Cheng Xu’s approaching sword with his scabbard and marched forward, ready to kick the door open.

However, before his foot could reach the door, the intricately carved door opened independently. Jiang Xuanjin stood there, his face pale, dressed in a light blue inner garment and draped in a cobalt cloak. His slender fingers held the door handle as he looked up coldly at Yi Yang.

Yi Yang was startled, instinctively stepping back two paces and bowing his head. “Your Highness!”

“Third Brother!” Jiang Shen hurried to support him. “Your injury…”

Ignoring Jiang Shen’s assistance, Jiang Xuanjin stepped out on his own, standing upright before Yi Yang. In a deep voice, he demanded, “What is the meaning of this?”

“Your Highness, this is by the order of Lord Liu,” Yi Yang stammered, beginning to panic. “I am merely carrying out my duty. At this moment, Prime Minister Qi, Lord Lin, and others are all waiting for you at the Ministry of Justice!”

“I am asking you: what is the meaning of storming the Jiang Estate?” Jiang Xuanjin lowered his gaze, his tone suddenly icy.

Yi Yang froze, his eyes darting from side to side. Realizing the impropriety of his actions, he hesitated for a moment before awkwardly removing the armor from his chest and kneeling before Jiang Xuanjin.

“I have overstepped. Please forgive me, Your Highness!”

Glancing at the courtyard filled with torches, Jiang Xuanjin closed his eyes momentarily and then looked at Cheng Xu beside him.

Understanding his intent, Cheng Xu quickly left the Mo Residence to check on the rest of the Jiang Estate. When he returned, he reported, “The Grand Duke has been disturbed and is already up. The Eldest Young Master and the Young Master have gone to the Ministry of Justice with them.”

Jiang Xuanjin’s expression darkened. Clenching his fist, he began to walk out.

“Third Brother!” Jiang Shen called out anxiously. “In your condition, how can you manage this? Your fever just broke!”

“If I don’t go, they might drag Father to the yamen as well,” Jiang Xuanjin replied with a cold smile. “I want to see what Liu Yunlie is up to with such a spectacle in the dead of night!”

As Jiang Xuanjin walked, the officers holding torches stepped back, clearing a path from the main house to the Mo Residence gate. No one dared to restrain him, and no one uttered a word.

Yi Yang, wiping cold sweat from his brow, followed behind, feeling a pang of regret. Lord Ziyang was weak and seemingly an easy target. Why did he feel so intimidated just by meeting his gaze?

Outside the Jiang Estate, the night was as dark as pitch. From the brightly lit estate, it seemed like a beast opening its maw. Jiang Xuanjin coughed lightly and, standing at the gate, glanced back at Cheng Xu. “Stop looking for her.”

Then he stepped out.

Yi Yang watched Cheng Xu warily, expecting Jiang Xuanjin to be issuing some secret command or code. However, Cheng Xu merely sighed deeply.

What did that mean? Yi Yang was puzzled.

The news of the Ministry of Justice surrounding the Jiang Estate and arresting Lord Ziyang, along with the General of the Cavalry, spread like wildfire through the capital the next morning. The public was abuzz with shock and confusion. Arresting others might be understandable—few officials were truly clean—but how could they target the Jiang Estate? The Jiang family, from Lord Ziyang to even the low-ranking officials, had always been known for their integrity!

There was murmuring in the court as well, but for some reason, after a few comments, the topic was dropped. Business proceeded as usual, with officials attending court and presenting their reports as if nothing had happened.

Lu Jingxing chuckled, fanning himself. “The intricacies of court politics are deep, far beyond the understanding of common folk.”

Huaiyu, leaning against the headboard, pinched her nose and drank a bowl of medicine, her face scrunched up in distaste. “What’s so hard to understand? If they’re arresting people from the Jiang Estate, it must be related to the assassination attempt on His Highness.”

“Is that even possible?” Lu Jingxing snorted and shook his head. “Lord Ziyang saved the Emperor, after all.”

Indeed, he had saved the Emperor. Remembering his injuries, Li Huaiyu frowned, rolled out of bed, and got up.

“What are you doing?” Lu Jingxing blocked her with his fan, exasperated. “You’re not fully recovered yet!”

“Something’s fishy about this,” Huaiyu said, gripping the fan’s ribs and looking up at him. “I pleaded with Huailin, and with his temperament, he wouldn’t have blown up the assassination issue. Given the current situation, someone must be deliberately stirring trouble to use this incident to implicate the Jiang family.”

Nodding in sudden realization, Lu Jingxing said, “Then this is perfect. With the Jiang family in trouble, you can take the opportunity to ask for a divorce letter, freeing yourself from any grievances.”

Without a second thought, Li Huaiyu kicked him, furious. “How can you joke at a time like this? Use your brain! Jiang Xuanjin has been a pillar in the court for many years. Have you ever seen anyone deliberately target him?”

Lu Jingxing looked at her with a complicated expression.

“…Except me!” Huaiyu shot him a glare and snorted. “I’m different; my case is special. But look at everyone else. Haven’t they always respected and followed Lord Ziyang’s lead? What’s going on now? Why are they suddenly turning against the Jiang family?”

Listening to her, Lu Jingxing narrowed his eyes. “That does seem odd. Did he offend someone recently?”

“A certain Li Fengxing and Liang Sixian have both lost their previous positions and power. Even though Liang Sixian has many disciples, none of them can challenge Jiang Xuanjin,” Huaiyu explained. “But there’s something else he’s been doing that would undoubtedly offend people.”

“What is it?” Lu Jingxing asked.

Pointing to herself, Huaiyu said, “Investigating the case of Sima Xu.”

Taking action against Li and Liang could be justified as legal proceedings. But investigating the case of Sima Xu? It was contrary to Lord Ziyang’s previous stance and could be seen as opposing a significant portion of the court. Although not many people knew he was investigating, some were certainly aware.

“So, according to you…” Lu Jingxing frowned, “the person who previously wanted to harm you is now targeting Jiang Xuanjin?”

“Exactly,” Huaiyu nodded. “That person must hate me immensely. When Jiang Xuanjin was helping him against me, he supported him wholeheartedly. But once Jiang Xuanjin realized he had wronged me and decided to re-investigate the matter, that person turned against him without hesitation.”

In other words, by identifying the person now causing trouble for Jiang Xuanjin, they could uncover who was behind the plot against her.

“I understand,” Lu Jingxing nodded, then glanced at her. “But in your current state, what can you do?”

“First, go out and get a clear picture of the situation,” Huaiyu said, touching her forehead. “I’ve eaten enough to feel better. If you’re worried, why not come with me?”

Lu Jingxing scoffed, spreading his fan with a dismissive wave. “I’m the top merchant in the capital, with countless affairs to manage daily. Do you think I have time to wander the streets with you?”

A stick of incense later, the top merchant of the capital reluctantly followed her through the bustling streets.

Seeing a royal proclamation posted on a notice wall nearby, Li Huaiyu’s eyes lit up. She quickly ran over and stood on tiptoe to read it.

“Offering a huge reward for the capture of the assassin? And additional rewards for any clues?” Huaiyu laughed out loud upon reading these lines.

There were no portraits of the assassin, nor descriptions of the victim’s attire. Posting such a notice seemed like the authorities were practically shouting to the public: Make up a story! As long as it satisfies us, the money is yours!

No wonder they moved so quickly to apprehend people from the Jiang Estate. With such “evidence,” they could easily find plenty of “witnesses.”

Shaking her head, she reached out to take down the notice.

“What are you doing?” Lu Jingxing frowned, stopping her. “Do you think you can just take down a royal proclamation?”

“I have clues too!” Huaiyu blinked innocently. “Why can’t I take it down if I have information?”

Lu Jingxing tapped her forehead with his fan. “If you take it down, you’ll have to go to the yamen. If they find out you are the Third Madam of the Jiang family, they might detain you as well.”

“Let them detain me then,” she said with a shrug. Being detained would be the perfect opportunity to see what’s happening at the yamen.

Lu Jingxing didn’t understand her true motives and assumed she wanted to see Jiang Xuanjin. He glared at her with his phoenix eyes. “Are you infatuated with him or something?”

“Who is infatuated?” Li Huaiyu rolled her eyes. “You didn’t see how fierce he was with me back then. Only a fool would be charmed by him.”

“Then why are you…”

“Don’t worry,” Huaiyu waved dismissively as she reached for the proclamation. “I’m not easily swayed. Right now, we have more important matters to attend to. I couldn’t care less whether he lives or dies…”

The conversation was cut short as the imperial edict was unveiled, revealing a painting on the wall behind it. The painting was quite crude, depicting two figures, one tall and one short, with the taller one leaning down towards the shorter. Above them were several strokes resembling fireworks, looking oddly familiar.

“What’s this?” remarked a bystander with disdain. “These days, everything ends up stuck on walls!”

“It’s not just here, there are plenty on the streets over there too,” another person sighed. “Seems like it’s from a wealthy household, but I can’t make heads or tails of it.”

Li Huaiyu hesitated, staring at the painting and blinking, then reached out and took it down.

“What are you going to do with that?” Lu Jingxing frowned. “It’s as ugly as something you’d paint.”


Giving him a deep look, Li Huaiyu gritted her teeth. “This is my painting.”

“Huh?” Lu Jingxing was momentarily taken aback, looking at her suddenly strange expression. After a moment of silence, he said, “Have you not harmed me enough? What have the people of the capital done wrong?”

She slapped him on the back. “It’s my painting, but I didn’t put it up!”

“Who else would appreciate such a painting besides you?”

“Why do you care!” Folding the painting neatly and tucking it into her sleeve, Huaiyu retorted irritably, “I’m going to the yamen. You can go back on your own.”

“Ancestors, with you looking like this, can I trust you to go to the yamen alone?” Lu Jingxing rolled his eyes, waved for Zhao Cai to bring the carriage over, and promptly lifted her into it.

Frowning, Li Huaiyu asked, “If I provide clues, what will you do?”

“Isn’t there a reward?” Lu Jingxing smirked as he fanned himself. “You provide the clues, get yourself locked up, and I’ll collect the reward for you. And in case you can’t get out, I’ll bribe the guards to treat you well and get you some good food.”

“Ugh!” She kicked at him. “Can’t you say something nice?”

Dodging her attack with agility, Lu Jingxing chuckled for a moment, then turned serious. “When necessary, send word for me. I’ll wait outside for you.”

“Alright.” She nodded firmly.

At the entrance of the Judicial Office, where officials held the imperial edict, several people were gathered. Bailiffs impatiently ushered individuals inside, finding the task rather dull. Yawning, one of them suddenly encountered a plump servant.

“Sir, I have someone here who wishes to speak as well.” Zhao Cai approached, gripping his hand and discreetly slipping a silver ingot into it.

The bailiff pondered for a moment, his eyes lighting up instantly. With a smile, he called out to the person behind him, “Madam, please come inside.”

Huaiyu wiped her face, casting a complicated glance toward the carriage not far behind.

Leaning casually against the carriage shaft, Lu Jingxing fanned himself with an air of elegance and charm. Sensing her gaze, he lifted his chin, shooting her a proud look.

What a fool, he’s proud when the ingot he slipped is worth more than the reward? Huaiyu shook her head, then turned and followed the bailiff inside.

The guards at the Judicial Office seemed stricter than before; within ten steps, Huaiyu encountered a bailiff holding a long spear. However, the person guiding her led her to a side hall where a minor official sat at the main desk.

“Is this one also providing clues?” The official didn’t bother to look up. “Speak.”

Huaiyu stood before him, smiling sweetly. “I witnessed an assassin near Chongde Street, grappling with someone dressed in dark yellow.”

The official paused, his pen unmoving. Waving dismissively, he said, “Noted, noted. Next.”

“Wait a moment,” Huaiyu curiously tiptoed to glance at the parchment in front of him. “This is my testimony, detailing the sighting of an assassin. Aren’t you going to record it?”

“The previous person already mentioned your account,” the official replied indifferently. “Everything relevant has been noted. No need to repeat.”

“How is that possible?” Huaiyu exclaimed, astonishment written all over her face. “There was no one nearby at the time. Someone else can’t have seen the same thing I did.”

She had mentioned the Emperor’s attire color precisely. Even if Chongde Street was fabricated, shouldn’t they take her seriously? Yet here they were, so dismissive.

The official impatiently glanced up. “Once it’s recorded, it’s recorded. Why so many words?”

At his dismissive tone, the woman before him, dressed respectably, made the official’s heart skip a beat. His eyes betrayed a hint of unease and caution.

Huaiyu’s eyes twinkled as she smiled. “Sir is truly wise. A couple of casual remarks can’t fool you. Let me tell the truth. I saw the assassin at the entrance of Jiang Mansion, along with many others.”

The entrance of Jiang Mansion? The official is visibly relaxed, rising from his seat. “You should have spoken the truth earlier. You saw them?”

Huaiyu nodded eagerly. “They used bows and arrows to harm someone. I even got a good look at one of the assassins; he had a mole on his face!”

“Oh?” The official’s delight was palpable at her detailed account. He quickly turned to the bailiff beside him. “Go inform the magistrate. We have a new witness!”

“Yes!” The bailiff acknowledged and hurried off.

In the tea room, instead of ascending the court, the Three Dukes and several elderly ministers sat discussing the matter. Jiang Xuanjin, seated at the head, calmly listened to their debate.

“How did those testimonies come about? Claiming they saw His Majesty near the Jiang residence during the assassination attempt? Taking random words from the common folk as evidence is simply absurd!” Yun Lanqing’s voice carried a hint of irritation.

Staring at him for a moment, Liu Yunlie frowned. “Lord Yun, how can you dismiss the common folk as fabricating stories? You weren’t present yourself.”

“The imperial proclamation lacks fairness,” Yun Lanqing retorted. “If you don’t believe it, summon two witnesses and ask them only one thing: what clothes and accessories His Majesty wore during the attack. Let’s see if they can answer.”

“In such urgent circumstances, who could have paid attention to such details?”

“I dare say, even if His Majesty was attacked at the gates of the Jiang residence, so what?” Ba Dezhong ng interjected. “Lord Ziyang has done his utmost to protect His Majesty. Why then should Jiang’s residence face scrutiny?”

“Careful, Lord Bai,” the newly appointed Prime Minister Qi Lao interjected in his incessant tone. “Given your family ties to the Jiangs, one should avoid suspicion in handling trials. You should remain silent.”

“Are we even conducting a trial here?” Han Xiao sneered beside him. “Shouldn’t we be holding a formal court session and interrogating Lord Ziyang?”

This remark was pointed, and Liu Yunlie glanced at Jiang Xuanjin. Shaking his head, he said, “His Highness is still recovering from severe injuries. Is it fitting to treat him this way?”

“Does the Minister of Justice even know His Highness is seriously injured?” Yun Lanqing interjected sharply. “Those who have merited protecting His Majesty are now detained for questioning. How many loyal hearts will be chilled?”

“No one denies Lord Ziyang’s merit in protecting His Majesty,” Liu Yunlie sighed. “If His Majesty had not been harmed, none of you would have needed to petition for an imperial proclamation. But now, given His Majesty’s grave injuries, it’s difficult for the Jiang residence to escape blame.”

“The assassin wasn’t from the Jiang residence. Why should the blame fall on them? Haven’t they done what they should?” Han Xiao voiced his confusion.

The room fell silent as they exchanged glances.

“Who can be certain whether the assassin was from the Jiang residence?” Yun Lanqing spoke up. “It’s precisely because we don’t know the assassin’s origins that everyone fears Lord Ziyang might harbor treasonous intentions, hence bringing him here first, isn’t that so?”

“Your Excellency!” amidst the standoff, someone reported from the door. “There’s a new witness.”

“Bring them in,” Liu Yunlie gestured.

Everyone in the hall turned towards the entrance, but Jiang Xuanjin remained disinterested, his eyes lowered. His wound was bothering him; he clenched his fist against his lips, coughing softly.

Yet, his mild cough prompted a few gasps of surprise around him. Ba Dezhong ng almost spilled his tea, barely steadying it on the table.

What caused such a stir? Jiang Xuanjin wondered, raising his eyes towards the door.

A woman entered with small steps, her fresh phoenix-patterned dress sweeping over the threshold. Her figure was graceful, her demeanor dignified. When she looked up, her amber eyes glanced in his direction, her lips curving into a crescent-shaped smile.

“Greetings, esteemed gentlemen,” she approached and bowed.

Yun Lanqing and Han Xiao were dumbfounded. Liu Yunlie and Ba Dezhong ng frowned. Only Prime Minister Qi, who had not seen Miss Bai before, chuckled unexpectedly, “The witness is a lady?”

“Yes,” Li Huaiyu raised her head calmly. “At the time His Majesty was attacked, I was nearby.”

Jiang Xuanjin couldn’t help it; he coughed repeatedly.

“Your Highness?” Chancellor Qi sensed something was amiss. He glanced at the expressions of the people in the hall and asked in confusion, “Does everyone know this lady?”

Ba Dezhong ng’s brow twitched as he stood up and scolded, “What are you doing here?”

It had been a long time since Li Huaiyu had been yelled at by him, and she felt a bit nostalgic. She smiled and said, “I came to testify.”

“You, as the wife of His Highness, are inherently part of the Jiang family. How can you testify in this matter?” Liu Yunlie said sternly.

His Highness’s wife? Chancellor Qi was startled and turned to look at Jiang Xuanjin.

Jiang Xuanjin’s lips, already pale, turned even whiter like paper at the sight of this person. He looked up at the person in front of him with a sharp gaze.

Nonsense! — This was what Li Huaiyu read from his eyes.

She pouted and turned her head away from him, staring only at Liu Yunlie. “My lord hasn’t even asked what I’m here to testify about.”

What could she possibly testify to? Liu Yunlie looked at her with great displeasure. “Is there even a need to ask?”

“It’s necessary,” Huaiyu nodded seriously. “This matter is quite serious, and since all the lords are present, you must listen carefully to my testimony.”

Everyone knew her identity now. Who would take her testimony seriously when it was in defense of the Jiang family? Liu Yunlie sneered, lifting his eyelids. “If the lady insists on testifying, then go ahead. What is it?”

Li Huaiyu smiled, turned to face him directly, and said word by word, “I am here to testify that the entire Tingwei Court is colluding, bribing the people, using false testimonies to frame Lord Ziyang, bringing shame to His Highness, and disheartening loyal officials!”

Upon hearing this, Liu Yunlie slapped the table and stood up. “How dare you!”

“What’s the matter?” Huaiyu raised an eyebrow. “The Tingwei Court boasts of its open gates and claims to be impartial, yet it can’t tolerate accusations against itself?”

“Ba Dezhong ng,” Liu Yunlie frowned, “what nonsense are you spouting? How could the Tingwei Court do such things?”

“Whether they did it or not, we can have someone confront me about it, can’t we?” She smiled. “Earlier, when I entered, I mentioned having clues about the assassin, even describing His Highness’s attire, yet the officials didn’t take note and even tried to chase me away. It wasn’t until I mentioned that His Highness was attacked near the Jiang residence that they reluctantly passed on my message.”

“May I ask, Lord Liu, what kind of logic is this?”

Accusing the Jiang household while collecting testimony? Yun Lanqing frowned, “If what His Highness’s wife says is true, Lord Liu, you owe Lord Ziyang an explanation.”

“Indeed, such a way of taking testimony… How can this be?” Chancellor Qi also frowned.

Liu Yunlie was taken aback and stood up, confused, “How could this happen?”

“Is my lord kept in the dark?” Huaiyu raised an eyebrow.

“I truly did not know that such conduct occurred within the court,” Liu Yunlie frowned. “Previously, I collected the testimonies and, after discussing with several lords, invited His Highness.”

“Have you considered?” Li Huaiyu said, “The official road near the Jiang residence is usually deserted. If His Highness was indeed attacked there, how many people could have seen it?”

Liu Yunlie responded, “There could always be someone by coincidence…”

“But what if there wasn’t?” She sneered, “Wouldn’t my lord then be buying false testimony with silver to frame Lord Ziyang? Am I wrong in saying this?”

No matter how you looked at it, it was more likely that the area near the Jiang residence was deserted.

Yi Yang couldn’t hold back any longer and stepped forward, cupping his hands, “The lady’s words are reasonable, but at most, it can show that His Majesty was not attacked near the Jiang residence. However, Lord Ziyang was protecting His Majesty at the time, and yet His Majesty was seriously injured. Isn’t that a sign of failing in his duty?”

“Speaking of this, I want to ask the Commander of the Imperial Guards,” Huaiyu turned to him, “Protecting His Majesty is your responsibility, right? Where were you when His Majesty was outside the palace?”

Yi Yang was stunned and hurriedly said, “At that time, His Majesty did not allow anyone to follow.”

“His Majesty did not allow it, and you truly did not follow?” Li Huaiyu squinted, “That counts as dereliction of duty! If it weren’t for Lord Ziyang if something had happened to His Majesty, could your whole family’s lives compensate for it? Instead of thanking His Highness, you blame him for not keeping His Majesty completely unharmed amidst the chaos?”

“I…” Yi Yang wanted to argue further, but seeing the reproachful glances from the surrounding officials, he was startled and immediately lowered his head, not daring to speak again.

Li Huaiyu swept her gaze around the room and said, “You all should know very well what kind of person His Majesty is. It was His Majesty who insisted on leaving the palace, and it was His Highness who saved the day. No matter the cause or consequence, you cannot blame the Jiang family for this!”

Her words were logical and well-founded. Despite coming from a woman, several officials in the hall nodded in agreement. “Indeed, that’s true.”

“Well said,” Han Xiao agreed, but while agreeing, he couldn’t help but take another look at this lady. There was something very familiar about her demeanor…

Ba Dezhong ng, who was about to scold her, thought for a moment after hearing her and, for once, nodded in agreement. “I truly don’t understand how this matter came to be blamed on the Jiang family.”

Chancellor Qi did not comment but stroked his beard with a smile, “His Highness has indeed married a very impressive wife.”

“You flatter me,” Huaiyu curtsied and then looked at Liu Yunlie. “What does my lord think?”

Liu Yunlie was quite helpless, “It wasn’t my idea to summon His Highness today; it was decided by the senior ministers. Why does it seem like I’m being blamed from all sides?”

Not his idea? Li Huaiyu thought about it. That made sense; Liu Yunlie had no reason to go against Jiang Xuanjin. Even if there had been some unpleasantness before, his personality wasn’t one to hold grudges.

So, who among the senior ministers could it be? Huaiyu looked around surreptitiously.

Qi Han was a senior minister, previously the Chief Secretary. When the Chancellor’s position became vacant, he filled it. Sitting quietly behind was Grand Minister Ji Qing, also a senior minister, and next to him was Lin Zhaoying, whose white beard showed his age.

These men, though stubborn, were loyal to the emperor.

After pondering for a moment, Huaiyu said, “Since the lords believe in His Highness, shouldn’t he be allowed to return home to continue recovering?”

That was impossible. Liu Yunlie shook his head, “There are rooms prepared within the residence. His Highness can recuperate here just as well.”

House arrest in disguise? Li Huaiyu frowned, thinking these people must be out of their minds. They could be wary of anyone, but why be wary of Jiang Xuanjin?

She wanted to say more, but Jiang Xuanjin calmly accepted the arrangement.

“Since everything is prepared, I will not refuse.” He coughed lightly, “I am unwell, so I leave the task of pursuing the assassin to you all.”

Everyone stood up and cupped their hands, “Your Highness, take care.”

Huaiyu couldn’t help but glare at him. He was a powerful leader, how could he be so compliant?

Jiang Xuanjin walked over with a blank expression, grabbed her wrist, and pulled her out. Huaiyu struggled a couple of times but couldn’t break free.

“Hey,” she muttered through gritted teeth, “Didn’t you find me disgusting? Why are you touching me now?”

His grip on her wrist tightened. Without looking at her, Jiang Xuanjin led her out of the tea hall and, after following the constables to a side room, finally released her.

The door closed, and Huaiyu stepped back, rubbing her wrist as she looked at him. “You know they’re deliberately keeping you here, and you’re fine with that?”

“What does it matter?” He looked away and said indifferently, “The Jiang family has done no wrong. At most, they’ll be implicated and scolded.”

Danyang was gone, and the emperor’s foundation was still shallow. The Lord Ziyang who had been assisting the government for eight years, had failed to protect the emperor, leading to His Highness being injured. Being suspected of having ulterior motives was only natural.

Staring at him for a few seconds, Huaiyu nodded. “So it’s just my busybody meddling, then.”

With that, she reached out to pull the door open.

As soon as it opened a crack, Jiang Xuanjin pressed it shut again.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked.

With her neck stiff, she didn’t turn around, but she could feel him standing right behind her. Huaiyu chuckled softly, “Didn’t you say you didn’t want to see me? So I’m leaving quickly to avoid upsetting you.”

Jiang Xuanjin’s voice was cold, “We haven’t finished talking.”

“What more is there to say?” Huaiyu was puzzled. “I’ve already said everything I needed to.”

“It’s not about you,” he said. “It’s about me.”

Slightly stunned, Huaiyu turned to face him. “What?”

Jiang Xuanjin looked down, his long lashes casting a shadow under his eyes. “Where did you go?”

Halfway through his sentence, and now asking her questions? Huaiyu snorted, crossing her arms and leaning against the door with a roguish air, “You probably don’t want to know where I went.”

Jiang Xuanjin frowned, a hint of anger showing, “Tell me.”

“The Lu residence,” she said.

His hand slowly clenched, his jaw tightening, and his gaze turning sharply intense.

“Not happy?” Huaiyu tilted her head, watching him. “But you’re the one who drove me away. I had no other place to go, so naturally, I went to a friend’s place.”

“Friend?” Jiang Xuanjin sneered coldly. “He doesn’t see you as a friend.”

“Do you need to sow discord?” Huaiyu pursed her lips.

It wasn’t sowing discord. That day at the Court of Judicial Review, Lu Jingxing had told him personally that he never considered Bai Zhuji a friend. As for the second half of that statement, every time Jiang Xuanjin recalled it, he felt uneasy.

“Stay away from him,” he said in a low voice.

Huaiyu chuckled, “Stay away from him, and then what? Wait to be kicked out of the house and die on the streets?”

His entire demeanor became agitated. Jiang Xuanjin leaned against her, looking at her face, which now showed an unfamiliar indifference and detachment, and felt his heart tighten into a knot.

“You should rest well,” Huaiyu waved her hand. “Every time you talk to me, don’t you end up getting half-dead with anger? For the sake of your health, you should lie down. I’m leaving.”

“You’re leaving again?” He bit his lip, both angry and anxious, pressing firmly against the door.

Huaiyu looked at him, bewildered, “Why should I stay here? To irritate you more?”

“If you know I’m irritated, why don’t you try to soothe me?” His fingers tightened on the door frame, and he said angrily, “You know very well how to soothe me.”

The mix of anger and pleading in his words left Huaiyu stunned for a moment.

Was this… like a child asking for candy after being wronged?

Raising her eyes to look at him, Huaiyu tilted her head and reached out to touch his pale, cold face. She chuckled softly, “Don’t you remember? I did try to soothe you, but you slapped my hand away, and it hurt a bit.”

Jiang Xuanjin’s eyes flickered with panic. He hesitated and reached out, trying to touch the back of her hand.

Huaiyu smiled and pulled her hand behind her back, “Regretting now? Too late. It hurt, and I was sad. Even if you hold it now, it won’t make it better.”

“You…” Jiang Xuanjin frowned, “You were the one who did wrong first.”

“Yes, I did wrong, so I apologized and took the blame,” Huaiyu nodded. “But your words were harsh, and your actions were final. I felt hurt. While I was trying to appease you, you wanted to divorce me.”


“You want to say it wasn’t true, that it was just angry words?” Huaiyu blinked, “But you said it, so I believed it.”

She reached out to straighten his collar and smiled, “Would you like to apologize to me?”

Lord Ziyang, apologizing to someone? Especially when she was the one who made the mistake first? Jiang Xuanjin frowned, feeling that she was being unreasonable. His thin lips pressed tightly together.

Huaiyu stared at him for a while, seeing that he had no intention of speaking, then shrugged and muttered, “Indeed, he’s been pampered all his life.”

This personality wouldn’t change. Even if he knew he was wrong, he wouldn’t apologize or lower his head, always expecting others to lower theirs and placate him. No matter how handsome, he was too inconsiderate.

Shaking her head, she turned to leave.

However, as soon as she turned, she was pulled back. Taking a step back, she found herself in a warm embrace.

“I never wanted to divorce you,” Jiang Xuanjin buried his head, pressing against hers, speaking in a muffled voice, “Never.”

Her heart felt like it had been hit by something, and even her bones felt a bit numb. Huaiyu stiffened for a moment, then blinked and asked, “What else?”

“Jiang Yan locked you out of the residence, and I didn’t know.”

“Really? You didn’t know?” Huaiyu’s lips twitched as she gritted her teeth. “That little rascal!” Then she tilted her head and asked, “What else?”

What else? Jiang Xuanjin remained silent.

Huaiyu narrowed her eyes, “Is it so hard for you to apologize?”

“…” It was indeed difficult. Not knowing how to start, Jiang Xuanjin frowned, thinking for a moment. Then, he turned her around and lightly pecked her on the corner of her mouth.

Huaiyu wanted to laugh but forced herself to glare at him, “Is that it?”

What else did she want? Jiang Xuanjin wanted to accuse her of being unreasonable, but as soon as he opened his mouth, she pulled him down and stood on tiptoe to kiss him.

Caught off guard, his teeth weren’t even closed when she invaded his mouth. He groaned and frowned slightly.

Huaiyu didn’t notice, thinking he was shy. She clung to him, biting and kissing him almost aggressively. Jiang Xuanjin was stunned for a moment, then smiled and let her do as she pleased, only supporting her waist to help her conserve some strength.

While kissing, Huaiyu rubbed her nose against him, mumbling, “You smell just like the incense in the temple.”

However, there seemed to be something different, a rich, elegant scent mixed with a faintly sweet, metallic smell. What was that scent? As Huaiyu pondered, she suddenly gasped and quickly pulled away.

“Your wound!”

“Only now you remember? Isn’t it a bit late?” He looked down at her, then leaned in for another kiss.

“Stop it!” Her heart sank, and Huaiyu quickly pressed against his chest, forcibly guiding him to the bed, and looked at his back.

The green inner garment was stained with a large, dark patch, and the smell of blood was seeping through the fabric, indicating a serious wound.

“Doesn’t it hurt?” Huaiyu was shocked.

Seeing her wide, almond-shaped eyes, Jiang Xuanjin pursed his lips and said softly, “It hurts a lot.”

“If it hurts, why didn’t you stop me?” Huaiyu was furious, “You make me seem like a beast!”

Aren’t you quite the beast? Jiang Xuanjin shook his head. Watching her panic, he wanted to reassure her: he had endured far worse injuries, and it wasn’t a big deal.

However, before he could speak, the person in front of him said with concern, “I was wrong. I’ll go ask them to bring a doctor right away. You can punish me however you want later!”

Hearing this, Jiang Xuanjin swallowed all his words of comfort and let out a painful groan.

Huaiyu immediately lifted her skirt and went to find help.

Outside the yamen, Lu Jingxing had been waiting for a long time without hearing any news from inside. Worried, he sent Zhaocai to inquire. To his surprise, the yamen runner said, “The lady who just went in is the Lord’s wife, and she’s taking care of His Highness.”

She’s taking care of him?

Feeling relieved, Lu Jingxing snapped open his fan and fanned himself vigorously. “That person probably forgot to inform me again.”

He was both exasperated and helpless with her.

“Should we go back first?” Zhaocai asked.

“Go back?” Lu Jingxing narrowed his phoenix eyes and smiled, “You go back first. I need to deliver a calling card.”

Delivering a calling card to the Tingwei Yamen, only this master would do such a thing. Resigned, Zhaocai got into the carriage, watching as his master swaggered through the yamen gates before heading back.

When the doctor arrived to reapply medicine and bandage the wounds, Huaiyu stood by, frowning. Seeing the doctor’s rough handling, she couldn’t help but say, “Can you be more gentle?”

“This… I am being as gentle as possible. His Highness’s wounds are deep, it’s going to hurt no matter what.”

“But you can’t let him be in so much pain!” Huaiyu looked around anxiously. “Do you have any Ma Fei San?”

“That wouldn’t be suitable. It’s harmful to the brain.”

“Then what should we do?” Huaiyu glared, thought for a moment, then rolled up her sleeve and extended her arm in front of Jiang Xuanjin. “Bite me!”

Seeing her fair, delicate arm offered so freely, Jiang Xuanjin glanced to the side, his face darkening as he pushed her arm away. “Stop fooling around!”

“You’re not in pain?” she frowned.

“I can endure it,” he replied, “just stay still and don’t move around; that’s already helpful.”

Huaiyu sighed helplessly, standing by quietly. Just as she was scratching her head, she heard someone call out from the doorway, “Zhuji.”

Who was Zhuji? She didn’t recognize the name, so Huaiyu continued watching the doctor bandage the wound.

“Did a horse hit your ear?” someone suddenly asked in a low voice beside her.

“Ah!” Startled, Huaiyu jumped in place, clutching her chest as she turned around. She saw Lu Jingxing smiling faintly, tapping his fan absentmindedly against his palm.

Taking a breath, she gritted her teeth. “Lu Innkeeper, can’t we have a civilized conversation? Why do you scare people like that?”

“I called out to you earlier, but you ignored me,” he said mildly.

Perplexed for a moment, Huaiyu suddenly recalled that she was sometimes called “Zhuji.” She quickly smiled apologetically. “Do you need something?”

Jiang Xuanjin coldly raised his eyes and looked over.

Sensing his gaze, Lu Jingxing didn’t turn his head, keeping his eyes on Li Huaiyu. “You forgot our agreement?”

Agreement? Huaiyu blinked. “Oh dear,” she slapped her forehead, “I completely forgot. You came in?”

“I had to see you with my own eyes to be at ease.”

He dares to say such things in front of him? Jiang Xuanjin narrowed his eyes, glancing at Bai Zhuji. She seemed clueless, completely unaware of anything amiss, with an innocent expression. But this Lu Innkeeper beside her, not only was he suspicious, but he also glanced at him casually, his eyes filled with provocation.

Jiang Xuanjin sneered softly, lowering his gaze and letting out a muffled groan.

Huaiyu hurried back to the bedside and asked, “Is it hurting?”

“Mm.” His long eyelashes drooped down, his voice low and fragile.

Huaiyu turned to glare at the doctor. “Why are you getting rougher?”

The doctor hesitated. “I… I’ve already wrapped it twice. His Highness didn’t react this strongly earlier. I was being gentler just now; there shouldn’t be such a strong reaction…”

The doctor, feeling unjustly accused, said, “You came in person?”

Huaiyu frowned. “I’m not the doctor.”

“Oh, let me.” Lu Jingxing inserted his folded fan into his waistband and rolled up his sleeves, stepping forward. “I’ll do the bandaging.”

“Really?” Huaiyu relaxed and made space for him.

Jiang Xuanjin’s expression darkened. “No need to trouble yourself.”

“Why be so formal with family?” Lu Jingxing smiled warmly, approaching closer. His demeanor turned slightly mischievous. “Afraid of pain? I’ll be gentle.”

Jiang Xuanjin gritted his teeth. As Lu Jingxing reached out, he used his uninjured hand to block, deflecting Lu Jingxing’s hand in mid-air.

“Don’t move!” The doctor hurriedly intervened. “This side isn’t fully wrapped yet. If you move again, it will come undone!”

“He won’t do it properly,” Jiang Xuanjin glanced at Li Huaiyu, his brow slightly furrowed.

Huaiyu blinked, leaned in to inspect, and rolled her eyes at Lu Jingxing. “What are you messing around for?”

“Who’s messing around? He’s the one moving recklessly,” Lu Jingxing snorted lightly. “You can’t use the ‘feigning injury’ tactic like this.”

“If you want to try this tactic, Mr. Lu, feel free,” Jiang Xuanjin said coolly. “Just give the word, and someone outside will bring the knife.”

“No need. I disdain such methods,” Lu Jingxing replied.

“More arguments?” Huaiyu covered her ears with her hands, shooting a sideways glance at the doctor, signaling him to hurry up and save the situation. The doctor, helplessly, pushed Lu Jingxing aside with resolve, carefully finished bandaging the wound, then grabbed his medical kit and hurried away.

Huaiyu didn’t keep him either. Seeing Jiang Xuanjin’s wound had stopped bleeding, she breathed a slight sigh of relief.

“Are you planning to stay here, Mr. Lu?” Jiang Xuanjin asked coldly.

Lu Jingxing waved his fan. “No need to stay, the smell isn’t pleasant.”

Then why not leave?

“If the young master wants me to stay, I’ll stay. Do you object?” Their eyes met briefly, creating a tense atmosphere in the room.

Huaiyu sighed. “Do you two have bad chemistry?”

“Even astrologically,” Lu Jingxing added.

“In that case, it’s best not to share a room.” She got up and pushed Lu Jingxing out. “I’ll walk you out.”

Before he could protest, she swiftly pushed him out of the room and closed the door behind her.

Jiang Xuanjin’s gaze darkened.

Jiang Shen, accompanied by Cheng Xu and Yu Feng, finally found the guest room. Upon entering, he immediately sensed the oppressive atmosphere.

“What’s wrong?” Jiang Shen asked. “Weren’t our siblings supposed to be here? Why haven’t I seen anyone?”

Jiang Xuanjin replied coldly, “I don’t know.”

Puzzled, Jiang Shen muttered to himself briefly but didn’t dwell on it. “When I came over earlier, Big Brother was still in the tea room discussing with those people. It doesn’t seem optimistic.”

It was impossible to blame the Jiang Mansion for the assassination attempt on the Emperor, and the Emperor wouldn’t allow it either. However, to stop those old men from further entangling themselves in the matter, something would have to be sacrificed.

Jiang Xuanjin lowered his gaze.

The late Emperor had bestowed upon him the title Lord Ziyang and granted him command over a hundred thousand troops stationed at Ziyang. Yet, over these years, he had never been permitted to return to Ziyang or engage with the main army—a testament to the late Emperor’s distrust towards him.

The late Emperor had foresight and trusted him, but not everyone in the court did. Previously, to deter Eldest Princess from Dan Yang, no one had raised objections to his military authority. Now was an opportune time to redistribute his command. By dispersing it among several generals, they needn’t fear him as much.

The plan was sound, but he wouldn’t yield.

Apart from his elder brother, Jiang Chong, each of the two generals in court already commanded over fifty thousand troops. If they further split Ziyang’s military authority, what would become of the young lord’s security?

As he pondered, Liu Yunlie arrived. His expression was serious, and he immediately instructed his attendants to guard the door outside.

“Xuanjin, have you made up your mind?” Meeting his gaze, Jiang Xuanjin shook his head. “You know my temperament.”

Right is right, wrong is wrong. Trying to force him to yield by using other matters was futile.

Liu Yunlie sighed. “You’re still recovering from a serious injury. Isn’t all this agitation uncomfortable?”

“It’s fine.” Jiang Xuanjin leaned lightly against the pillow. “Healing here is good, away from court affairs, enjoying some peace.”

For those in power in the Tingwei Yamen, being unable to attend morning court or handle official business would be highly detrimental. Yet, this person before him seemed completely unconcerned.

Liu Yunlie couldn’t understand. “Aren’t you afraid that while you recover, the situation outside might change?”

Jiang Xuanjin glanced at him sideways and stared for a moment before replying calmly, “The heavens I uphold, whether they change or not, I am clear in my heart.”

His words were calm, but they carried a profound impact.

The heavens he upheld… Indeed. Since the passing of Emperor Xiao, this realm has been upheld by Lord Ziyang. He sought neither fame nor power, but over time, people seemed to forget his iron-hearted determination and decisive methods during the loyalist wars.

“Oh, why is someone guarding here?” A clear voice suddenly came from outside the door, muttering, “Move aside, I need to go in.”

Liu Yunlie snapped out of his thoughts, turning to look puzzledly towards the door.

Upon seeing Bai Zhuji’s figure, he suddenly smiled and murmured, “No, His Highness has changed. It’s not the same as before.”

The previous Jiang Xuanjin was invulnerable, but now he had vulnerabilities.

And people with vulnerabilities were always exploitable.

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