HomeSpring BanquetChapter 48: The Seven Grounds for Divorce

Chapter 48: The Seven Grounds for Divorce

Huailin injured an arm and has been recuperating in seclusion for several days. This man’s injuries are not limited to his arm; the wounds on his shoulder and back even ruptured at one point. Yet, he acts as if nothing is wrong and insists on going to the palace.

Li Huaiyu raised her hand to the back of his neck, contemplating knocking him out and taking him away.

Jiang Xuanjin sighed, raised his hand, and grasped her sleeve. “I will go and return quickly.”

His tone was soft but stubborn. After speaking, he released her, nodded to Yun Lanqing, and walked out.

Yun Lanqing, stunned, stepped aside to make way for him. He looked at the imperial edict in his hand, then at Jiang Xuanjin’s elegant back, still trying to process what was happening.

“How can someone be as stubborn as a mule?”

“Hmm?” He turned his head.

Lady Bai, the Lord’s wife, locked eyes with him. “Isn’t it true? Even a mule turns around after being pulled three times. Look at him, no matter how you persuade, he doesn’t listen!”

This tone sounded increasingly familiar.

Yun Lanqing stopped looking at Jiang Xuanjin and instead examined the lady in front of him, pondering. “Have we met before, madam?”

“Of course.” Huaiyu smiled. “At the Jiang family’s wedding, and in the tea room at the Ministry of Justice. Weren’t you there, my lord?”

“No,” Yun Lanqing shook his head, his gaze deep. “Even earlier.”

Such sharp intuition? Huaiyu raised an eyebrow and blinked before smiling. “I don’t remember, my lord. Please, lead the way.”

Yun Lanqing fell silent. She had denied it, and he couldn’t press further, but his curiosity lingered. He couldn’t help but scrutinize her a few more times. Where had he seen her before? This sense of familiarity…

Upon reaching the palace, Jiang Xuanjin had to travel by carriage and then walk. His wounds had been freshly dressed, but by the time he stood before the Emperor, the white gauze was already stained with red.

“Your Highness?” Li Huailin was startled at the sight of him and immediately ordered the servants, “Quick, help him over here!”

“Your Majesty,” Jiang Xuanjin frowned as he glanced at the dragon couch, “this is improper.”

“There are no outsiders here, sit down!” Propping himself up with soft cushions, Li Huailin looked at him with concern. “Why are you here instead of recuperating properly?”

Jiang Xuanjin glanced at the eunuch standing nearby.

Li Huailin turned his head and said, “Everyone, leave.”

Usually, at least one guard would stay by the Emperor’s side for protection, but with Jiang Xuanjin here, Li Huailin dismissed everyone and even had the hall doors closed.

“Has something serious happened?” Li Huailin asked.

Jiang Xuanjin shook his head. “I have come to the palace today to ask Your Majesty for a favor.”

“What is it?”

“The servants of Feiyun Palace, most of whom are imprisoned, I wish to request Your Majesty to grant them clemency,” Jiang Xuanjin stated.

Li Huailin was taken aback, looking at him in disbelief. “Pardon the people of Feiyun Palace?”

When they were initially imprisoned, Jiang Xuanjin had supported Chancellor Qi’s proposal. Why would he now seek their pardon?

“Princess Danyang was guilty, but they are innocent.” Meeting Li Huailin’s astonished gaze, Jiang Xuanjin calmly explained, “Granting clemency will not only demonstrate Your Majesty’s magnanimity but also ease the grievances accumulated in the prison—a win-win situation.”

Li Huailin considered this and said, “The servants of Feiyun Palace indeed committed no major crimes. Since you have asked, I am willing to release them. But why did you bring this up suddenly?”

Why indeed? Naturally, it was because Liu Yunlie’s recent actions were too blatant, making Jiang Xuanjin acutely aware that something was amiss. Liu Yunlie didn’t want him to support Danyang’s remnants, nor did he want him to investigate the old case of Sima Xu. However, from recent events, it seemed that the remnants he was helping were in the right, while those Liu Yunlie supported were indeed in the wrong, and egregiously so.

Given this, if the Ministry of Justice suppressed the investigation of Sima Xu’s old case, should he still pursue it?

Absolutely! If someone wanted to obstruct him, he would simply release all the servants of Feiyun Palace and completely stir up the waters. This was his decision upon seeing the imperial edict, though he couldn’t say this in front of the Emperor.

“Your Majesty’s recent assassination attempt has caused me great concern,” Jiang Xuanjin lowered his eyes. “The imperial edict posted has led to much public discussion, with some even questioning Your Majesty’s popularity. Therefore, a measure to quell such sentiments is needed. After much thought, I believe clemency is the best solution.”

The clemency couldn’t be granted randomly. Death row inmates couldn’t be released, but the servants of Feiyun Palace, numerous and wrongfully accused, were the suitable candidates.

Li Huailin nodded, then sighed suddenly. “If only His Highness had been this gentle when the Eldest Princess was still alive.”

Jiang Xuanjin paused. “Was I not gentle with the Eldest Princess?”

Li Huailin looked at him with a complicated expression. “Every time you saw her, it ended in an unpleasant exchange.”

In the past, whether in the court or the harem, any meeting between them would soon devolve into cold sarcasm from Jiang Xuanjin, and the Eldest Princess, being no meek character, would retort immediately, leading to arguments right in front of him.

Jiang Xuanjin seemed to recall the past as well and frowned. “We were incompatible.”

“Actually, my sister was a very gentle person,” Li Huailin said earnestly.

Jiang Xuanjin felt like laughing. “The Eldest Princess, gentle?”

If she was gentle, the water in the Luohua River would flow backward.

“Don’t dismiss it,” Li Huailin murmured. “Since childhood, I’ve thought that if His Highness could get along well with my sister, it might have turned into a meaningful relationship.”

“Thank you for your kind thoughts, Your Majesty,” Jiang Xuanjin shook his head. “But I am not fortunate enough to enjoy such a relationship.”

Form a bond with a woman who kept male concubines? He’d rather maintain his unfortunate ties with the Bai family’s fool.


That very fool, Bai Huaiyu, was pouring tea for Yun Lanqing when she sneezed loudly, causing the beams to tremble.

“Pardon me.” Covering her mouth and nose with a handkerchief, Huaiyu muttered in confusion, “Who is speaking ill of me behind my back?”

Yun Lanqing looked at her with a complex expression. The more he looked, the more familiar she seemed, even her sneezing. However, with so many servants around, he couldn’t ask anything and could only rub his forehead in deep thought.

“My lord, coming to deliver the edict must mean that you have His Majesty’s trust.” The person in front of him smiled warmly after setting down the teapot.

Yun Lanqing came back to his senses and responded with a bow, “I dare not assume such trust. I happened to have a matter to present, so I took on this task.”

Speaking of His Majesty’s trust, he felt a bit unsettled. After returning from a successful diplomatic mission, his annual salary should have increased by 2,000 shi, but for some reason, the promotion order was delayed. He had been holding the rank of Ritual Official for two months now.

“You seem troubled, my lord?” She smiled kindly. “Being an official in court naturally comes with various difficulties. Fortunately, the Luohua River is close to the palace walls. After court each day, you can take a walk by the river to clear your mind.”

It seemed like a casual piece of advice, and Yun Lanqing nodded without much thought.

Jiang Xuanjin returned two hours later, first accepting the edict and expressing his gratitude. Yun Lanqing, having no reason to linger after delivering the edict, took his leave from Jiang Residence.

“You, sit down,” Huaiyu commanded. The hospitable smile she had worn for Yun Lanqing vanished completely. Hands on her hips, her brows furrowed angrily.

Jiang Xuanjin raised an eyebrow but complied, sitting down.

“You should be resting properly, not running around like this!” she scolded, her tone fierce.

Jiang Xuanjin pursed his lips and lowered his head. “My wound hurts.”

Huaiyu, both annoyed and amused, retorted, “Why didn’t you say it hurt when you insisted on going to the palace? Now that you’re back, you remember the pain?”

“I had important matters to attend to in the palace.”

“What important matters couldn’t wait until later?”

“Delaying a day means delaying the resolution by a day.”

“Fine, fine,” Huaiyu waved her hand dismissively. “I can’t argue with you. Let me check your wound first!”

Cheng Xu brought the ointment, watching as Huaiyu scolded while undressing the Lord. “Do you think you’re made of iron? Look at this, all bloodied again! If you keep this up, you’ll have scars like mine. What’s the use of applying medicine if you keep reopening the wounds? If this doesn’t scab over in a month, I’ll take your surname!”

Jiang Xuanjin let out a muffled groan. “You already bear my surname.”

Upon marrying, a woman adopts her husband’s surname, thus she is Jiang Bai.

Huaiyu rolled her eyes, her voice fierce. “Behave!”

She applied fresh medicine and re-bandaged the wounds. Leading him to the inner room, she wrung a cloth to wipe his face. “From tomorrow, you will stay home and rest for half a month. No running around.”

Jiang Xuanjin grabbed her wrist and shook his head. “I’m afraid that won’t be possible.”

“What?” Huaiyu glared at him. “Are you the only one in the entire court capable of doing work? Must you be loyal to the country even when injured?”

“It’s not that…”

“Then stop talking,” Huaiyu cut him off, waving her hand. “I’ll stay by your side. No one and nothing can change that!”

Cheng Xu listened with great relief. In the past, when His Highness attended court while ill, no one could say a word to stop him. Now, with his wife scolding him non-stop, he actually stayed silent. It seemed he would indeed rest properly for a while.

A few years ago, he should have brought the lady back!

Li Huaiyu pinched her handkerchief and rubbed Jiang Xuanjin’s face vigorously, leaving two red marks on his originally pale face.

Jiang Xuanjin didn’t evade, his dark eyes glistening wet as he simply gazed at her.

Huaiyu couldn’t help but laugh in exasperation. After staring at him for a while, she immediately embraced him, rubbing her chin against his head and teasing, “Why are you so adorable!”

Even the servants standing in the room stumbled in surprise.

You could praise Lord Ziyang with any words, but ‘adorable’…? Glancing at the suddenly gloomy expression of the person being hugged, they shivered and shook their head.

Only the lady dared to speak like this.

But compared to before, His Highness had indeed become much gentler. The intimidating aura that once kept everyone at a distance had faded. Even his gaze upon others was no longer icy. The rough servants who came in to serve water and pour tea dared to exchange a few words with him occasionally.

Such changes were noticed not only by the residents of Moju, but also by the people in the Jiang mansion. Jiang Shen even couldn’t help but exclaim when he went out to write poems and songs with others, “Heroes struggle at the gates of beauty, but cold? No problem, warmth is all that matters.”

Thus, for a while, articles lamenting heroes and beauties began to circulate in the streets and alleys.

Spread as they might, even if they portrayed her as a bewitching seductress, Li Huaiyu didn’t think much of it. After all, before this, people had written things like “Ode to Male Jackals and Female Leopards” and “Discourse on National Calamity” about her. In comparison, ‘seductress’ was quite a flattering term.

But what she didn’t expect was that some people took these things seriously and came knocking on her door to hold her accountable.

“Xuanjin,” Liu Yunlie frowned, “Was the imperial pardon your idea?”

Jiang Xuanjin leaned against the bed, not even lifting his head as he continued to revise the official documents, “Inappropriate?”

“Inappropriate in what way?” Liu Yunlie couldn’t understand, “Why would you do such a thing? Could it be true what they say outside, that you’ve been blinded by beauty?”

The quill did not stop, and Jiang Xuanjin replied softly, “I have my own sense of propriety.”

What sense of propriety? Even if the palace maids in Feiyun Palace, even the minor characters among them, were all released in such a rush, who could guarantee they wouldn’t gossip?

Liu Yunlie exclaimed angrily, “Recently, when I discussed you with Prime Minister Qi, I felt that your mind had been confused by someone. The previous incidents were understandable; you have a sense of justice and want to discuss right and wrong. But this matter of the pardon, you acted arbitrarily!”

The quill paused, and Jiang Xuanjin finally looked up at him. “What are you afraid of?”

“What do I have to fear?” Liu Yunlie frowned.

“If you’re not afraid, why bother coming to me for this matter?” Jiang Xuanjin said calmly. “You think I’ve been misled, and I feel you’ve changed from before. As long as it’s not wrong, why oppose it?”

Liu Yunlie choked up, his brows furrowing deeply. “I never thought you and I would come to such different paths.”

“I haven’t changed my stance. Our paths diverge; perhaps it’s due to differing perspectives,” Jiang Xuanjin replied.

“You’re clearly deceived and unaware!” Liu Yunlie retorted. “Since you reopened Sima Xu’s old case, you’ve been on a different path from us! Xuanjin, have you ever carefully considered why, after your marriage, people began to see you as aligned with the remnants of Danyang?”

Jiang Xuanjin frowned slightly, a thought that hadn’t crossed his mind. He knew in his heart what was true, focusing on matters rather than personal perceptions. But… to outsiders, from the moment Xu Xian and others sat at the bride’s family table, he seemed to have been marked as aligned with the Danyang remnants. His investigations into old cases, disciplining Li Fengxing, promoting Liang Sixian, and saving Xu Xian—all these actions deepened that perception.

What was going on?

“One last piece of advice, my friend,” Liu Yunlie looked at him seriously. “Eldest Princess of Danyang was cunning and ruthless. Even though she’s passed away, she may have left behind many schemes to deal with you. Your wife, acquainted with Lu Jingxing, arranging for Xu Xian and others to sit at the bride’s family table—you should be cautious.”

Jiang Xuanjin’s face darkened. “You’ve overstepped, Sir.”

“I knew mentioning her would upset you,” Liu Yunlie shook his head. “But think about it carefully. An outsider’s perspective can be clear.”

With that, he rose, bowed, and walked out.

Huaiyu was tending to the cook, waiting for the stew to be ready when she sensed the gloomy atmosphere in the main hall.

“What’s wrong?” Walking to the bed, she set the tray aside and asked while ladling the soup. “Did Sir Liu upset you again?”

“No.” Jiang Xuanjin lowered his eyes, his expression turning solemn. “The wound has been hurting all this time, it’s annoying.”

Huaiyu, hearing this, pointed the spoon at the wound on his body with seriousness. “You’re not allowed to hurt! You’re troubling my husband!”

Jiang Xuanjin couldn’t hold it in and chuckled softly, covering his eyes with his hand. He laughed for quite a while, and gradually, the dark cloud in his heart dispersed.

“Oh, you look so handsome when you smile. Why don’t you smile more often?” Huaiyu squinted at him playfully, then sighed, “What a waste of natural charm!”

Pressing his lips together, Jiang Xuanjin glanced at her. “You’re so good with words. If you didn’t use them here, you could make a fortune at the teahouse.”

“It’s not the same,” Huaiyu lifted her chin. “My sweet words are only for you to hear. No one else gets them, even for money!”

Her tone was earnest, her almond-shaped eyes filled with genuine affection. Jiang Xuanjin looked at her steadily for a moment, feeling a sense of relief in his heart.

Xu Xian and the others attended the wedding banquet out of respect for Lu Jingxing. Li Fengxing deserved his punishment, Xu Xian was someone he voluntarily saved, and as for Liang Sixian… it was simply a coincidence, considering Liang had swapped the scrolls himself. She had merely remarked on the familiar handwriting.

It was true that Danyang was cunning, but could she really have had such extensive schemes even after death to plot against him? Moreover, she had no connection with Bai Zhujin when she died, so there was no reason to implicate her.

Shaking his head, Jiang Xuanjin glanced at the soup in her hands. “Are you so diligent today?”

Huaiyu smiled. “Why don’t you taste it first?”

Taking a spoonful from her offered soup, he nodded. “It’s better than last time.”

Certainly, the chefs in the Jiang Mansion were more skilled than those in the Bai Mansion. Huaiyu grinned mischievously. “I simmered it longer this time. I had Lingxiu send a bowl to my father too, since it’s nearby.”

She was quite filial? Jiang Xuanjin considered. “Your father seems to still be investigating that gambling den.”

“Isn’t he?” Huaiyu sighed. “I don’t know what’s so worth investigating. At most, it’s some shady accounts.”

“If he’s investigating for so long… the sums involved must be significant,” Jiang Xuanjin remarked.

“How significant can it be?” She scoffed. “Can he really trace the origins of the money from the gambling den?”

Generally, such traces were impossible to find, hence why they were called “shady accounts.” However, if the amounts were substantial enough and could be linked to an existing case file, they might be traceable.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xuanjin turned to Chengxu beside him. “Go find out who the owner of the seized gambling den had frequent dealings with in the past.”

“Yes,” Chengxu nodded in acknowledgment.

Huaiyu looked at him with a puzzled expression, not understanding his conversation. She continued to feed him soup, and after he finished a bowl, she couldn’t help but pinch the spoon and tease, “You’re so lucky to have such a virtuous wife like me!”

Coughing lightly, Jiang Xuanjin looked at her disdainfully. “Do you have to praise yourself like that?”

“I wasn’t praising myself! Then why don’t you praise me instead?” Huaiyu pouted, feeling a bit aggrieved. “I’ve been so good to you, yet you’ve never praised me!”

“How should I praise you?” Jiang Xuanjin replied. “I don’t like to lie.”

Huaiyu glared at him. “Fine, if you won’t praise me, just forget it. You want soup next time, make it yourself!”

With that, she picked up her bowl and left.

Feeling innocent, Jiang Xuanjin watched her disappear through the door and muttered quietly, “Such a temper.”

Next to him, Yufeng couldn’t help but chuckle.

“What?” Jiang Xuanjin turned his head. “You’re happy to see my wife getting angry at me?”

Yufeng hastily shook his head. “I just think… sometimes you should say something nice. Women like to hear compliments.”

Jiang Xuanjin sneered. “Just because she likes to hear it, I have to say it? Tell me, what’s there about her that deserves praise from me?”

Yufeng kept silent. His experience as a servant taught him that besides the lady, it was best not to argue with His Highness.

“My lord,” Lingxiu returned with the soup and handed her a letter.

Huaiyu took it and glanced at it—it was from Lu Jingxing, written in a bold cursive only she could recognize. After a quick scan, she tore the letter and headed towards the rear chamber behind the main building.

Knowing there were recent developments and frequent visits from Mo Ju, Qing Si had obediently stayed in her room. Her injuries were mostly healed under Lingxiu’s care.

Huaiyu instructed Lingxiu to stand guard at the door and quietly asked Qing Si, “How are things?”

Qing Si nodded. “The secret guards have figured out the arrangements. If Master gives the order, I can slip out of Mo Ju under the cover of night.”

Finally, the time had come. Huaiyu breathed a long sigh of relief. Qing Si’s skills were even more formidable than before, and now that she had recovered, it meant Huaiyu finally had eyes, ears, and hands she could trust without worrying too much about her safety.

However, if she could legitimately bring Qing Si by her side, it would be even better.

After a moment of contemplation, Huaiyu said, “Lu Jingxing sent word. Jiang Xuanjin has released the people from Feiyun Palace. He’s truly investigating Sima Xu’s old case, so for now, hold your position until I give the command.”

“Yes,” Qing Si nodded, then frowned as she looked at Huaiyu’s gaunt face. “Take care of yourself.”

“Don’t worry, I’m doing very well.” Huaiyu clenched her fist and smiled. “And I’ll only get better.”

With Jiang Xuanjin fulfilling her wishes step by step, eliminating the wicked and clearing her name, having such a helper was truly reassuring. She slept particularly soundly that night.

She had a feeling that Sima Xu’s case would soon be resolved.

The next morning, Huaiyu announced she would go out.

Jiang Xuanjin was still recuperating and couldn’t leave the house. He looked displeased as he stared at her. “Must you go?”

“Just look!” Huaiyu pitifully showed him the broken string of Buddhist beads. “I need to restring these. They were a gift from you.”

He had worn that string of beads without any issue for so long, and now she managed to break it? Jiang Xuanjin’s displeasure deepened, his brows furrowed, and lips pressed tightly together.

Huaiyu quickly held his arm and said, “I didn’t do it on purpose. It was fine all along, it broke on its own! I treasure everything you give me; not a single bead is damaged. I’ll just have someone restring it.”

“Let Yufeng accompany you.”

“No need,” Huaiyu waved her hand. “I’m just going to pass by the clothing store. It’s inconvenient for a man like him, and Lingxiu will come with me.”

With a soft snort, Jiang Xuanjin turned his head away, ignoring her.

Huaiyu chuckled at his reaction, planted a kiss on his cheek, and lifted her skirt as she dashed away.

Jiang Xuanjin angrily muttered, “Yufeng!”

Yufeng startled, “M-Master? Madam said not to follow her. If I were to go after her now, wouldn’t that be inappropriate?”

“Who said you were going?” He snapped. “She left without taking any money. Take these to her.”

Yufeng couldn’t help but feel puzzled. How did this situation of being angry and then sending money happen? He nodded in response, grabbed the money from the nearby cabinet, and hurried out.

With the absence of Madam, Mo Ju immediately quieted down. Several servants huddled at the door whispered softly, “I used to think His Highness didn’t care for women, but now…”

“Before, the court was unstable, and His Highness was fully devoted to the state affairs. How could he have had time for anything else? Now that the young emperor has taken charge, His Highness should have some breathing room.”

“YeAh I agree. With His Highness’s status, he should have at least three wives and four concubines. Can’t let the Second Young Master outshine him.”

Their conversation pleased someone passing by who handed them two bags of money.

The servants were puzzled and turned around to see a young lady in a dark embroidered cloud-patterned skirt standing in front of them. She said, “Please inform His Highness that the legitimate daughter of the Yi family seeks an audience with him.”

With a face as beautiful as blooming flowers and a moonlit countenance, the people at the door were startled. One quick-thinking servant hurriedly said, “Miss, please wait a moment!”

Madam had just left, and now this woman was here to see His Highness? The servant ran inside while smacking his own mouth. Could it be that his words had truly foretold the future?

Jiang Xuanjin was busily amending official documents, his face expressing discontent. Upon hearing the report of a visitor, his expression instantly returned to its usual calm demeanor. “Open the curtain and let her in.”

The curtain divider was lowered, and someone followed the servant inside. She immediately bowed and greeted, “I am Yi Su, paying respects to His Highness.”

“What brings you here?”

“My father, Yi Yang, recently offended Your Highness and feels deeply troubled. However, as he acted under orders, he could not come to apologize in person. Therefore, today I have come on his behalf to visit Your Highness.”

Frowning slightly, Jiang Xuanjin asked, “Who is your father?”

“He is Yi Yang, the General of the Hu Ben,” the girl replied confidently, her voice clear and resonant, with a hint of a smile.

Outside, Yufeng couldn’t help but lower his head to size her up.

Yi Su kneeled in respect, but her eyes wandered curiously behind the curtain. She had long admired Lord Ziyang. Initially thinking it hopeless to enter the Jiang residence, she had been saddened for a while and even stayed at a temple for a few months. Upon her return, she heard that Lord Ziyang had taken a wife, someone tough as steel despite her gentle appearance. It was truly unexpected.

What could Miss Bai Sizhi have done to capture Lord Ziyang’s heart? She inquired discreetly and even bribed servants from the Bai and Jiang households, finally discovering the secret—Lord Ziyang liked assertive girls! If it were anything else, Yi Su would not have come today. But if being bold and thick-skinned was enough to impress him, why should she lose to Miss Bai Sizhi? She could do that too!

After introducing herself, Yi Su continued, “I heard that Your Highness is injured, so I have brought the healing medicine, Yuqing Ointment.”

There was silence behind the curtain. Yufeng glanced over and understood, stepping forward to receive it. “Thank you for your kindness, Miss. I will deliver it to His Highness.”

Holding the box of ointment, Yi Su hesitated and frowned at him. “This ointment is not easy to apply. Even if I give it to you, you won’t know how to use it properly. Let me go in and explain it to His Highness in person.”

With that, she directly reached out and pushed aside the curtain divider.

Honestly, Yufeng had witnessed such breaches of etiquette from Lady Bai Zhiji many times, and he had thought he had grown accustomed to them. Yet, seeing it now, he realized that while it might be acceptable for Madam to behave this way, it seemed quite rude when others did it.

In bed, Jiang Xuanjin’s face darkened, his gaze chillingly focused on the intruder. He spoke in a low, stern voice, “Leave.”

Yi Su was startled. Just moments ago, she had gathered all her courage, but now, under his piercing gaze, all her confidence melted away. “I-I just wanted to tell His Highness about this medicine…”

“Yufeng, escort the guest out.”

“Yes, Miss, please.”

Yi Su was dumbfounded, feeling a bit lost. This was not what others had described. Wasn’t it said that Lord Ziyang had become more gentle and no longer pushed people away? Wasn’t it said that no matter how much Miss Bai Sizhi caused a commotion, he wouldn’t get angry? She had only come in through the curtain, so why was she being asked to leave?

“Your Highness!” Sensing the situation turning against her, Yi Su immediately knelt down, ignoring Yufeng’s attempt to remove her, pleading with a sorrowful tone, “It’s a offense, please forgive me, Your Highness! I came to apologize. If I can’t atone for my mistake, it will only enrage Your Highness more. My father will surely punish me severely!”

She looked at him with pleading eyes.

Jiang Xuanjin, leaning against the bedhead, half-read the document in his hand, watching her with a sideways glance but remained silent.

Yi Su pressed on bravely, “I have long admired Your Highness. I do not seek Your Highness’s favor, only Your Highness’s mercy. Please do not drive me away like this. I promise to make amends and not overstep my bounds again!”

Just as she was speaking, another servant entered to report, “Your Highness, Miss Liang from the Liang family seeks an audience.”

Another one? Jiang Xuanjin felt a bit surprised. These young ladies wouldn’t dare to enter his Mo Ju before. What was happening today? They were coming one after another?

Glancing perplexedly at the people on the ground, he relaxed his expression and said, “Rise.”

Yi Su quickly stood up, nervously clutching her handkerchief.

“Go sit in the side hall,” Jiang Xuanjin instructed.

The side hall? Yi Su glanced at him but dared not argue further. She reluctantly followed his orders and went there. Soon after, Miss Liang from the Liang family was also ushered in.

Yi Su felt somewhat relieved seeing her. At least, she had met His Highness and spoken with him. This newcomer hadn’t even stepped into the main hall.

“You’re here too?” Liang Ranyin frowned as she entered, eyeing Yi Su warily.

Yi Su chuckled lightly, “The early bird catches the worm. If you wake up late, there’s nothing left to eat.”

“What do you mean? Did you see His Highness?”

“Of course.”

Liang Ranyin was somewhat annoyed. Initially skeptical of the news, she had come to test the waters. Who would have thought someone else had beaten her to it?

No, she had to think of a solution!

Meanwhile, in the main hall, Jiang Xuanjin stared thoughtfully at the documents in his hand. Suddenly, he asked Yufeng, “What’s happening outside?”

Yufeng found a recent article that had circulated in the mansion and cautiously handed it over. “It’s this one.”

After scanning it, Jiang Xuanjin frowned. “Who came up with this? They call it the ‘Beauty Gate,’ but have they even seen her? Where does she look like a beauty?”

Yufeng replied, “Madam has also read it and thought it was well-written.”

Well-written? Both overtly and covertly lamented that his “heroic” persona was being tainted by her “beauty.” Wasn’t he supposed to be furious? How could he be so calm?

After reading the entire article, Jiang Xuanjin asked, “What does this have to do with those people outside?”

“This article has spread throughout half of the capital. Those young ladies from noble families might feel dissatisfied and want to present you with… a few more challenges,” Yufeng explained cautiously.

Annoyed, Jiang Xuanjin crumpled the paper and was about to throw it away. However, halfway through the motion, he paused, lowered his head in deep thought, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

“Your Highness,” another servant entered to report, “Miss Qi from the Qi family has also arrived.”

Yufeng quickly signaled him, hoping to stop him from speaking and avoid angering His Highness. Unexpectedly, Jiang Xuanjin, lying on the bed, spoke, “Excellent, bring them all in.”

What? Yufeng was surprised, “All of them?”

“Including those in the side hall, let’s have a tea session together.”

The servant acknowledged and left. Yufeng stood nervously by the bedside for a while before timidly asking, “What if Madam suddenly returns?”

“Then let her join us for tea,” Jiang Xuanjin replied earnestly, “Is there a problem?”

No, there wasn’t. It’s just… Yufeng looked up at the ceiling beams, apprehensively wondering if the house could withstand Madam’s wrath.

Meanwhile, Li Huaiyu had a plan in mind. Stringing beads on the street was just a diversion; she would soon return home.

“Lingshu, aren’t you going to see the clothes?” Li Huaiyu asked.

“Ah? You’re going out again tomorrow?”

“Of course,” she replied, rubbing her chin and smiling, “I’ll get used to going out often.”

She had to find something plausible, avoiding any suspicion when she left. Everything had to be natural under Jiang Xuanjin’s watchful eyes. She had already planned to go out on the third day to coordinate with Lu Jing’s actions.

Thinking about the opportunity to bring Qing Si by her side made Huaiyu very happy, and her steps back home were unusually light. However, as she reached out to push open the main hall door, her smile froze on her face. Inside, a roomful of young ladies from noble families sat upright. Upon hearing the noise, they all turned their heads towards the door with eyes burning intensely, which sent a shiver down Huaiyu’s spine.

“Lady Hu, greetings,” said the young lady from the Qi family, always the most courteous, standing up to bow to her.

With her leading, everyone else in the room stood up respectfully and knelt down, calling out in unison, “Lady Hu, greetings.”

Glancing outside at the plaque and then back into the room to check the decor, Huaiyu muttered to herself, “Did I take the wrong turn? I was supposed to return to the main hall of Moju, so why am I barging into the harem?”

Yufeng emerged from the inner room, awkwardly bowing to her. “Madam.”

“You’re here too?” Huaiyu blinked. “So I haven’t gone the wrong way after all?”


Huaiyu couldn’t fathom why there was such a large group of girls in Moju’s main hall. She raised her skirt and headed towards the inner room.

Jiang Xuanjin sat regally on the bed, reading documents. His slender, fair fingers gently tapped the paper, a sight to behold. Hearing footsteps, he turned his head calmly and said, “You’re back rather quickly.”

“If I had known so many guests would visit the mansion today, I wouldn’t have gone out,” Huaiyu said, approaching his bedside, frowning. “Have they been bothering you?”

Jiang Xuanjin shook his head. “They haven’t. All the young ladies have been very quiet.”

“So why are they here?” Huaiyu looked surprised. “They’ve all entered the room; how can I not take the opportunity to disturb them a little?”

Jiang Xuanjin sighed and glanced at her with some exasperation. “They came to pay their respects, knowing I was injured.”

“Oh…” Huaiyu scratched her temple. “Well, shouldn’t they be done paying their respects by now? Why haven’t they left?”

Jiang Xuanjin didn’t respond, simply looking towards the outer chamber.

Seeing him look over, there was a soft intake of breath in the outer room. The young ladies stood dignified and graceful, their faces adorned with charming smiles, their eyes as bright as could be, as if they wished they could grow on Lord Ziyang himself.

Huaiyi understood the situation well. It wasn’t often such a group arrived, and she knew they wouldn’t want to leave easily. Even if they just sat there, she’d be happy! It was strange though. These people couldn’t get in before, could they? Why not only come in today but also sit in the main hall?

She glanced at Jiang Xuanjin and smirked. Men loved beauty; with so many beauties delivered, he had no reason to refuse them.

A bit uncomfortable, just a tiny bit, but she didn’t show it. She nodded in understanding, teasingly saying, “It’s hardest to bear the favor of beauties!”

Jiang Xuanjin carefully studied her expression. Seeing no reaction from her, he said, “Guests have arrived. You should entertain them.”

Entertain them how? Huaiyu shrugged, stood up, and waved to them, “Ladies, please be seated and have some tea. I’ll have some snacks brought up.”

“Thank you, Madam,” they replied in unison, seating themselves while their eyes remained fixed on the figure inside.

It felt like she had meat hanging in the inner room with hungry wolves outside. However, the wolves had walked in of their own accord. She was annoyed but had no recourse.

Clutching her fists, Huaiyu smiled and went out to instruct Lingshuo to prepare snacks. She decided to linger in the kitchen, plucking a couple of leaves to pass the time.

“What’s going on, Miss?” Lingshuo asked anxiously, grabbing her sleeve. “We only went out briefly, and so many people arrived?”

“What else could it be? Our Lord is handsome and lovable. He’s recuperating in the mansion, so naturally, people would come to visit,” Huaiyu replied calmly.

“Aren’t you worried?” Lingshuo whispered. “Those young ladies all look quite dignified.”

Dignified was an understatement. The young lady from the Qi family was stunning enough to overturn nations, while Bai Zhujin was at most charming. Was she worried? Yes, very worried. But she was a strange person. Usually, if she wasn’t happy, she’d show it openly. But this kind of jealousy? She buried it deep inside, the more unhappy, the deeper it went. She was good at keeping up appearances, ensuring that no one could tell!

Huaiyi felt embarrassed. In truth, there was no reason to be unhappy. The one married to Jiang Xuanjin was Bai Zhujin, not her. She was just a lost soul seeking revenge through someone else’s body. If anyone should feel jealous, it should be Bai Zhujin, not her.

Feeling better with this thought, she relaxed her brows, grabbed a freshly baked pastry and nonchalantly paced around the kitchen.

After a while, when she hadn’t returned, Jiang Xuanjin glanced at Cheng Xu in confusion.

Cheng Xu whispered softly, “Madam went to the kitchen.”

To the kitchen? With so many people here, she didn’t care? Jiang Xuanjin frowned slightly, feeling a bit uneasy.

Looking left and right, he finally waited until she returned. However, instead of reprimanding her, he saw her warmly inviting the young ladies to taste the snacks. After making a round in the outer room, she brought a plate to him in the inner room and asked, “Would you like to try some?”

Jiang Xuanjin replied in a deep voice, “No need.”

“With so many young ladies here, are you still sulking?” Huaiyu raised an eyebrow.

With a soft snort, Jiang Xuanjin reached out and pulled the bed curtain, saying, “I’m tired.”

Upon hearing this, the young ladies who had just picked up their snacks stood up one after another, speaking softly, “Your Majesty, please rest well. We won’t disturb you further.”

“We’ll visit another day.”

“Take care, Your Majesty.”

Huaiyu glanced sideways and saw them all gracefully bowing and leaving, each with a different charm. If they entered the palace like this to select a concubine, they would surely pick one out of each.

Huaiyu chuckled softly, popped a piece of pastry into her mouth, and asked the person on the bed, “Don’t you dislike crowds?”

“They’re not noisy.”

Even if someone wanted to be noisy, they didn’t dare to speak up again.

Huaiyu nodded. “True, they’re all dignified and graceful young ladies. Is the one at the front from the Qi family? I’ve often heard people praise her.”

“Yes.” Jiang Xuanjin glanced at her. “In earlier years, my father wanted me to marry into the Qi family.”

“It would have been a good match,” Huaiyu nodded seriously. “She looks like someone who understands rules.”

“Good match?” Jiang Xuanjin sneered. “Knowing she understands rules better than myself, I’ll learn from her.”

Huaiyu’s eyebrows twitched. Suppressing her temper, she said, “Why do you have to be so harsh?”

“It’s a fact.”

“Even if it’s a fact, there’s no need to say it like that,” Huaiyu chuckled. “If I were another wife, you’d start a fight.”

“Who else dares to argue with me except you?” Jiang Xuanjin retorted.

“I…” Huaiyu struggled to swallow her anger. She forced a smile and said, “I won’t argue with you either. I should learn manners from Miss Qi.”

Jiang Xuanjin felt frustrated. Normally, her smiles were tolerable, but now, even when she smiled, it was irritating! He would rather argue with her for real than see her like this.

Not wanting to look at her anymore, he turned over, facing the wall.

This was Jiang’s standard princess-like angry posture. Normally, Huaiyu would try to say something nice, but today she was also upset. She felt blocked and uncomfortable in her thoughts. Seeing that he was ignoring her, she didn’t bother to say anything more and got up to leave.

“Madam,” Cheng Xu hurriedly followed her out and quietly asked, “Are you angry?”

“The trees in the backyard need watering,” Huaiyu replied calmly. “Your master doesn’t want to talk to me anyway, so I’ll go check on the trees.”

“Aren’t you… angry?”

“Why would I be angry? Go and talk to your master. He’s still injured; he shouldn’t get upset.”

Cheng Xu looked helpless. “Actually… if you get angry with him, he won’t be upset anymore.”

“Hmm?” Huaiyu frowned. “What kind of logic is that?”

Cheng Xu didn’t know how to explain and scratched his head. “You should just go.”

Shaking her head, Huaiyu smiled playfully, “How could I be so fond of him if I could easily get angry with him? Go back to your room and let your master try the snacks from the kitchen. They taste pretty good.”

After finishing speaking, he squatted down in front of the orange tree and fell silent.

Cheng Xu hesitated, “…”

The atmosphere in Moli Residence became eerie once again.

Madam continued speaking to His Highness as usual, and His Highness responded in kind. However, neither of them looked into each other’s eyes, as if both were exerting some hidden strength. The next morning, as soon as dawn broke, Madam went out to stroll the streets as usual, and His Highness continued to entertain the visiting official’s daughters in the outer chambers, letting them sit there quietly.

“Have you heard?” Yi Su encountered Liang Rao Yin on her way to Jiang Residence and hurriedly pulled her aside. “They say that after we left yesterday, His Highness and Madam had a falling out!”

Liang Rao Yin gave her an irritated glance, pushing Yi Su’s hand away and continuing forward. “Isn’t that something we could have predicted long ago?”

Which Madam would enjoy having a group of girls flaunting themselves in front of her husband? If Madam Jiang felt annoyed, it was only natural. It might actually be a good thing if His Highness became displeased; who knows, he might just ignore that jealous Madam Jiang and welcome someone else into the household.

Yi Su could foresee this outcome, and naturally, the other girls could too. So, when they paid their respects today, they deliberately or unconsciously mentioned phrases like “jealousy leads to chaos in the household,” knowing that a jealous woman would be subjected to the Seven Faults and could be cast aside.

Jiang Xuanjin’s face darkened as he listened.

Is jealousy really punishable by the Seven Faults? Who made such rules? He had always disliked Lu Jingxing; could he too be cast aside for that reason?


Seeing them become increasingly animated, Jiang Xuanjin finally grew impatient. “Silence!”

The entire main hall fell silent instantly.

Picking up a scroll, he continued to browse through it. Suddenly, he wondered: Did Bai Zhuji not commit these faults because she knew that jealousy was one of the Seven Faults?

The more he thought about it, the more it made sense, and Jiang Xuanjin’s mood improved considerably. By nightfall, after all the people in the house and courtyard had left, he casually remarked to her, “The Seven Faults are indeed baseless rumors.”

Li Huaiyu was taken aback and asked blankly, “What are the Seven Faults?”


His gaze darkened, and Jiang Xuanjin sneered, “Seems like you haven’t learned your lesson.”

“Why are you picking on me again?” Huaiyu pouted, throwing herself onto the bed. “I walked a long way today and my legs ache!”

After finishing speaking and seeing no reaction from the person beside him, she hmphed twice and said, “I knew once you found someone new, you’d forget about your old love and not care about me at all.”

“Care about you?” Jiang Xuanjin scoffed lightly, his tone full of disdain.

Huaiyu rolled over, buried her head, and muttered, “New love laughs while old love weeps. Forget it, forget it. I’ll just console myself. I’ll go buy some jewelry tomorrow.”

“Go again?” Jiang Xuanjin’s voice turned cold. “You might as well stay on the street.”

Huaiyu chuckled to herself, thinking it was the last day anyway, and she couldn’t be bothered to argue with him. She quietly conserved her energy, preparing for tomorrow’s big show.

The official’s daughters who came to pay their respects at the Jiang Residence noticed that ever since they were allowed into Moli Residence, Lord Ziyang and Madam seemed somewhat distant. On the first day, Madam returned after just one hour, the second day after two hours, and today was even worse—they had been waiting for three hours, had enjoyed countless refreshments, and still hadn’t seen Madam return to the residence.

Could it be… they had a serious argument, and Madam didn’t want to come back and see them?

Seeing the dark expression on Lord Ziyang’s face in the inner chamber, Yi Su felt that this was probably the case. Someone like His Highness surely didn’t like women who were jealous. At this moment, he must be disappointed and upset. They needed to comfort him!

Several young ladies glanced at each other, contemplating how to speak up. They feared becoming the target of criticism but also worried about someone else grabbing His Highness’s attention before them. They hesitated, unsure of how to approach.

Just as someone gathered the courage to speak up and had barely called out “Your Highness,” Cheng Xu rushed in from outside and immediately interrupted them.

“Your Highness!” He looked flustered, heading straight into the inner chamber and standing by the bed. “Something has happened!”

Jiang Xuanjin was annoyed, his head still lowered as he said, “Things happen every day in the court. Is there any need to be so alarmed?”

“It’s not about the court.” Cheng Xu shook his head, swallowing hard. “It’s about Madam.”

The fingers holding the scroll stiffened, and Jiang Xuanjin slowly raised his head. “What did you say?”

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